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IPv6-01 Making sense out of an IPv6 Address
An Introduction to IPv6
IPv6 for CCNAs Part 1 of 3 - Why IPv6?
IPv6 no Café da Manhã - 01 de 03 - Planejamento e Endereçamento de Redes IPv6
An Introduction to IPv6 by James P. Early, Ph.D.
IPv6 Basics
A look into IPv6
What is IPv6? (
MCTS 70-680: Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)
IPv6 no Café da Manhã - 02 de 03 - Planejamento e Endereçamento de Redes IPv6
The new, larger version of the Internet: IPv6
O que é o IPv6, em português claro


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IPv6-01 Making sense out of an IPv6 Address
  • Order:
  • Duration: 14:59
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013

IPv6-01 Making sense out of an IPv6 Address

In this video, Keith Barker walks you through the basics of an IPv6 (IP version 6) address, right here, right now, including how to convert between binary an... Making sense out of an IPv6 Address
An Introduction to IPv6
  • Order:
  • Duration: 14:51
  • Updated: 11 Aug 2013

An Introduction to IPv6

In this video from IINS 2.0 at, Anthony Sequeira provides a brief introduction to IPv6. Introduction to IPv6
IPv6 for CCNAs Part 1 of 3 - Why IPv6?
  • Order:
  • Duration: 11:02
  • Updated: 14 Aug 2013

IPv6 for CCNAs Part 1 of 3 - Why IPv6?

In this part of the series developed for the Cisco Learning Network, Anthony Sequeira of discusses why students should be very excited to maste... for CCNAs Part 1 of 3 - Why IPv6?
IPv6 no Café da Manhã - 01 de 03 - Planejamento e Endereçamento de Redes IPv6
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:07:05
  • Updated: 15 Jul 2013

IPv6 no Café da Manhã - 01 de 03 - Planejamento e Endereçamento de Redes IPv6

No dia 25 de Junho de 2013, das 8h30 as 11h, realizamos mais um IPv6 no Café da Manhã! Nessa edição, o formato foi o de um mini-tutorial, com a equipe do IPv...
  • published: 27 Jun 2013
  • views: 374
  • author: NICbrvideos no Café da Manhã - 01 de 03 - Planejamento e Endereçamento de Redes IPv6
An Introduction to IPv6 by James P. Early, Ph.D.
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:32:36
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

An Introduction to IPv6 by James P. Early, Ph.D.

Presentation given by James P. Early, Ph.D. (SUNY Oswego) to Project Advance, May 2009 on IPv6. Introduction to IPv6 by James P. Early, Ph.D.
IPv6 Basics
  • Order:
  • Duration: 13:37
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013

IPv6 Basics

The IPv6 Basics Learning Byte describes the IPv6 addressing scheme and compares IPv6 to IPv4. A demonstration is provided to illustrate how an IPv6 address c... Basics
A look into IPv6
  • Order:
  • Duration: 26:07
  • Updated: 11 Aug 2013

A look into IPv6

In this video, I wanted to give you a heads-up on some of the things you should expect with IPv6. This is one of the new things you will be tested on in the ... look into IPv6
What is IPv6? (
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:03
  • Updated: 22 Jun 2013

What is IPv6? (

Embed the original HD video on your website or blog for free via or watch even more animations on h... is IPv6? (
MCTS 70-680: Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 11:05
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

MCTS 70-680: Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)

The IPv6 protocol is the successor to IPv4 and will one day replace it as the default protocol used on the internet. This video looks at advantages of IPv6 a... 70-680: Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)
IPv6 no Café da Manhã - 02 de 03 - Planejamento e Endereçamento de Redes IPv6
  • Order:
  • Duration: 46:50
  • Updated: 29 Jun 2013

IPv6 no Café da Manhã - 02 de 03 - Planejamento e Endereçamento de Redes IPv6

No dia 25 de Junho de 2013, das 8h30 as 11h, realizamos mais um IPv6 no Café da Manhã! Nessa edição, o formato foi o de um mini-tutorial, com a equipe do IPv...
  • published: 27 Jun 2013
  • views: 153
  • author: NICbrvideos no Café da Manhã - 02 de 03 - Planejamento e Endereçamento de Redes IPv6
The new, larger version of the Internet: IPv6
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:18
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

The new, larger version of the Internet: IPv6 -- Vint Cerf, Chief Internet Evangelist at Google, and a founding father of the Internet, discusses the next version of the Internet, IPv6, a...
  • published: 04 Jun 2012
  • views: 646970
  • author: Google new, larger version of the Internet: IPv6
O que é o IPv6, em português claro
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:26
  • Updated: 07 Jan 2014

O que é o IPv6, em português claro

A Internet tem feito muito bem para todos: deve ser preservada e deve continuar a se desenvolver. Mas praticamente não existem mais endereços livres para conectar mais dispositivos, computadores e pessoas à rede. É preciso mudar, alterar seu coração, o IP, para que ela possa continuar crescendo e evoluindo. A Internet precisa do IPv6. Mas como isso afeta você? Este vídeo, criado em janeiro de 2014, explica o que é IPv6, em português claro.
  • published: 07 Jan 2014
  • views: 1892 que é o IPv6, em português claro
Curso Cisco CCNA -  Fundamentos de IPv6 - Introducción a IPv6
  • Order:
  • Duration: 18:41
  • Updated: 10 Aug 2013

Curso Cisco CCNA - Fundamentos de IPv6 - Introducción a IPv6

Curso Cisco CCNA de G&J; Multiservices - Módulo II - Capítulo 16 - Fundamentos de IPv6 - Curso E-Learning en formato de Video bajo Demanda. Visitanos en https... Cisco CCNA - Fundamentos de IPv6 - Introducción a IPv6
CPRE - Entendendo o IPv6
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:04:10
  • Updated: 01 Jul 2013

CPRE - Entendendo o IPv6

  • published: 27 Jul 2012
  • views: 2137
  • author: campusparty - Entendendo o IPv6

IPv6-01 Making sense out of an IPv6 Address

In this video, Keith Barker walks you through the basics of an IPv6 (IP version 6) address, right here, right now, including how to convert between binary an...

IPv6-01 Mak­ing sense out of an IPv6 Ad­dress
In this video, Keith Bark­er walks you through the ba­sics of an IPv6 (IP ver­sion 6) ad­dress...
pub­lished: 17 Aug 2011
au­thor: Keith Bark­er
An In­tro­duc­tion to IPv6
In this video from IINS 2.0 at StormWind.​com, An­tho­ny Se­queira pro­vides a brief in­tro­duc­ti...
pub­lished: 29 Sep 2012
au­thor: StormWindLive
IPv6 for CCNAs Part 1 of 3 - Why IPv6?
In this part of the se­ries de­vel­oped for the Cisco Learn­ing Net­work, An­tho­ny Se­queira of S...
pub­lished: 31 Jan 2013
au­thor: StormWindLive
IPv6 no Café da Manhã - 01 de 03 - Plane­ja­men­to e En­dereçamen­to de Redes IPv6
No dia 25 de Junho de 2013, das 8h30 as 11h, re­al­izamos mais um IPv6 no Café da Manhã! Nes...
pub­lished: 27 Jun 2013
au­thor: NICbrvideos
An In­tro­duc­tion to IPv6 by James P. Early, Ph.D.
Pre­sen­ta­tion given by James P. Early, Ph.D. (SUNY Os­wego) to Pro­ject Ad­vance, May 2009 on ...
pub­lished: 19 Nov 2009
IPv6 Ba­sics
The IPv6 Ba­sics Learn­ing Byte de­scribes the IPv6 ad­dress­ing scheme and com­pares IPv6 to IP...
pub­lished: 10 May 2013
A look into IPv6
In this video, I want­ed to give you a heads-up on some of the things you should ex­pect wit...
pub­lished: 14 Jul 2013
What is IPv6? (www.​explania.​com)
Embed the orig­i­nal HD video on your web­site or blog for free via http://​www.​explania.​com/​e...​
pub­lished: 04 Jun 2009
MCTS 70-680: In­ter­net Pro­to­col Ver­sion 6 (IPv6)
The IPv6 pro­to­col is the suc­ces­sor to IPv4 and will one day re­place it as the de­fault prot...
pub­lished: 20 Oct 2011
IPv6 no Café da Manhã - 02 de 03 - Plane­ja­men­to e En­dereçamen­to de Redes IPv6
No dia 25 de Junho de 2013, das 8h30 as 11h, re­al­izamos mais um IPv6 no Café da Manhã! Nes...
pub­lished: 27 Jun 2013
au­thor: NICbrvideos
The new, larg­er ver­sion of the In­ter­net: IPv6
google.​com/​ipv6 -- Vint Cerf, Chief In­ter­net Evan­ge­list at Google, and a found­ing fa­ther o...
pub­lished: 04 Jun 2012
au­thor: Google
O que é o IPv6, em por­tuguês claro
A In­ter­net tem feito muito bem para todos: deve ser preser­va­da e deve con­tin­uar a se desen...
pub­lished: 07 Jan 2014
Curso Cisco CCNA - Fun­da­men­tos de IPv6 - In­tro­duc­ción a IPv6
Curso Cisco CCNA de G&J; Mul­ti­ser­vices - Módulo II - Capítulo 16 - Fun­da­men­tos de IPv6 - Cu...
pub­lished: 05 Aug 2011
CPRE - En­ten­den­do o IPv6
pub­lished: 27 Jul 2012
Vimeo results:
Rick Hayes - As­sess­ing and Pen-Test­ing IPv6 Net­works
Rick Hayes - As­sess­ing and Pen-Test­ing IPv6 Net­works...
pub­lished: 21 Mar 2011
Ninux fes­teggia l'IPV6 Day
Il 6 giug­no 2012 è in­izia­ta l'era IPV6. La com­mu­ni­ty Ninux fes­teggia con "IPV6 DAY" il la...
pub­lished: 26 Jun 2012
au­thor: med­dleTv
Re­venge of the Bind Shell
Bind shells went to the way­side with the dawn of fire­walls and NAT, but IPv6 was nice enou...
pub­lished: 23 Sep 2010
IPv6 kans of gevaar
pub­lished: 24 Sep 2012
au­thor: RoutIT B.V

Youtube results:
IPv6 Ad­dress­ing and Sub­net­ting
eLearn­ing on 12 Dec 2012....
pub­lished: 29 Jan 2013
Grund­la­gen IPV6 - Demo Video Lernein­heit 1
Das Video wurde im Rah­men des Pro­jek­tes PELIT er­stellt, gefördert durch das Zukun­ft­spro­gra...
pub­lished: 23 Mar 2012
au­thor: on­cam­pusFHL
IPv6 - 1 - La nueva In­ter­net
Tu­to­ri­al en el que se ex­pli­ca porqué se agotan las di­rec­ciones IP de la versión 4, y se da...
pub­lished: 12 Mar 2011
au­thor: Luis Pérez
What is IPv6?
Con­fused about IPv6? This video from DrayTek help to ex­plain what it is, how it can bene­fi...
pub­lished: 13 Dec 2012
photo: White House / Pete Souza
File - President Barack Obama views the Gulf of Finland during a break at the G20 Summit in Saint Petersburg, Russia, Sept. 5, 2013.
Edit Boston Herald
20 Feb 2014
Of all the time-honored failings for which we criticize sitting presidents — by “we” I mean pundits, academics and other members of the chattering phylum — two charges stand out. imperialism and shrinkage. Usually it’s one or the other ... When the Republicans lost control of Congress in 2006, the Economist proclaimed “The Incredible Shrinking Presidency” of George W. Bush on its cover ... Rep ... Rep ... ....(size: 5.1Kb)
photo: AP / Sergei Chuzavkov
Anti-government protesters are silhouetted against the flame during a clash with riot police in Kiev's Independence Square, the epicenter of the country's current unrest, Ukraine, Thursday, Feb. 20, 2014.
Edit Newstrack India
20 Feb 2014
Tweet. London, Feb. 20 (ANI). Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has agreed to a truce with opposition leaders, after at least 26 people died in clashes this week ... (ANI). Post comments.. ) .. ).. Comments.. HOME . . . . . . .. . . .. ....(size: 1.3Kb)
photo: AP / Sergey Ponomarev
File - Russian army Topol ballistic missile on a mobile rocket launcher make its way down a road during a rehearsal for the Victory Day military parade which will take place at Moscow's Red Square on May 9 in central Moscow, Russia, late Tuesday, May 3, 2011.
Edit Al Jazeera
18 Feb 2014
- More than two decades after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the planet's largest stockpile of nuclear weapons materials remains insecure, according to a series of US intelligence reports obtained by Al Jazeera's Investigative Unit ... "We judge it highly unlikely that Russian authorities have been able to recover all of the stolen material." ... Nuclear operations were temporarily shut down ... "A key question is ... View the reports below. ... ....(size: 6.9Kb)

Edit Business Wire
20 Feb 2014
The accreditation for defense-wide deployments as a UC SC was granted by the DoD’s Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Unified Capabilities Certification Office for meeting military grade security, functionality and reliability requirements ... The NEC UC SC is deployable anywhere in the world on the Defense Information Services Network (DISN) and the IPv6 capable Global Information Grid (GIG) ... To learn more about NEC ... ....(size: 8.3Kb)
Edit noodls
19 Feb 2014
Delivering Future-Proof Scale and Extensibility for Ultimate Value - F5 gives organizations a multiservice platform that provides important network services, such as security, policy enforcement, local DNS, IPv6 migration, and content filtering, with additional granular control over traffic policies and steering provided by programmable iRules® capabilities....(size: 12.0Kb)
Edit Business Wire
19 Feb 2014
Delivering Future-Proof Scale and Extensibility for Ultimate Value – F5 gives organizations a multiservice platform that provides important network services, such as security, policy enforcement, local DNS, IPv6 migration, and content filtering, with additional granular control over traffic policies and steering provided by programmable iRules® capabilities....(size: 25.5Kb)
Edit Business Wire
19 Feb 2014
Sonus, SONS, Performance Technologies, PT, PTIX, Diameter, IP multimedia subsystem, IMS, 4G, LTE, RCS, session border controller, SBC, session initiation protocol, SIP, SIP trunking, IPsec, media transcoding, IPv6, IPv4, interworking, Sonus SBC 5100, Sonus SBC 5200, SEGway Universal Diameter Routers, SEGway SS7 Signaling Systems, IPnexus ......(size: 14.3Kb)
Edit noodls
19 Feb 2014
Sonus, SONS, Performance Technologies, PT, PTIX, Diameter, IP multimedia subsystem, IMS, 4G, LTE, RCS, session border controller, SBC, session initiation protocol, SIP, SIP trunking, IPsec, media transcoding, IPv6, IPv4, interworking, Sonus SBC 5100, Sonus SBC 5200, SEGway Universal Diameter Routers, SEGway SS7 Signaling Systems, IPnexus ......(size: 11.4Kb)
Edit noodls
18 Feb 2014
Salzburg AG, energy supplier for 260,000 customers in the province of Salzburg, will utilize the solution for an IPv6 pilot project. The solution includes Itron and Cisco's jointly designed Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)-based architecture which meets the technical and business requirements of utilities in many European countries ... "Itron is excited to work with Salzburg AG on one of the first IPv6 deployments in Europe....(size: 3.0Kb)
Edit Business Wire
18 Feb 2014
Salzburg AG, energy supplier for 260,000 customers in the province of Salzburg, will utilize the solution for an IPv6 pilot project. The solution includes Itron and Cisco’s jointly designed Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)-based architecture which meets the technical and business requirements of utilities in many European countries ... “Itron is excited to work with Salzburg AG on one of the first IPv6 deployments in Europe....(size: 4.7Kb)
Edit Business Wire
18 Feb 2014
a Linksys Business PoE Compatible Switch or through a Linksys Gigabit High Power PoE Injector Gigabit Ethernet port IPv6 support Set-up and management through the Web Interface or Simple Network Management Protocol Limited Lifetime Warranty ....(size: 11.5Kb)
Edit Seattle Post
18 Feb 2014 Partners with Women's Voices Chorus In Education. Wake Forest, N.C. (PRWEB) February 17, 2014 ...Nearly four years ago, WCPE began to offer contributors the opportunity to donate ten percent of their donation to a special fund,” offers Lynn, who is also host of As You Like It ... For Immediate Release. Media Contact. ... WCPE is heard worldwide on the Internet in multiple formats, including the next generation IPv6....(size: 2.9Kb)
Edit San Francisco Chronicle
18 Feb 2014 Partners with Women's Voices Chorus In Education. Wake Forest, N.C. (PRWEB) February 17, 2014 ...Nearly four years ago, WCPE began to offer contributors the opportunity to donate ten percent of their donation to a special fund,” offers Lynn, who is also host of As You Like It ... For Immediate Release. Media Contact. ... WCPE is heard worldwide on the Internet in multiple formats, including the next generation IPv6....(size: 2.9Kb)
Edit Business Wire
18 Feb 2014
SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Edgewater Networks announced today that Gernot Scheichl, Edgewater’s Vice President of Support and Services, has been appointed to the SIP Forum’s Board of Directors ... Mr ... About Edgewater Networks, Inc ... cable operators ... Other important Forum initiatives include work in Fax-over-IP interoperability, User Agent Configuration, Video Relay Service interoperability, security, NNI, and SIP and IPv6 ... ....(size: 5.4Kb)
Edit Business Wire
18 Feb 2014
EDISON, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Cyberoam, a leading global provider of network security appliances, today announced the appointment of J’s Communication, as their first Distribution Partner in Japan ... Cyberoam is accredited with prestigious global standards and certifications like EAL4+, CheckMark UTM Level 5 Certification, ICSA Labs, IPv6 Gold logo, and is a member of the Virtual Private Network Consortium ... About J’s Communication ... ....(size: 5.2Kb)
Edit PR Newswire
17 Feb 2014
LUEDENSCHEID, Germany, February 17, 2014 /PRNewswire/ --. ARGUS 162 features all important broadband interfaces for sustainable testing - intec also showcases the new start-up device ARGUS 151. intec, a leading provider of DSL measurement technology with more than 25 years of experience, will be presenting two new testers at this year's CeBIT ... Both devices utilise the IPv4 and the new IPv6 protocol for parallel triple-play testing e.g ... ....(size: 3.2Kb)

IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) is a version of the Internet Protocol (IP) intended to succeed IPv4, which is the protocol currently used to direct almost all Internet traffic.

The Internet operates by transferring data between hosts in packets that are routed across networks as specified by routing protocols. These packets require an addressing scheme, such as IPv4 or IPv6, to specify their source and destination addresses. Each host, computer or other device on the Internet requires an IP address in order to communicate. The growth of the Internet has created a need for more addresses than are possible with IPv4. The last top level (/8) block of free IPv4 addresses was assigned in February 2011 by IANA to the 5 RIRs, although many free addresses still remain in most assigned blocks and RIRs will continue with standard policy until it is at its last /8. After that, only 1024 addresses (a /22) are made available from the RIR for each LIR: currently, only APNIC has already reached this stage.

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