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Diet & Fitness

Make your body really, really work

11:01am Converts to HIIT, the fitness craze for 2014, argue that just two 35-minute sessions a week bring extraordinary benefits. Jim White is put through his paces.

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Two things

Want to shape up for the new year? Here's how and why


Nanci Hellmich Need more motivation than looking and feeling better? Here it is.

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Fat crisis

The top five obesity myths


Deborah Cohen is a senior natural scientist at US think tank Rand Corp. and the author of the forthcoming book A Big Fat Crisis: The Hidden Forces Behind the Obesity Epidemic and How We Can End It.

Spike in harm to liver linked to dietary aids

Generic pic of a pill, medicine, vitamins, supplements.

So-called "fat-burning" supplements can cause liver damage, study finds.

Dreaming big

Make your resolutions real and meaningful

Stretching and exercise

Most people aspire to be more, do more, and live more fulfilling lives.

The alkaline diet: does it work?

Orange Girl

Kathleen Alleaume The "alkaline" diet claims to whittle the waistline, curb inflammatory conditions and even cure cancer. Yet the evidence supporting any of these health claims is pretty slim. Here's what you need to know.

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Do vitamins block disease?

Generic pic of a pill, medicine, vitamins, supplements.

There’s more disappointing news about multivitamins: Two major studies found popping the pills did not protect ageing men’s brains or help heart attack survivors.

Junk food may hurt your memory along with your health

Supermarket shopper.

LUCY CARROLL Forget the damage to your waistline - over-indulging at Christmas could take its toll on your brain cells, too.

Can you find calm in a can?


Paula Goodyer After a tsunami of energy drinks, could relaxation drinks be the next wave?

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Can calm come in a can?

Pile of chamomile

Paula Goodyer Herbal fizzy drinks that claim to help with relaxation and sleep are on the rise.

How exercise revs brain power

brain scan

Christie Aschwanden Researchers are finding that fitness has a long-term influence on a wide range of cognitive abilities.

Is having fun the key to getting fit?


CATHERINE RODIE Skate-fit, POUND and Zumba ... how the 'fun-factor' is getting people who resist exercise over the line.

Going green

Jay-Z goes green

Jay-Z gives baby Blue a good rap (Thumbnail)

SARAH BERRY It's hardly what you expect from a cigar-smoking, bling-toting, former drug dealer, but Jay-Z (and wife Beyonce) are going green.

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The kilo creep

Let's hear it for a lighter Christmas

food thumbnail

Paula Goodyer It's hard to lose weight at Christmas - but you can avoid putting it on.

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Sex as exercise

young couple feet in bed

SARAH BERRY Sex may be the more exciting exercise equivalent to pounding the pavement. And, when it comes to sex, we hardly need the extra motivation of exercise.

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How to slash the restaurant meal calories

Food thumb

Susie Burrell With Aussies consuming one-third of their calories away from the home, chances are you are enjoying dinner out at least once a week. While there are healthier choices on most menus, what we often forget is that the very nature of restaurant eating means that we are likely to be consuming many more calories than we would if we prepared a similar meal at home. In fact, a relatively simple restaurant meal could easily set you back more than 1500 calories over an hour or two. So, if you eat out regularly, becoming more aware of where the extra calories are may be the key to preventing restaurant eating weight gain.

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Healthy eating revealed to be costly option


Lydia Hales A healthy diet hits wallets harder than an unhealthy one, although opting for the latter may not be a bargain in the long run, a study suggests.

The fat's in the firing line as McDonald's home delivers


SARAH WHYTE Healthy eating in Australia has a new enemy: home-delivered McDonald's.

Put down that juice!

Paltrow's trainer compares juice cleanses to Twinkies

Gwyneth Paltrow

Put down that juice!

Presence of mind

xmas tree

Paula Goodyer Give yourself a gift this Christmas: enjoy a little of the things you love without the weighty legacy.

Old ways: Paleo Cafe serves up meals fit for a caveman

'Kangaroo Fillet Salad'

KIM ARLINGTON Chances are our Paleolithic ancestors never served up their woolly mammoth with a wild mushroom jus, or their ocean-caught fish with a pistachio and coconut crust. But, like humans themselves, the Paleo diet has evolved. Modern Australians are eating like it is the Stone Age, but with fancier garnishes.

Nerves in stomach keep track of the time


Lydia Hales Stomachs do not merely digest food, they also keep track of the time, research suggests.

Christmas survival

Tis the season to keep your eye on the prize, not the pies


Susie Burrell If you consider that an extra mince pie a day will leave you with an extra kilogram over a period of just four weeks, it is not difficult to see how the Christmas cheer can really pile on the kilos if we are not careful. So before you completely disregard your regular healthy eating and exercise habits and become victim to several weeks of holiday overindulging, here are some examples of the most common party season habits that can stack the kilos on, and the key ways you can avoid becoming a victim to them.

Fitness trends 2014: Zumba not the HIIT the trendspotters thought

Dance Fitness

SARAH BERRY This year it's all been about the twerk. At least it has been according to the most searched exercise terms on Google.

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Weight-loss surgery should be publicly funded, says expert


Julia Medew, Health Editor Weight loss surgery will become as common as hip replacements and cataract procedures in Australia.

Gwyneth's trainer says ...

Light weights v. heavy weights - what's best?

Fitness weights dumbells dumbbels

Paula Goodyer Women shouldn't train with weights of more than 3lbs says Gwyneth Paltrow's personal trainer. Really?

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