<i>Illustration: Simon Bosch</i>

Illustration: Simon Bosch

As Amanda Vanstone once famously asked: What can five bucks buy you anyway? Now the government appears to be considering a $5 or $6 fee for Medicare-funded doctor's visits, which have hitherto been free, it is worth reminding ourselves, with the fearless logic of the former family and community services minister, that such an amount is a piffling sum.

As Vanstone said back in 2003: ''Five dollars, hell, what will it buy you? A sandwich and a milkshake, if you're lucky. Not much.''

Vanstone was talking in the context of welfare payments. She argued that while it was heart-wrenching to hear impecunious people plead for just $5 more a week, in reality such an amount wouldn't go very far anyway.

It was fabulous political logic. If you're not broke, a sandwich and a milkshake qualifies as a snack you could dispense with with little hardship. But, to others, such a culinary combo easily qualifies as ''a meal'' - something that people on welfare, and many others besides, seem to attach great importance to.

Vanstone's comments were controversial because, at the same time as she made them, treasurer Peter Costello was selling the tax cuts he had just handed out in his annual budget. The average tax cut per Australian worker? About $5 a week. Some interpreted her comments as a veiled jab at the Treasurer. Whatever the case, it was all very confusing - while average Australians were supposed to be thanking the fiscally responsible treasurer for giving them a shake-n-sandwich-sized bonus, his fellow minister was urging us not to sweat the small stuff.

As reported by the Herald this week, there are divergent opinions among healthcare experts and economists as to whether a $6 Medicare co-payment for bulk-billing services would be equitable or not.

Both sides of the debate seem to agree it will deter people (especially the poor people who generally use bulk-billing services, and therefore the ones this change would mostly affect) from going to the doctor too often. In other words, it will act as an effective price signal.

The most compelling argument I read against the fee is that while it will deter the poor from going to see their doctors as often, this won't save as much money as projected ($750 million over four years) because it's not the poor who see their doctors too much. It's the middle class.

As reported by Jonathan Swan on Wednesday, Professor John Glover, a public health expert from the University of Adelaide, has found that those in the poorest neighbourhoods are much more likely than the affluent to put off seeing their doctor because they can't afford to.

This makes intuitive sense. The more affluent you are, the more educated you are likely to be about your health, the benefits of preventive medicine and the perks you can claim on Medicare - everything from psychological counselling and obscure blood tests to Pap smears and eyelid-lifting for medical purposes.

Of course, the large majority of what we claim on Medicare has a public health benefit and any politician who tampers with Medicare does so at his or her own peril.

Australians pay reasonably high income tax, as well as the Medicare levy. In return, they expect free (or, at they very least, heavily subsidised) healthcare. Our Medicare system is a source of national pride and one of the things, along with gun control, that separates us from the occasional barbarism of the Americans.

Australians know they are lucky to have a subsidised healthcare system and the fact that its cost is blowing out is testament to its success and, in part, our affluence.

''Price signalling'' - the imposition of a fee to decrease demand for something which damages the economy or the public good - is something we will hear more and more about in years to come, as our problems of affluence worsen.

Price signalling generally works to combat over-consumption but politicians have contradictory attitudes towards it. While Labor was happy to embrace price signalling in the form of carbon pricing, the opposition seems not to like the Medicare co-payment idea.

The government, in general, and Prime Minister Tony Abbott, in particular, spent a large part of the past two years brandishing the carbon tax-enhanced electricity bills of ordinary Australians and barking about cost of living increases. Now the government appears to be floating an idea that would go straight to the bottom line of the budgets of those same ordinary Australians.

Alcohol-fuelled violence is a huge topic of debate in NSW and while the government seems willing to consider licensing and venue controls, hell will freeze over and many more will have their heads knocked into pavements before governments will consider, for example, setting a minimum price per unit of alcohol.

Before Christmas, The Economist, hardly a cheerleader for market manipulation or carefree taxation, published an approving editorial about Scottish legislation, which set the minimum unit price of booze to 50 pence (93¢). The newspaper reported that binge-drinking and alcohol-related violence are growing worldwide, even in countries such as Spain and France, which have historically had a functional, food-oriented and moderate drinking culture. The French even have a new phrase for binge drinking: beuverie express.

In 2008, then prime minister Kevin Rudd did introduce an ''alcopops'' tax to curb teen binge-drinking but, like so many other Labor policies, it was poorly thought through. It didn't work because young people just moved on to other, cheaper drinks, which only confirms what The Economist reports - that, when it comes to alcohol use, price rises cut consumption, particularly among young people, who tend to have less money.

The other affluence-borne problem of our age is, of course, obesity. Here, again, the overwhelming evidence is that price signalling would work to decrease it. Deborah Cohen, a scientist and author of the forthcoming book A Big Fat Crisis: The Hidden Forces Behind the Obesity Epidemic and How We Can End It, argues that Westerners are fatter than ever not because they don't exercise enough or because they lack access to fresh fruit and vegetables. It's because calorie-dense, nutrition-poor food is too cheap and available.

''Why do we eat more than we need? The simple answer: because we can,'' Cohen wrote in The Washington Post. ''At home and at restaurants, a dollar puts more calories on our plates than ever before.''

In other words, that same $5 goes further than Vanstone could ever have dreamed of - and that's not always a good thing. But don't expect politicians to give you a straight answer on whether a ''prawn'', as a $5 note is known in Australianish, is an unbearable price impost or a ''modest co-payment''. They can't make up their minds.