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New Zealand

The top destination on Earth, from space

Circling the globe in outer space, retired Canadian astronaut Commander Chris Hadfield was taken with one particular place.



Coral society

The world's largest coral reef is being reinvigorated, writes Sheriden Rhodes, with a range of new and upgraded multimillion-dollar resorts and hotels.


The foam game

CRAIG PLATT Niagara is primarily known for its falls but that does a disservice to the wider area.


You've just gotta zip

Modern cruise ships now offer far more exciting activities than shuffleboard. Leanne West test-drives the newest ones.


It's Bali without the bustle

CAROLYN CUMMINS A haven away from the hurly-burly of the island's crammed tourist strips.


Green and glowing

A garden for cities of the future has been created, writes Leisa Tyler.


Twenty reasons to visit Helsinki

UTE JUNKER A pool where swimming naked is the norm and 19 other reasons to visit the Finnish capital.

Expert traveller

Fruit and veggies, juice ... and witchcraft

The Backpacker The market started off looking normal, but then things took a darker tone.


Where not to go in summer

The Backpacker As the hotter months descend, thoughts turn to summer destinations - but you don't want to be going to these ones.

Comments 128

Do-it-yourself check-in rules

Travellers' Check Soon you'll be checking yourself in at a kiosk on all domestic flights, no matter what airline.

Comments 45

Mama Holiday

Travel can be an education

TRACEY SPICER When it comes to educational travel, it's all about the context. As parents, we dream of showing our kids the world; the university of life.

Where can I find reasonably priced accommodation in Rome?

THE TRIPOLOGIST We are travelling to Europe and looking for reasonably priced accommodation close to the centre of Rome that's not too small.

Travel Insider

Call this a holiday? Surviving staying with the rellies

JANE E FRASER Can staying with relatives ever be a holiday?

Comments 9


Flight test: Vietnam Airlines economy class

FLIGHT TEST The Vietnamese are known for hospitality and warmth, but their airline doesn't reflect this.

Everyone asks: should I drink alcohol on a plane?

THE TRIPOLOGIST A double shot of alcohol and altitude can make for a flight with unpleasant side effects.


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Icy start to New Year as polar bear clubs dive in

Throughout the northern hemisphere, revellers have welcomed in the new year by taking a dip in icy waters.
