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Federal Politics

Rocco Blog-Go

This blog has evolved from a regular update of the artist/cartoonist's privileged view of the newsroom's world of politics, celebrity and associated charlatans to discussing, sharing and developing a concept and tackling suitable metaphors, methods of drawing and application of colour to complement the topic of the day. It's also the only blog that we know of that provides a forum for serious political commentary, art criticism and accommodates post -post modernism in its posts in one. Most of it's a lot of fun.
Follow him on Twitter. Check out Rocco's previous blog.

Joe struts his stuff

Joe Hockey

Rocco Fazzari The converging of the world’s most powerful and important economic figures this weekend gives our Treasurer an opportunity to tell everyone exactly how countries should be run.

Comments 23

No loving from Canberra

Rocco Fazzari

Rocco Fazzari Sharing and caring - the basis of any loving relationship - is sadly amiss there.

Comments 1

It's Tony's ABC!

Tony's ABC (Thumbnail)

Rocco Fazzari PM Tony Abbott and Treasurer Joe Hockey might be able to rein in the cost to 23 cents a day, while providing that extra bit of diversity that we are told it lacks

Comments 155

Australian mongrel

rocco pic

Rocco Fazzari A riff on what it means to be Australian by animator Roco Fazzari.

Comments 16

The year of the Abbott: 2013 in review

Tony Abbott

Rocco Fazzari This year we saw three prime ministers, an election and lots of promises end, while Tony’s poll figures took a slide.

Comments 107

Where did it all go wrong Kev?

Kevin Rudd Rocco illustration

Rocco Fazzari The resignation of Kevin Rudd brings an end to a bizarre chapter in Australian politics.

Comments 42

Women in Tony's world

Rocco blog

Rocco Fazzari Let’s get one thing absolutely straight – Tony Abbott has no problem with women and their rightful place in the world.

Comments 6

Clive went down to Canberra

Clive Palmer

Rocco Fazzari For a man who likes to associate himself with icons of doom and extinction, mining magnate Clive Palmer has not done too badly.

Comments 5

You Aint Done Nothin' Yet

Tony Abbott

Rocco Fazzari For Tony Abbott, his time has arrived – and with minimal effort.

Comments 18

Do you believe 'em?

ROcco beleiver (Thumbnail)

Rocco Fazzari Are we immune to the ‘‘untruths’’ or as we have come politely to describe them – ‘‘spin’’.

Comments 34

They used to love me!

Rudd Rocco

Rocco Fazzari After leading Tony Abbott for so long in the polls as the preferred prime minister, albeit somewhat diminished in recent times, he must find it incredulous and insulting that people are going to vote...

Comments 35

Suppository of Wisdom and other gaffes


Rocco Fazzari Whichever way the critics dissect these gaffes, the unmistakable truth is that Tony was able to hog the headlines coast to coast. Would any media analyst say that this is all a bad thing?

Comments 23

Rudd and Abbott inspiring you?

kevin rudd

Rocco Fazzari What’s so different about this election to recent ones? Unfortunately, absolutely nothing.

Comments 95

Want Election! Abbott boy band heads in one direction.


Rocco Fazzari His office calendar must be an Expressionist masterpiece of lines, arrows and circled dates.

Comments 27

Let's do the Tampa again

Let's do the Tampa, again (Thumbnail)

Rocco Fazzari On his upcoming drive to the Governor-General's residence Kevin Rudd might very well be wondering if his ‘‘Tampa" moment has arrived in the form of the PNG solution, or indeed if there is a better...

Comments 42

Australia's Greatest Hero

Tony Abbott, Greatest Australian Hero (Thumbnail)

Rocco Fazzari As we tick down to the election, Tony Abbott has ramped up his crusade to save us from the evil Ruddbot.

Comments 73

Goodbye Tom Waterhouse: Against live odds

tom waterhouse

Rocco Fazzari Goodbye Tom Waterhouse. As everyone turns against him, his only friends will be the networks and the sports broadcasters whose fat pay cheques depend on his sponsorship dollars.

Comments 28

Kevin Rudd: When a man loves a man

kevin rudd

Rocco Fazzari Some expressed cynicism while others have rushed to congratulate Kevin Rudd on his change of heart on same-sex marriage.

Comments 113

Joe Hockey's Sweet Budget Time!

budget animation

Rocco Fazzari Budget time: a bitter one for some and sweet for others.

Comments 9

Seen enough of Tom Waterhouse? Odds are you have


Rocco Fazzari There’s a good betting chance that sometime in the not distant past, whether on a billboard, tram, bus or screen, you would have seen Tom Waterhouse’s face.

Comments 65

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