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Greens want Lord's Prayer dropped from parliament sittings

Greens want Lord's Prayer dropped from parliament sittings

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Greens say drop the Lord's Prayer?

The Greens want the Lord's Prayer dropped from the opening of each day's federal parliament sittings. Richard Di Natale says the use of the prayer is outmoded and does not reflect Australia's modern multi-faith society.

Station Highlights

Aussie retail items more expensive?

Why are items more expensive in Australia than overseas? Why are everyday items more expensive in Australia than overseas? Mike Jeffreys ponders on the items with Retail Analyst Barry Urquhart. Is it a major reason why more people are moving online to make purchases?

Australia Day slogan just confusing?

“Celebrate your way” endorses multiculturalism over integration? Australia Day is coming, a time we reflect not just on where we have come from, but the future of our country. Mike Jeffreys asks does this year's slogan, "Celebrate your way" endorse multiculturalism over integration?

Pressure mounts for 1am lockouts

Calls for 1am lockouts at pubs and clubs in Sydney Two venues on the notorious Kings Cross strip are pushing for an extension of late night trading. Stuart Bocking on the applications coming as pressure mounts to enforce 1am lockouts and 3am closing hours.

Clearways: will they work for you?

Will weekend clearways ease congestion in your suburb? Do you like the idea of clearways in your suburb on weekends? Would it help or hinder getting to the shops? Stuart Bocking with Roads Minister Duncan Gay on the proposal. Will clearways assist Sydney traffic?

Is exercise easier with music?

Is exercise easier with music, and what music is best? Decided to get fit for the new year? Do you prefer to exercise to music? Suzy Yates on a fitness regime with music. What are the best songs to work out to? Personal Trainer David Graham has a few suggestions. What's yours?

MPs wife paid for doing no work?

Liberal MP Alex Somlyay accused of defrauding taxpayers A retired Liberal MP has been accused of defrauding taxpayers of tens of thousands of dollars by paying his wife for non-existent work in his electorate office. Andrew Voss on the accusations against Alex Somlyay.

Plain packets help smokers quit?

More people deciding to quit smoking following plain packaging? Is your new year's resolution to quit smoking? It seems the introduction of plain packaging has presented a soaring amount of calls to Quitline. Stuart Bocking on the growing amount of people choosing to quit.

Aussies killed in Syrian conflict

Fighting continues across Syria How have an Australian couple been killed, caught up in fighting in Syria? Stuart Bocking looks at the civil war raging in the country, those travelling to Syria from all over the world to assist, and some there to fight.

Shot dead for texting in cinema

Another shooting at a cinema in the US More gun crime out of the US as a movie-goer is shot dead for texting. Andrew Voss on how the victim and his alleged attacker got into an argument for sending messages on his phone during the movie's previews.

Heatwave: mercury set to soar

Sydney expected to swelter with heatwave conditions this week The mercury is set to soar. Heatwave conditions will hit Sydney over the next few days and we are being warned to prepare for Summer heat. There are also concerns we could see a repeat of last year's bushfires.

Tougher sentences for 'coward hits'

Police crackdown on bad behaviour with new move-on powers Should coward hit perpetrators face a murder charge if their victim dies? As we seek ways to curb alcohol violence, Stuart Bocking looks at tougher sentencing with Howard Brown of Victims of Crime League.

WikiLeaks: Schapelle is innocent?

Will Schapelle Corby be released early from prison? New documents suggest Schapelle Corby is "innocent". WikiLeaks have leaked documents and Gerry Georgatos of the WikiLeaks Party reveals to Mike Jeffreys the pieces of information that require further investigation.

Cate Blanchett wins Golden Globe

Cate Blanchett wins the Golden Globe for Blue Jasmine Australian Cate Blanchett has won best actress at the Golden Globes. She took the time to thank her support team and recognised the progress made in women's roles in the motion picture industry over the past decade.

Do women want to be mechanics?

Do women really want to be mechanics? Is it necessarily a bad thing that there aren't many female mechanics? Mike Jeffreys discusses gender wars with media commentator Casey Burgess who admits she is not keen to be a mechanic and get dirt under her nails.

What's your favourite movie of 2013?

Remember the old time movie cinemas or yesteryear? What were your favourite movies of 2013? What would your choice be if you were handing out Oscars? Suzie Yates on the best of the best movies of 2013 with Senior Editor of Empire Magazine David Michael Brown.

Clearways for weekend traffic?

Drivers slugged for parking & speed? Traffic has become so congested across Sydney that we are about to get clearways in operation over the weekends in some suburbs. Stuart Bocking looks at the proposal and what impact it will have on busy Sydney roads.

Warning on internet drug death

Online scams on the increase and costing Australians millions How safe are our children from drugs on the internet? Daniel Skelly died after purchasing cocaine over the internet using bitcoins. Andrew Voss speaks with his mother Alanna with a timely warning for all parents.

Will a price rise stop binge drinking?

Alcohol abuse: has it reached unacceptable levels? Will raising alcohol prices stop the carnage of binge drinking, or would it just burden the many who do the right thing? Stuart Bocking with Professor Anthony Shakeshaft of the Nation Drug & Alcohol Centre on the proposal.

Are our airline staff flying high?

Do you have to wear a uniform for where you work? How concerned should we be that airline staff are testing positive for drugs and alcohol? It is only a small amount but Andrew Voss looks at whether we need to worry before we fly, for already nervous travelers.

Royal nanny needed for George?

Prince George with Kate & William The Royals are heading to Australia and NZ in April and are looking to hire a nanny for George, but who has the right stuff? Andrew Voss on how to become a royal nanny and serve for two future Kings of England.

What is ahead for you in 2014?

Where to for the financial markets in 2012? What exactly can you expect in the new year? What are the stars saying is your fortune for the new year of 2014? Dale Sinden catches up with Sharina for our Psychic Encounters show on what the year ahead may hold.

Parents: hug your children tightly

Sydney in sympathy for the family of Daniel Christie Daniel Christie's parents released a touching statement after the death of their son. Andrew Voss on Sydney having the family in their thoughts at this difficult time in coming to terms of the coward punch that took his life.

Take action on alcohol violence

Sydney streets turn violent, just add alcohol There are calls for Tony Abbott to accept responsibility for the federal government's role in combating alcohol fuelled violence and actually do something, rather than just writing newspaper pieces on how it bothers him.

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