Photo: Michael Mucci

Q My wife and I are in our late 70s, fit and active, and hope to last at least another 10 years. We retired in 2008, but by now our savings have shrunk to $80,000, earning 3 per cent interest.

We receive a pension of $1200 each a month, own our home outright, but have no superannuation or other investments. We feel the only way to avoid outliving our savings is to sell our home and rent an apartment. What is your advice?

A The problems with selling the home are sale costs, rent costs and the uncertainty of being a tenant, as well as forgoing any future capital gain on your current property. If you sell and rent, the proceeds from the sale will be an assessable asset and may result in a reduction of your pension entitlements. You'll have to do the sums and make your own decision. Alternative strategies maybe be downsizing, or investigating a small reverse mortgage on which you draw down progressively.

Q I am 27, live at home and work for a family business. I have $70,000 in a term deposit, originally intended as a deposit on an investment property. I am no longer convinced this will provide me with the best return and recently bought $2000 of ANZ shares, which outperformed the term deposit. What are my best options for the term deposit - property, shares or something else? I am not opposed to riskier options.

A I agree that shares have been giving much better returns than term deposits in the past year, but remember the adage ''Wherever there is a chance of capital gain, there is a chance of capital loss.'' This is why I have long recommended that anyone buying shares has at least a five-year timeframe in mind. Provided you are aware that it is normal for shares to have four negative years in every 10, I would have no problems with your investing the bulk of your $70,000 in a good share trust.

Q Is there a formula for the best time to move into an investment property held for 15 years, with a view to minimising the capital gains tax eventually payable?

A Any capital gains tax will be apportioned on a pro rata time basis. For example, if you owned the property for 18 years and it was rented for 15 of those years, capital gains tax would be payable on 15/18 of the capital gain. The impact would be softened by the 50 per cent discount because you've had the asset for over a year. Obviously you would need to live in it for a long time to reduce capital gain, which suggests there are more important factors, such as the potential of the property and where you would prefer to live, that should influence your decision.

Q Do you think borrowing for blue-chip shares is a worthwhile tax minimisation strategy, or is it better to pay off our mortgage first?

A I think borrowing for investment can be a great strategy for accumulating wealth, but any tax benefit should be seen as the cream on the cake. In any case, with interest rates at 6 per cent and yields at 4 per cent, little tax would be saved. For example, if you borrowed $100,000 to invest in shares returning $4000 a year, and the interest was $6000 a year, the taxable loss would be $2000 and the tax saved would be just $930 if you were in the highest tax bracket. Remember, too, that a good investment will see the income rise over time and the negatively geared position will eventually become a positive one.

Q My wife and I are self-funded retirees in our late 70s. We both have Commonwealth Seniors Health Cards, but no pensions or other entitlements. My wife will soon go into high care in a nursing home, which will cost $26,000 each year. Is any proportion of this cost able to be claimed as a tax deduction? My health fund offers no benefits.

A Aged care expert Rachel Lane advises that while the cost of your wife's care is not a tax deduction, there is a tax offset that can be claimed in relation to the expense. The key difference between a tax offset and a tax deduction is that an offset can only be used to reduce your liability to pay tax (limited to the point at which $0 tax is payable), whereas a deduction can go beyond the point of zero, creating a refund.

The tax offset applicable to your wife's care is the net medical expenses tax offset. If your combined taxable income is below $168,000 a year, the tax offset will be applied at 20c per dollar above $2120 a year.

Noel Whittaker is the author of Making Money Made Simple and numerous other books on personal finance. His advice is general in nature. Readers should seek their own professional advice before making decisions. Email:

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