Illustration: Matt Golding.

Illustration: Matt Golding.

The Greens will push for a ban on the promotion of alcohol in sport, arguing that it provides a loophole for the alcohol industry to target children.

Greens health spokesman Richard Di Natale said he would move for a Senate inquiry into alcohol promotion to children when Federal Parliament returns next month.

Richard Di Natale

Richard Di Natale.

Senator Di Natale said there was growing community concern about drunken violence and other alcohol-related problems.

The Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice does not allow alcohol advertising before 8.30pm, but in what Senator Di Natale called ''a huge loophole'', alcohol ads can be shown at any time of day as part of a live sporting broadcast.

Senator Di Natale said this meant thousands of children being exposed to alcohol advertising while watching sporting events, such as the final Ashes Test, which begins in Sydney on Friday. ''A young child who sits down to watch that will be bombarded with messages encouraging them to drink,'' he said. ''That's a huge problem, and that loophole needs to be closed.''

Senator Di Natale said the inquiry would also consider whether a ban or tougher regulations on sports sponsorship were necessary.

"Our major codes continue to promote alcohol consumption to a very young and impressionable audience," he said.

Carlton United Breweries sponsors Cricket Australia, the AFL and NRL. The NRL is also sponsored by Campari.

Senator Di Natale called on those sporting bodies to follow the example of the football A-League and Netball Australia in refusing alcohol sponsorship.

The National Alliance for Action on Alcohol has long called for a ban on alcohol advertising during live sport. Its co-chairman, Todd Harper, said an inquiry was needed.

''Given the rates of harm that we're seeing with young people, we really need to do much better in the way we control promotion of alcohol to young people," he said.

More than 94 per cent of students aged 12 to 17 report having seen alcohol advertising on television.

The alliance says half of all alcohol advertising appears during children's popular viewing times.

Mike Daube, the Public Health Association of Australia's spokesman on alcohol, also backed the push for an inquiry, saying major sporting codes were ''swimming'' in alcohol sponsorship.