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IR laws put brakes on carmakers

Auto manufacturing

THE nation's carmaking industry is too small and too expensive to compete on the world stage.

Fighting worsens in South Sudan

South Sudan slides into civil war

FIGHTING escalated in South Sudan last night, with a top commander in an oil-producing region allegedly defecting to rebels.

Palmer coal play gets federal OK


CLIVE Palmer has received a final federal government environmental approval for his $6.4 billion coal project in the Galilee Basin.

Disability pension faces review

One million to be on disability pension

WITH almost 5 per cent of people on the Disability Support Pension, the Abbott government is reportedly considering a shake-up.

Bondi bashing victim 'up and laughing'

Bondi bashing victim 'up and l...

A MAN left critically injured after being bashed in Bondi last week has woken up.


Dennis Shanahan

'The government's strengths are being overshadowed by unfair focus on its mistakes'

THE government's strengths are being overshadowed by unfair focus on its mistakes.

Grace Collier

'Changes to the Fair Work Act will do little to help Australia's present problems'

CHANGES to the Fair Work Act will do little to help Australia's present problems.

Gerard Henderson

'Some in the media enjoy portraying the Prime Minister as a fundamentalist'

SOME in the media enjoy portraying the Prime Minister as a fundamentalist.

Judith Sloan

'Many suggested improvements ignore some fundamental economic realities'

MANY suggested improvements ignore some fundamental economic realities.

Peter van Onselen

'Political appointees attract flak but are par for the course'

POLITICAL appointees attract flak but are par for the course.


1 of 5


Fire danger back in many areas

After heat, now thunderstorms

STRONG winds have blown away much of South Australia's fire risk but gusts mean people and property could in danger from bushfires elsewhere in the lead-up to Christmas.

Dumping 'least of SPC's woes'

SPC Ardmona

THE plight of fruit processor SPC Ardmona is due to a number of factors, the government's top economic advisory body has found.

EXCLUSIVE Aboriginal 'recidivists' to be managed

Kevin Andrews with Katrina Douglas and her children

INDIGENOUS people in Cape York who refuse to address drug, alcohol and other problems will have 90 per cent of welfare payments managed.

EXCLUSIVE Qantas inflating its crisis: Air NZ

Christopher Luxon Air New Zealand CEO

AIR NZ chief executive Christopher Luxon has accused Qantas of orchestrating a crisis situation.

Khodorkovsky starts a free man

Russia Khodorkovsky

RUSSIA'S most famous prisoner, the Kremlin critic and former oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky, today began life as a free man.

Abseiler falls to death


AN abseiler fell to his death in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney, but a woman companion has been rescued.

EXCLUSIVE Failed airline owned by bike stars

Tony Abbott leaves a Brindabella Airlines plane

BRINDABELLA Airlines, whose planes were grounded for safety breaches, is co-owned by two British former world motorcycling champions.

EXCLUSIVE Parents key to truancy 'army'

Noel Pearson

CAPE York leader Noel Pearson has backed a plan to send 400 truancy officers into 40 communities to lift school attendance rates.

EXCLUSIVE Coalition push to axe forest listing

Coalition push to axe forest listing

THE Abbott government will push ahead with a bid to unwind World Heritage listing for about 100,000ha of Tasmanian forest.

Big four defend low rates on super

big four banks

MAJOR banks denied yesterday they were pushing superannuation money into low-yielding bank accounts to boost profits.

Less than the sum of its many parts

Catholic Church less than the sum of its many parts

THE abuse royal commission has heard significant admissions.

Aussie's Chinese jail term slashed

China flag

AUSTRALIAN businesswoman Charlotte Chou could be freed next year from a Chinese jail after her eight-year embezzlement term was slashed.

Fighting worsens in South Sudan

South Sudan slides into civil war

FIGHTING escalated in South Sudan last night, with a top commander in an oil-producing region allegedly defecting to rebels.

Khodorkovsky starts a free man

Russia Khodorkovsky

RUSSIA'S most famous prisoner, the Kremlin critic and former oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky, today began life as a free man.

Reforms we have to have

Joe Hockey

RESHAPING public spending must be at the heart of next year's agenda.

Taking hypocrisy to a new level


POLITICAL appointees attract flak but are par for the course.

Men lost at sea found clinging to Esky

Two men have been found grasping an Esky after spending the night in seas off the northern NSW coast.


Abseiler dies in the Blue Mountains

Police are working to retrieve the body of an abseiler who fell to his death in the Blue Mountains.


Obesity linked to pregnancy deaths

Rapidly rising obesity in Qld is leading to more deaths of pregnant women and an increase in birth defects.


Govt defends approval of Palmer mine

The government has jumped to defend its decision to approve Clive Palmer's Galilee Basin coal project.


2013 snapshots

A collection of The Australian's favourite pictures from an eventful year for the nation and the world.

EXCLUSIVE Qantas inflating its crisis: Air NZ

Christopher Luxon Air New Zealand CEO

AIR NZ chief executive Christopher Luxon has accused Qantas of orchestrating a crisis situation.

EXCLUSIVE Walsh's iron clad view of the world

Rio Tinto chief executive Sam Walsh says many mining analysts had misunderstood the fundamentals of the iron ore market

RIO Tinto boss Sam Walsh says the Chinese are now more relaint on iron ore imports as their supply dries up.

US bank kicks in $790m to Roy Hill

Roy Hill project

US Export-Import Bank has agreed to give $790m in loans for Gina Rinehart's  Roy Hill iron ore project in the Pilbara.

Court ruling may cut building costs

Robert Gottliebsen

THE Federal Court verdict has made cheaper infrastructure construction viable.

CSL sale a curious call by Telstra

Stephen Bartholomeusz

THE Hong Kong mobile operator sold by Telstra could have provided it a platform for Asian expansion.

China to drive volatility in year ahead

Terry McCrann

THE Aussie is likely to head lower after the Fed's tapering, but a surge in China's economy could halt that.

Dumping 'least of SPC's woes'

SPC Ardmona

THE plight of fruit processor SPC Ardmona is due to a number of factors, the government's top economic advisory body has found.

Aboriginal 'recidivists' to be managed

Kevin Andrews with Katrina Douglas and her children

INDIGENOUS people in Cape York who refuse to address drug, alcohol and other problems will have 90 per cent of welfare payments managed.

Disability pension faces review

One million to be on disability pension

WITH almost 5 per cent of people on the Disability Support Pension, the Abbott government is reportedly considering a shake-up.

Toyota needs to shape up or ship out

Toyota needs to shape up or ship out

SEE it from the point of view of the staff of the Productivity Commission.

No more delaying of the inevitable

Adam Creighton

READING between the lines, the Productivity Commission's latest report says it is a miracle Australia still manufactures cars.

Reforms we have to have

Joe Hockey

RESHAPING public spending must be at the heart of next year's agenda.

Australia on the road to world No 1

Australia on the road to world No 1

AUSTRALIA's aim to reclaim the world No 1 ranking will be two steps closer if it wins one of the remaining Ashes Tests.

Heart gift-wrap Victory derby win


 MOMENT of madness from Patrick Kisnorbo has handed Melbourne Victory an A-League derby win on a platter at AAMI Park.

Stablemates in Flemington win

Chris Waller

THE Chris Waller stable pulled off a double at Flemington in Melbourne yesterday with Instrumentalist and Index Linked.

Celebrating Lehmann makes us feel good

Gideon Haigh

IS there an argument waiting to be made that Australian cricketers should only ever be coached by other Australians?

Fine young sportsman

Simon King

HERE"s a Christmas tale to warm the cockles of any heart.

Forlorn Cook caught in limbo

Gideon Haigh

THE relationship between batting and captaincy is a two-way street.

Court ruling may cut building costs

Robert Gottliebsen

THE Federal Court verdict has made cheaper infrastructure construction viable.

US stocks hover after rally

US stocks hover after rally

STOCKS were little changed one day after the Federal Reserve's pledge to keep its easy-money support in place for the long haul triggered a global rally.