
THE 'Ugly Tree' Becomes Beautiful Bonsai
Graham Potter of Kaizen Bonsai http://www.kaizenbonsai.com/shop/index.php turns the fabled...
published: 22 Oct 2013
THE 'Ugly Tree' Becomes Beautiful Bonsai
THE 'Ugly Tree' Becomes Beautiful Bonsai
Graham Potter of Kaizen Bonsai http://www.kaizenbonsai.com/shop/index.php turns the fabled 'Ugly Tree' into bonsai. There can be few trees uglier than this train wreck of a taxus (yew) but we think it turned out pretty good in the end. If this video is blocked where you are see it at https://vimeo.com/77564981?utm_source=email&utm;_medium=clip-transcode_complete-finished-20120100&utm;_campaign=7701&email;_id=Y2xpcF90cmFuc2NvZGVkfGY1MjU5OTk3ZDVhZjJmMDc2NTliYTBlZjA1YzEwMzQxMjc3fDEwMjA3ODk5fDEzODI1MDkzMDk%3D- published: 22 Oct 2013
- views: 4408

Pruning Deciduous Bonsai Trees
Graham Potter of Kaizen Bonsai http://www.kaizenbonsai.com/shop/index.php demonstrates the...
published: 14 Aug 2013
author: GrahamWPotter
Pruning Deciduous Bonsai Trees
Pruning Deciduous Bonsai Trees
Graham Potter of Kaizen Bonsai http://www.kaizenbonsai.com/shop/index.php demonstrates the pruning of deciduous trees and how to create beautiful branch stru...- published: 14 Aug 2013
- views: 3602
- author: GrahamWPotter

Bonsai demo by Kevin Willson
Kevin Willson styles a great Bonsai tree from a collected Yamadori. Techniques used are si...
published: 23 Jan 2014
Bonsai demo by Kevin Willson
Bonsai demo by Kevin Willson
Kevin Willson styles a great Bonsai tree from a collected Yamadori. Techniques used are significant woodwork (carving) and wiring branches. For more: http://www.bonsaiempire.com Many thanks to Kevin, from the UK, and the Noelanders Trophy 2014.- published: 23 Jan 2014
- views: 2252

como crear y cuidar un bonsai parte 1
Aprende a cuidar tu bonsai con este magnifio curso....
published: 24 Aug 2011
author: Youn ela
como crear y cuidar un bonsai parte 1
como crear y cuidar un bonsai parte 1
Aprende a cuidar tu bonsai con este magnifio curso.- published: 24 Aug 2011
- views: 357074
- author: Youn ela

Bonsai for Less than the Price of a Shirt
Graham Potter (http://www.kaizenbonsai.com) demonstrates how to use nursery stock to creat...
published: 11 Aug 2011
author: GrahamWPotter
Bonsai for Less than the Price of a Shirt
Bonsai for Less than the Price of a Shirt
Graham Potter (http://www.kaizenbonsai.com) demonstrates how to use nursery stock to create interesting bonsai trees for less than the price of a shirt.- published: 11 Aug 2011
- views: 142482
- author: GrahamWPotter

Bonsai para Iniciantes - Evitar a morte do Bonsai
Álvaro Martins - Bonsai Avaré !
Transplante e troca de terra planta utilizada : Cerejera
published: 07 Aug 2013
Bonsai para Iniciantes - Evitar a morte do Bonsai
Bonsai para Iniciantes - Evitar a morte do Bonsai
Álvaro Martins - Bonsai Avaré ! Transplante e troca de terra planta utilizada : Cerejera Contato : (14) 9672-1300 Site : http://www.bonsaiavare.com.br Página no Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/BonsaiAvare- published: 07 Aug 2013
- views: 565

Bonsai Starter kit: How to make a Bonsai tree
Learn how to make a Bonsai tree from a Bonsai starter kit with this movie. For more inform...
published: 25 Dec 2013
Bonsai Starter kit: How to make a Bonsai tree
Bonsai Starter kit: How to make a Bonsai tree
Learn how to make a Bonsai tree from a Bonsai starter kit with this movie. For more information, see: http://www.bonsaiempire.com/basics In this movie the tree steps of growing a Bonsai are explained; cultivation, training and care. Though Bonsai is a centuries-old form of art, getting started with this fascinating hobby is not at all that difficult! The tree in this movie is a Chamaecyparis plumosa.- published: 25 Dec 2013
- views: 2036

Pine Bonsai progression by Ryan Neil
Ryan Neil styles a massive Pine tree in 4 hours work. Main techniques used are heavy trunk...
published: 20 Jan 2014
Pine Bonsai progression by Ryan Neil
Pine Bonsai progression by Ryan Neil
Ryan Neil styles a massive Pine tree in 4 hours work. Main techniques used are heavy trunk bending, wiring and shaping branches and pruning. For more: http://www.bonsaiempire.com Ryan takes the time to explain what he is doing in this demo, although this tree really requires his full attention! Many thanks to Ryan Neil, from Mirai Bonsai, Michael Feduccia, and the Noelanders Trophy 2014.- published: 20 Jan 2014
- views: 2329

How to Bonsai - Focus on the Roots
In this video I demonstrate how to reduce and prune the roots of nursery stock to get it o...
published: 02 Jun 2013
author: OrlandoBonsaiTV
How to Bonsai - Focus on the Roots
How to Bonsai - Focus on the Roots
In this video I demonstrate how to reduce and prune the roots of nursery stock to get it out of soil and into bonsai soil mix. The material is Parrot's Beak....- published: 02 Jun 2013
- views: 12446
- author: OrlandoBonsaiTV

How To Bonsai - Make a Bonsai Tree
In this video I show how I turn an old boring tree into a new and amazing bonsai. It is a ...
published: 19 May 2012
author: OrlandoBonsaiTV
How To Bonsai - Make a Bonsai Tree
How To Bonsai - Make a Bonsai Tree
In this video I show how I turn an old boring tree into a new and amazing bonsai. It is a ficus nerifolia and it has been sitting on my benches for years. It...- published: 19 May 2012
- views: 146835
- author: OrlandoBonsaiTV

How to Bonsai Create and Build Bonsai Benches
Instructions for bonsai on how to create and build bonsai benches for displaying and carin...
published: 23 Nov 2013
How to Bonsai Create and Build Bonsai Benches
How to Bonsai Create and Build Bonsai Benches
Instructions for bonsai on how to create and build bonsai benches for displaying and caring for bonsai tree.- published: 23 Nov 2013
- views: 2337

The Bonsai Art of Japan - Episode 25.mov
published: 17 Apr 2012
author: Bjorvala Bonsai Studio
The Bonsai Art of Japan - Episode 25.mov
The Bonsai Art of Japan - Episode 25.mov
- published: 17 Apr 2012
- views: 61055
- author: Bjorvala Bonsai Studio

Lindsay farr's World of Bonsai series 2 episode 18
We visit the Phillipines to see a wonderful Penjing exhibition and meet some artists. Robe...
published: 26 Nov 2013
Lindsay farr's World of Bonsai series 2 episode 18
Lindsay farr's World of Bonsai series 2 episode 18
We visit the Phillipines to see a wonderful Penjing exhibition and meet some artists. Robert Steven critiques Penjing, Rapid development of a new first branch on a Japanese grey bark elm bonsai.Gedemerta bonsai in Bali and Chelsea bonsai.- published: 26 Nov 2013
- views: 1183

how to make a cement bonsai pot part1
make a bonsai pot for about $1 using cement, cement color additive and fiberglass tape. in...
published: 25 Jul 2013
how to make a cement bonsai pot part1
how to make a cement bonsai pot part1
make a bonsai pot for about $1 using cement, cement color additive and fiberglass tape. in part 1 i will show you how to make the fiberglass reinforced inner core, used to provide a strong foundation for building the finished pot- published: 25 Jul 2013
- views: 689
Vimeo results:

VFX piece by Eric Schoellnast.
published: 13 Jul 2012
author: Eric Schoellnast
VFX piece by Eric Schoellnast.

Bonsai Burma
A tilt-shift film, shot by Joerg Daiber in Rangoon (Yangon), Kalaw, Inl...
published: 05 Mar 2012
author: Joerg Daiber
Bonsai Burma
A tilt-shift film, shot by Joerg Daiber in Rangoon (Yangon), Kalaw, Inle Lake, Mandalay and Bagan in Burma (Myanmar).
Facebook: facebook.com/MiniatureFilms
Twitter: twitter.com/spoonfilm
YouTube: youtube.com/LittleBigWorld
Web: www.spoonfilm.com
You can license raw footage clips from the Little Big World series here: http://www.gettyimages.de/Search/Search.aspx?contractUrl=2&language;=de&family;=creative&p;=spoonfilm&assetType;=film
You can buy a fine art print of any frame from this film here: http://www.frame-factor.com/video/videochv.php?vid=307209647
For embedding please use this site: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXsMkbh9h6g
Shot with Lumix GH2, Gorillapod, 14-140mm and 7-14mm Lumix Lenses. Edited with Final Cut Pro. Postproduction with After Effects.
Thanks everyone for the nice comments. Since so many asked for more information: The sunsets/sunrises were shot with an intervalometer at 10 sec (the Balloons in the intro were at 1 or 2 sec) Most of the other stuff was shot in regular video HBR mode and later sped up in post to whatever speed needed.
The effect was created manually in AE and so were many masks. Quite a lot of shots were handheld, since I travelled without tripod, so they were also stabilzed in AE later.
Music: Tchaikovsky - Piano Concerto No. 1

jimmy doing the first ascent of a new problem on west mountain...
published: 03 Jan 2014
author: Sam T
jimmy doing the first ascent of a new problem on west mountain

Diego Stocco - Music From A Bonsai
I always liked bonsai trees, and I was curious to try the approach I used for "Music from ...
published: 16 Mar 2010
author: Diego Stocco
Diego Stocco - Music From A Bonsai
I always liked bonsai trees, and I was curious to try the approach I used for "Music from a Tree" on a smaller scale, so I bought a bonsai and recorded this little experimental piece.
To determine the key I used the lowest note I could play and recorded the rest around it.
Besides playing the leaves, I used bows of different sizes, a piano hammer and a paint brush.
As far as microphones I used my Røde NT6, a customized stethoscope and tiny MEAS piezo transducers.
I played all the sounds and rhythms only with the bonsai, I didn't use any synthesizer or samplers to create or modify the sounds. I hope you'll like it.
At this link you can see some pictures with more detailed descriptions: http://www.behance.net/Gallery/Music-from-a-Bonsai/453731
Youtube results:

Korean bonsai master Seok Ju Kim
Seok Ju Kim shows his techniques at the Isabelia workshop in Czech republic...
published: 22 Aug 2013
Korean bonsai master Seok Ju Kim
Korean bonsai master Seok Ju Kim
Seok Ju Kim shows his techniques at the Isabelia workshop in Czech republic- published: 22 Aug 2013
- views: 1392

Plant City Bonsai - December 2013
Welcome to the Plant City Bonsai's Christmas Video!
This season we have a comprehensive g...
published: 08 Dec 2013
Plant City Bonsai - December 2013
Plant City Bonsai - December 2013
Welcome to the Plant City Bonsai's Christmas Video! This season we have a comprehensive gift guide for the bonsai lover and we go over a whole range of trees that are offered. - Kishu Shimpaku - We have a limited number of plantings in feather rock. - Corkbark Japanese Black Pine which are just awesome. - Entry level Black Pine with some nice girth in the trunks. - Dwarf Mugo Pine which I think looks like a small furry animal in the right pot :-) Steve also talks about Harlandi boxwood and a small hardy Kingsville Boxwood that's been with him since the beginning of his bonsai career! Thanks as always for viewing! Let us know what you think! And enjoy!- published: 08 Dec 2013
- views: 431

Growing Bonsai From Seed
Graham Potter of Kaizen Bonsai U.K http://www.kaizenbonsai.com/shop/index.php demonstrates...
published: 28 Feb 2013
author: GrahamWPotter
Growing Bonsai From Seed
Growing Bonsai From Seed
Graham Potter of Kaizen Bonsai U.K http://www.kaizenbonsai.com/shop/index.php demonstrates a simple method of producing bonsai trees from seed and small star...- published: 28 Feb 2013
- views: 24996
- author: GrahamWPotter

Variegated Boxwood Pre Bonsai 2013
CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/MrJohnnyB...
published: 18 Dec 2013
Variegated Boxwood Pre Bonsai 2013
Variegated Boxwood Pre Bonsai 2013
FACEBOOK:https://www.facebook.com/mrjohnnybonsai CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/MrJohnnyBonsai Having bought this Variegated Boxwood in the middle of July during a heatwave I have held onto it for over 5 months without touching it. In this pre bonsai video I introduce the tree and then perform a drastic pruning in order to get a working structure. This is my first Variegated Boxwood and while the leaves appear to be green and yellow they are actually green and white during the spring and summer. With a 1 inch thick trunk and a decent root flare this tree has some good potential but obviously is a bit large. The drastic pruning helps the restart the design process and gives a better base to work from. A trunk chop down to 2 - 3 inches was considered but was then moved on in favor of the drastic pruning. In the future if I feel that the tree will do better with a trunk chop I will then perform it.- published: 18 Dec 2013
- views: 239