Andrew Robb

Secrecy surrounds Trans-Pacific Partnership talks

Trade Minister Andrew Robb.

Peter Martin The government has refused to give the Senate access to the secret text of the trade deal it is negotiating in Singapore.

Australia 'stumbling block' on tobacco law


Peter Martin Australia has been accused of failing to defend its historic plain packaging tobacco legislation, with one report from Singapore talks describing Australia as a ‘‘constant stumbling block’’ to other...

Huawei ban 'puts China trade deal in danger'

Peter Cai, Jonathan Swan The Coalition government's decision to uphold an existing ban on Huawei's participation in the national broadband network risks setting back the much-coveted free trade agreement with Australia's...

Church lobby in win over charities watchdog

Cardinal George Pell appearing at the child sex abuse  inquiry.

Royce Millar Tony Abbott intends to abolish body monitoring the billions received by charities each year.

The need for speed

NBN - fibre optics

Lucy Battersby The two major parties are at odds over how much the country should spend to get better broadband connection. Underneath all the bluster, are their proposals so different?

More auto industry layoffs following government changes

Clay Lucas, Mark Hawthorne The Rudd Government's planned changes to fringe benefits tax and salary sacrificing on cars has already impacted on production plans for locally made vehicles, a meeting of the motor industry in...

Abbott faces call to defend paid parental leave plan

Michael Gordon Daniel Hurst Opposition Leader Tony Abbott will be asked to defend, discard or modify his promised generous paid parental leave scheme in the Coalition party room next week, amid growing internal concerns that it...

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Cost of gender gap put at $195b

Dominique Fisher, who has set up an online website for women to help their careers.

Adele Ferguson Australia is missing out on $195 billion or 13 per cent of GDP by failing to close the workforce gender gap, says the chief economist at Goldman Sachs, Tim Toohey.

Gender gap costs country $195b, says economist

Female business executive walking into Sydney University.   afr pic --- Louise Kennerley 05/05/06 --- AFR first use please    Generic - study, university, fees, red, high heels, shoes, suit, business, corporate. SPECIALX 00051172

Adele Ferguson Australia is missing out on $195 billion or 13 per cent of gross domestic product by failing to close the gender gap, chief economist at Goldman Sachs Tim Toohey said.


Abbott's $4.6b slug to business

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott.

Peter Martin The Coalition's tax policies will cost Australian businesses $4.57 billion in their first full year of operation, according to the Commonwealth Treasury.

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Budget update to beat gloom

State Budget 2011

Phillip Coorey and Peter Martin THE federal government will release its midyear budget update next week, prompting accusations it is bringing the document forward to avoid factoring in worsening revenue predictions and jeopardising...

Hockey won't commit to disability plan

Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey.

Opposition treasury spokesman Joe Hockey refuses to commit to funding the National Disability Insurance Scheme, saying the government itself has not fully backed the program.

Opposition sees $50m in outsourcing slash

Markus Mannheim, Edmund Tadros The federal opposition believes it can save taxpayers at least $50 million a year by reining in the bureaucracy's use of consultants.

Hockey has 'deep reservations' over Holden handout


Phillip Coorey THE federal opposition has attacked the $275 million subsidy package given to the car maker Holden, sparking a war of words with the government over the future of manufacturing.

Abbott nanny plan 'a promise he can't afford'


Opposition Leader Tony Abbott's plan to subsidise the cost of nannies to look after children will cost taxpayers almost $2 billion over four years, the government says.

Greens to oppose 'tragedy' of surplus

Ross Peake New Greens leader Christine Milne will oppose Julia Gillard's push for a budget surplus, saying it is a ''tragedy'' that the Prime Minister is locking the government into the stance.

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The Asian Century - our century

Global summit

Daniel Flitton Ken Henry worries Australians could suffer the ''lucky country'' syndrome all over again by too blithely assuming a rising Asia will guarantee future prosperity.

MP powder find sparks police probe

Andrew Robb

Nino Bucci Police have evacuated the electorate office of Federal MP Andrew Robb in Melbourne's south east after staff found a suspicious package.

Michelle Grattan

Abbott, Bishop aid row worsens

Julie Bishop and Tony Abbott

Michelle Grattan The row between Opposition Leader Tony Abbott and his deputy Julie Bishop over proposed cuts to the foreign aid budget has worsened.

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Reporter denies Abbott 'ambush' amid anger over Digger remark

Mark Riley and Tony Abbott.

Thomas Hunter Channel Seven reporter Mark Riley has denied he ambushed Tony Abbott during an interview in which the federal Opposition Leader responded to questions about the death of a soldier with silence.

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