Opposition Leader Bill Shorten addresses the media during a press conference at Parliament House in Canberra on Monday 2 December 2013. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten will begin his political year with a cost-of-living attack on the government, centred on its plan to cut the Schoolkids Bonus that goes out this week to more than a million Australian families in mostly safe Labor electorates, probably for the last time.

Legislation to axe the payment of $410 for eligible primary school children and $820 for secondary school children is currently stalled in the Senate.

Finance Minister Mathias Cormann said the bonus ''involves spending money the government doesn't have'', arguing that it was unaffordable because it was linked to the mining tax, which had failed to deliver forecast revenue.

''We were very clear in the lead-up to the last election that if elected the Schoolkids Bonus would go and eventually it will,'' Senator Cormann said.

The government hopes to pass the legislation ending the bonus once the composition of the upper house changes in July.

On Sunday the opposition released analysis of Department of Social Services figures showing the electorates that most benefit from the schoolkids bonus are overwhelmingly Labor-held.

In Victoria, the seat with the most families claiming the bonus - nearly 18,000 - is former prime minister Julia Gillard's former electorate of Lalor, now held by Joanne Ryan. Anthony Byrne's seat of Holt has more than 17,000 families claiming the bonus and Calwell, held by Labor backbencher Maria Vamvakinou, has 14,751 families receiving it. Gorton, held by shadow minister for employment and workplace relations Brendan O'Connor, has more than 14,000 families collecting it.

But Senator Cormann invoked former Labor prime ministers to bolster his argument to get rid of the payment.

''Only last week Bob Hawke and Paul Keating were calling for bigger spending cuts, yet right now the current Labor Party is opposing $20 billion of sensible savings, including $5 billion in savings they themselves initiated and banked in their last budget,'' he said.

''The current generation of Labor leaders is too weak and too reckless to do the right thing.''

Mr Shorten said Prime Minister Tony Abbott's priorities were ''all wrong''. ''If Tony Abbott gets his legislation through the Senate … it means families will find it much more difficult to pay for those important things like school books and uniforms,'' he said.

Mr Shorten said the government had spent the Christmas break flagging ''big hits to the hip pocket'', including the average 6.2 per cent increase in private health insurance premiums next year, approved by Health Minister Peter Dutton two days before Christmas, and the proposal made to the Prime Minister's Commission of Audit, to introduce an upfront fee of $6 for GP visits.