
"Serbia - One journey - Million impressions"
Нови промотивни филм о Србији, аутора Бошка Савковића:
"Србија - Једно путовање безброј до...
published: 16 Oct 2013
"Serbia - One journey - Million impressions"
"Serbia - One journey - Million impressions"
Нови промотивни филм о Србији, аутора Бошка Савковића: "Србија - Једно путовање безброј доживљаја". Nouveau clip promotionnel de la Serbie: "Serbie - Un Séjour, Mille Impressions", Auteur Bosko Savkovic, destination aux richesses insoupçonnées à 2h de vol de Paris! Espaces naturels préservés, riche patrimoine historique, gastronomie de qualité, offre culturelle dense, vie nocturne animée, peuple accueillant et dynamique, sont parmi les multiples atouts de ce pays pour des séjours intenses à prix réduits. New promotional video clip about Serbia by Bosko Savkovic: "Serbia - One Journey - Million impressions" Der neue Werbefilm über Serbien von Autor Boško Savković: "Serbien- Eine Reise, Million Eindrücke"- published: 16 Oct 2013
- views: 28416

Build it Bigger - Constructing Serbia's Largest Bridge
SERBIAN SUBTITLE (Srpski prevod)
- Most na Adi -
- Origin material -
The content owner: Di...
published: 03 Dec 2013
Build it Bigger - Constructing Serbia's Largest Bridge
Build it Bigger - Constructing Serbia's Largest Bridge
SERBIAN SUBTITLE (Srpski prevod) - Most na Adi - - Origin material - The content owner: Discovery Communications TV Channel: Discovery channel. Website: http://dsc.discovery.com Title: Daring projects. Extreme Engineering. Series: Large Bridge Serbia (Serbia's largest bridge). Country: United States Year: 2011 Genre: Documentary Video- published: 03 Dec 2013
- views: 340

We Love Serbia Compilation
published: 24 Mar 2013
author: Mihailo Petrovic
We Love Serbia Compilation

my trip to serbia
went to serbia in August 2012. this is what it looks like through a sony NEX....
published: 26 Nov 2012
author: mokavich
my trip to serbia
my trip to serbia
went to serbia in August 2012. this is what it looks like through a sony NEX.- published: 26 Nov 2012
- views: 3073
- author: mokavich

Kosovo & Serbia: No Bridge Between (RT Documentary)
Watch more on RT's documentary channel http://rtd.rt.com The Republic of Kosovo is situate...
published: 15 Jan 2012
author: RussiaToday
Kosovo & Serbia: No Bridge Between (RT Documentary)
Kosovo & Serbia: No Bridge Between (RT Documentary)
Watch more on RT's documentary channel http://rtd.rt.com The Republic of Kosovo is situated in southeastern Europe. It is a self-declared independent state a...- published: 15 Jan 2012
- views: 54129
- author: RussiaToday

Serbia My thoughts about Serbia.
Ja sam Jovan Cernovic!!! CCCC!!! Facebook.com/jibribell Twitter @jibribell Instagram: @jib...
published: 27 Jan 2013
author: Jibri Bell
Serbia My thoughts about Serbia.
Serbia My thoughts about Serbia.
Ja sam Jovan Cernovic!!! CCCC!!! Facebook.com/jibribell Twitter @jibribell Instagram: @jibribell Subscribe youtube!! www.youtube.com/jibriym Ja sam hiphop pl...- published: 27 Jan 2013
- views: 37087
- author: Jibri Bell

Answering an American's Questions About Serbia
I am going to start answering these messages in video form. People seem to enjoy them and ...
published: 14 Nov 2013
Answering an American's Questions About Serbia
Answering an American's Questions About Serbia
I am going to start answering these messages in video form. People seem to enjoy them and they are a lot easier than writing. :)- published: 14 Nov 2013
- views: 1493

Answering Texans Questions About Serbia
A young lady from Texas contacted me asking a few questions about Serbia.
Here is a link...
published: 26 Nov 2013
Answering Texans Questions About Serbia
Answering Texans Questions About Serbia
A young lady from Texas contacted me asking a few questions about Serbia. Here is a link to what is allowed to be brought back to the USA from Europe:https://help.cbp.gov/app/answers/detail/a_id/82/~/travelers-bringing-food-into-the-u.s.-for-personal-use here is the link to help know what you can bring into Serbia : http://www.serbia.travel/useful-info/formalities/customs-regulations/- published: 26 Nov 2013
- views: 2108

Instagram: @Crnisrbi
Twitter: @Crnisrbi...
published: 02 Oct 2013
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE LIKE AND SHARE! www.crnisrbi.com Instagram: @Crnisrbi Twitter: @Crnisrbi www.Facebook.com/crnisrbiproductions www.Facebook.com/crnovicjovan www.Facebook.com/davidbrkljaccrnisrbi Edited and Filmed by Jasmine Lairsmith Music by Deshoun Krane Michelle Obama @phoenixisms I OWN ALL WORLDWIDE RIGHTS FOR THIS VIDEO EVERYTHING UPLOADED IN THIS VIDEO WAS MADE BY CRNI SRBI PRODUCTIONS AND I PROHIBIT ANYONE ELSE TO RE UPLOAD THIS VIDEO.- published: 02 Oct 2013
- views: 55648

Frontline Football Bosnia vs. Serbia FULL! BBC
BBC Documentary about the fans of Bosnia & Hercegovina and Serbia & Montenegro meeting in ...
published: 18 Nov 2012
author: yeoldbasser
Frontline Football Bosnia vs. Serbia FULL! BBC
Frontline Football Bosnia vs. Serbia FULL! BBC
BBC Documentary about the fans of Bosnia & Hercegovina and Serbia & Montenegro meeting in the qualifying rounds for the World Cup 2006. Ben Anderson travels ...- published: 18 Nov 2012
- views: 8850
- author: yeoldbasser

Charles's Adventure in Sicevo, Serbia (full length)
This is the entire 15 minute video of my amazing time in the tiny village of Sicevo , Ser...
published: 03 Nov 2013
Charles's Adventure in Sicevo, Serbia (full length)
Charles's Adventure in Sicevo, Serbia (full length)
This is the entire 15 minute video of my amazing time in the tiny village of Sicevo , Serbia... Hope you enjoy it! Say Serbia Tv will be out soon and we will have this type of video in each town, city, interesting site, historic places, bars, kafanas, night clubs, etc... Join us now! www.sayserbia.com- published: 03 Nov 2013
- views: 2022

One Negative About Serbia
talking about a bad experience here in Serbia.... learn a little of the language before yo...
published: 16 Jul 2013
author: Charles Cather
One Negative About Serbia
One Negative About Serbia
talking about a bad experience here in Serbia.... learn a little of the language before you try to shop alone.. :D you all know I love your country so no nee...- published: 16 Jul 2013
- views: 3592
- author: Charles Cather

Españoles en Serbia para foroxd.com
En esta ocasion visitaremos entre otros lugares Belgrado que cambió un poco porque la ciud...
published: 22 Sep 2012
author: TheForoxd
Españoles en Serbia para foroxd.com
Españoles en Serbia para foroxd.com
En esta ocasion visitaremos entre otros lugares Belgrado que cambió un poco porque la ciudad no sería lo mismo sin "Casa García", el bar español que ha monta...- published: 22 Sep 2012
- views: 309
- author: TheForoxd

Serbia vs Croatia highlights 2013/09/06 HD 2014 world cup world tour
Serbia v Croatia 2013/09/06...
published: 07 Sep 2013
Serbia vs Croatia highlights 2013/09/06 HD 2014 world cup world tour
Serbia vs Croatia highlights 2013/09/06 HD 2014 world cup world tour
Serbia v Croatia 2013/09/06- published: 07 Sep 2013
- views: 8093
Vimeo results:

"Rapresent", Serbia
This film is a portrait of Bojan, a young man with a passion for graffiti and hip-hop. Boj...
published: 18 Jun 2009
author: Ivana Todorović
"Rapresent", Serbia
This film is a portrait of Bojan, a young man with a passion for graffiti and hip-hop. Bojan was born in Split, Croatia. He lost his father during the civil war and escaped with his mother and sister to Serbia. When he was 11 his mother died and he was put in an orphanage. At the age of 18 he became homeless and lived on the streets of Belgrade.
He was 21 when he died from an overdose, one year after this film was shot.
BOJAN RAPRESENT (29.05.1988-11.06.2009)
“A rare totally authentic, no nonsense documentary etude of the highest order about a young, self-destructive graffiti artists living in the streets of Belgrade, homeless, but never hungry; there is a heartbreaking thing or two to be learned about eating food from garbage containers and telling it with disarming honesty and yes, even charm, straight to the camera. Not to be missed!” - curator of SEE Festival LA
Major screenings:
Premiere at London International Documentary Film Festival LIDF
Rotterdam Film Festival
South Easter European Film Festival, LA
NXNE Film @ Music Festival, Toronto
International Woman’s Film Festival, Cologne, Germany
Canary Wharf Film Festival, London , UK
BEST STORY FILM award from audience at FILM FOR PEACE Festival, Italy
Best National Award at XVIII International Festival of Ethnological Film Belgrade Serbia
Other Festivals:
THESS SHORT FILM FESTIVAL, Greece; Uno Port Art Films Festival, Japan; A Film for Peace Festival, Italy; Gottingen Ethnographic Film Festival, Germany;WordFilm Festival, Tartu, Estonia ; Kratki Metar Festival, Belgrade, Serbia; Astra Festival, Sibiu, Rumunia; Kino Kriterion, Sarajevo, Bosnia;Balkan Festival, Moscow, Russia;Canary Wharf Film FEstival, London , UK; Balkan Snapshots Festival, Amsterdam
directed by Ivana Todorovic
camera Ivana Todorovic
edited by Goran Mijic
music by Milos Dabic
animation by Nebojsa Petrovic and Bojan Rapresent
sound design Milan Mihajlovic

SOULFOOD Serbia (short version, eng)
Executive production:
SENSE Production
Executive producers: Milan Stojanovic, Maja Popovic...
published: 05 Nov 2011
author: SENSE Production
SOULFOOD Serbia (short version, eng)
Executive production:
SENSE Production
Executive producers: Milan Stojanovic, Maja Popovic
Director: Petar Petrovic
Cinematographer: Dragan Vildovic
Editor: Bojan Kosovic
Composer: Ognjan Milosevic
Sound designer: Vladimir Kerkez
Title design: Braca Burazeri - Nikola Radojicic, Nenad Radojicic
VO: Gordon Gibb
Food stylist: Dejan Sutanovac
Gaffer: Zoran Jovanovic
Color grading: Nikola Stefanovic, Media+
Producer: Srdjan Stankovic

Tuzna Morava
Pozdrav svima Vama - prijatelji prirode,
Zahvaljujući Vama, film „Tužna Morava" pokrenuo j...
published: 31 Mar 2011
author: Guardians of Serbia
Tuzna Morava
Pozdrav svima Vama - prijatelji prirode,
Zahvaljujući Vama, film „Tužna Morava" pokrenuo je pitanje zaštite životne sredine u Srbiji na pravi način. Pokazali smo da jedan mali film može mnogo da uradi. Zahvaljujem se svima Vama, na rečima ohrabrenja i pruženu podršku po pitanju skretanja pažnje javnosti na probleme sa zagađenjem naše prirode.
U ovom ključnom momentu, kada smo konačno ukazali na probleme koji se tiču svih nas i svih oko nas i kada su svi čuli naš vapaj, moramo nastaviti dalje. U tu svrhu, formirali smo mesto (mail adresu i kanal na YouTube) gde ćemo prikupljati sve informacije i snimljene materijale, vezane za sva moguća zagađenja životne sredine. Molim Vas da se pridružite u ovoj akciji i date svoj doprinos i svoje viđenje stvari na terenu. Nadam se da ćemo uz Vašu pomoć uspeti da promenimo odnos prema zaštiti naše životne sredine.
e-Mailom u MPEG4 formatu na: ekoalarm.tv@gmail.com
za slanje vasih video izvestaja do 100Mb koristite http://www.youSENDit.net
na email adresu ekolarm.tv@gmail.com bez nadoknade
Vase fotografije sa ekoloskim anomalijama u Srbiji mozete uploadovati na
ukoliko zelite da saznate vise o nasim aktivnostima.
Mozete nas kontaktirati na ekoalarm.tv@gmail.com
Srdačno Vas pozdravljaju,
Srboljub Pešić i Ilija Stankovic ko-autori filmova „Tužna Morava" i "Tužna Srbija"
U ime svog produkcijskog tima

Hand Made In Serbia
a visual notebook by Igor Stanojevic.
Created during the production of the 2010 Dragan Mr...
published: 25 Oct 2010
author: igor stanojević
Hand Made In Serbia
a visual notebook by Igor Stanojevic.
Created during the production of the 2010 Dragan Mrdja shoe collection in Belgrade, Serbia.
Youtube results:

Scott Mills, The Sinitta of X Factor Serbia
Scott travels to Serbia to star in X Factor Adria, with his new DJ pal and Serbian pop sta...
published: 23 Oct 2013
Scott Mills, The Sinitta of X Factor Serbia
Scott Mills, The Sinitta of X Factor Serbia
Scott travels to Serbia to star in X Factor Adria, with his new DJ pal and Serbian pop star royalty Kiki Lesendrić. For more Scott Mills http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1- published: 23 Oct 2013
- views: 27343

My opinion of Serbia 10 - Serbia huh? BE CAREFUL
I was recently written by a fellow American "Serbia huh? BE CAREFUL. Your work takes you t...
published: 10 Apr 2013
author: ianjohn05
My opinion of Serbia 10 - Serbia huh? BE CAREFUL
My opinion of Serbia 10 - Serbia huh? BE CAREFUL
I was recently written by a fellow American "Serbia huh? BE CAREFUL. Your work takes you to dangerous places.." Ironically enough, she was visiting Russia. S...- published: 10 Apr 2013
- views: 8732
- author: ianjohn05

Mi vida en Serbia / Мој живот у Србији
Bueno aca esta terminado por fin mi video de mi vida en Serbia, espero que lo disfruten! :...
published: 29 May 2013
author: Javier Mendez
Mi vida en Serbia / Мој живот у Србији
Mi vida en Serbia / Мој живот у Србији
Bueno aca esta terminado por fin mi video de mi vida en Serbia, espero que lo disfruten! :D Bendiciones! :D.- published: 29 May 2013
- views: 1728
- author: Javier Mendez

Nr. 7. The Real Football Factories "Croatia & Serbia"
"NEW VIDEO" http://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fsubscription_...
published: 10 May 2013
author: MyHumanVideos
Nr. 7. The Real Football Factories "Croatia & Serbia"
Nr. 7. The Real Football Factories "Croatia & Serbia"
"NEW VIDEO" http://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fsubscription_center%3Fadd_user%3DTyrFaroeIsland&session;_token=CFr1XNoKCfPo2TDgWR...- published: 10 May 2013
- views: 4976
- author: MyHumanVideos