Family First

Tanner decides it's time to put his family first

Farrah Tomazin Hours after Kevin Rudd was rolled yesterday, Finance Minister Lindsay Tanner stunned an already shocked political world by announcing he'd had enough.

Bushfires critic stands for Family First

Family First will name an outspoken critic of fuel reduction efforts before the Black Saturday bushfires as the party's candidate for the seat of McEwen.

Family First anti-gay tweets 'not Wendy's'

Thumbnail image for video asset.Click to play video

Confusion reigns at Family First as chairman Bob Day blames a staffer for comments on Senate candidate Wendy Francis' Twitter page.

Family First has outside Senate chance

Liza Kappelle Family First has a glimmer of a chance in the Senate thanks to preferences and a well-known candidate with deep pockets.

Family First given $400k for failing

Peter Veness Family First will have plenty to spend on its political funeral after pocketing a tad over $400,000 of taxpayers' money for its unsuccessful campaign.

Family First fields 69 Vic hopefuls

The Family First party will field a candidate in 69 out of 88 electorates in Victoria.

Family First MP calls for price war action

A Family First MP in South Australia says pressure is growing on the federal government to take action on the supermarket price war.

Family First gets $405,000 lifeline from its chairman

Ruth Williams and Mark Hawthorne The embattled Family First Party has been thrown a financial lifeline by its chairman Bob Day, who has propped up the organisation with funding of $400,000.

A family first policy bombshell

Tony Wright It's such a cliche. A politician suddenly calls a news conference to announce impending retirement. The reason? He or she wishes to spend more time with the family.

Family First's Steve Fielding loses Senate seat

Megan Levy Family First's Steve Fielding has officially lost his Victorian Senate seat, the Australian Electoral Commission has confirmed today.

Family First gets MP in NSW parliament

Nick Ralston Family First now has a presence in the NSW parliament, with independent upper house member Gordon Moyes announcing he has joined the party.

ABC admits it accidentally released pay details of stars including Tony Jones

Tony Jones

Peter Munro ABC investigators have tracked down the source of an embarrassing leak of the pay packets of its biggest and brightest stars. The culprit, as it turns out, was the ABC itself.

Warm, fuzzy families exist in many forms

Illustration from The Family Hour in Australia.

Andrew Stephens Melbourne artist Tai Snaith had a children's book published last year about the Australian family. In it, she used indigenous animals as a metaphor for different versions of the contemporary...

Minnows threaten Senate havoc

NEWS- Clive Palmer launching his new Uniting Australian Party in Brisbane today.

Heath Aston Clive Palmer and micro-parties threatening to play havoc with PM's legislative agenda.

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The $1m mistake: senator's poll windfall

Daivd Leyonhjelm.

Heath Aston NSW senator-elect David Leyonhjelm, who admits he benefited from voters mistaking him for a Liberal Party candidate on the ballot paper, will receive more than $1 million from taxpayers as a result...

Comments 231

How mistaken identity and luck won on the day

Was the success of David Leyonhjelm's Liberal Democrats party a result of voters confusing it with the Liberal Party?

Tim Colebatch In 2007, David Leyonhjelm, an agricultural consultant with a love of guns and finely hewn libertarian views, stood for Bennelong against then prime minister John Howard.

Bob Katter's campaign video a line-dancing extravaganza

Damien Bright and James Robertson It's a stirring, line-dancing ditty in defense of economic protectionism, or Bob Katter's latest foray into the world of web 2.0.

All in the family

Moses Obeid.

Linton Besser and Kate McClymont Federal Labor is reeling from the arrest of its former MP Craig Thomson on fraud charges, but the NSW corruption inquiry, centred on whether Labor powerbroker Eddie Obeid and his family enriched...

No Sex Party please, we're Google

Australian Sex Party convener Fiona Patten.

Asher Moses The Australian Sex Party will tomorrow lodge formal complaints against Google with the US Department of Justice and the Australian competition watchdog, accusing the search giant of corrupt practices...

Comments 57


ALP threat carries high risks

Tim Colebatch.

Tim Colebatch Like them or loathe them, the Greens are Labor's ally.

Comments 135