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Federal Politics

Political News

Focus on young jobless in Abbott government's 'enhanced' work for the dole

work for the dole

JUDITH IRELAND 9:06am The Coalition government is looking to start its ''enhanced'' work-for-the-dole program in the next financial year, with a focus on young unemployed Australians.

Abbott government will go ahead with new wind farm study on health

Tony Abbott

PETER HANNAM The federal government will press ahead with 'an independent program' to study the health effects of wind farms even though a survey of global research on the issue by a leading Australian medical body is yet to be made public.

Former Coalition figures in demand by lobbying industry

Nick Minchin

HEATH ASTON Prime Minister Tony Abbott's insistence that Australia is ''open for business'' is being embraced by lobbyists, with dozens of the biggest companies having signed up to Coalition-aligned influence peddlers already this year for representation in Canberra.

Jobs figures looking good for Coalition's new lobbyists


HEATH ASTON Prime Minister Tony Abbott's insistence that Australia is ''open for business'' is being embraced by lobbyists, with dozens of the biggest companies having signed up to Coalition-aligned influence peddlers already this year for representation in Canberra.

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Government to seek independent review of the health impact of wind farms despite earlier findings

Wind farm

PETER HANNAM The federal government will press ahead with "an independent program" to study the supposed impact on health of wind farms as it emerged a report on the issue has been handed to government but withheld from public release.

Griffith byelection: Rudd no help to Labor


HEATH ASTON Kevin Rudd is unlikely to take any further part in Labor's bid to retain his Brisbane-based seat of Griffith.

Tony Abbott promises to recognise Aborigines as nation's first people


Kim Arlington Prime Minister Tony Abbott has promised to finalise by September a draft for amending the constitution to recognise Aboriginal people as the first Australians.

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Disgraced Young LNP star comes back to the fold

ben riley

AMY REMEIKIS 7:07am Ben Riley elected, unopposed, as the federal Young Liberal president six months after being suspended from the party.

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As a nation celebrates, PM seeks a 'unifying moment'

Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

Goya Dmytryshchak 5:21am As thousands lined Melbourne streets to wave Australian flags and others debated the appropriateness of celebrating on the date of "invasion", Prime Minister Tony Abbott warned that constitutional recognition of indigenous people should not be a "rush job".

Dairy industry pleads for help on emissions


BIANCA HALL The $13 billion dairy industry has warned it will be uncompetitive globally without more government help to reduce its carbon emissions.

Relationships Australia says counselling vouchers could drive down divorce rate


Bianca Hall Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews' plan to equip couples with $200 vouchers for counselling could drive the national divorce rate down, Relationships Australia says.

Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells insists all migrants must speak English

News/ Chronicle. from left Harsimar Singh 4, Harjit Singh, Balwinderjit Kaur and Preet Singh 10 new  Australian Citizens following the Australian citizenship ceremony at Bicentennial Hall in Queanbeyan, it was one of the largest ceremonies held with 57 people becoming citizens.  25 July 2013 Canberra Times Photo by Jeffrey Chan

Bianca Hall As citizenship ceremonies and backyard barbecues fire up across the country for Australia Day, a senior government MP has reignited calls for all migrants to speak English.

Labor leaves nothing to chance in Griffith byelection

Terri Butler

CAMERON ATFIELD The Labor Party has pulled out its big guns in its attempt to hold on to the federal seat of Griffith.

Secrecy over asylum seeker boat turn-backs puts navy in a bind

Matt Golding illustration.

David Wroe, Defence Correspondent The government's obsession with keeping silent on boat arrivals and turnbacks may come back to bite it.

Denis Napthine to chair meeting on Toyota as Joe Hockey slams union


James Massola, Mark Hawthorne Federal and state ministers, union officials and car industry heavyweights will sit down on February 13 in a crunch meeting that will attempt to save Toyota's manufacturing operations in Australia.

Claims navy assaulted asylum seekers may not get clear verdict

Asylum seeker with burnt hand he says was caused by Australian navy.

Mark Kenny, Michael Bachelard Indonesia's investigation has stalled and the government has denied the allegations.

Labor says Coalition's plan to cut welfare benefits not justified


DAN HARRISON Labor has accused the Abbott government of exaggerating welfare spending to justify cuts, pointing to figures that show Australia spends less on welfare than most developed nations.

Tony Abbott to chase big business over tax lurks

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott

Mark Kenny, Gareth Hutchens and Georgia Wilkins Prime Minister Tony Abbott has fired a shot across the bow of big business, saying Australia will use its leadership of this year's G20 meeting to push for a co-ordinated international crackdown on tax-avoidance strategies favoured by global corporations.

Denis Napthine to host key players for crisis talks on Toyota's future


Mark Hawthorne and James Massola Premier Denis Napthine will host a crucial round-table meeting with unions, car makers and the federal and state governments next month in an effort to save Toyota as a local car manufacturer.

Probe into asylum seeker burns claim stalls

Navy accused of asylum seekers abuse   (Thumbnail)

Mark Kenny and Michael Bachelard Claims that the Australian navy deliberately burned the hands of asylum seekers intercepted at sea may never be conclusively disproved, with an Indonesian investigation stalling and the Australian government refusing to give a full account of what happened.
