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Palmer takes nuclear option with Citic Pacific

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Peter Ker and Angus Grigg

Clive Palmer has escalated the public brawling and legal jousting with his estranged Chinese business partner Citic Pacific by launching legal action to have Citic’s Australian subsidiary wound up.

In a claim launched in the Perth register of the Federal Court on Friday afternoon, Mineralogy, Mr Palmer’s main company, sought to begin liquidation proceedings against Sino Iron Pty Ltd on the ground that it was unable to pay its debts and that its “normal payment patterns” had changed.

Mineralogy did not clarify which payments it was referring to, but one insider speculated it could be a reference to royalty payments known as ‘‘Royalty A’’ in the contract struck between the parties in 2006.

Under the terms of that 183 page contract, Royalty A compels Sino Iron to pay Mineralogy 30¢ for every tonne of magnetite ore taken by Sino Iron, with some adjustments for inflation.

Despite challenging the definition of the word ‘‘taken’’ in 2012, Citic President Zhang Jijing confirmed this week that Sino Iron had been making payments to Mineralogy under the terms of Royalty A.

On Friday a Citic Pacific spokesman categorically rejected Mineralogy’s claims and said the company would vigorously defend itself.

“During the past year, there have been several attempts by Mineralogy to have the project suspended or terminated. All have failed before the courts.”

The spokesman said there was nothing new in Mineralogy’s claims and insisted Citic had already paid Mineralogy more than $400 million for the right to mine and develop the project, was continuing to make payments for Royalty A, but that Royalty B remained in dispute and needed resolution by the courts.

Citic and Mineralogy are still fighting a legal battle over how a second royalty, known as Royalty B, should be calculated.

In a statement published on Friday, Mineralogy speculated that Citic may have stopped advancing funds to the Sino Iron subsidiary, and expressed concern that normal payment patterns had changed.

‘‘Mineralogy is concerned that Sino Iron is unable to pay its debts when they fall due, considering payments under normal arrangements are more than three months in arrears,’’ the company said, without further clarification.

Citic Pacific could not be reached for comment at the time of going to print.

Earlier on Friday Mr Palmer had hinted he might launch legal action against the Federal Infrastructure department for allowing Citic to begin magnetite exports from Sino Iron in December.

If Mr Palmer, who is the member for the federal electorate of Fairfax, goes through with that threat, it will be a rare example of an Australian parliamentarian launching legal action against a ­government department during his term in office.

The liquidation application comes as a report from Beijing-based J Capital Research said the Citic mine needs an iron ore price of $US158 a tonne to repay its debt, meet interest payments and account for depreciation, well above current levels and future projections.

“We believe Citic Pacific’s iron ore ­division is unlikely to ever make money,” said the managing partner of J Capital Research, Tim Murray.

“Even if the mine were debt free and all the assets written off, this low quality mine would not be worth operating.”

The so-called Sino Iron project has been plagued by problems since Mr Palmer struck the landmark deal with Citic in 2006. The project was four years late and at least $6 billion over budget.

Mr Murray from J Capital has calculated that the iron ore price needs to remain above $US120 a tonne beyond this year just for Citic to service its debt.

He said it would need a price of $US158 a tonne to make a profit and cover ­depreciation.

The iron ore price is trading around $US130 a tonne and Mr Murray expects it to average $US110 a tonne this year, before dropping to around $US90 a tonne in the longer term.

“We expect the mine to be close in 2015 and the debt of around $US10 billion to $US12 billion to be written off,” he said.

Mr Murray said Citic’s iron ore division had debt of $US5 billion and further group debt of $US9 billion.

“We believe the debt associated with Citic’s iron ore mine is in the range of between $US10 billion and $US12 billion.

If the mine was in full production Mr Palmer could expect to receive $250 million in annual royalties, based on a long term iron ore price of around $US90 a tonne.

But if the mine was shut the status of these royalties would likely be the subject of a protracted legal action.

Speaking before the liquidation application was made, Mr Palmer declined to comment on the status of his royalties, but disputed the claims made by J Capital and continued his verbal attack on Citic.

“Once they [Citic] are in full production they should be able to make a good profit and even repay the debt,” Mr Palmer said by phone.

“They are not going to shut the mine, as they have persevered with it for this long.”

Mr Palmer said the cost overruns at the project were “unexplainable” and that Citic would probably get its “bottom smacked” by China’s new leaders.

The fresh legal action atmosphere on Friday came one day after the Federal Court ruled in favour of Mineralogy in a separate legal stoush over who had the legal right to manage security at the port through which Sino Iron’s magnetite is exported.

In reference to that victory, Mr Palmer said Australian companies should be wary when bringing in Chinese partners.

‘‘I feel compelled to warn all Australian companies to be careful when using a foreign partner. This doesn’t mean that all Chinese companies act in this manner. It just means Citic Pacific is trying to corrupt our system,’’ he said.

‘‘Citic Pacific’s behaviour is disgraceful and dishonourable.’’

Citic has been less combative publicly, with Mr Zhang only going as far on Thursday as describing Mr Palmer as ‘‘larger than life’’.

A Citic spokesman said the ruling would not bring exports to a halt. but Mr Zhang warned that Chinese companies were closely watching the outcome of Citic’s royalty stoush, and the levels of Chinese investment into Australia could be affected.

The Australian Financial Review

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