
15-Yr-Old Kelvin Doe Wows M.I.T.
To support Kelvin and young innovators like him, please visit http://www.crowdrise.com/Inn...
published: 16 Nov 2012
author: THNKR
15-Yr-Old Kelvin Doe Wows M.I.T.
15-Yr-Old Kelvin Doe Wows M.I.T.
To support Kelvin and young innovators like him, please visit http://www.crowdrise.com/InnovateSalone 15-Year-Old Kelvin Doe is an engineering whiz living in...- published: 16 Nov 2012
- views: 4864268
- author: THNKR

How to Get into MIT
Some advice from a junior at MIT on how to maximize your odds at getting admitted. How to ...
published: 24 Aug 2011
author: Ryan Normandin
How to Get into MIT
How to Get into MIT
Some advice from a junior at MIT on how to maximize your odds at getting admitted. How to Graduate from MIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYGLooa3c_4 http:...- published: 24 Aug 2011
- views: 146657
- author: Ryan Normandin

Amazing Technology Invented By MIT - Tangible Media
At the MIT Media Lab, the Tangible Media Group believes the future of computing is tactile...
published: 12 Nov 2013
Amazing Technology Invented By MIT - Tangible Media
Amazing Technology Invented By MIT - Tangible Media
At the MIT Media Lab, the Tangible Media Group believes the future of computing is tactile. Unveiled today, the inFORM is MIT's new scrying pool for imagining the interfaces of tomorrow. Almost like a table of living clay, the inFORM is a surface that three-dimensionally changes shape, allowing users to not only interact with digital content in meatspace, but even hold hands with a person hundreds of miles away. And that's only the beginning. Created by Daniel Leithinger and Sean Follmer and overseen by Professor Hiroshi Ishii, the technology behind the inFORM isn't that hard to understand. It's basically a fancy Pinscreen, one of those executive desk toys that allows you to create a rough 3-D model of an object by pressing it into a bed of flattened pins. With inFORM, each of those "pins" is connected to a motor controlled by a nearby laptop, which can not only move the pins to render digital content physically, but can also register real-life objects interacting with its surface thanks to the sensors of a hacked Microsoft Kinect. Source : http://is.gd/JA9UBr- published: 12 Nov 2013
- views: 13999

Lec 1 | MIT 6.00 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming, Fall 2008
Lecture 1: Goals of the course; what is computation; introduction to data types, operators...
published: 20 Aug 2009
author: MIT
Lec 1 | MIT 6.00 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming, Fall 2008
Lec 1 | MIT 6.00 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming, Fall 2008
Lecture 1: Goals of the course; what is computation; introduction to data types, operators, and variables Instructors: Prof. Eric Grimson, Prof. John Guttag ...- published: 20 Aug 2009
- views: 1542232
- author: MIT

Drew Houston Commencement Address MIT 2013
Dropbox Founder Drew Houston giving the commencement address for the class of 2013 at the ...
published: 12 Dec 2013
Drew Houston Commencement Address MIT 2013
Drew Houston Commencement Address MIT 2013
Dropbox Founder Drew Houston giving the commencement address for the class of 2013 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.- published: 12 Dec 2013
- views: 17

For the Love of Physics (May 16, 2011)
On May 16, 2011, Professor of Physics Emeritus Walter Lewin returned to MIT lecture hall 2...
published: 05 Dec 2011
author: MIT
For the Love of Physics (May 16, 2011)
For the Love of Physics (May 16, 2011)
On May 16, 2011, Professor of Physics Emeritus Walter Lewin returned to MIT lecture hall 26-100 for a physics talk and book signing, complete with some of hi...- published: 05 Dec 2011
- views: 644152
- author: MIT

Transparent Displays at MIT
Transparent displays have a variety of potential applications — such as the ability to see...
published: 21 Jan 2014
Transparent Displays at MIT
Transparent Displays at MIT
Transparent displays have a variety of potential applications — such as the ability to see navigation or dashboard information while looking through the windshield of a car or plane, or to project video onto a window or a pair of eyeglasses. A number of technologies have been developed for such displays, but all have limitations. Now, researchers at MIT have come up with a new approach that can have significant advantages over existing systems, at least for certain kinds of applications: a wide viewing angle, simplicity of manufacture, and potentially low cost and scalability. The innovative system is described in a paper published this week in the journal Nature Communications, co-authored by MIT professors Marin Soljačić and John Joannopoulos, graduate student Chia Wei Hsu, and four others. Read more: http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2014/seeing-things-a-new-transparent-display-system-could-provide-heads-up-data-0121.html Video: Melanie Gonick, MIT News Additional video clips: Chia Wei (Wade) Hsu- published: 21 Jan 2014
- views: 51315

Advances in Architectural Geometry - MIT
The MIT Center for Art, Science & Technology (CAST) and the MIT Department of Architecture...
published: 02 Oct 2012
author: ArtsMITEdu
Advances in Architectural Geometry - MIT
Advances in Architectural Geometry - MIT
The MIT Center for Art, Science & Technology (CAST) and the MIT Department of Architecture co-sponsored a video that was featured at the "Advances in Archite...- published: 02 Oct 2012
- views: 16161
- author: ArtsMITEdu

MIT Gangnam Style (MIT 강남스타일)
secondary link (for mobile): http://mobileyt.com/21678457.php - FACEBOOK: http://www.faceb...
published: 27 Oct 2012
author: MIT GangnamStyle
MIT Gangnam Style (MIT 강남스타일)
MIT Gangnam Style (MIT 강남스타일)
secondary link (for mobile): http://mobileyt.com/21678457.php - FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/MIT.GangnamStyle MIT Gangnam Style (MIT 강남스타일 패러디), Music...- published: 27 Oct 2012
- views: 4911218
- author: MIT GangnamStyle

Small cubes that self-assemble
Known as M-Blocks, the robots are cubes with no external moving parts. Nonetheless, they'r...
published: 03 Oct 2013
Small cubes that self-assemble
Small cubes that self-assemble
Known as M-Blocks, the robots are cubes with no external moving parts. Nonetheless, they're able to climb over and around one another, leap through the air, roll across the ground, and even move while suspended upside down from metallic surfaces. Inside each M-Block is a flywheel that can reach speeds of 20,000 revolutions per minute; when the flywheel is braked, it imparts its angular momentum to the cube. On each edge of an M-Block, and on every face, are cleverly arranged permanent magnets that allow any two cubes to attach to each other. Read more: http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2013/simple-scheme-for-self-assembling-robots-1004.html Video: Melanie Gonick, MIT News- published: 03 Oct 2013
- views: 1243

Fan-Ficktions mit Möpsen! - COMMUNITY CHECK
Heute lesen Petty, Elisa, Robin & Dominik eure Fanfictions! Außerdem beantworten wir eure ...
published: 25 Jan 2014
Fan-Ficktions mit Möpsen! - COMMUNITY CHECK
Fan-Ficktions mit Möpsen! - COMMUNITY CHECK
Heute lesen Petty, Elisa, Robin & Dominik eure Fanfictions! Außerdem beantworten wir eure Fragen! Was wollt ihr sonst noch von uns wissen? Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wasgehtab.tv Twitter: https://twitter.com/wasgehtabtv Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thisisnews Website: http://www.t-i-n.tv UND Techscalibur: http://youtube.com/techscalibur Mit: Petty: http://youtube.com/ooobacht Elisa: http://youtube.com/alive4fashion Robin: http://youtube.com/robbubble Dominik:http://youtube.com/mapamundio Videolinks: Schlafen auf der Arbeit: http://bit.ly/1aPEu7m Vergewaltigung als Strafe - FN: http://bit.ly/1iuLwn0- published: 25 Jan 2014
- views: 18075

Walter Lewin, MIT professor: "All of you have now lost your virginity... in Physics!" (interview)
Lewin's physics lectures at MIT are legendary. What does he think about bad professors? Th...
published: 17 Feb 2012
author: lainformacioncom
Walter Lewin, MIT professor: "All of you have now lost your virginity... in Physics!" (interview)
Walter Lewin, MIT professor: "All of you have now lost your virginity... in Physics!" (interview)
Lewin's physics lectures at MIT are legendary. What does he think about bad professors? This is what he told us in an interview at Barcelona (Spain), Feb 15....- published: 17 Feb 2012
- views: 263523
- author: lainformacioncom

MIT 2012 Commencement Address
Learn more: http://www.khanacademy.org/video?v=Pn24jP0YbTI Salman Khan gives commencement ...
published: 13 Jun 2012
author: khanacademy
MIT 2012 Commencement Address
MIT 2012 Commencement Address
Learn more: http://www.khanacademy.org/video?v=Pn24jP0YbTI Salman Khan gives commencement address at MIT (2012)- published: 13 Jun 2012
- views: 152089
- author: khanacademy
Vimeo results:

Gangpol & Mit / 2009...
published: 28 Jan 2009
author: Gangpol & Mit
Gangpol & Mit / 2009

Gangpol & Mit / Faits divers / Dvd Teaser / Pictoplasma
published: 01 Oct 2009
author: Gangpol & Mit
Gangpol & Mit / Faits divers / Dvd Teaser / Pictoplasma

Holy green jelly
Gangpol & Mit / 2009...
published: 27 Jan 2009
author: Gangpol & Mit
Holy green jelly
Gangpol & Mit / 2009

CROMA | Organic Interactive Facade: Concept and Development
Façades are key architectural components that act as a filter between the building’s inter...
published: 11 Dec 2009
author: MIT CROMA
CROMA | Organic Interactive Facade: Concept and Development
Façades are key architectural components that act as a filter between the building’s interior and exterior, and thus play a huge role both in the energy-efficiency and in the aesthetic qualities of a building.
Modern architects like LeCorbusier have used brise-soleils, elements usually offset from the building’s body, to cast shadows and protect the interior from direct sunlight. Our research aims at reinterpreting this archetypal architectural element with recent advances in technology and chemistry, to create smart surfaces that afford an aesthetic, energy-efficient, and interactive architecture.
This video presents prototypes and concepts that explore organic electrochromism and its potentials at the architectural scale.
CROMA is an inter-disciplinary research initiative at MIT led by Daniel Cardoso, a Ph.D. Candidate in the School of Architecture and Planning, Dr. Avni Argun, a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Chemical Engineering Department, and Carlos Rocha, a graduate from the Media Lab. Design firm SOFTLab has collaborated remotely from NY with the team in the production of 3D scenarios. The project has received generous support from an MIT Council for the Arts grant. Professor of Media Arts and Sciences William Mitchell is the initiative’s advisor.
See more information and a list of publications in http://croma.mit.edu
Youtube results:

Can you get an MIT education for $2,000?: Scott Young at TEDxEastsidePrep
Scott is a speed-reading, vegetarian, holistic learning, productivity hacking recent unive...
published: 20 Jun 2012
author: TEDxTalks
Can you get an MIT education for $2,000?: Scott Young at TEDxEastsidePrep
Can you get an MIT education for $2,000?: Scott Young at TEDxEastsidePrep
Scott is a speed-reading, vegetarian, holistic learning, productivity hacking recent university graduate. And, for the last five years he's been experimentin...- published: 20 Jun 2012
- views: 86663
- author: TEDxTalks

Life at MIT: Video 112- Crazy Exams, Splash Classes, and Exhaustion
Ryan talks about his recent exam, his preparation for his Splash classes, and his lack of ...
published: 17 Nov 2012
author: Ryan Normandin
Life at MIT: Video 112- Crazy Exams, Splash Classes, and Exhaustion
Life at MIT: Video 112- Crazy Exams, Splash Classes, and Exhaustion
Ryan talks about his recent exam, his preparation for his Splash classes, and his lack of sleep. READ Ryan's Article Reviewing MIT: http://tech.mit.edu/V133/...- published: 17 Nov 2012
- views: 2546
- author: Ryan Normandin

Lec 1 | MIT 18.01 Single Variable Calculus, Fall 2007
Derivatives, slope, velocity, rate of change View the complete course at: http://ocw.mit.e...
published: 16 Jan 2009
author: MIT
Lec 1 | MIT 18.01 Single Variable Calculus, Fall 2007
Lec 1 | MIT 18.01 Single Variable Calculus, Fall 2007
Derivatives, slope, velocity, rate of change View the complete course at: http://ocw.mit.edu/18-01F06 License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at ...- published: 16 Jan 2009
- views: 385300
- author: MIT

Life at MIT: Video 120- The Beginning (Part 2)
Ryan discusses the big takeaways from his four years at MIT in the final episode of the Li...
published: 20 Jul 2013
author: Ryan Normandin
Life at MIT: Video 120- The Beginning (Part 2)
Life at MIT: Video 120- The Beginning (Part 2)
Ryan discusses the big takeaways from his four years at MIT in the final episode of the Life at MIT video series. READ Ryan's Article Reviewing MIT: http://t...- published: 20 Jul 2013
- views: 561
- author: Ryan Normandin