
Hillsborough disaster 1989 - rare match footage - RTE TV Live coverage.
Liverpool v Nottingham Forest FA Cup semi final 1989 The game was shown live on Irish tele...
published: 08 Apr 2013
author: killianm2
Hillsborough disaster 1989 - rare match footage - RTE TV Live coverage.
Hillsborough disaster 1989 - rare match footage - RTE TV Live coverage.
Liverpool v Nottingham Forest FA Cup semi final 1989 The game was shown live on Irish television, I don't recall seeing footage of the game on youtube before...- published: 08 Apr 2013
- views: 131874
- author: killianm2

Tenkrat TV Rip CZ Dokument ČT2 o udalostiach 17.11.1989
Dokumentární Česko, 1999, 101 min Režie: Robert Sedláček Jeden z nejlepších dokumentárních...
published: 16 Nov 2012
author: Videoyearmix
Tenkrat TV Rip CZ Dokument ČT2 o udalostiach 17.11.1989
Tenkrat TV Rip CZ Dokument ČT2 o udalostiach 17.11.1989
Dokumentární Česko, 1999, 101 min Režie: Robert Sedláček Jeden z nejlepších dokumentárních filmů věnujících se sametové revoluci, přehledně a poutavě zpracov...- published: 16 Nov 2012
- views: 5394
- author: Videoyearmix

San Francisco Earth Quake- 1989- Great Footage-
published: 24 Aug 2012
author: HawaiianVideos916
San Francisco Earth Quake- 1989- Great Footage-
San Francisco Earth Quake- 1989- Great Footage-
- published: 24 Aug 2012
- views: 83923
- author: HawaiianVideos916

Ozzy Osbourne Live in Philadelphia 1989
1. I Don't Know
2. Flying High Again
3. Mr. Crowley
4.Shot in the Dark
5. Bloodbath in...
published: 10 Jul 2013
Ozzy Osbourne Live in Philadelphia 1989
Ozzy Osbourne Live in Philadelphia 1989
1. I Don't Know 2. Flying High Again 3. Mr. Crowley 4.Shot in the Dark 5. Bloodbath in Paradise 6. Zakk Wylde - Solo 7. Sweet Leaf 8. War Pigs 9. Tattoed Dancer 10. Drum Solo 11. Miracle Man 12. Suicide Solution 13. Iron Man 14. Crazy Train 15. Paranoid- published: 10 Jul 2013
- views: 365

Revolutia Romaneasca 1989
Acest film este dedicat victimelor revolutiei. ---------------------------- 100000 views e...
published: 08 Oct 2006
author: GeneralPaccepa
Revolutia Romaneasca 1989
Revolutia Romaneasca 1989
Acest film este dedicat victimelor revolutiei. ---------------------------- 100000 views edit: Hello, I wish to thank you all for viewing my video. 100000 ...- published: 08 Oct 2006
- views: 635692
- author: GeneralPaccepa

published: 06 Jun 2009
author: freemoren
1989年6月4日北京时间晚上19时,杜宪和薛飞主持当晚的《新闻联播》,身着黑装,语速缓慢,播报了关于六四事件中国人民解放军戒严部队开入天安门广场清场等新闻。杜宪和薛飞随后于合约届满后都被停止了中央电视台的播音工作。- published: 06 Jun 2009
- views: 884268
- author: freemoren

První obří demonstrace na Letné (25.11.1989)
Sametová revoluce 1989 / Nežná revolúcia 1989 / Velvet revolution 1989 Marta Kubišová, Vác...
published: 23 Oct 2012
author: TVhistorieCZ
První obří demonstrace na Letné (25.11.1989)
První obří demonstrace na Letné (25.11.1989)
Sametová revoluce 1989 / Nežná revolúcia 1989 / Velvet revolution 1989 Marta Kubišová, Václav Havel, Václav Malý, Ilja Prachař, Josef Kemr, Jiří Suchý, Jaros...- published: 23 Oct 2012
- views: 5274
- author: TVhistorieCZ

Oprah on Letterman 5/2/1989 Feud
According to biographer Kitty Kelley, it all started when Letterman didn't defend Winfrey ...
published: 07 Jan 2013
author: carnac233
Oprah on Letterman 5/2/1989 Feud
Oprah on Letterman 5/2/1989 Feud
According to biographer Kitty Kelley, it all started when Letterman didn't defend Winfrey from an unruly audience member back in the 80s when she was a guest...- published: 07 Jan 2013
- views: 33248
- author: carnac233

Sametová revoluce - předchozí demonstrace 1988-1989, záběry jednotlivců
Záběry jednotlivců, demonstrace 1988-1989 před sametovou revolucí. Praha, ČSSR....
published: 23 Nov 2008
author: joseprague
Sametová revoluce - předchozí demonstrace 1988-1989, záběry jednotlivců
Sametová revoluce - předchozí demonstrace 1988-1989, záběry jednotlivců
Záběry jednotlivců, demonstrace 1988-1989 před sametovou revolucí. Praha, ČSSR.- published: 23 Nov 2008
- views: 108119
- author: joseprague

ABC 1989 World Series Game 3 Earthquake
So what does it take to shut Tim McCarver up? An earthquake....
published: 11 Feb 2010
author: TellyFarnsworth
ABC 1989 World Series Game 3 Earthquake
ABC 1989 World Series Game 3 Earthquake
So what does it take to shut Tim McCarver up? An earthquake.- published: 11 Feb 2010
- views: 479690
- author: TellyFarnsworth

Ultimate Warrior vs. "Ravishing" Rick Rude: SummerSlam 1989 - Intercontinental Championship Match
Ultimate Warrior challenges Rick Rude at Meadowlands Arena on August 28, 1989 for the Inte...
published: 14 Jan 2014
Ultimate Warrior vs. "Ravishing" Rick Rude: SummerSlam 1989 - Intercontinental Championship Match
Ultimate Warrior vs. "Ravishing" Rick Rude: SummerSlam 1989 - Intercontinental Championship Match
Ultimate Warrior challenges Rick Rude at Meadowlands Arena on August 28, 1989 for the Intercontinental Championship in a rematch from their WrestleMania V bout. WWE NETWORK! - http://www.wwe.com/wwenetwork- published: 14 Jan 2014
- views: 817

Mauerfall Berlin 9.11.1989 (unkommentiert) Zeitgeschichte live
Die Berliner Mauer "fiel" in der Nacht von Donnerstag, dem 9. November, auf Freitag, den 1...
published: 12 Feb 2012
author: Geschichtsstunde
Mauerfall Berlin 9.11.1989 (unkommentiert) Zeitgeschichte live
Mauerfall Berlin 9.11.1989 (unkommentiert) Zeitgeschichte live
Die Berliner Mauer "fiel" in der Nacht von Donnerstag, dem 9. November, auf Freitag, den 10. November 1989, nach über 28 Jahren ihrer Existenz. Die Vorbereit...- published: 12 Feb 2012
- views: 38553
- author: Geschichtsstunde

Liverpool 0-2 Arsenal - League Decider (1989) - Live Footage
CAUTION: Not suitable for Liverpool or Tottenham fans! :) One of my all time greatest foot...
published: 29 Jun 2008
author: Steve McKeogh
Liverpool 0-2 Arsenal - League Decider (1989) - Live Footage
Liverpool 0-2 Arsenal - League Decider (1989) - Live Footage
CAUTION: Not suitable for Liverpool or Tottenham fans! :) One of my all time greatest footy matches, I was only 8 years old at the time but remember it like ...- published: 29 Jun 2008
- views: 461211
- author: Steve McKeogh
Youtube results:

Raul Seixas - Última Entrevista - 1989 - Parte 01
Veja mais em www.folhaverde.org.br Última entrevista de Raul Seixas, ao lado de Marcelo No...
published: 12 Feb 2008
author: Ozimar Cabral
Raul Seixas - Última Entrevista - 1989 - Parte 01
Raul Seixas - Última Entrevista - 1989 - Parte 01
Veja mais em www.folhaverde.org.br Última entrevista de Raul Seixas, ao lado de Marcelo Nova, no Programa Jô Onze e Meia - 1989.- published: 12 Feb 2008
- views: 2204423
- author: Ozimar Cabral

Metallica - Live Shit: Seattle (1989) [Full Concert]
Metallica, live in Seattle, USA, 1989. Song List: 01 - Blackened -- 05:10 02 - For Whom Th...
published: 06 Feb 2011
author: YTazzkickr01
Metallica - Live Shit: Seattle (1989) [Full Concert]
Metallica - Live Shit: Seattle (1989) [Full Concert]
Metallica, live in Seattle, USA, 1989. Song List: 01 - Blackened -- 05:10 02 - For Whom The Bell Tolls -- 11:50 03 - Welcome Home (Sanitarium) -- 17:15 04 - ...- published: 06 Feb 2011
- views: 736781
- author: YTazzkickr01

published: 07 Oct 2008
author: northernguychina
乡音很浓,欲言又止,,,,,- published: 07 Oct 2008
- views: 555619
- author: northernguychina

17.11.1989 - Pád komunizmu v Československu
17.11.1989 - Pád komunizmu v Československu Fall of communism in Czechoslovakia....
published: 23 Apr 2010
author: LinkmanSK
17.11.1989 - Pád komunizmu v Československu
17.11.1989 - Pád komunizmu v Československu
17.11.1989 - Pád komunizmu v Československu Fall of communism in Czechoslovakia.- published: 23 Apr 2010
- views: 44947
- author: LinkmanSK