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What to do if you fall out of love with cash

What to do if you fall out of love with cash

After a decade of building up cash savings, yield-hungry investors are finally falling out of love with the asset class. Term deposits at the nation’s banks fell 0.6 per cent last year to $538 billion, the first annual decline since March 2003. The problem, though, is the timing.

The politics of the ‘age of entitlement’

The politics of the ‘age of entitlement’

The Coalition’s strong rhetoric on the culture of entitlement, including a controversial decision not to provide $25 million in government assistance to SPC Ardmona masks an inconsistent political philosophy.

Retreat on financial planning rules to hit investors

Financial planners will once again be able to earn commissions for selling a wide range of investment products after a federal government decision to water down investor protection laws.

US jobless rate seen forcing Yellen's hand

The rapid drop in US unemployment will make re-crafting the Fed's easy-money promise a top priority for new chair Janet Yellen, who will probably avoid tying policy to specific targets in the labour market.

Rathbone’s wine dynasty dream costs him a fortune

Rathbone’s wine dynasty dream costs him a fortune

For a man who admits he’s not a serious wine buff the enormous destruction of Doug Rathbone’s wealth by throwing an estimated $100 million at vineyards may seem peculiar.

Murdoch allegedly abused by Deng

Wendi Deng is alleged to have verbally and physically abused her former husband, News Corporation chairman Rupert Murdoch, according to a profile published by Vanity Fair.

Priomha, the fund that hedges sporting bets

The short-lived national rugby union career of Matt Giteau is a fading memory for many fans of the Wallabies. But one of Giteau’s most ordinary games is etched in Brendan Poots’s memory.

Digital wills – leave the keys to your life in the cloud

Digital wills – leave the keys to your life in the cloud

With our financial lives increasingly being organised online, it’s important to leave your loved ones a digital will clearly detailing your online assets and accounts.

Hugh White

This century belongs to Asia, but try telling the Coalition

Once upon a time Australia could afford the luxury of an “all the way” foreign policy centred on Washington. That was back in the days when China, too, willingly accepted American leadership in Asia.

Keeping out the Joneses

Keeping out the Joneses

Wealthy families are buying out the neighbours to create vast, Gatsby-style compounds.

Are you paid too much?

Are you paid too much?

The Abbott government has taken a serious risk by criticising the salaries and working conditions of ordinary Australians.

High-jacked art

High-jacked art

When a gang of outback kids hot-wired ’s car, his consignment of works by Australia’s most revered painters were in the boot.

Site maintenance

Site maintenance

We are upgrading the systems that run our site. During this time some services may be unavailable. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Markets Summary

Change % Chg
S&P/ASX 200 5166.5 35.1 + 0.68%
Dow Jones 15794.08 165.55 + 1.06%
FTSE 100 6571.68 13.40 + 0.20%
SPI 200 MAR4 5159.000 37.000 + 0.70%
AUD/USD 0.8957 0.0002 + 0.02%

Markets Data »

Price % Chg
AUT AURORA OIL $ 4.090 + 56.11%
FGE FORGE GRP $ 0.820 + 20.59%
AWE AWE LTD $ 1.385 + 11.24%
BRU BURUENERGY $ 1.950 + 8.94%
MML MEDUSA $ 2.030 + 8.56%

Markets Data »

Price % Chg
GFF GOODMAN $ 0.640 - 3.76%
VAH VIRGIN AUS $ 0.330 - 2.94%
WDC WESTFIELDG $ 9.940 - 2.36%
WRT WESTFTRUST $ 2.960 - 2.31%
LYC LYNAS $ 0.275 - 1.79%

Markets Data »

Street Talk

Merrill sizes up ties between Arrow and APLNG

Merrill sizes up ties between Arrow and APLNG

As Arrow’s plans to build a fourth LNG export project at Gladstone appear more unlikely, Merrill Lynch analysts have run the numbers on an APLNG/Arrow tie-up which could help both parties.


Foxtel leads News Corp result

The dip in News Corp's Australian papers hasn't been as bad as expected, and Foxtel has grown as customers turn to its cheaper Telstra offering.



TV tips for Aunty: how to get News Corp off her back

TV tips for Aunty: how to get News Corp off her back

Mark Latham | Malcolm Turnbull is wasting his time with an efficiency review of the ABC, because its problem is not the cost of production but the failure of its programming strategy to satisfy ABC viewers.


Alan Mitchell

RBA wants lower dollar, despite inflation

It seems to be the Reserve Bank’s opinion the economy can handle further inflation.

Alan Mitchell

Quest for more cost-effective Medicare

Medicare is 30 years old this month and an obvious target for the Abbott government.

Ins and outs of investing in a start-up

Ins and outs of investing in a start-up

Although some people mistakenly view it this way, superannuation is not an investment in its own right like shares, a managed fund, a rental investment property or interest-paying investments.


No easy answers for emerging markets as QE taper continues

No easy answers for emerging markets as QE taper continues

Equity markets started 2014 in a buoyant mood, after 30 per cent gains for US shares in the previous year. Investors seemed to believe the worst of the financial crisis was at last over and the global economy was returning to ‘Goldilocks’ mode, with growth neither so strong as to cause inflation nor so weak as to squeeze profits, but ‘just right’.


Priomha, the fund that hedges sporting bets

Priomha, the fund that hedges sporting bets

The short-lived national rugby union career of Matt Giteau is a fading memory for many fans of the Wallabies. But one of Giteau’s most ordinary games is etched in Brendan Poots’s memory.


Digital wills – leave the keys to your life in the cloud

Digital wills – leave the keys to your life in the cloud

With our financial lives increasingly being organised online, it’s important to leave your loved ones a digital will clearly detailing your online assets and accounts.


Are Myer and David Jones better together?

A potential merger between David Jones and Myer faces plenty of challenges, but the benefits are tempting.

Personal finance

Yield chasers should look beyond the big cities

Yield chasers should look beyond the big cities

Property investors are being urged to consider new strategies and postcodes as traditional hotspots for income in Sydney and Melbourne begin to cool.


Sea’s harvest on menu, with a catch

Sea’s harvest on menu, with a catch

Top chefs will share their crusade for sustainable fishing at Melbourne’s Food and Wine festival.

Cellar door comes home

Cellar door comes home

A wine room where the basement once would be is the perfect setting for gourmet tastings.

Where life moves at a gentler pace

Where life moves at a gentler pace

Although Neil Perry’s Rockpool is perfectly friendly, it’s unlikely it would let kids scramble up onto the bar.

Fashion labels look for the right fit for Winter Olympics

Fashion labels look for the right fit for Winter Olympics

Dressing their Olympians has obvious appeal for Australian and New Zealand labels and but those sponsorships come with risks.

Latest TV

Results preview: CBA and Telstra this week

There's been good news from some retailers in the first week of reporting, but week two will see the biggest hitters such as the Commonwealth Bank and Telstra.

ECB struggles with deflation dilemma

No change from the European Central Bank, but policymakers face a dilemma after a surprise fall in inflation brought the euro zone closer to slipping into deflation.

Hockey shows independence from US

Treasurer Joe Hockey has moved to show greater independence from the US ahead of the upcoming G20 summit, where Australia will be president.

Union leader Howes urges IR reform

Paul Howes, head of the Australian Workers Union, believes Australia's industrial relations system is dragging productivity down.