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Next-gen sex gizmos turn foreplay into gameplay

Alex Hawgood For the modern-day pleasure seeker, sexual stimulation is rendered in a series of 1s and 0s.


Editor's picks

Year in review

Top 10 Technology and Digital Life articles in 2013

BEN GRUBB With the end of the year fast approaching, Ben Grubb takes a look at the Technology and Digital Life section stories that captured our readers' imaginations online in 2013.

Digital life

How safe are online memories?

Stuart Jeffrey How much of the work we do, or the memories we have captured, will still be safe online in a few years?


Man flu: it affects manly men, research suggests

Lydia Hales "Manlier" men are less resistant to the effects of one strain of the flu, research suggests.


The weirdest patents of 2013

From smart bras and wigs to a digital neck tattoo, here are the year's wackiest patents.


Antarctic tourist ship trapped

Tourists on an Antarctic-bound cruise liner spent Christmas waiting to be rescued.


The best apps for your new gadgets

The must-have apps to make the most of your new gadgets.

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Jurassic park possible: scientist

Dinosaurs really could be brought back to life, a biochemist at Oxford University believes.


Snowden: mission accomplished

Snowden's revelations have been felt in governments, pop culture and around the world.


Samsung Galaxy S4 security flaw

Researchers claim to have found a major hole in Samsung's Knox security software.


2013's weirdest, wackiest tech gifts

Need inspiration for what to buy with all those gift cards? Check out these wacky tech options.


3D video calls a step closer

"Help me Obi Wan Kenobi" might have been the first vision of this new technology.

Blogs & Columns

Gadgets on the go

Will you get a visit from the Boxing Day Bunny?

Adam Turner After Santa has come and gone, which tech bargains will you pick up in the post-Christmas sales?

Comments 1

Screen Play

The best video games of 2013

James Dominguez The community has had their say, but now it's DexX's turn to list his picks for the best games of 2013.

Comments 1

Bleeding Edge

New menu for custom-built PC connoisseurs

Building your own PC has become even better value, as specialised components filter down to the mainstream.


How to take a photo inside looking out

How do I take a photo of my house that features indoors and outdoors, but is correctly exposed?


One for all, and all in one

The next generation of games consoles are designed to be central home-entertainment hubs.


Right stuff in the space race

A disregard for their own safety and the courage to tackle the unknown was part of early astronauts' make-up.


Top headlines from Mashable


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