
Rob Ford Jamaican: Toronto Mayor Rob Ford trying to imitate a Jamaican accent #RobFord
Rob Ford Jamaican Rob Ford New Video Rob Ford Drunk Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Toronto Mayor ...
published: 22 Jan 2014
Rob Ford Jamaican: Toronto Mayor Rob Ford trying to imitate a Jamaican accent #RobFord
Rob Ford Jamaican: Toronto Mayor Rob Ford trying to imitate a Jamaican accent #RobFord
Rob Ford Jamaican Rob Ford New Video Rob Ford Drunk Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Video Toronto Mayor Rob Ford New Video Rob Ford Video Rob Ford News Rob Ford Jamaica Rob Ford Jamaican Rob Ford Update Toronto Mayor News Toronto Mayor Video Toronto Mayor Jamaica Toronto Mayor Jamaican Accent Rob Ford Jamaican Accent Rob Ford Youtube Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Speaking In Jamaican Patois rob ford crack video rob ford dancing Toronto Mayor crack video Toronto Mayor dancing #RobFord #TorontoMayor #RobFordVideo Toronto Mayor Rob Ford rant Rob Ford rant rob ford speaking jamaican accent A new video of Mayor Rob Ford emerged Tuesday that shows him swearing and slurring his words while apparently trying to imitate a Jamaican accent. In the video posted on YouTube, Ford is shown in a fast food restaurant rambling and talking about police surveillance and appears to call police chief Bill Blair a derogatory name. The video is titled "New Video of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Drunk, Swearing in Jamaican Patois? Bumbaclot." "Chase me around for five months," the mayor says in the video. "Leave me alone . and then try and tell me, we're counter-surveilling the guy. He's hiding here, I'm hiding here. Oh, we don't know?" he says before rambling incoherently. A message left Ford's spokesman was not immediately returned. Mark Pugush, a spokesman for Police Chief Blair, said they don't respond to personal attacks. Ford said in November that he quit drinking. It was not clear when the new video was shot, but Ford was pictured on camera in the same black suit and red tie on Monday. The mayor acknowledged last year that he smoked crack "in one of my drunken stupors" after police said they obtained a copy of a tape that appears to show him smoking crack. He refused to resign. Ford first faced intense pressure to resign after U.S. website Gawker and The Toronto Star reported in May on the existence of a video that appeared to show the then 300-pound-plus (135-kilogram) mayor, sitting in a chair, inhaling from what appears to be a crack pipe. The tape hasn't been released. "rob ford crack video" "rob ford video" "rob ford crack" "rob ford new video" "rob ford jamaican" "rob ford jamaica" "rob ford drunk" "rob ford video drunk" "rob ford" " Toronto Mayor Rob Ford" " Toronto Mayor Video" " Toronto Mayor crack video" "Toronto Mayor Rob Ford video" "Toronto Mayor jamaican" "Toronto Mayor Jamaica" "Toronto Mayor drunk" "rob ford new video"- published: 22 Jan 2014
- views: 412

David Letterman - Rob Ford Video Top Ten
"Top Ten Things Rob Ford Might Be Saying In This Video" from January 22, 2014....
published: 23 Jan 2014
David Letterman - Rob Ford Video Top Ten
David Letterman - Rob Ford Video Top Ten
"Top Ten Things Rob Ford Might Be Saying In This Video" from January 22, 2014.- published: 23 Jan 2014
- views: 7908

HiMY SYeD -- New Video of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Drunk, Swearing in Jamaican Patois Bumbaclot
HiMY SYeD -- "New Video of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Drunk, Swearing in Jamaican Patois Bumb...
published: 21 Jan 2014
HiMY SYeD -- New Video of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Drunk, Swearing in Jamaican Patois Bumbaclot
HiMY SYeD -- New Video of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Drunk, Swearing in Jamaican Patois Bumbaclot
HiMY SYeD -- "New Video of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Drunk, Swearing in Jamaican Patois Bumbaclot" - January 20 2014 http://instagram.com/p/jax9QSD_2e/ The original video ( youtube.com/watch?v=iXpwflzSF4M ) was uploaded at 90 degrees and slightly shakey. I stabilized the video to lessen shakiness, right-sided the video so it is now viewable easier, and pumped up the volume. Again, original video is here: youtube.com/watch?v=iXpwflzSF4M This edit is to make viewing it easier. Steak Queen, 345 Rexdale Blvd, Etobicoke, Ontario.- published: 21 Jan 2014
- views: 301

2015 Ford F-150: Cool Features, Functions, and Details - 2014 Detroit Auto Show
The lead designer of the new aluminum F-150 shows off some of its signature touches.
published: 23 Jan 2014
2015 Ford F-150: Cool Features, Functions, and Details - 2014 Detroit Auto Show
2015 Ford F-150: Cool Features, Functions, and Details - 2014 Detroit Auto Show
The lead designer of the new aluminum F-150 shows off some of its signature touches. http://bit.ly/1ajgDcN- published: 23 Jan 2014
- views: 12050

Rob Ford Dancehall Remix
Read the Article: http://a.nim.al/LUMdbz
Subscribe to Animal New York: http://bit.ly/subsc...
published: 22 Jan 2014
Rob Ford Dancehall Remix
Rob Ford Dancehall Remix
Read the Article: http://a.nim.al/LUMdbz Subscribe to Animal New York: http://bit.ly/subscribetoanimal Follow us: http://twitter.com/ANIMALNewYork Like us on Facebook: http://fb.me/animalnewyork- published: 22 Jan 2014
- views: 3211

Crack-Smoking Mayor Rob Ford Addresses Drunk Jamaica-Accent Video but Dodges Answering Questions
TORONTO - Mayor Rob Ford called his drunken rant at Steak Queen on Monday night a "minor s...
published: 23 Jan 2014
Crack-Smoking Mayor Rob Ford Addresses Drunk Jamaica-Accent Video but Dodges Answering Questions
Crack-Smoking Mayor Rob Ford Addresses Drunk Jamaica-Accent Video but Dodges Answering Questions
TORONTO - Mayor Rob Ford called his drunken rant at Steak Queen on Monday night a "minor setback." (TorontoSun) After spending the day running away from reporters, Ford delivered a statement at City Hall claiming his drinking was now a "private matter" just two months after he threw it into the public realm to explain his crack cocaine use and swore off alcohol citing a "come to Jesus moment." Ford has been under fire for two days after a trip to the Steak Queen caught on at least two videos later posted online that included a expletive-filled rant by the mayor about Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair in a Jamaican accent and a possible meeting with Alexander "Sandro" Lisi - Ford's friend facing an extortion charge in connection with the mayor's crack video. "As you know, I'm a human being the same as every one of you," Ford said Wednesday. "I'm entitled to a personal life. My personal life does not interfere with the work I do day in and day out. "Monday was unfortunate, I had a minor setback. We all experience these difficult bumps in life." The mayor maintained he is "working hard every day" to improve his health and wellbeing. "This is completely a private matter," he said. Then Ford lashed out at councillors who claim his personal life is impacting their work. "That is absolute nonsense," he said. After complaining councillors were focused on raising taxes now that he has been stripped of his powers, Ford invited questions from reporters but stressed he would only talk about the 2014 budget. "I'll be happy to take questions on the budget only and if you have any other personal questions, I will not be answering those," he said. When the first reporter's question focused on drugs, Ford said "thank you very much" and walked out of the press conference. Councillor Joe Mihevc was shocked by Ford's statement. "The mayor is in clear denial ... Who is he kidding?" he said. "These are the rantings of an addicted man." Ford's statement capped a bizarre day at City Hall where he repeatedly ran away from reporters with the help of his taxpayer-funded staff and City Hall security. Ford ignored reporters when he arrived at City Hall Wednesday morning for the executive committee meeting. Before lunch, the mayor got into a pushing match with TV cameras and photographers after complaining about the budget to reporters and then trying to flee the scrum as the questions turned to his Steak Queen escapade. Ford admitted Tuesday that he was at the Etobicoke restaurant on Monday night with friends and was drinking again despite saying two months ago he had a "come to Jesus moment" and was no longer drinking at all. Shortly after Ford's confession, a second YouTube video of his night out emerged showing him sitting at a table with a man who appears to be Lisi. Ford has yet to explain the meeting. At one point, Ford's press secretary Amin Massoudi assured reporters the mayor was about to speak but he ended up walking briskly past reporters. His chief of staff Dan Jacobs claimed Ford was only answering budget-related questions. "The mayor was happy to take questions about the budget, there weren't any questions about the budget being asked," Jacobs said. The mayor's driver Jerry Agyemang refused to answer questions about whether he was with Ford on Monday night and walked away from reporters escorted by City Hall security. Councillor Doug Ford has not returned calls since the mayor's drinking confession. Hours before the mayor admitted he was drinking, the councillor assured reporters that the mayor wasn't drinking again and hadn't been drinking since early November.- published: 23 Jan 2014
- views: 100

2015 Ford F-350 Super Duty engine factory
Ford installs its 500,000 6.7-liter Power Stroke® Diesel engine in a new 2015 Super Duty a...
published: 24 Jan 2014
2015 Ford F-350 Super Duty engine factory
2015 Ford F-350 Super Duty engine factory
Ford installs its 500,000 6.7-liter Power Stroke® Diesel engine in a new 2015 Super Duty at the Kentucky Truck Plant in Louisville, Kentucky.- published: 24 Jan 2014
- views: 2360

Watch The 2015 Ford F-150 Debut at 2014 Detroit Auto Show
( http://www.TFLtruck.com ) Check out the brand new Ford F-150 being revealed at the 2014 ...
published: 13 Jan 2014
Watch The 2015 Ford F-150 Debut at 2014 Detroit Auto Show
Watch The 2015 Ford F-150 Debut at 2014 Detroit Auto Show
( http://www.TFLtruck.com ) Check out the brand new Ford F-150 being revealed at the 2014 Detroit auto show. Five trim levels will be offered when the 2015 Ford F-150 goes on sale later this year including the XL, XLT, Lariat, Platinum and King Ranch. Check us out on: Facebook: ( https://www.facebook.com/tfltruck ) Twitter: ( https://www.twitter.com/tfltruck ) and check out our car videos on YouTube at: The Fast Lane Car ( http://www.youtube.com/user/romanmicagearguy )- published: 13 Jan 2014
- views: 301

WATCH: Crack-Smoking Mayor Rob Ford now Rants Jamaica in Latest Drunk Video 'I'm Not Bullsh*t"
On CNN Anderson Cooper 360 1/21/2014
Rob Ford's drunken, Jamaican English-laced rant trans...
published: 22 Jan 2014
WATCH: Crack-Smoking Mayor Rob Ford now Rants Jamaica in Latest Drunk Video 'I'm Not Bullsh*t"
WATCH: Crack-Smoking Mayor Rob Ford now Rants Jamaica in Latest Drunk Video 'I'm Not Bullsh*t"
On CNN Anderson Cooper 360 1/21/2014 Rob Ford's drunken, Jamaican English-laced rant translated (National Post) On Monday, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford was videotaped in a bizarre exchange at a Toronto fast food restaurant that is notable not only for the mayor's drunkenness, but for his liberal use of Jamaican English. Through careful analysis of the audio — and translation via sources in Jamaica — the National Post presents this approximate transcript of Mr. Ford's exchange with an unknown citizen, along with explanations. FORD: C**ksuckers. Fuckin' Chief Blair and them all. Cha, man. They chase me around for five months, man. Bumbaclot man. I said, me and him, ya raasclat bumbaclot. In this opening diatribe against Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair, Mr. Ford uses no less than three expressions common to Jamaica, but virtually unknown among Canadian-born English speakers. The first, "cha," is a disdainful expletive, the Caribbean equivalent of "bah!" Related Rob Ford video shows 'drunk' mayor rambling and swearing in Toronto restaurant . The other two are more obscene, what our Jamaican translator called "indecent language." The first, "raasclat," is a deeply offensive term that refers to a rag used to wipe one's buttocks after defecation. As slang lexographer Jonathan Green explained in a 2011 online post, "raas by itself means the buttocks, and by extension the whole person." The second, "bumbaclot," is said to be Jamaican equivalent of "f*ck" or Quebec's "tabernac." The word also refers to a rag, but usually one used to absorb menstrual blood. Most notably, it is mentioned in the song "Oh Bumbo Klaat" on the 1981 Peter Tosh album Wanted Dread and Alive. FORD Leave me alone, man. They got five months man, and then trying to tell me 'well, we're counter-surveilling the guy.' You know what I mean? He's hiding here, I'm'a hide here. I'm'a—oh, we don't—f*ck off. Here, Mr. Ford is recounting a five month period in 2013 when he was under police surveillance in connection with a much larger "guns and gangs" probe by the Toronto Police. Ultimately, it was via this probe that Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair was able to confirm the existence of a video purporting to show Mr. Ford smoking crack cocaine, indirectly leading to the November city council vote that stripped Mr. Ford of most of his mayoral powers. FORD: You know how much money that costs, man? I said bro, just cut something, 'no man, no money man.' Cha. Ah, Bumbaclot, man. I said 'you know what? You raasclat, bumbaclot. I swear to God, man, honestly man. Serious shit, man. Serious shit, bro. Mr. Ford appears to be reiterating his previous claim that the Toronto Police only put him under surveillance due to a personal vendetta sparked by Mr. Ford's calls for the department to cut its budget. As he said in a December interview, "I want to save money and I guess [Chief Blair] disagrees with that." The mayor also spices up his language with four more uses of Jamaican English. It is worth noting that this is the first time Mr. Ford has ever been seen to inject his public speech with Jamaican expressions, or even exhibit any knowledge of Jamaican English. CITIZEN: All we know is we got the best mayor in the world right here. FORD: No, seriously, you know ... CITIZEN: "This guy deserves to be even better than Prime Minister Harper. [At this point, the two talk over each other] CITIZEN: Harper is the guy who is fucking up. I always tell them go become the Prime Minister of Canada. FORD: No, no, no, no. I don't bullsh*t, you know? I'm a straight up guy, you know? As he faced down near-unanimous condemnation from polite Canadian society over the last few months, Mr. Ford has never had a problem bumping into civilians to assure him he's on the right track. Indeed, it is exchanges like the above that have most likely buoyed Mr. Ford's indomitable confidence that he will win reelection in October. FORD SPEAKING ALONE: Who goes into THC? Who's going into Jamestown, Jane and Finch and then Malvern on the—them fucks—you know what I see, manbro? Shit like ... In a textbook Freudian slip, Mr. Ford says he "goes into THC." THC, of course, is the active ingredient in marijuana. More likely, however, Mr. Ford is referring to TCH, Toronto Community Housing. Mr. Ford has frequently portrayed himself as a "hands-on" chief executive, and this sentiment was on full display last September when he publicly toured a TCH-owned building to listen to complaints from residents. The mayor also appears to be playing up his everyman reputation by mentioning Jamestown, Jane and Finch and Malvern, all of them low-income, high-crime Toronto areas.- published: 22 Jan 2014
- views: 478

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford appears drunk in new video
A new video of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is making the rounds on YouTube. CNN's Paula Hancock...
published: 22 Jan 2014
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford appears drunk in new video
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford appears drunk in new video
A new video of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is making the rounds on YouTube. CNN's Paula Hancocks reports.- published: 22 Jan 2014
- views: 301

Mayor Rob Ford admits 'setback'
Friends and enemies are calling for Toronto's mayor to step down after yet more video surf...
published: 23 Jan 2014
Mayor Rob Ford admits 'setback'
Mayor Rob Ford admits 'setback'
Friends and enemies are calling for Toronto's mayor to step down after yet more video surfaces that shows him drinking.- published: 23 Jan 2014
- views: 3

Rob Ford - Rassclot Bumbaclot Dancehall Remix (Produced By ReeG)
Also available on Soundcloud. Listen and follow me yuh rassclot bumbclot! CHA! https://sou...
published: 22 Jan 2014
Rob Ford - Rassclot Bumbaclot Dancehall Remix (Produced By ReeG)
Rob Ford - Rassclot Bumbaclot Dancehall Remix (Produced By ReeG)
Also available on Soundcloud. Listen and follow me yuh rassclot bumbclot! CHA! https://soundcloud.com/therealreeg- published: 22 Jan 2014
- views: 41878
Vimeo results:

Floating Head
Don't know what you got till it's gone...
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author: Benjamin Dickinson
Floating Head
Don't know what you got till it's gone

Nando's 'Peri Peri Reggie'
Feat: Reggie Watts...
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Nando's 'Peri Peri Reggie'
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Andrew Ford - Animation Reel 2012
This is work completed while attending iAnimate. Rigs courtesy of Victor Vinyals....
published: 26 Feb 2012
author: A. Ford
Andrew Ford - Animation Reel 2012
This is work completed while attending iAnimate. Rigs courtesy of Victor Vinyals.
Youtube results:

2014 Ford Raptor 6.2L vs F-250 6.2L Mashup Ike Gauntlet Towing Test ( Part 2)
( http://www.TFLtruck.com ) The 2014 Ford SVT Raptor does not directly compete against the...
published: 22 Jan 2014
2014 Ford Raptor 6.2L vs F-250 6.2L Mashup Ike Gauntlet Towing Test ( Part 2)
2014 Ford Raptor 6.2L vs F-250 6.2L Mashup Ike Gauntlet Towing Test ( Part 2)
( http://www.TFLtruck.com ) The 2014 Ford SVT Raptor does not directly compete against the Ford F-250. But in this case both trucks have one significant thing in common...they both come equipped with the same Ford 6.2L engine. In fact the Raptor's 6.2L V8 is tuned with a few more ponies from the factory. So how do these two different trucks with the same engine compare when it comes to towing. We decide to find out by taking both trucks up the TFLtruck Ike Gauntlet Mega towing torture test in classic mashup review. In part 2 the 2014 Ford Raptor 6.2L takes on the Ike Gauntlet The Ike Gauntlet is a timed run up one of America's steepest highways from 9,000 feet above sea level to the top of the mountain at entrance to the Eisenhower Tunnel in Colorado. Check out this promo for what's coming up soon on The Fast Lane Truck. Check us out on: Facebook: ( https://www.facebook.com/tfltruck ) Twitter: ( https://www.twitter.com/tfltruck ) and check out our car videos on YouTube at: The Fast Lane Car ( http://www.youtube.com/user/romanmicagearguy )- published: 22 Jan 2014
- views: 81

WATCH: 'Jamaica' Mayor Rob Ford Admits He Was Drinking in New Swearing Drunk Video
January 21, 2014
Mayor Rob Ford was caught on video slurring and seeming drunk. The video...
published: 21 Jan 2014
WATCH: 'Jamaica' Mayor Rob Ford Admits He Was Drinking in New Swearing Drunk Video
WATCH: 'Jamaica' Mayor Rob Ford Admits He Was Drinking in New Swearing Drunk Video
January 21, 2014 Mayor Rob Ford was caught on video slurring and seeming drunk. The video of Ford called "New Video of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Drunk, Swearing in Jamaican Patois? Bumbaclot," was uploaded to YouTube. He admitted that he was drinking on Monday. Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has admitted to drinking again, after a video was posted online that appears to show him incoherent and using explicit language. When asked if he'd been drinking in the video Tuesday, Mayor Ford said "yes, I was," and later added "a little bit." This admission comes just one week after the mayor told reporters at City Hall that he is sober and has stopped drinking. "I was with some friends," Mayor Ford said Tuesday. "What I do in my personal life and with my personal friends, that's up to me." He denied using drugs, and said that he didn't drive himself home afterwards.- published: 21 Jan 2014
- views: 70

NEW 2015 Ford F-150 reveal promo
The all-new F-150 delivers an impressive combination of power, capability and efficiency -...
published: 21 Jan 2014
NEW 2015 Ford F-150 reveal promo
NEW 2015 Ford F-150 reveal promo
The all-new F-150 delivers an impressive combination of power, capability and efficiency -- from advanced materials that improve durability and inhibit corrosion, to faster processors that enhance driving performance, to breakthrough cargo management and towing solutions. A new 2.7-liter EcoBoost with standard Auto Start-Stop and a 3.5-liter V6 engine with twin independent variable camshaft timing join the proven 3.5-liter EcoBoost and 5.0-liter Ti-VCT V8. The 2.7-liter EcoBoost engine features a lightweight, compact design to deliver the same power as some mid-range V8s. Auto Start-Stop technology helps save fuel. Unlike start-stop solutions in other vehicles, this technology -- specially tuned for truck customers -- shuts off the engine to save fuel when the vehicle is stopped, except when towing or in four-wheel drive. The engine restarts in milliseconds when the brake is released. Ford F-150 trucks equipped with EcoBoost engines also will benefit from standard Active Grille Shutters. Active Grille Shutters stay open when extra engine cooling is needed, such as during low-speed stop-and-go driving or while working in hot weather. They automatically close to reduce aerodynamic drag at cruising speed. ► SUBSCRIBE NOW: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=youcarpress ► FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/youcarpress ► TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/youcartv ► GOOGLE+: http://plus.google.com/+YouCarPress- published: 21 Jan 2014
- views: 2144

Shaping the 2015 Ford F-150 from Aluminum - Design and Engineering - 2014 Detroit Auto Show
We interview the Chief Engineer and Chief Designer of the 2015 Ford F-150 at the 2014 Nort...
published: 22 Jan 2014
Shaping the 2015 Ford F-150 from Aluminum - Design and Engineering - 2014 Detroit Auto Show
Shaping the 2015 Ford F-150 from Aluminum - Design and Engineering - 2014 Detroit Auto Show
We interview the Chief Engineer and Chief Designer of the 2015 Ford F-150 at the 2014 North American International Auto Show in Detroit. http://bit.ly/1ajgDcN- published: 22 Jan 2014
- views: 4179