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Federal Politics

Sovereign Borders

House admonishes Stephen Conroy

The House of Representatives formally 'admonishes' Shadow Defence Minister Stephen Conroy for accusing Sovereign Borders commander General Angus Campbell of engaging in 'a political cover-up'.


Abbott's PPL too expensive?

Abbott's PPL too expensive?  (Thumbnail)Click to play video

2:14pm Is Tony Abbott's paid parental leave scheme unaffordable? Greens Senator Larissa Waters and Nationals MP Andrew Broad with Chris Hammer.


The Qantas ball and chain

The Qantas ball and chain (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Tony Abbott says the Qantas sale act is a 'ball and chain' around the airline, but the opposition says Qantas must remain majority Australian owned.

Nash faces questioning

Nash faces questioning (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Embattled minister Fiona Nash faces question from the opposition about her former chief of staff's business interests.

Thomson buried, not praised

Thomson buried, not praised (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Both sides of parliament have united to condemn disgraced former MP Craig Thomson and to apologise to those he defamed using parliamentary privilege.

Red Tape

Gender reporting flagged

Gender reporting flagged  (Thumbnail)Click to play video

In an attempt to cut red tape the government has flagged changes to gender reporting rules.

Death on Manus Island

Manus death inquiry could take months

Manus death inquiry could take months (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Border Protection Minister Scott Morrison has order an inquiry into the death of an asylum seeker on Manus Island, but warns the process won't be quick.

Manus Death

What happened on Manus

What happened on Manus (Thumbnail)Click to play video

The official account of events that led to the death of an asylum seeker on Manus Island on Monday night, according to Border Protection Minister Scott Morrison.

Manus Island

Manus allegations 'false'

Manus allegations 'false' (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Border Protection Minister Scott Morrison says a riot on Manus Island was not sparked by detainees being told they could not resettle in PNG.

Free Trade Deal

Korean trade pact 'first installment'

Korean trade pact 'first installment' (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Trade and investment are key to government plans to grow jobs and the economy. Trade Minister Andrew Robb says the South Korean free trade agreement is a first instalment.

'There is no conflict'

'There is no conflict' (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Assistant health minister Fiona Nash defends against questions by Labor regarding her chief of staff's business interests.

Corporal Baird awarded Victoria Cross

 Corporal Baird awarded Victoria Cross (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Prime Minister Tony Abbott announces the 100th Australian Victoria Cross recipient Corporal Cameron Baird.

Medibank Private sell-off?

Medibank sell-off  (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Labor MP Michelle Rowland asks what public benefit a sell-off of Medibank Private would yield.

Closing the Gap

New indigenous school attendance target

New indigenous school attendance target (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Tony Abbott adds school attendance to the 'closing the gap' goals for indigenous Australians, even as Australia falls behind on key targets including employment, education and life expectancy.

'This Government just doesn't care'

'This Government just doesn't care' (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Opposition leader Bill Shorten and Labor industry spokesperson Kim Carr slam the Government over Toyota's decision to leave Australia. Nine News.

Royal Commission

Royal commission to shine 'a great big spotlight'

Royal commission to shine 'a great big spotlight' (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Former high court justice Dyson Heydon will preside over a royal commission investigating alleged union corruption, including slush funds and illegal activity in the construction industry.

Asylum Seekers

'There is no substance to these allegations'

'There is no substance to these allegations' (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Defence Minister David Johnston calls for an investigation into the ABC over allegations that Navy personnel abused asylum seekers.

Abbott blocks call for navy footage

Asylum footage will not be released (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Prime Minister Tony Abbott dismisses calls to release footage of the disputed burning of asylum seekers' hands by naval personnel because it 'might help the people smugglers'. Nine News.

Industrial Relations

No consensus on jobs and wages

No consensus on industrial relations (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Tony Abbott and Bill Shorten show no inclination to sign up to the 'grand compact' on wages and conditions proposed by union leader Paul Howes.

Drought Relief

Drought relief on its way

Drought relief on its way (Thumbnail)Click to play video

The start date for a new drought relief scheme will be moved forward, says Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

Wage Debate

Abbott wants higher wages

Abbott wants higher wages (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Tony Abbott denies he is putting pressure on the Fair Work Commission to lower wages and conditions for Australian workers. Nine news.

Asylum Seekers

'Did you read the documents?'

'Did you read the documents?' (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Border Protection Minister Scott Morrison comes under pressure as he defends withholding documents from the Senate on the grounds of 'public interest immunity'.

From left field

PM's look back

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott addresses media question on his past after visiting the Ainslie shopping centre in Canberra on Friday 14 September 2012. Photo: Andrew Meares Click to play video

Inspired by Facebook, the Pulse team look back at Tony Abbott since he became PM.

Shorten's Look Back

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten comments on education funding during a press conference at Parliament House in Canberra on Wednesday 4 December 2013. Photo: Alex EllinghausenClick to play video

The Pulse team Look Back at Bill Shorten since he became opposition leader, as inspired by Facebook.

Skolling MP: I'll be doing it again

Skolling MP: I'll be doing it again (Thumbnail)Click to play video

After standing on his head and skolling on Australia Day Andrew Laming says he'll do it again.

Out and about at the PM's XI

Prime Minister Tony Abbott with Captain Brett Lee after the coin toss at the PM's XI against England at Manuka Oval in Canberra on Tuesday 14 January 2014. Photo: Andrew Meares Click to play video

Prime Minister Tony Abbott pre-match formalities at Manuka Oval for the PM's XI. Vision: Channel 9.

Hungry times in the House

Hungry times in the House (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Opposition spokesman for resources Gary Gray searches for an ad hoc snack on the floor of Parliament.

Balance of Power

Poo thrower a Senate chance

Poo thrower a Senate chance (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Senate dark horse Ricky Muir has defended his antics with kangaroo poo as another likely new face in the upper house refuses to talk beyond his one issue - health in sport.


Government Assistance

Qantas, parental leave and drought

Qantas, parental leave and drought (Thumbnail)Click to play video

12:53pm Greens Senator Larissa Waters and National Party MP Andrew Broad discuss the future of Qantas, the affordability of paid parental leave, and the effectiveness of the government's drought relief package.

Ministerial Responsibility

Morrison, Nash and pink batts

Morrison, Nash and pink batts (Thumbnail)Click to play video

The opposition is targeting ministers Scott Morrison and Fiona Nash, the government is targeting Labor over its failed insulation scheme. With Senators Louise Pratt and John 'Wacka' Williams.

Asylum Seekers

Manus Island, the G20 and corporate welfare

Manus Island, the G20 and corporate welfare (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Labor's Andrew Leigh and Liberal Andrew Laming discuss off-shore detention centres, the G20 finance ministers meeting and the prospect of government assistance for Qantas.

Alcoa closure not linked to carbon tax

Alcoa closure not linked to carbon tax (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Labor senator Louise Pratt says volatile global markets, not the carbon price, is key to understanding the Alcoa closure.

Free trade future

Free trade future (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Nationals Senator John "Wacka" Williams says the free trade agreement with South Korea is good news for farmers.


Liberals accused of multicultural hypocrisy

Liberals accused of multicultural hypocrisy (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Shadow Multiculturalism Minister Michelle Rowland points the finger a new Liberal fund-raising effort, discusses Manus Island and the Craig Thomson affair.

Focus on jobs, not polls

Focus on jobs, not polls (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Shadow assistant treasurer Andrew Leigh has played down Bill Shorten's 11 point drop in the polls, saying the focus should be on the rising unemployment rate.

Manus still safe, says Lib

Manus still safe (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Liberal MP Andrew Laming has played down concerns that Manus Island is no longer safe following a 'disturbance' that resulted in 19 asylum seekers receiving medical attention.

'Where is the jobs plan?'

'Where is the jobs plan?' (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Labor MP Amanda Rishworth joins Chris Hammer in the studio to discuss Fiona Nash, unemployment numbers and direct action.


The Abbott Government

The year ahead

The year ahead (Thumbnail)Click to play video

What issues will dominate the year in politics in 2014? Chris Hammer previews the year with Mark Kenny and James Massola.

Cabinet split on SPC

Cabinet split on SPC (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Federal cabinet is divided over whether to provide financial assistance to help struggling fruit processor SPC Ardmona. Analysis with James Massola.


Abbott defends Fiona Nash

Labor targets embattled Assistant Health Minister Senator Fiona Nash in question time, but the Prime Minister maintains she has done nothing wrong.

Question time Tuesday

Labor goes on the attack in question time, but seems unsure which topic to pursue.

Morrison defends information flow

The opposition targets Border Protection Minister Scott Morrison in question time over his changing account of a riot at Manus Island last week that left an asylum seeker dead.

Cabinet papers released

Labor's Louise Pratt and the National's John 'Wacka' Williams debate Tony Abbott's release of cabinet papers to the home insulation royal commission.

Manus death: 'we are responsible'

Liberal MP Andrew Laming says the government is 'obviously responsible' for events inside the Manus Island detention centre.

The political narrative

A montage of photographs and video tells the story of the week in federal politics.

New senate poll in W.A.

The Liberal Party risks losing a senator in the new senate election in Western Australia, according to chief political correspondent Mark Kenny.

Abbott knew of Warburton inquiry

Tony Abbott appointed Dick Warburton to head a review of the Renewable Energy Target despite knowing of a secret inquiry touching on the businessman's past.

Abbott breaks poll drought

The government is back in front in the opinion polls. Nielsen's John Stirton says the government's strong economic message and Bill Shorten's union links help explain the turn around.

The week that was

The past week in Canberra, told through a montage of video and the photography.

Joe Hockey's dilemma

Treasurer Joe Hockey faces a difficult choice in framing the budget: does he drastically cut spending or does he protect jobs? Analysis with Mark Kenny, Heath Aston and Chris Hammer.

Nash should answer questions

Assistant health minister Fiona Nash should answer questions regarding her chief of staff says Labor MP Amanda Rishworth

Abbott defends 6 per cent jobless rate

The opposition points the finger at Tony Abbott during question time, and the Prime Minister points it straight back again.

Nationals MP: 'Hands off Snowy Hydro'

A fight is brewing within the government as Joe Hockey flags a new era of privatisation but National Party MPs declare assets like Snowy Hydro should stay government-owned.

Greens back Qantas support

The Greens say the government should provide assistance to Qantas, but only if the airline promises to protect jobs.

Hockey attacks AMWU

In question time, Joe Hockey links Toyota's decision to stop car production in Australia to union inflexibility on wages and conditions.

Toyota dominates question time

Toyota's decision to stop making cars in Australia was the dominant issue in the first federal question time of the year, with Bill Shorten targeting Tony Abbott.

The big issue

Seven federal politicians tell Fairfax media what they believe the big political issue of 2014 will be, as well as nominating a sleeper issue they believe will gain greater prominence during the year.

The week in politics

Fairfax political journalists Mark Kenny and Tony Wright review the week in politics and the week ahead with Chris Hammer.

100 days in photographs

The first 100 days of the Abbott government seen through the lens of Fairfax Canberra photographers Andrew Meares and Alex Ellinghausen.
