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Sunday: Interfaith prayer service for peace in Corpus Christi parish

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Each month the Columbus Faith Coalition Against Gun Violence holds a one-hour prayer/meditation for peace at a different central Ohio faith congregation. In January the theme of the service will be "Racial and Ethnic Violence."

The interfaith prayer service will be held on Sunday, January 5 from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Corpus Christi Center of Peace, 1111 E. Stewart Avenue in Columbus. Everyone is welcome. Email for more information.

The Corpus Christi Center of Peace is located in the south end of Columbus, an area that has been decimated by plant closings and population migration to the suburbs.

The Center of Peace was created in early 2012 by Corpus Christi parishioners as a spiritual and community outreach center, a place that might revitalize the parish and serve some of the needs of the surrounding neighborhood. Their vision is to be a peaceful presence in a neighborhood where poverty and gang violence have taken a heavy toll in recent years.



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