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Investing Research

20 December 2013

10 things you must do in 2014

James Kirby

The outlook for the year ahead looks encouraging. Here’s our key rules for 2014.

2013: The year that was

Dr Doug Turek

Investors in equities did well this year … but offshore was the place to be.

Explaining the last quarter’s rollercoaster ride

David Gilmour

Here’s seven reasons for our market’s slide in recent times … but all’s well that ends well.

Reconciling the taper and MYEFO

Adam Carr

Investors should look beyond the politics to get the real economic picture.

Energy over the oil barrel

Tim Treadgold

The energy game is changing rapidly, and investors need to be very switched on.

No stopping the raging bull

Clifford Bennett

The equities market will continue to surge as the world picks up economic momentum.

18 December 2013

CTI’s road to expansion

Simon Dumaresq

The WA transport and logistics group is trucking ahead … and investors should get on-board.

Abernethy’s 10 calls for 2014

John Abernethy

The year ahead will be testing for Australian investors on multiple levels … and here are 10 key areas to watch.

Five small cap trends for 2014

Brendon Lau

The small caps sector continues to lag the broader market, but see why 2014 will be their year.

Sirius worth a serious look

Tim Treadgold

The nickel miner is well placed for growth, with a world-class discovery and the scent of another.

Swindlers, saints and spruikers: A life-science health guide

Justin Braitling

Finding the best life science or biotech companies is more about analysing human nature than science.

Collected Wisdom

David Gilmour

This week we look at Brambles, OZ Minerals, TPG Telecom, Transfield Services and Echo Entertainment.

16 December 2013

My five most common questions

Max Newnham

Just how does superannuation work, property in a DIY fund, and franked dividend concerns jump out as the big concerns for our subscribers over the past year.

Is property best inside a SMSF?

Bruce Brammall

There are pros and cons in buying property within a super fund … here’s why.

BHP and Rio’s recovery path

Adam Carr

Both mining giants are undervalued, and set for recovery.

More issues on 2014 horizon

Philip Bayley

Hybrids and bonds issuance was down sharply this year, but next year will likely be different.

Searching for seasonal inspiration

Percy Allan

There are tell-tale market signals at this time of year … but it’s still a matter of timing.