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WNTN 1550 Newton MA  1994  Sign Off
WILD 1090 - WNTN 1550 - WMEX 1510 Boston - Aug 1988
Jesse Appell Chinese Comedy & Xiangsheng Radio Interview WNTN 1510 AM
Djavolica...od Somi-a WnTn za Micu...vvoolliimm ttee...
Συνέντευξη του προέδρου της Vidavo στο σταθμό WNTN (Βοστώνη)
wntn montage (Goose Gossage)
S'tobom nasao sam srecu...od Somi-a WnTn za Micu...vvoolliimm ttee...
大谷Homies ft.wntn homies
Teshawn for WNTN Clothing
Katerina Polemi Unplugged at WNTN
Dragomir WnTn Kes kolica (parody)
Od bola te cuvam...od Somi-a WnTn za Micu...vvoolliimm ttee...


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WNTN 1550 Newton MA  1994  Sign Off
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:16
  • Updated: 01 Jan 2014

WNTN 1550 Newton MA 1994 Sign Off

  • published: 01 Jan 2014
  • views: 58 1550 Newton MA 1994 Sign Off
WILD 1090 - WNTN 1550 - WMEX 1510 Boston - Aug 1988
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:14
  • Updated: 04 Apr 2013

WILD 1090 - WNTN 1550 - WMEX 1510 Boston - Aug 1988

WILD 1090 - WNTN 1550 - WMEX 1510 Boston - Aug 1988. 1090 - WNTN 1550 - WMEX 1510 Boston - Aug 1988
Jesse Appell Chinese Comedy & Xiangsheng Radio Interview WNTN 1510 AM
  • Order:
  • Duration: 23:47
  • Updated: 25 Mar 2013

Jesse Appell Chinese Comedy & Xiangsheng Radio Interview WNTN 1510 AM

Many thanks to WNTN AM 1510 for inviting me onto their station to discuss Chinese comedy and the art of xiangsheng comedy! Recorded 3/1/12. Find out more abo... Appell Chinese Comedy & Xiangsheng Radio Interview WNTN 1510 AM
Djavolica...od Somi-a WnTn za Micu...vvoolliimm ttee...
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:21
  • Updated: 20 Jan 2012

Djavolica...od Somi-a WnTn za Micu...vvoolliimm ttee... Somi-a WnTn za Micu...vvoolliimm ttee...
Συνέντευξη του προέδρου της Vidavo στο σταθμό WNTN (Βοστώνη)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 20:10
  • Updated: 25 Jul 2013

Συνέντευξη του προέδρου της Vidavo στο σταθμό WNTN (Βοστώνη)

Η συνέντευξη του Δρ. Παντελή Αγγελίδη που παραχώρησε στις 27/01 16:00 ώρα Ελλάδος στο ραδιοφωνικό σταθμό της Βοστώνης WNTN 1550 μιλώντας για το κλίμα στην Ελ...Συνέντευξη του προέδρου της Vidavo στο σταθμό WNTN (Βοστώνη)
wntn montage (Goose Gossage)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:47
  • Updated: 19 Apr 2013

wntn montage (Goose Gossage)

All the homies at Goose Gossage Park! Colorado Springs, CO CHECK US OUT!
  • published: 06 Apr 2013
  • views: 166
  • author: K1ddoh montage (Goose Gossage)
S'tobom nasao sam srecu...od Somi-a WnTn za Micu...vvoolliimm ttee...
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:13
  • Updated: 27 Mar 2013

S'tobom nasao sam srecu...od Somi-a WnTn za Micu...vvoolliimm ttee...;=mfu_in_order&list;=UL.'tobom nasao sam srecu...od Somi-a WnTn za Micu...vvoolliimm ttee...
大谷Homies ft.wntn homies
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:27
  • Updated: 25 Jul 2013

大谷Homies ft.wntn homies

What's up? wntnのDJ Shinが大谷Homiesに 向けて贈る詩。
  • published: 15 Feb 2012
  • views: 573
  • author: shun1586大谷Homies ft.wntn homies
Teshawn for WNTN Clothing
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:32
  • Updated: 19 Apr 2013

Teshawn for WNTN Clothing

My welcoming vid. Few clips but fun. Check us out!
  • published: 11 Apr 2013
  • views: 94
  • author: K1ddoh for WNTN Clothing
Katerina Polemi Unplugged at WNTN
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:13
  • Updated: 14 Sep 2012

Katerina Polemi Unplugged at WNTN

Singer Katerina Polemi live. Polemi Unplugged at WNTN
Dragomir WnTn Kes kolica (parody)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:01
  • Updated: 12 Feb 2012

Dragomir WnTn Kes kolica (parody)

  • published: 12 Jul 2010
  • views: 215
  • author: pedjalab WnTn Kes kolica (parody)
Od bola te cuvam...od Somi-a WnTn za Micu...vvoolliimm ttee...
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:06
  • Updated: 26 Jul 2011

Od bola te cuvam...od Somi-a WnTn za Micu...vvoolliimm ttee...;=related;=related. bola te cuvam...od Somi-a WnTn za Micu...vvoolliimm ttee...
Mii blak frend wntn 2b a mexican
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:04
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2011

Mii blak frend wntn 2b a mexican

This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
  • published: 19 Aug 2011
  • views: 6
  • author: elwacko15 blak frend wntn 2b a mexican
my mom wntn meh dancen mi mama keriendo q yo baile peo ise una PROMESA
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:24
  • Updated: 07 Jan 2010

my mom wntn meh dancen mi mama keriendo q yo baile peo ise una PROMESA mom wntn meh dancen mi mama keriendo q yo baile peo ise una PROMESA

WNTN 1550 Newton MA 1994 Sign Off

  • published: 01 Jan 2014
  • views: 58

WNTN 1550 New­ton MA 1994 Sign Off
pub­lished: 01 Jan 2014
WILD 1090 - WNTN 1550 - WMEX 1510 Boston - Aug 1988
WILD 1090 - WNTN 1550 - WMEX 1510 Boston - Aug 1988....
pub­lished: 22 Oct 2012
au­thor: Ellis Feast­er
Jesse Ap­pell Chi­nese Com­e­dy & Xi­ang­sheng Radio In­ter­view WNTN 1510 AM
Many thanks to WNTN AM 1510 for invit­ing me onto their sta­tion to dis­cuss Chi­nese com­e­dy a...
pub­lished: 25 Mar 2013
au­thor: Jesse Ap­pell
Djavolica...​od So­mi-a WnTn za Micu...​vvoolli­imm ttee...
http://​www.​youtube.​com/​watch?​v=12bvtF4-cPo http://​www.​youtube.​com/​watch?​v=xPDwlhjjXHI....​
pub­lished: 06 Nov 2010
Συνέντευξη του προέδρου της Vi­da­vo στο σταθμό WNTN (Βοστώνη)
Η συνέντευξη του Δρ. Παντελή Αγγελίδη που παραχώρησε στις 27/01 16:00 ώρα Ελλάδος στο ραδι...
pub­lished: 05 Feb 2013
wntn mon­tage (Goose Gos­sage)
All the homies at Goose Gos­sage Park! Col­orado Springs, CO wntnclothing.​bigcartel.​com wntn...
pub­lished: 06 Apr 2013
au­thor: K1d­doh
S'tobom nasao sam srecu...​od So­mi-a WnTn za Micu...​vvoolli­imm ttee...
http://​www.​youtube.​com/​watch?​v=LpzboEfcCh8 http://​www.​youtube.​com/​watch?​v=xPDwlhjjXHI http...
pub­lished: 06 Nov 2010
大谷Homies ft.​wntn homies
What's up? wntnのDJ Shinが大谷Homiesに 向けて贈る詩。...
pub­lished: 15 Feb 2012
au­thor: shun1586
Teshawn for WNTN Cloth­ing
My wel­com­ing vid. Few clips but fun. Check us out! wntnclothing.​bigcartel.​com....
pub­lished: 11 Apr 2013
au­thor: K1d­doh
Ka­te­ri­na Pole­mi Un­plugged at WNTN
Singer Ka­te­ri­na Pole­mi live....
pub­lished: 04 Aug 2011
Dragomir WnTn Kes koli­ca (par­o­dy)
pub­lished: 12 Jul 2010
au­thor: ped­jal­ab
Od bola te cuvam...​od So­mi-a WnTn za Micu...​vvoolli­imm ttee...
http://​www.​youtube.​com/​watch?​v=12bvtF4-cPo http://​www.​youtube.​com/​watch?​v=LpzboEfcCh8&​feat...​;
pub­lished: 27 Jan 2011
Mii blak frend wntn 2b a mex­i­can
This video was up­load­ed from an An­droid phone....
pub­lished: 19 Aug 2011
au­thor: elwack­o15
my mom wntn meh dan­cen mi mama ke­rien­do q yo baile peo ise una PROME­SA
pub­lished: 08 Jun 2009
au­thor: ilovedanilo1
Vimeo results:
New­ton News 03-02-2011
This week New­ton Mayor Setti War­ren an­nounced he was con­sid­er­ing a run for US Sen­ate. Hea...
pub­lished: 07 Mar 2011
au­thor: NewTV

Youtube results:
kid on too mch kndy n still wntn more.3g2
pub­lished: 04 Mar 2010
au­thor: Msalas789
First Try Fri­day with Aaron
pub­lished: 05 Nov 2013
com­mer­cial 3
pub­lished: 10 Dec 2013
ryan bs flip
pub­lished: 05 Nov 2013
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photo: Creative Commons / FlyingJ31
US Airways
Edit Sun Sentinel
15 Apr 2014
We apologize for an inappropriate image recently shared as a link in one of our responses. We’ve removed the tweet and are investigating. — US Airways (@USAirways) April 14, 2014.  . Think of the most lewd, embarrassing, shocking and offensive pornographic photo, one you'd never want another person to know you've looked at ... It's as bad as it sounds ... US Airways sent its response in a tweet. "We welcome feedback, Elle ... ....(size: 2.6Kb)
photo: AP / Utah County Jail
This photo provided by the Utah County jail shows Megan Huntsman, who was booked into the Utah County jail on suspicion of killing six of her newborn children over the past decade.
Edit The Associated Press
14 Apr 2014
PROVO, Utah (AP) -- Authorities say a Utah woman accused of killing six babies that she gave birth to over 10 years told investigators that she either strangled or suffocated the children and then put them inside boxes in her garage ... Huntsman, 39, said she killed them immediately after they were born, and put their bodies inside the boxes ... Huntsman is being held on $6 million bail - $1 million for each baby she's accused of killing ... ....(size: 5.9Kb)
photo: AP / Utah County Jail
This photo provided by the Utah County jail shows Megan Huntsman, who was booked into the Utah County jail on suspicion of killing six of her newborn children over the past decade.
Edit Deccan Chronicle
14 Apr 2014
Utah. A U.S. woman accused of killing seven babies she gave birth to over a decade was arrested Sunday after police discovered the tiny bodies stuffed in cardboard boxes in the garage of her former home. Megan Huntsman, 39, who lived in the Utah home until three years ago, had the infants between 1996 and 2006, investigators said ... Michael Roberts said. Officers then discovered the six other bodies ... Amazing." ... "She took good care of him ... ....(size: 2.5Kb)
photo: AP / Evgeniy Maloletka
Armed pro-Russian activists seize the Ukrainian regional administration building in the eastern Ukrainian town of Slovyansk, Ukraine, Monday, April 14, 2014. A pro-Russian mob stormed a Ukrainian police station in Horlivka, another city near the Russian border.
Edit BBC News
15 Apr 2014
US President Barack Obama has urged his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin to use his influence to make separatists in eastern Ukraine stand down. The phone call between the two leaders came as pro-Russian activists continued to occupy buildings in eastern towns. For his part, Mr Putin rejected accusations of Russian interference, calling the reports "unreliable" ... 'Grave concern' ... Rebels appeal to Putin ... ....(size: 4.0Kb)

Edit San Francisco Chronicle
08 Apr 2014 will be giving away promotional packages to Grecian Echoes listeners daily over the coming months, as a way to introduce the new Greek Boston® website and brand to the local Greek community in Boston and New England. Boston, MA (PRWEB) April 08, 2014 ... Grecian Echoes is the longest running Greek-American radio program in the United States ... to 1.00 p.m. You can also listen online at http.// 3.7Kb)
Edit Seattle Post
08 Apr 2014 will be giving away promotional packages to Grecian Echoes listeners daily over the coming months, as a way to introduce the new Greek Boston® website and brand to the local Greek community in Boston and New England. Boston, MA (PRWEB) April 08, 2014 ... Grecian Echoes is the longest running Greek-American radio program in the United States ... to 1.00 p.m. You can also listen online at http.// 3.7Kb)
Edit noodls
21 Jan 2014
(Source. Malta Financial Services Authority) PUBLIC NOTICE. Surrender of Licences by NBCG Fund SICAV plc ... NBCG Cethea Sub-Fund; NBCG Eaton Sub-Fund; NBCG Ghent Sub-Fund;. NBCG Feeder Force Capital II Sub-Fund; ... NBCG Oriel Sub-Fund;. NBCG MAQD Sub-Fund; and. NBCG WNTN Sub-Fund ... (noodl....(size: 1.4Kb)
Edit STL Today
19 Sep 2013
When Charlie Brennan signs on Friday for his 8.30 a.m ... "Charlie Brennan has been wooed from WNTN radio in Boston by KMOX and has clocked in at the Voice of St ... . ." ... ....(size: 0.8Kb)
Edit STL Today
19 Sep 2013
When Charlie Brennan signs on Friday for his 8.30 a.m ... "Charlie Brennan has been wooed from WNTN radio in Boston by KMOX and has clocked in at the Voice of St ... . ." ... ....(size: 0.8Kb)

WNTN is a daytime-only, 10,000 watt, omni-directional radio station licensed to the city of Newton, Massachusetts, serving the greater Boston area. It broadcasts on 1550 kHz on the AM radio dial.

WNTN broadcasts a community based format that includes music, sports, talk and news shows. Much of the programming is aimed at the areas many ethnic cultures, including shows broadcast in Haitian Creole, Greek, Indian and Arabic languages. Programming is also produced for Christian audiences and the areas large Irish population. Programming in the English language includes local daily talk show "1550 Today with Sybil Tonkonogy and Paul Roberts".

In May 2007, a new Light Entertainment Irish Program began to air. The Irish Rambler Radio Show is now one of Bostons most popular Irish community programs.[citation needed] It is hosted every Saturday evening between 6 and 7 by Dan Hallissey who is also a well known Boston Irish Entertainer.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Richard Michael "Goose" Gossage (born July 5, 1951) is a former Major League Baseball right-handed relief pitcher. During a 22-year baseball career (from 1972-1994), he pitched for nine different teams, spending his best years with the New York Yankees and San Diego Padres. The nickname "Goose" is a play on his surname. Although otherwise known as "Rich" in popular media, to family and friends he is "Rick".

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, he was one of the earliest manifestations of the dominating modern closer, with wild facial hair and a gruff demeanor to go along with his blistering fastball. He led the American League in saves three times and was runnerup twice; by the end of the 1987 season he ranked second in major league history in career saves, trailing only Rollie Fingers, although by the end of his career his final total of 310 had slipped to fourth all-time. When he retired he also ranked third in major league history in career games pitched (1,002), and he remains third in wins in relief (115) and innings pitched in relief (1,556⅔); his 1,502 strikeouts place him behind only Hoyt Wilhelm among pitchers who primarily pitched in relief. He also is the career leader in blown saves (112). From 1977 through 1983 he never recorded an earned run average over 2.62, including a mark of 0.77 in 1981, and in 1980 he finished third in AL voting for both the MVP Award and Cy Young Award as the Yankees won a division title.[citation needed]

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

The flame that burns insight, it gives me life it pulls me in.
Holding nothing back, I give it all then more, til' nothing's left.
To be or not to be, to create destiny, or fall infinitely
Inside of me, all my fears, they strive for life and drain my soul.
Hopes, and dreams, in sleep, til' my
Blood can flow into new veins.
Then my stagnant dreams reborn again, "begin the progression"
Seasons pass and faces age, the passing time, makes cold their fires.
Stand and fall and laugh and cry or leave this world without a trace.
To be or not to be, to create destiny, or fall infinitely
Inside of me, all my hopes, strive for life, they drain my soul.
Hopes, and dreams, awake, can my
Blood now flow into new veins.
From a dreams cruel lie I now awake, "time of change"
Frequencies in song help liberate.
Stagnant dreams forever trapped inside.
Stagnant progression, an elusive evolvement.
Progression hides in fields of change, elusive always taunting me.
Watch the fears they lie and hold you back
The price is time and always paid in death.
Stagnant progression, an elusive evolvement.

All around they take sides
Can you hear their cries
Sunshine save'
Me from them shine bright
They do fade in your light
Sunshine save me-save me
All around they take sides
Can the fear open their eyes
Sunshine save me- save me
They do fade in your light
Sunshine save me

Dark clouds overhead they fill me with pain
The heat of your passion now shall elude me
Now in my world the darkness does rule
My horizon so dark like a blanket of death
In the fortress tall lies a lonely rose
In the dungeon dark captive is my soul
The seedling once small they now touch the sky
Burn down the forest burn down the trees
But the masses so grand they block out your light
In the dark of his shadows I now live my life
In the fortress tall lies a lonely rose
In the dungeon dark captive is my soul
In darkness and hatred I sought to elude you
This curse of damnation brings me to repent
But the ages gone past will guide and will teach us
from life we are given to march into death
in the fortress tall lies a lonely rose

I have lost so many times
but now I must win
fears had kept me near to you
but now I found someone new
high up above I found a new love
you know just how to love
you know the way I feel
fears had kept me near to you
but now I found someone new
high up above I found a new love
and now I'm fighting my own wars
now that you have gone
and now I cry tears of joy

Dormant in bed but not your mind
Let your soul go let it be you
A fear inside you dormant till now
What is it that scares you''.that scares you
Holy nights bring silent dreams
Silent for all but you
Down in the depths of your soul
You'll find your destiny
Lost in hate bloody hate
Anger in him deep within you
Is it your fear to let him be free
A fear that you have a fear that I have
Holy nights bring silent dreams
Silent for all but you
Down in the depths of your soul
You're gonna find your destiny
In your mind you run and run
Where do you run and why do you run
Have you seen reality don't be scared

Head first into the darkness
Every night into the street
Mindless nothing can stop him
Steaming with power he's hungry for speed
Full blast driven by madness
Blinded by the disease
Every night no one can stop him
Nothing can quench his insatiable need
Pistons pumping inside his head
Push the needles into the red
None can stop him until he's dead
None can stop him he's bullet head
Long lost all of his reason
Chase the night his only creed
Endless driven by madness
Lost to the power lost to the speed
When I've seen him late at night
Racing the darkness at the speed of light
Pushing the limits of man to extremes
Pistons are pumping mechanical dreams
Pistons pumping inside his head
Push the needles into the red
None can stop him until he's dead

Falling into life's abyss
fate decides the mortal's test
Hands that rule eternity
I Am the one the one to be
Self it lasts infinitely
but your life it counts you see
Leave your thoughts and bring your soul
It's you for whom the bell it tolls.
This is who I am free of ruling hand
This is who I am who I am
Take a chance and live your fate - take a chance
You'll never know until it's late -it's too late
Leave your hate open the doors -leave your hate
Destiny it can be yours -destiny
Hands of time reality universe eternity
Enter realms of the damned
Never really understand "I AM"
This is who I am free of ruling hand

Feelings of emotions trapped in shadows
Longing to be free and not in chains
Love is not pain. And pain is not love
Tomorrow will close the door to sorrow
Today we walk in hand in silent pain
But what will you do for my love
I bare this cross in your name
Bringing darkness to your pain
Giving light unto my own, my heart screams
Open hands that let us be.
Understanding what's between.
Open mind and open heart.
Understanding our new start
With all of this I have done freeing the one that I love
Saving you from yourself, saving you for myself
The knowledge of what's in you brings me closer to the truth
To accepting what's within, understanding my own love
What will you do for my love will you do as I have done
Saving me from myself, saving me from this hell
With all of this I have done, freeing the one that I love.
Saving you from yourself, saving you for myself.
With all of this I have done freeing the one that I love.
Saving you from your self but what will you do for my love our love

As I look in soulless eyes
And I see the soul-les animate
The paths in our lives
And the pass to our certain fate
Their visions of wealth
Seem to kill their sense of righteousness
No remorse is felt
As they dance with their loneliness
And they believe in the dark
And the dark just believes in it's dead
The dead just believe in the...
Dance the path
That leads the road of selfishness
None feel the wrath
As your soul reaches hollowness
And you serve the pit of greed
As you reach a realm of consciousness
You give the life you bleed
Where all you hear is nothingness
And they believe in the dark
And the dark just believes in it's dead
The dead just believe in the dance... DANCE!
Their visions of wealth
Seem to kill their sense of righteousness
No remorse is felt
As they dance with their loneliness
They dance as they follow the dark
The dark it just follows the dead

Heed these words of Satan's breed
They walk the earth Humanity's Evil seed
Casey waits while Manson leads
Ramirez hates while Dalmer feeds
Tonight a freedom with you a season
To kill a reason your blood is my thrill
Zodiac and Forty-Four
They kill for fun, there is no cure
Tonight a freedom with you a season
To kill a reason your blood is my thrill
Oh bleed for me
I feel tonight, I kill tonight
I stalk the night, I walk the night
Oh die for me
I need tonight, I am the night
Please stay with me I'll relieve your pain
Please don't you run I'm not insane
I need to take your life tonight
It makes me feel that I'm all right
I need to take a life tonight
I feel I'm born to kill tonight
Now we see just what they've done
Can we believe till we're the one
Tonight a freedom with you a season

As I sit and journal my life
I wish on my dying breathe
That we as one won a new day
for this world upon my death
Time sleeps on forever these words
the last words I'll say
Read my epitaph - heed my epitaph
Light shines on my death-bed
a last wish is to write
These secrets that I give you
are for all of mankind
Before I sleep on forever
heed these words, learn the truth
Read my epitaph - heed my epitaph
Reason foretold - season of old
My words will tell my world your hell
My words will tell my world your hell
Fearless ending darkness goodbye
Feeling empty my turn to die
Bravely ending my light goodbye
Feeling empty my turn to die
Read my epitaph - heed my epitaph

darkened skies as worlds collide endorsing death and genocide
on we march into destruction
inhale the stench of mass corruption
new laws will pass we all collapse
disarray into the void we dissipate
new world order police the globe
enslave the people under mass control
pure deception still we see no wrong
eye of surveillance microchip the population
withholding knowledge for their own use
a flock of sheeple Emptiness of a black tomorrow
life and death joy and sorrow
Emptiness of a black tomorrow
yesterday put the plans in play
a world betrayed a dictator to oversee all
new world order police the globe
enslave the people under mass control
pure deception still we see no wrong
eye of surveillance microchip the population
withholding knowledge for their own use
a flock of sheeple Emptiness of a black tomorrow
"high and higher the flames will rage
til' we revolt and take a stance
we all fall down heel to the crown

Reflections of dark times Frozen are my memories
Reaping only misery When will I learn from my flaws
I put myself in this danger The consequence is now overdue
Now I must pay the toll
Frozen inside my cold stare In darkness consumed
I pray for the light Inside I am screaming
regret of the choice I've made In suffering I've exposed the lie
I know there's no one to blame for the wrongs I've done
So ugly this monster I've become Submerged in this blackness
I'm desperate to change my ways The darkness has got the best of me
Freezing my dark side The evil of my nature
Temptations of desire devour My every waking thought
The answer is hiding The truth is it lying?
Enslaved to the dark of my fear
Frozen resistance is my instinct suppress my dark desires
afflicting all my being
Frozen destroy the hatred Frozen compelled to find the answers that freeze my soul
Frozen darkness hides Frozen I will find Solace from my darkest side
Reflecting the time gone by I question all that I believe
I put myself in this danger The consequence is now overdue
Now I'm much closer.....
Closer to my grave a death race my soul to save
Redemption seems far beyond me now
Haunting this presence Surrounds me a dark cloud
The fires of hell awaiting me.
Freezing my dark side The evil of my nature
Temptations of desire devour My every waking thought
The answer is hiding The truth is it lying?
Enslaved to the dark of my fear
Frozen resistance is my instinct suppress my dark desires
afflicting all my being
Frozen destroy the hatred Frozen compelled to find the answers that freeze my soul

Invention watch as we grow
Business a profit must show
Evil Logic
Teaching at twice the pace
Religion @ cyberspace
Technology will you save us
Internet in which we all trust
Running faster and longer
Sailing into our future
Technology please are you with us
Internet cyber-god we trust
All we are-science All we see-evil
All we know-logic All we see-evil
For machine or man kill them if you can
Machines now rule our land read out reads the end
Flying as fast as we can
Raping our only land
Technology don't you need us
Internet Devil's incubus
All we are-science All we see-evil
All we know-logic All we see-evil
For machine or man kill them if you can

Broken one now here lays broken since he began
Lost to his vanity victim of his mind
Son of a fallen age bound and distorted man
Bound by the modern ways hopeless empty man
A modern man of highest learning
Evolved from nothing to human state
He's got his science he's got his reason
He waits for logic to dictate
He says that judgment will not be coming
He says the system is all a fake
Yet in his heart exists a yearning
For hidden things but still he can't believe
Shadow of a man
Who's reason has led him astray
He has outlived his usefulness
And logic can not find his way
And science can not heal his pain
The emptiness made him insane
And from his mind the light did pass away!
He waits for death to come and thinks behind blank stare
That if he had a soul he'd offer his last prayer
Death upon him now and he wonders in distress
Will the earth that fills his grave fill his emptiness
Will it fill his emptiness
And there he lay awaiting death, empty and lifeless;

Sweet China lady - few dollars for a night
I want you baby, so hold me tight
Come on - let's do it now
Come on - don't waste time
Come on - need you right now - come on
Set me on fire the whole way night long
Feel my desire, or break this down
Come on - need you tonight
Come on - I feel alright
Come on - down in my grave - come on
Sweet China Lady
Don't bring me down - no no no
Sweet China Lady
It's time tonight, I want you
Sweet China Lady
Don't bring me down, don't bring me down
Just another one night stand - I wanna be free
'til the break of dawn - then we are free
Come on - just you and me
Come on - Give me your love
Come on - can't get enough - come on
Sweet China Lady
Don't bring me down no no no
Sweet China Lady
It's time tonight - I want you
Sweet China Lady
Don't bring me down, don't bring me down
Sweet China Lady
Don't bring me down no no no
Sweet China Lady
It's time tonight - I want you
Sweet China Lady
Don't bring me down, don't bring me down

Ticking away the minutes build to make the seansons
Another day has come and gone without a reason
Why does time betray
The years leave you'
Behind you lies a path once tread
I had a life that you once knew
The moments pass and you'll regret
The sun will set and you'll forget the'
Millions of tears that you cried
The death that we all must die
Time mystery eternal
Give me a little peace of mind
Darkness and dawn the morning brings a new tomorrow
Came and now gone the yesterdays are picture in your'
Mind all gone away
Forever each and every day
Ticking away the moments dissolving slowly
Ever some day symptoms of time
Fight though me may the clock keeps on ticking
Never some day time marches on
Dying away the minutes store away the seasons
Time has betrayed the years have gone and left you all'
Behind time after time
Forever symptoms of time
Time mystery eternal give me a little peace of mind
Time mystery eternal truth you'll never find

Deep inside I have all these feelings
They've been with me since my creation
I drink, and hope to drown all these sorrows
If I don't there'll be no tomorrows
The shots I drank they just haven't helped me
Still I have this fire inside me
I drown myself with bottles of liquor
The flames they rise higher and higher,
This life gives me nothing but trouble
It's so insane I'm feeling so helpless
My loyal companion you know how to help me
Where are you? I need you so badly
The shots I drank they just haven't helped me
Still I have this fire inside me
I drown myself with bottles of liquor
The flames they rise higher and higher,

Love and vision is what I see in you
The mirror an image a reflection of truth
Oh feel the pain in me;
oh I knew this love wouldn't be
Please make it stay, the love you have shown
Please give me the words to say today
Please don't go. Stay with me today.
Tender words can't express
what I feel deep inside for you
A song, a scent that reminds me
our love was true
Oh take this pain from me;
oh I knew love wasn't free
Please make her stay, a love,
a love that will grow
Please give me the words to say today
Please don't go. Stay with me today.
Violence, screaming, memories, bleeding
Silence, screaming, feeling, reeling
Oh shades of you; they are all
Of you. Oh shades of you
Sirens, screaming, dying, breathing
Visions, reason, faithless, season
Silence, bleeding, memories, screaming
Oh shades of you; they are all

Piracy on the high seas Piracy on the high seas
Life and death are reality
When you, you sail on my ship
Piracy on the high seas Piracy on the high seas
Just like Abraham just like Noah
Mortal men you are
Follow me till death but do understand
Death knows all of you
Can't you understand life and death are real
Even on my ship
But do not turn away for if you die today
You'll be far from my reach
Life and death are reality
When you, you sail on my seas
Piracy on the high seas Piracy on the high seas

From my first move to my last breath my life predefined
There is no escape
A pointless fight and aimless sight an endless fight for life
There is no escape
Your eyes mystifying me
Your words hypnotizing me
Your mind mesmerizing me
Your hold ever reaching lie
I am not your soldier-sent to kill in vein
I am not your soldier-I won't march without a name
A pawn for the king
A pawn for the king
Our lives always expendable
Our blood flowing towards the sea
Our dreams trapped in your light
Our souls damned to be damned
I am not your soldier-sent to kill in vein
I am not your soldier-I won't march without a name
But what will our kind conquer and what will fools create
What will we hold as truth that allows the lie to age
Your eyes mystifying me
Your words hypnotizing me
Your mind mesmerizing me
Your hold ever reaching lie
I am not your soldier-sent to kill in vein
I am not your soldier-I won't march without a name
A pawn for the king

I now begin my final descent, eternal voyage into the void
In form of spirit I've been set free, no start or finish just eternal breath
False truths, true lies are here revealed, no coin or mortal here to lie
A place for thought and my final rest, a place for laughter, devoid of tears
Replaced by knowledge are all the words, scripture and verses now speak to me
Reveal you essence, unveil your face, unbind my vision, bequeath me sight
Kingdoms and empires reclaimed by dust, tomorrow's ruins forged in your blood
The rhymes and riddles hide your name, divides and separates all men of blood
One final scream and one final breath, cried out in thunder by all in fire
In common planes here, returned to you, I look upon our past life and plead to you
And now the Earth's center has opened up, gone are all things of yesterday
And life seems to be frozen in your time, the steps of the wicked cut down
And life seems to speak and call out our name, but time pushes on eternally
One final breath then begins our descent, into obscurity we fall
The rhymes and riddles hide your name, divides and separates all men of blood
One final scream and one final breath, cried out in thunder by all in fire
In common planes here returned to you, I look upon our past life and plead to you

So work hard now all you naives
The master screams at his slaves
The time has come to rise
and break all these evil ties
The mighty dollar lies to all
except their kind, kind
Now Egypt's pharaoh's rage
Will keep our people caged
our secrets sealed for now
And all our mysteries untold
It angers Gods of old
their praise to money grows
They bide their time with wealth and wine
They've sold their souls their greed foretold
They live for gold do as they're told
They trade their lives and sell their very soul
And will you run to join them
when filth and money call to you
And will your riches save you
or will your heart then stay true
Should death come quick before you know
What riches will you show
Your days in life are the treasures that you own
You fools your greed has made it's home
Your filth and money roam through the world
And to the hearts of those alone
And now the nations need all their trades
Our loving nature fades
our filth and greed now shows
To pay the reapers toll
our emptiness now flows
Our lust for money grows
They bide their time with wealth and wine
They've sold their souls, their greed foretold
They live for gold do as their told

In the end when you have no place to go
you will usually find faith
even if it's just a flicker?
You live life without hope
you hang yourself without a rope
You're shallow and faithless
you follow the soulless
Then one day fate tempts you
faced with death it wakes you
Then suddenly you scream out
and realize the name you shout
Then, then you'll see That Faith, faith is free
And is your life complete
are you safe when you sleep
And does your mind surmise
that your soul without it cries
You fall down you blame yourself
your fame fades remake yourself
Your family rejects you,
you realize faith's with you
Then the faith you see will set,
will set you free
This is the life you need
to believe in what you see
And does your soul surmise
that your mind without it cries
Live life never ending journey
now take one day at a time
Your faith should be forever burning
when your soul is on the line
Your mind's now open
your eyes now see the flickers of faith!
You tear down the only walls
you walk on you heed the call
You follow and scream out
you realize the name you shout
Then, then you'll see that faith,
faith is free
And is your life complete
are you safe when you sleep
And does your mind surmise

A Secret Society of the worlds elite
behind a veil of mystery
Invisible enemy
Secretly they plot disaster
and ensure that someone else is to blame
Manipulate the public opinion
to demand that something must be done
They openly offer solutions
to the problem that they have created
Solutions that they have planned from the start
contemptuous world of deception
Contemptuous world of deception-Contemptuous new world of deception
We are on the cusp of an incredible global change
centralize the world into one government
Their agenda of globalized enslavement
as many still believe we are free
They openly offer solutions
to the problem that they have created
Solutions that they have planned from the start
contemptuous world of deception
Contemptuous world of deception-Contemptuous new world of deception
The media spits out lies to a population of drones
keep the people traumatized and at war among their own
Silence those who expose the truth with ridicule and mental abuse
Mass control of our thoughts and discard all who rebel
They openly offer solutions
to the problem that they have created
Solutions that they have planned from the start
contemptuous world of deception
Contemptuous world of deception

we can all believe in lies and ancient tales or we can choose to Advocate
be the one who makes new paths, reject the ways of yesterday
a primal voice inside will lead you to your fate grasp your immortality
be the one who makes new paths, reject the ways of yesterday
all hail the whisper that tells you that you must fight
within your temple lies the source
take hold the light you are now its advocate
feel the voice inside, it tells you its real and not a dream
stand, stand tall to all, you know the truth, the truth inside
we can all believe in lies and ancient tales or we can choose to Advocate
be the one who makes new paths, reject the ways of yesterday
all hail the whisper that tells you that you must fight
within your temple lies the source

Beyond the illusion 'I AM' the only truth you will find
Leave all the lies behind you come fill your eyes with my light
'I AM' the ever present fire
'I' I can fulfill your destiny
Though you've chosen to be blind
And in darkness lost your way
Though you've called the dark sublime
I have come to seek your face
I am calling out your name
Unlock the door let me enter
Unlock the door let me atone
Beyond the illusion 'I AM' the only truth you will find
I came in my due season and I have paid the price for thee
'I AM' the only reason you need
'I' I have fulfilled all prophecies
Though you've chosen to be blind
And in darkness lost your way
Though you've called the dark sublime
I have come to seek your face
I am calling out your name
Unlock the door let me restore

Close your eyes and sleep again, dream another dream
I'll be by your side my friend, through the make believe

All becoming forms of hate symptoms rising now take control
My limits ending they rip and tear hear the nightmares hear their cry
The levels rise and reach new heights emotions flood the serpent bites
Mental meltdown torn within anger fuses right and wrong
Taking form through hate and drive taking form with every strike
Your rise and fall a joker's tale laughter's cry now unveiled
You're pushing the limits, I'm fed by the fury the Threshold of Tolerance
Burning raging ansanity fed by the fury the Threshold of Tolerance

The risk of the horizon
is worth the aging of the mind
Go and make your own.....WAY!!!
Slowly moving sands of time
Sheltered by the wings of Infinity
Soldier of his own master plan
Drifting endless, broken dreams
Diving in the sea of eternity
Soaring through the winds of the Sky
A promised dream; eternal nights
His shadow's scream; they scream of future times
A tortured soul by candlelight
Story told; told of atomic fire
The God of old is on my side
To tell the future of all mankind
My life's price set on this date
To save us from this prophet's fate
Written, journals of his dreams
Binded by the hands of infinity
Victim of this eternal life
A promised dream; eternal nights
Shadows scream; a scream of future times
Eternal soul, eternal lights

With souls encased in steel, we climb into forbidden skies
We thrust into new realms, inseminate and desecrate
Ever seeing eyes, look deep into infinity
The ever-knowing minds, make paths and lead us into our demise
One true agenda, to claim the sun, and claim all that is nameless
Our hidden meaning, lost in the stars, our aim displaced by our greed
Lost in our vanity, sold to insanity
We are chosen, to enslave the dark
Defy power, they too are mortal
Lost in our vanity, sold to insanity
We are chosen, to enslave the dark
Defy power, embrace knowledge, defy power, embrace knowledge, counteract today
The dust that became us and the breath that awoke us,
have now given us the time, just time enough to breathe.
The God of old now fading, a distant smile and time its Judas
A final cry and breath, that cracks the sky and lets us in
Our myths and tales, now yield and fade, loose grasp to our tomorrow
All faith abandoned, replaced with fire, that burns across the heavens
Lost in our vanity, sold to insanity
We are chosen, to enslave the dark
Defy power, they too are mortal
Lost in our vanity, sold to insanity
We are chosen, to enslave the dark

Like the sun fades away so shall I'..
I thrust my self into the darkness once again
To nether worlds in search of madness' I descend
I speak the words that bring the thunder I speak the name
I close my eyes and I surrender to the pain
Pain sacred pain through you found my way
Precious fury blessed madness evermore
The spirit winds swirl around me to keep me warm
I gave my soul and through the fire I was reborn
Pain precious pain through you found my way
Precious fury blessed madness ever more
I gave my flesh there at the altar unto the flames
I gave my soul and found euphoria through precious pain
Pain sacred pain through you found my way

I've been looking so long for you now you won't get away from my grasp.
You've been living so long in hiding in hiding behind that false mask.
And you know and I know that you ain't got long now to last.
Your looks and your feelings are just the remains of your past.
You're standing in the wings, there you wait for the curtain to fall.
Knowing the terror and holding you have on us all.
Yeah, I know that you're gonna scratch me, maim me and maul.
You know I'm helpless from your mesmerising cat call.
Keep your distance, walk away, don't take his bait.
Don't you stray, don't fade away.
Watch your step, he's out to get you, come what may.
Don't you stray, from the narrow way.
I'm running and hiding in my dreams you're always there.
You're the Phantom of the Opera, you're the devil, you're just out to scare.
You damaged my mind and my soul it just floats through the air.

Oh! Milla
Mil e uma noites de amor com você
Na praia, num barco
Num farol apagado
Num moinho abandonado
Em Mar Grande, alto astral
Lá em Hollywood, pra de tudo rolar
Vendo estrelas caindo,
Vendo a noite passar
Eu e você na ilha do sol, na ilha do sol...
Tudo começou
há um tempo atrás
Na ilha do sol
O destino te mandou de volta
Para o meu cais
Tudo começou
há um tempo atrás
Na ilha do sol
O destino te mandou de volta
Para o meu cais
No coração ficou
Lembranças de nós dois
Como ferida aberta
Como tatuagem
Oh! Milla
Mil e uma noites de amor com você
Na praia, num barco
Num farol apagado
Num moinho abandonado
Em Mar Grande, alto astral
Lá em Hollywood, pra de tudo rolar
Vendo estrelas caindo,
Vendo a noite passar
Eu e você na ilha do sol... na ilha do sol
Tudo começou
há um tempo atrás
Na ilha do sol
O destino te mandou de volta
Para o meu cais
Tudo começou
há um tempo atrás
Na ilha do sol
O destino te mandou de volta
Para o meu cais
No coração ficou
Lembranças de nós dois
Como ferida aberta
Como tatuagem
Oh! Milla
Mil e uma noites de amor com você
Na praia, num barco
Num farol apagado
Num moinho abandonado
Em Mar Grande, alto astral
Lá em Hollywood, pra de tudo rolar
Vendo estrelas caindo,
Vendo a noite passar

Outside the rain begins and it may never end
So cry no more
On the shore a dream will take us out to sea
Forever more forever more
Close your eyes and dream
And you can be with me
'Neath the waves through the caves of hours
Long forgotten now
We're all alone we're all alone
Close the window calm the light
And it will be alright
No need to bother now
Let it out let it all begin
Learn how to pretend
Once a story's told
It can't help but grow old
Roses do lovers too
So cast your seasons to the wind
And hold me dear oh hold me dear
Close the window calm the light
And it will be alright
No need to bother now
Let it out let it all begin
We're all alone
Close the window calm the light
And it will be alright
No need to bother now
Let it out, let it all begin
Owe it to the wind my love

[this is Pepsi commercial]
Go baby, go baby, go baby, go!
No one's found in Belgium

You ask me if I love you
And I choke on my reply
I'd rather hurt you honestly
Than mislead you with a lie
And who am I to judge you
On what you say or do?
I'm only just beginning to see the real you
And sometimes when we touch
The honesty's too much
And I have to close my eyes and hide
I wanna hold you til I die
'Til we both break down and cry
I wanna hold you 'til the fear in me subsides
Romance and all it's strategy
Leaves me battling with my pride
But through the insecurity
Some tenderness survives
I'm just another writer
Still trapped within my truth
A hesitant prize fighter
Still trapped within my youth
At times I'd like to break you
And drive you to your knees
At times I'd like to break through

I Gave You Love
I Thought That We Had Made It To The Top
I Gave You All I Had To Give
Why Did It Have To Stop
You've Blown It All Sky High
By Telling Me a Lie
Without a Reason Why
You've Blown It All Sky High
You, You've Blown It All Sky High
Our Love Had Wings To Fly
We Could Have Touched The Sky
You've Blown It All Sky High
Up Round I've Flown
Then Down Down Like a Stone

I'm lying alone with my head on the phone
Thinking of you till it hurts
I know you hurt too but what else can we do
Tormented and torn apart
I wish I could carry your smile and my heart
For times when my life feels so low
It would make me believe what tomorrow could bring
When today doesn't really know, doesn't really know
I 'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you
I know you were right believing for so long
I 'm all out of love, what am I without you
I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong
I want you to come back and carry me home
Away from this long lonely nights
I'm reaching for you, are you feeling it too
Does the feeling seem oh so right
And what would you say if I called on you now
And said that I can't hold on
There's no easy way, it gets harder each day
Please love me or I'll be gone, I'll be gone
I 'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you
I know you were right believing for so long
I 'm all out of love, what am I without you
I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong
Oh, what are you thinking of?
What are you thinking of?
Oh, what are you thinking of?
What are you thinking of?
I 'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you
I know you were right believing for so long
I 'm all out of love, what am I without you

Me sinto tão sozinho
Por que não vem me ver
Preciso de carinho
Preciso de você
Me sinto tão sozinho
Por que não vem me ver
Preciso de carinho
Preciso de você
Me liga, se liga em mim
Me diga, se tem mesmo que ser assim
O meu coração vive na solidão
E eu te pedindo pra voltar pra mim
Ficar do meu lado, de rosto colado, numa noite assim
Eu te juro eu te daria o mundo
Pra te ter aqui
Me sinto tão sozinho
Por que não vem me ver
Preciso de carinho
Preciso de você
Me sinto tão sozinho
Por que não vem me ver
Preciso de carinho
Preciso de você
Me liga, se liga em mim
Me diga, se tem mesmo que ser assim
O meu coração vive na solidão
E eu te pedindo pra voltar pra mim
Ficar do meu lado, de rosto colado, numa noite assim
Eu te juro eu te daria o mundo
Pra te ter aqui

Oh! Milla
Mil e uma noites de amor com você
Na praia, num barco
Num farol apagado
Num moinho abandonado
Em Mar Grande, alto astral
Lá em Hollywood, pra de tudo rolar
Vendo estrelas caindo,
Vendo a noite passar
Eu e você na ilha do sol, na ilha do sol
Tudo começou
há um tempo atrás
Na ilha do sol
O destino te mandou de volta
Para o meu cais
No coração ficou
Lembranças de nós dois
Como ferida aberta

Oh! Menina linda, tão bela
Que me conquistou com o brilho
Desse olhar
Quero que me diga
Quero que seja sincera
Iô, iô, iô, diga que
quer o meu amor
Você vem requebrando
E eu vou te seguindo
em cada esquina
Fico te esperando, sonhando
Com seu corpo de menina
E foi nessa levada
Que eu aprendi a te amar
Que eu aprendi a te amar
Que eu aprendi a te amar
Iô, iô, iô, diga que
quer o meu amor
Iô, iô, iô, me abraça
e me dá o seu calor
Iô, iô, iô, diga que
o meu amor
Iô, iô, iô, me abraça

Aê, aê, aê, aê
êh, êh, êh, êh,
ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô ô
Quando você chegar
Quando você chegar
Numa nova estação
Te espero no verão
Salve Salvador
Que bate, me quebra
Tudo por amor
Eu sou do Pelô

Fui atrás do que restou
Foi tão belo nosso amor
Eu não creio que tudo acabou
Tenho um mundo pra te dar
E um brilho no olhar, tão sincero
Vem viver comigo
Tudo que eu sempre quis
Foi te fazer feliz
Traduzir o melhor do amor
Vou tão longe pra buscar
Algo só pra te satisfazer
As estrelas do céu
De Saturno, o anel
Até as ondas do mar
Tente me compreender
Só terei total prazer contigo
Preciso de você
Sentir o teu calor
E a tua companhia
Quando você chegar
Eu quero te mostrar
A minha alegria
Aí meu coração

No Te Vayas by NewtoneMe Gustas Tanto uu.. Tanto.. tanto.. No Te Vayas Mi
Amor tuu
Tu a mi me llenas solo al mirar te quiero ver y despertar en mi eden ..en
mi eden tu
Si tal vez me dejaras empaparme de ti pudiera estar un segundo mas cerquita
de ti tener asi tu cuerpo y levoyarme en tus besos.
No te vayas ven conmigo sigue aqui a mi lado solo quiero hacerte sentir no
te vayas ven conmigo llevame en ti a tu lado una vida comenzar
Las Razones hablaran que no hay tiempo para amar dame vida dame mas quiero
hacerte mia quiero hacerte mia y es que eres mia no te vayas por favor
No te vayas ven conmigo sigue aqui a mi lado solo quiero hacerte sentir no
te vayas ven conmigo llevame en ti a tu lado una vida comenzar
Tu mi angel de tu cuerpo adicto yo te deceo mas y mas lo que siento es mas
claro que el agua y sincero tu me llevas a viajar tu me elevas hasta el
Las Razones hablaran que no hay tiempo para amar dame vida dame mas quiero
hacerte mia quiero hacerte mia y es que eres mia no te vayas por favor
No te vayas ven conmigo sigue aqui a mi lado solo quiero hacerte sentir no

Take me now baby here as I am
Pull me close, try and understand
Desire is hunger is the fire I breathe
Love is a banquet on which we feed
Come on now try and understand
The way I feel when Im in your hands
Take my hand come undercover
They cant hurt you now,
Cant hurt you now, cant hurt you now
Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to lust
Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to us
Have I doubt when Im alone
Love is a ring, the telephone
Love is an angel disguised as lust
Here in our bed until the morning comes
Come on now try and understand
The way I feel under your command
Take my hand as the sun descends
They cant touch you now,
Cant touch you now, cant touch you now
Because the night belongs to lovers ...
With love we sleep
With doubt the vicious circle
Turn and burns
Without you I cannot live
Forgive, the yearning burning
I believe its time, too real to feel
So touch me now, touch me now, touch me now
Because the night belongs to lovers ...
Because tonight there are two lovers
If we believe in the night we trust

Às vezes vejo que ninguém tem razão
Ao julgar alguém, mostrando sua opnião
Não quero mais saber o que vai acontecer
E por que falam dos outros mesmo sem saber?
Já estou cansado de tentar agradar
Meu modo de pensar nunca vai mudar
Já passou da hora, disso tudo acabar
Fale o que quiser, pois não vai importar
Não tente ser alguém, que você não é
Foda-se o que pensam
Faça o que quiser
Sem se preocupar, com o que vão falar depois
Assim as coisas vão mudar
Pra melhor!
Com o que pensam
É melhor não se importar
Faça as coisas pra si mesmo
E não pra se mostrar
