Paul Sheehan

Paul Sheehan

Paul Sheehan is a columnist and editorial writer for The Sydney Morning Herald, where he has has been Day Editor and Washington correspondent. He is the author of two number-one best-sellers, 'Girls Like You' and 'Among The Barbarians' and been published in The New Yorker, The Atlantic, The New York Times and numerous anthologies.

Unions' scams about to get hammered

Paul Sheehan The hammer will come down on Monday. With each passing week, with every denial of every policy mandate, with every blocked vote by Labor and the Greens, the federal government has responded by simply...

Labor and Greens shout no, no, no to ending corruption

Fairfax Media writer

Paul Sheehan There are clean unions and dirty unions. Then there is a bikie gang masquerading as a union, which describes elements within the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Engineering Union.

Comments 68

ABC and SBS merger simply makes budgetary sense

Paul Sheehan There is news and there is emotional news. When Judith Ireland wrote a straightforward news story about Tony Abbott criticising the ABC's negativity about Australia last week, the response on the...

Comments 427

Craig Thomson's day in court gives cause to remember Gillard's day in Parliament

Paul Sheehan On May 21, 2012, the former Labor MP Craig Thomson spoke in the Federal Parliament for one hour, delivering 8300 words before a packed chamber, press gallery and public gallery about why he was the...

Indonesia's military pretence a towering hypocrisy


Paul Sheehan 'Kiss me, Ketut'' is a popular phrase in my household. It's one of the most popular phrases to come out of advertising in a long time. Dripping with affectionate irony.

Self-inflicted damage set to be coming for NSW Police

Paul Sheehan The NSW Police can be their own worst enemy. In recent weeks the Herald has reported and editorialised extensively about drunken violence, with great sympathy for the police who have to bear much of...

Future Submarine project a farce that has missed a mention

Fairfax Media writer

Paul Sheehan The monster budget is coming, the one which, in a single blow, will make all the political debate since the federal election seem like an episode of Seinfeld, the show about nothing.

Comments 110

Hollande creates affairs to remember as presidential promises are forgotten

Paul Sheehan Jilted. Jolted. Screwed. And so on and on. There are so many terms that could be used to describe Francois Hollande's relationship with the population of France now.

Comments 1

So ready to throw book at Bernardi without reading it

Cory Bernardi

Paul Sheehan "We know the statistics - that children who grow up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime, nine times more likely to drop out of schools and 20 times more...

Comments 488

Police union leaders put politics first in fiery comments over assaults

Fairfax Media writer

Paul Sheehan On New Year's Eve, Sergeant Prue Burgun of the NSW Police was punched in the face by a drunk, who was promptly arrested, but not before inflicting an injury that was painful for days and required a...

Comments 150

Arab spring yields to Muslim winter

Paul Sheehan In France, more than 1000 cars were torched across the country on New Year's Eve. It has become a tradition.

One wedding, three stories and fish porn

Paul Sheehan Last Sunday, outside a pretty little church in Hunters Hill - St Peter Chanel, named after the only Catholic martyr in Polynesia - a wedding party and guests assembled. And assembled. And assembled.

Comments 40

Tony Burke likely to be next Labor PM

Paul Sheehan Tony Burke will be the next Labor prime minister. He is authentic, a crucial advantage in politics, and pragmatic, intelligent and decent.

Comments 243

Why women run my life

Paul Sheehan Journalism is being feminised. Not by quotas, but by talent and sheer weight of numbers and drive.

Comments 102

Human rights narcissism: time for the axe

Paul Sheehan If you don't like what I write there is no more fertile place to read criticisms than The Sydney Morning Herald.

Comments 285

The Labor lawyer and the death seal

Paul Sheehan Justice Mordecai ''Mordy'' Bromberg of the Federal Court of Australia probably signed the death warrant of the Australian vehicle manufacturing industry last Thursday when he helped ensure that...

Comments 162

How Labor booby-trapped Australia's future

Paul Sheehan When Joe Hockey was growing up and dreaming of becoming prime minister, he would not have imagined that his dream would lead him to joining a bomb disposal unit.

Comments 414

Christian Porter: Meet Australia's future Prime Minister

Christian Porter

Paul Sheehan "On 23 November 1956, a painfully angular 19-year-old Brisbane boy jumped for his country on the first day of the Melbourne Olympic Games."

Comments 268

Buck has to stop on saving icons


Paul Sheehan On February 6 last year, I wrote a column which began: ''No Aussie brands are more ingrained in the national consciousness than Qantas or Holden but the flying kangaroo is facing extinction as a...

Comments 385

Tony Abbott must fight the baby boomers' debt explosion

Fairfax Media writer

Paul Sheehan Sweeping judgments about generations are dubious but the statistics do tell a story about one generation which stands out for all the money it has spent and all the debt it has racked up - the baby...

Comments 231