LNP Candidate for Griffith Dr Bill Glasson.

LNP Candidate for Griffith Dr Bill Glasson says he would support gay marriage in a conscience vote. Photo: Michelle Smith

Same-sex marriage proponents can count on another vote in the Federal Parliament no matter which of the major party candidates is elected in the Griffith byelection.

Liberal National Party federal MP Warren Entsch told News Corp this week he expected the Abbott government to allow a conscience vote on the issue in 2014, possibly as soon as the next sitting period.

Labor has preselected lawyer Terri Butler in its bid to hold on to the seat of Griffith.

Labor candidate for Griffith Terri Butler supports a federal vote on same sex marriage. Photo: Harrison Saragossi

Mr Entsch, the member for Australia's northernmost electorate Leichhardt in far north Queensland, has long been a vocal proponent for marriage equality.

Employment lawyer Terri Butler was last month endorsed as Labor's candidate for Griffith, vacated by former prime minister Kevin Rudd, while ophthalmologist Bill Glasson will again attempt to win the seat for the LNP.

Both said they would vote to allow same-sex marriage, although Dr Glasson's vote was dependent on Prime Minister Tony Abbott allowing a conscience vote.

"If I was given the opportunity of a conscience vote, then I would certainly have no hesitation in supporting marriage for all Australians," he said.

"I have had the privilege of being married to my darling wife Claire and have three beautiful children, so marriage is very important to me.

"The fundamentals of marriage are love, trust and commitment between two people.

"I certainly believe what defines marriage are those values and not the gender of the people who enter into it."

Ms Butler said she would "actively campaign" marriage equality in the Federal Parliament, but she doubted it would come to a vote in the coming year.

"I grew up in Cairns and [Mr Entsch] has always been a bit of a maverick," she said.

"I can't really comment on what Warren Entsch knows or doesn't know, but I think it's indicative of a broader groundswell of support in the Coalition ranks for same-sex marriage...

"They feel, I think, rightly aggrieved that they're not in a position to back a bill that would allow for same-sex marriage."

Ms Butler said it was ultimately up to Mr Abbott to free up Coalition MPs to vote with their conscience.

In September 2012, the House of Representatives voted 98-42 against a bill to allow all couples, regardless of sex, to enter into marriages.

Labor MPs were granted a conscience vote, allowing them to support or oppose the bill, but Coalition MPs were bound to vote as a bloc against the proposal.

Among the Labor MPs to vote against the move were then-prime minister Julia Gillard, her predecessor and successor Mr Rudd and then-treasurer Wayne Swan.

"I would say if I were elected and I had a vote, you know where mine would be cast," Ms Butler said.

"But this is a question squarely for the Prime Minister – does he believe in equality or not?"

Regardless of whether Mr Abbott allowed a conscience vote during the current 44th Federal Parliament, Dr Glasson said change was inevitable.

"It's just a matter of whether it'll be this Parliament, the next Parliament or the one after that," he said.

In the lead-up to the 2013 federal election, Mr Rudd became a vocal supporter of marriage equality, despite his earlier opposition.

The Greens' Griffith candidate Geoff Ebbs, who will run again in the byelection, also supports same-sex marriage.

Mr Rudd's 8.5 per cent margin was sliced to 3.01 per cent in the 2013 election.