Andrew Darby

Andrew Darby

Andrew Darby is the Hobart correspondent for Fairfax Media. His focus is on Australia's interests south of 40 Degrees South - Tasmania, the Southern Ocean and Antarctica. He is the author of the internationally published Harpoon: Into the Heart of Whaling

Two dead in Tasmanian mining accident

Police diver.

Andrew Darby Australia's oldest operating mine, Mount Lyell, suspended operations after two of its maintenance crew died in a mine shaft fall on Monday.

Antarctic helicopter crash: survivors had luck on side


Andrew Darby The survivors of an Australian Antarctic helicopter crash are said to owe their lives to two companions, and their rescue to an extraordinary chain of luck.

Expeditioners to be evacuated from Antarctica


Andrew Darby Australian expeditioners seriously injured in a helicopter crash are to be evacuated from Antarctica in a further test of rescue logistics for the national program.

Australia's swim-with-whales tourism more lucrative than Japanese harpooning operations

Andrew Darby Australian scientists have tracked a minke whale from the Great Barrier Reef deep into the sub-Antarctic for the first time, sharply raising the stakes of Japanese whaling.

Bailed Greenpeace activist Colin Russell reunited with family

Andrew Darby Australian Greenpeace activist Colin Russell has had a chance to wash off the smell of a Russian detention centre on being reunited with his family in St Petersburg.

Greenpeace activist Colin Russell granted bail

Greenpeace International Radio operator Colin Russell

Andrew Darby Australian Greenpeace activist Colin Russell has been granted bail, the last of the Arctic 30 to leave detention in Russia on hooliganism charges.

Abbott urged to speak up for Australian activist held in Russian jail

Andrew Darby and Tim Barlass The wife of detained Australian Greenpeace activist Colin Russell has called on Prime Minister Tony Abbott to speak up for him ahead of a critical bail appeal in Russia.

Greenpeace calls on Abbott to act on detained Arctic 30 activist Colin Russell

Colin Russell.

Andrew Darby Head of Greenpeace challenges Prime Minister to speak up for detained Australian activist.

Abbott raises global ire after ditching tuna deal


Andrew Darby The Abbott government has been rebuked by Japan and New Zealand for ditching Australia's commitment to monitor closely its catch of the endangered southern bluefin tuna.

Australia slammed for shelving tuna count plan

Fisherman harvest Southern Blue fin Tuna from their enclosures 20km out to sea from Port Lincoln. Thursday 17th August 2006. THE AGE NEWS Picture by David Mariuz. dmz060817.001.005

Andrew Darby The Abbott government has been rebuked by Japan and New Zealand for ditching Australia's commitment to closely monitor its catch of the endangered southern bluefin tuna.

Mawson starved companion to survive, author claims


Andrew Darby Australia's legendary polar hero Sir Douglas Mawson survived an epic Antarctic ordeal after he deliberately starved his surviving sledging companion to death, a new book suggests.

Mawson doubts: hero or heel?

Douglas Mawson

Andrew Darby Australia's polar hero, Douglas Mawson, survived an epic Antarctic ordeal after he deliberately starved his surviving companion to death and possibly ate him, a new book suggests.

Fake Tasmanian firefighter convicted

Andrew Darby Bradley Peter Smith pleaded guilty to impersonating an emergency services worker.

Voluntary euthanasia bill voted down

17-05-2012 Photo Scott Gelston
Tasmanian State Budget, 2012, handed down in Hobart Tasmania
Treasurer and Premier Lara Giddings gives her Budget 2012-13 press conference at the Executive Building in Hobart

Andrew Darby Bill narrowly voted down in the lower house of the Tasmanian parliament by margin of 13-11.

Dunalley firefighters accused of ignoring warnings

Andrew Darby A bushfire inquiry has found that the Tasmania Fire Service failed to act on computer modelling that showed on the night before the town of Dunalley was hit last January that it was likely to be...

Russia stirs anger with Greenpeace drugs claim

The new Greenpeace Rainbow Warrior ship visits Brisbane

Andrew Darby Russian accusations unite even Greenpeace's detractors against Moscow.

Stressed krill first sign of damage

Colourful Krill.

Andrew Darby Turns out it's the little things we need to worry about in climate change.

Environmental activist charged with piracy

Head shot of arrested activist Colin Russell

Andrew Darby Australian activist and marine radio operator Colin Russell has been charged with piracy.

Nairobi victim laid to rest in Tasmania

Ross Langdon

Andrew Darby, Hobart Ross Langdon, the young Australian architect killed in the Nairobi shopping mall attack, has been buried on the island he left to make good.

Mystery of grand final blood nose


Andrew Darby Tasmania's deputy premier calls media conference to flatly deny punching man at AFL Grand Final.