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Federal Politics

'Cover-up' of violent PNG police-army clash on Manus

Natalie O'Brien The Australian-run detention centre on Manus Island was gripped with chaos and confusion during a violent clash between the notorious Papua New Guinea police mobile squad hired to secure the centre and the PNG army, internal Immigration Department documents show.

Latest political news

Bishop wants Aussies in trouble to pay for help

Julie Bishop

Georgie Stone, Robert Upe Thousands of Australians finding themselves in trouble overseas are facing the prospect of new charges for government help.

Medicare 'unsustainable without overhaul'

The Medicare levy generates about $9 billion.

DAN HARRISON Health Minister Peter Dutton has flagged an overhaul of Medicare, warning soaring costs will make the system ''unmanageable'' without change.


Record sparks hot debate on Abbott's policy

heat wave

Peter Hannam and David Wroe Australia smashed its previous annual heat record in 2013, sparking renewed political debate about climate change.

Row over government buying cheap imports

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ROSS PEAKE Paper and clothing manufacturers are complaining bitterly about the flood of cheap imports and calling for the Abbott government to have the political courage to ''buy Australian'' even as it slashes the budget.

Greenpeace activist may have to pay the bill

Greenpeace activist Collin Russell with his wife Christine and daughter Madeleine speaking to the media after arriving back in Hobart tonight.
Mr Russell had been detained in Russia following a protest action on an Arctic oil rig in September.
Thurs 2nd Jan 2014
picture by Peter Mathew

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop says she may ask Greenpeace activist Colin Russell to foot the bill for the government assistance.

Drop in asylum seeker boat numbers

Asylum boat diverted over self-harm threats (Thumbnail)

DAVID WROE The Abbott government is claiming victory on border protection, with boat arrivals in the three months to December the lowest in five years.

Film buff's starring role on ASIO spy cam

Persons Of Interest ASIO Surveillance - David STRATTON 
Director of the Sydney Film Festival David Stratton outside the Soviet Embassy in Canberra 1969. By the mid 1950s ASIO became concerned that culture itself could be a front for communism.  The Sydney and Melbourne Film Festivals screened Soviet films and therefore became targets for ASIO
Photo supplied by Smart Street Films

RICK FENELEY A young David Stratton visits the Soviet embassy in Canberra, blissfully unaware that Australia's spy service is watching and snapping a photo.

Superannuation tapped to pay for surgery

Tamara Wilks

LUCY CARROLL Cost-of-living pressures forced more than 10,000 Australians to raid their superannuation last year, with many paying for medical treatments including radical weight-loss surgery.

Record heat shows need for carbon tax: Labor

The world will release more carbon dioxide through the burning of fossil fuels in 2013 than any other year in human history.

A sweltering 2013, Australia's hottest year on record, has been seized on by Labor and the Greens to accuse Prime Minister Tony Abbott of ignoring the science and listening to the "tinfoil hat brigade".

Surge in charities prompts donations warning


JAMES ROBERTSON Australians registered more than 2000 tax-exempt charities last year, growth that some philanthropists warn is becoming counterproductive.

Australia to deport NZ burglar

Dieb burglar - generic pic

Liam Hyslop A 24-year-old New Zealander who has lived in Australia since he was nine is to be deported because he has a history of violence.

Tony Abbott: Jury out on me as PM

LNP candidate Bill Glasson backs $6 GP fee

Assange's dad to start legal action against PM

Detainee rape claims on Christmas Island

Capital city house prices grew by 10% in 2013

Funding blow for Jewish centre

Zimbabwe embassy hits back at ambassador

Broadband speeds a mixed bag, study finds

Abbott set to fall short on jobs pledge

Griffith candidates back gay marriage vote

Retailers expect $15 billion windfall

Planet to warm by 4 degrees by 2100

PM calls for optimism in new year message

Abbott adviser stirs controversy again

Comment & Analysis


'Tis the season for MPs to dump bad news

Environment minister Greg Hunt

JONATHAN SWAN 4:47pm Opinion At the end of every year politicians observe a tradition as dear to them as Christmas. While Australians binge on food, drink and sunshine, federal ministers use the cover of the holidays to dump bad news on a presumably uninterested public.


Proposed $6 GP fee would hurt the poorest

Gareth Hutchens

GARETH HUTCHENS Would you mind paying a small fee to visit your doctor? There are good economic reasons why the idea is being considered, even if you don't like the sound of it.

Super rich becoming the 21st century dictators

Occupy Wall Street demonstrators carry dollar signs.

Christian Caryl In Russia, just 110 people own 35 per cent of the country's wealth. But it is merely the most extreme case of a trend that potentially represents one of the greatest threats to democracy: the spread of oligarchy.

History has taught us a thirst for war remains

Mud and desolation in Flanders.

WARWICK MCFADYEN The Cold War perfected humankind's genius in manufacturing our annihilation through nuclear weapons. There are still more than enough warheads to do it.

A tale of two cities is retold in New York

Julia Baird dinkus

JULIA BAIRD The gulf between poor and rich has grown so broad again that economists claim we are now in the Second Gilded Age. And this fact has just struck New Yorkers. Hard.

Nuclear ruin beckons, if not for good luck


Bruce Anderson The Western world has lost control of the ship and it all started in 1888.

Republic idea lives on - for good reasons


GEOFF GALLOP The British Crown came to Australia in 1788 and has been with us ever since. It personified our links to a tradition that privileged some ideas without destroying others.

Lack of accountability clouds climate debate

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John McLean The world's so-called authority on climate change engages in exaggerated science and has become a political tool.

Comments 167

Labor needs to rethink asylum seeker policy

mike richards

Mike Richards A new year should see Labor take some moral leadership on the treatment of refugees.

Comments 45

One wedding, three stories and fish porn

Fairfax Media writer

PAUL SHEEHAN Last Sunday, outside a pretty little church in Hunters Hill - St Peter Chanel, named after the only Catholic martyr in Polynesia - a wedding party and guests assembled. And assembled. And assembled.

Comments 40

Centuries-old dispute haunts Sochi Olympics

A bus destroyed in a Volgograd explosion.

James Barry North Caucasians have long railed against Russia's rubbery notions of people and place.

Resolution: to fund an equitable future for all

Sally Young.

Sally Young The government is promising a tough budget to balance the books, but there are many tax loopholes it will likely ignore.

Comments 47

The side effects of GP co-payments

Doctor's equipment.

Jennifer Doggett We should contribute to our healthcare costs. But this is not the best way.

Be thankful a free press exposes corruption

Jonathan Holmes.

Jonathan Holmes A Moroccan visit reminded this tourist of how media clamps and baksheesh shackle people.

Sugar: How sweet it is ... and how bad it is


PETER MARTIN Let me guess. You're going to lose weight. Let me guess again. You won't succeed for long. The standard approach, the one that almost always fails, is to treat weight as an exercise in accounting.

Comments 207

Special features

ASIO files: That looks suspicious, doesn't it?

ASIO's secret surveillance films and photos captured many innocent Australians. Now we can see them. Rick Fenely reports.

It's heating up - and not just in the kitchens of bickering MPs

Peter Hannam Rising temperatures are inevitable, say the experts, so brace yourself for more.

Mystery of the unknown sailor of HMAS Sydney

Bridie Smith It is a mystery that has taken decades to unfold. And the final chapters are agonisingly close to being told.

Perfect storm lures Australians to war

Ruth Pollard It is only 1pm but the winter sky is already darkening in the border town of Kilis and the reception room of this small, nondescript hotel is bleak and cold.

Gaffes and power struggles: Federal politics in 2013

There is little doubt that the past year in politics was dominated by two key events - the federal election, and the battle between Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard for the Labor leadership.

Comments 82

Brandis' security clean-up leaves out messy questions

Richard Ackland: Loose ends tend to clutter our lives and, supposedly, a new year is a good time to tidy them up or burn them to cinders.

Flat-earth thinking ignores climate facts

David Karoly Maurice Newman must have thought that December 31 was April Fool's Day when he wrote an opinion piece headed "Crowds go cold on climate cost".

Comments 340

Keating almost axed negative gearing

The Hawke government helped sow the seeds of housing unaffordability in major cities when it backed away from abolishing negative gearing on investment properties, Cabinet records released today show.

Comments 235

The struggle for indigenous land rights

Damien Murphy The Hawke Government continued to grapple with the sensitive issue of indigenous land rights.

Crocodile Dundee and 'Joh for Canberra'

Damien Murphy Australia seemed unstoppable in 1986 and 1987 when the Hawke-Keating combo was at its zenith.

Political pics of the year

Three Prime Minister, two leadership ballots and an election campaign for 2013. The best photos from a tumultuous year.

The meltdown: How Labor self-destructed

Together, Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard had the support of the nation and the party. Divided, their feud would be the undoing of a government. An investigation by Peter Hartcher.

Investigating MPs' expenses

Fairfax Media has conducted an extensive investigation on MPs claiming expense entitlements. Read our coverage here.

Cartoon Gallery

Home of the best cartoons by our resident artists from The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and The Canberra Times.

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Should there be a ban on alcohol advertising during sporting broadcasts?

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