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BEM IL MOSTRO UMANO - 01 - Il treno della paura
NEK - Bem si 7 zile CLIP ORIGINAL
Explosion à l'usine BEM de Coteau-du-Lac 20 juin 2013
Jota Quest - Mandou Bem
Seedorf humilha a pachecada do Bem Amigos:
Saulo - Raiz de Todo Bem(Oficial)
Ewa Bem - Wyszłam za mąż zaraz wracam
As Bem-Armadas - Trailer Oficial Legendado
MC Tchesko - É bem assim que agente tá (CLIPE OFICIAL) TOM PRODUÇÕES 2013
Ewa Bem - I co z tego dziś masz.wmv
Maria Gadú - Veja Bem, Meu Bem | Studio62


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BEM IL MOSTRO UMANO - 01 - Il treno della paura
  • Order:
  • Duration: 24:25
  • Updated: 03 Aug 2013

BEM IL MOSTRO UMANO - 01 - Il treno della paura

  • published: 01 Aug 2012
  • views: 28779
  • author: giaffybem IL MOSTRO UMANO - 01 - Il treno della paura
NEK - Bem si 7 zile CLIP ORIGINAL
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:58
  • Updated: 10 Aug 2013

NEK - Bem si 7 zile CLIP ORIGINAL

Daca eşti un fan adevărat pune piesa la FAVORITE si nu incarca pe contul tau deoarece iţi va fi stearsa ! - Bem si 7 zile CLIP ORIGINAL
Explosion à l'usine BEM de Coteau-du-Lac 20 juin 2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:53
  • Updated: 25 Jun 2013

Explosion à l'usine BEM de Coteau-du-Lac 20 juin 2013

Voyez la vidéo captée par un auditeur d'NRJ-Montréal, Patrick Roy-Thériault. à l'usine BEM de Coteau-du-Lac 20 juin 2013
Jota Quest - Mandou Bem
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:22
  • Updated: 13 Nov 2013

Jota Quest - Mandou Bem

Music video by Jota Quest performing Mandou Bem. (C) 2013 Sony Music Entertainment Brasil ltda.
  • published: 13 Nov 2013
  • views: 6105 Quest - Mandou Bem
Seedorf humilha a pachecada do Bem Amigos:
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:57
  • Updated: 26 Nov 2013

Seedorf humilha a pachecada do Bem Amigos: "Ganso não se daria bem na Europa"

"Na Europa não faria isso aí não" "Pirlo? Pirlo corria e jogava mais atrás" "Zidane? Não não não!" E por fim, "acho que ele deveria sair do Brasil".
  • published: 26 Nov 2013
  • views: 4724 humilha a pachecada do Bem Amigos: "Ganso não se daria bem na Europa"
Saulo - Raiz de Todo Bem(Oficial)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:58
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013

Saulo - Raiz de Todo Bem(Oficial)

Clipe oficial da música Raiz de Todo Bem. Este clipe faz parte do novo DVD de Saulo que será lançado em Setembro de 2013. RAIZ DE TODO BEM -- Saulo Fernandes...
  • published: 05 Jun 2013
  • views: 124921
  • author: Rua15Saulo - Raiz de Todo Bem(Oficial)
Ewa Bem - Wyszłam za mąż zaraz wracam
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:17
  • Updated: 27 Jul 2013

Ewa Bem - Wyszłam za mąż zaraz wracam

  • published: 07 Aug 2011
  • views: 94775
  • author: magritte86 Bem - Wyszłam za mąż zaraz wracam
As Bem-Armadas - Trailer Oficial Legendado
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:28
  • Updated: 29 Jul 2013

As Bem-Armadas - Trailer Oficial Legendado

A chata agente especial do FBI, Sarah Ashburn (Sandra Bullock) e a policial boca-suja de Boston, Shannon Mullins (Melissa McCarthy) não podiam ser mais imcom... Bem-Armadas - Trailer Oficial Legendado
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:46
  • Updated: 20 Aug 2013

"Ainda Bem" Marisa Monte - Clipe Oficial

Confira o novo clipe da Marisa Monte "Ainda Bem" com participação do lutador Anderson Silva. Título: Ainda Bem Artista: Marisa Monte Participação: Anderson S...
  • published: 26 Sep 2011
  • views: 12193777
  • author: MARISAMONTE"Ainda Bem" Marisa Monte - Clipe Oficial
MC Tchesko - É bem assim que agente tá (CLIPE OFICIAL) TOM PRODUÇÕES 2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:03
  • Updated: 20 Aug 2013

MC Tchesko - É bem assim que agente tá (CLIPE OFICIAL) TOM PRODUÇÕES 2013

Clique e Tweete: DOWNLOAD MP3: www... Tchesko - É bem assim que agente tá (CLIPE OFICIAL) TOM PRODUÇÕES 2013
Ewa Bem - I co z tego dziś masz.wmv
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:42
  • Updated: 21 Jul 2013

Ewa Bem - I co z tego dziś masz.wmv

  • published: 26 Feb 2010
  • views: 65161
  • author: simoonthph Bem - I co z tego dziś masz.wmv
Maria Gadú - Veja Bem, Meu Bem | Studio62
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:10
  • Updated: 20 Aug 2013

Maria Gadú - Veja Bem, Meu Bem | Studio62

Studio62 apresenta: Artista: Maria Gadú Música: Veja Bem, Meu Bem (Los Hermanos) Curta nossa página e acompanhe! Inscreva-se! Apoio: Forneria Maia - | Realização: Okent Films - |
  • published: 20 Aug 2013
  • views: 27913 Gadú - Veja Bem, Meu Bem | Studio62
O Bem Dormido - 08-09-2013 (Edu desiste de fazer o quadro)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:04
  • Updated: 09 Sep 2013

O Bem Dormido - 08-09-2013 (Edu desiste de fazer o quadro)

(Edu desiste de fazer o quadro do "Bem Dormido"!) Curtam a página do canal no Facebook: Pânico na Band
  • published: 09 Sep 2013
  • views: 7179 Bem Dormido - 08-09-2013 (Edu desiste de fazer o quadro)
MC Samuka e Nego - Ela Só Quer Viver Bem - Música nova 2013 (Head Media) Lançamento 2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:10
  • Updated: 18 Nov 2013

MC Samuka e Nego - Ela Só Quer Viver Bem - Música nova 2013 (Head Media) Lançamento 2013

Baixe já a Música: Página Oficial Naatiinho Detonafunk: Facebook Oficial: Instagram: Letra da Música: MC Samuka e Nego - Ela só quer viver bem É, o ronco alto de uma 1100, denúncia o valor que ela tem; Pra gandaia, é só chamar que ela vem; Cai pra nós, ela só quer viver bem... E... a sua vida é um livro aberto, atitude tá no papo reto, pode falar, ela não vai nem ligar, ela que mais é mostra, que cola com os cara certo... Mais assim, só que viver, não quer compromisso, a malícia tú ver no sorriso, se rolar, ela vai representa, você vai se amarra, vai perder o juízo... Chega, curte, se solta enlouquece; Dorme a tarde inteira, descança, que hoje a noite promete. Acorda atrasada, relaxa no esquenta Pra ir de nave pro baile, tem 50 nome na agenda. (2x)
  • published: 18 Nov 2013
  • views: 301 Samuka e Nego - Ela Só Quer Viver Bem - Música nova 2013 (Head Media) Lançamento 2013
  • BEM IL MOSTRO UMANO - 01 - Il treno della paura
    BEM IL MOSTRO UMANO - 01 - Il treno della paura
  • NEK - Bem si 7 zile CLIP ORIGINAL
    NEK - Bem si 7 zile CLIP ORIGINAL
  • Explosion à l'usine BEM de Coteau-du-Lac 20 juin 2013
    Explosion à l'usine BEM de Coteau-du-Lac 20 juin 2013
  • Jota Quest - Mandou Bem
    Jota Quest - Mandou Bem
  • Seedorf humilha a pachecada do Bem Amigos:
    Seedorf humilha a pachecada do Bem Amigos: "Ganso não se daria bem na Europa"
  • Saulo - Raiz de Todo Bem(Oficial)
    Saulo - Raiz de Todo Bem(Oficial)
  • Ewa Bem - Wyszłam za mąż zaraz wracam
    Ewa Bem - Wyszłam za mąż zaraz wracam
  • As Bem-Armadas - Trailer Oficial Legendado
    As Bem-Armadas - Trailer Oficial Legendado
  • 3:46
    "Ainda Bem" Marisa Monte - Clipe Oficial
  • MC Tchesko - É bem assim que agente tá (CLIPE OFICIAL) TOM PRODUÇÕES 2013
    MC Tchesko - É bem assim que agente tá (CLIPE OFICIAL) TOM PRODUÇÕES 2013
  • Ewa Bem - I co z tego dziś masz.wmv
    Ewa Bem - I co z tego dziś masz.wmv
  • Maria Gadú - Veja Bem, Meu Bem | Studio62
    Maria Gadú - Veja Bem, Meu Bem | Studio62
  • O Bem Dormido - 08-09-2013 (Edu desiste de fazer o quadro)
    O Bem Dormido - 08-09-2013 (Edu desiste de fazer o quadro)
  • MC Samuka e Nego - Ela Só Quer Viver Bem - Música nova 2013 (Head Media) Lançamento 2013
    MC Samuka e Nego - Ela Só Quer Viver Bem - Música nova 2013 (Head Media) Lançamento 2013

BEM IL MOSTRO UMANO - 01 - Il treno della paura

  • published: 01 Aug 2012
  • views: 28779
  • author: giaffybem

BEM IL MOSTRO UMANO - 01 - Il treno della paura
Episo­dio 01 BEM IL MOSTRO UMANO....
pub­lished: 01 Aug 2012
au­thor: gi­affybem
NEK - Bem si 7 zile CLIP ORIG­I­NAL
Daca eşti un fan adevărat pune piesa la FA­VORITE si nu in­car­ca pe con­tul tau deoarece iţi ...
pub­lished: 23 Aug 2010
Ex­plo­sion à l'usine BEM de Coteau-du-Lac 20 juin 2013
Voyez la vidéo captée par un au­di­teur d'NRJ-Mon­tréal, Patrick Roy-Théri­ault....
pub­lished: 20 Jun 2013
Jota Quest - Man­dou Bem
Music video by Jota Quest per­form­ing Man­dou Bem. (C) 2013 Sony Music En­ter­tain­ment Brasil ...
pub­lished: 13 Nov 2013
See­dorf hu­mil­ha a pacheca­da do Bem Ami­gos: "Ganso não se daria bem na Eu­ropa"
"Na Eu­ropa não faria isso aí não" "Pirlo? Pirlo cor­ria e jo­ga­va mais atrás" "Zi­dane? Não...
pub­lished: 26 Nov 2013
Saulo - Raiz de Todo Bem(Ofi­cial)
Clipe ofi­cial da música Raiz de Todo Bem. Este clipe faz parte do novo DVD de Saulo que se...
pub­lished: 05 Jun 2013
au­thor: Ru­a15Saulo
Ewa Bem - Wyszłam za mąż zaraz wracam
pub­lished: 07 Aug 2011
au­thor: magrit­te86
As Bem-Ar­madas - Trail­er Ofi­cial Leg­en­da­do
A chata agente es­pe­cial do FBI, Sarah Ash­burn (San­dra Bul­lock) e a poli­cial bo­ca-su­ja de B...
pub­lished: 22 Feb 2013
"Ainda Bem" Marisa Monte - Clipe Ofi­cial
Con­fi­ra o novo clipe da Marisa Monte "Ainda Bem" com par­tic­i­pação do lu­ta­dor An­der­son Silv...
pub­lished: 26 Sep 2011
MC Tch­esko - É bem assim que agente tá (CLIPE OFI­CIAL) TOM PRODUÇÕES 2013
Clique e Tweete: http://​clicktotweet.​com/​u71PR DOWN­LOAD MP3: http://​www.​sharebeast.​com/​q0i...​
pub­lished: 08 Jun 2013
au­thor: Tom Produções
Ewa Bem - I co z tego dziś masz.​wmv
pub­lished: 26 Feb 2010
au­thor: simoon­th­ph
Maria Gadú - Veja Bem, Meu Bem | Stu­dio62
Stu­dio62 ap­re­sen­ta: Artista: Maria Gadú Música: Veja Bem, Meu Bem (Los Her­manos) Curta n...
pub­lished: 20 Aug 2013
O Bem Dormi­do - 08-09-2013 (Edu de­siste de fazer o quadro)
(Edu de­siste de fazer o quadro do "Bem Dormi­do"!) Cur­tam a página do canal no Face­book: ht...
pub­lished: 09 Sep 2013
MC Samu­ka e Nego - Ela Só Quer Viver Bem - Música nova 2013 (Head Media) Lançamen­to 2013
Baixe já a Música: http://​www.​sharebeast.​com/​silfsw99huod Página Ofi­cial Naati­in­ho Det­on­af...
pub­lished: 18 Nov 2013
Youtube results:
TWIT­TER: http://​www.​twitter.​com/​whindersson FACE­BOOK: http://​www.​facebook.​com/​whindersson....​
pub­lished: 23 Oct 2013
Mile­na Não Foi Bem No ENEM 2013
Mile­na Não Foi Bem No ENEM 2013 Mile­na Não Foi Bem No ENEM 2013 Mile­na Não Foi Bem No ENEM...
pub­lished: 02 Nov 2013
Goleiro Fábio pede chance na seleção no Bem Ami­gos
Con­vi­da­do do pro­gra­ma Bem Ami­gos do Sportv nesta se­gun­da (18/11/13), o goleiro Fábio pediu...
pub­lished: 19 Nov 2013
Fer­rugem - Meu Bem | Música Nova 2013
Música Nova do Fer­rugem - Meu Bem (Dilsin­ho Scher) LETRA: Eu fico louco, sinto falta do c...
pub­lished: 24 Aug 2013
photo: AP / Lee Jin-man
A man watches a live TV news program showing that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's uncle Jang Song Thaek, second from right, is escorted by military officers during a trial in Pyongyang, North Korea Thursday, Dec. 12, 2013
Edit BBC News
12 Dec 2013
12 December 2013 Last updated at 23.02 GMT. The once-powerful uncle of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has been executed after being purged for corruption, state news agency KCNA reports. Chang Song-thaek was dramatically removed from a Communist Party session by armed guards earlier this week ... Lucy Williamson reports. Read more ... World ... ....(size: 2.1Kb)
photo: Public Domain
Edit Canberra Times
13 Dec 2013
This FBI composite image shows Robert Levinson before his capture, in a video released three years ago and a picture of him with a beard in his fourth year of captivity. Photo. AP.  .  . Washington. An American man who disappeared in Iran more than six years ago had been working for the CIA in what US intelligence officials describe as a rogue operation that led to a major shake-up in the spy agency ...   ...  .  .   ... ....(size: 8.8Kb)
photo: AP
US President Barack Obama shakes hands with Cuban President Raul Castro at the FNB Stadium in Soweto, South Africa, in the rain for a memorial service for former South African President Nelson Mandela, Tuesday Dec. 10, 2013. The handshake between the leaders of the two Cold War enemies came during a ceremony that's focused on Mandela's legacy of reconciliation. Hundreds of foreign dignitaries and world heads of states gather Tuesday with thousands of South African people to celebrate the life, and mark the death, of Nelson Mandela who has became a global symbol of reconciliation.
11 Dec 2013
Article by Corespondent Dallas Darling. Perhaps the United States is once again regaining its revolutionary spirit. But this time instead of a "shot heard around the world," it will be known as the "handshake seen around the world." And instead of George Washington as Commander-in-Chief, the hero will be President Barack Obama as Gesture-in-Chief ... Hands were also thought to be imbued with certain qualities and godlike powers....(size: 4.2Kb)
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick
11 Dec 2013
NEW DELHI, Dec. 11 (Xinhua) -- In a major blow to India's homosexual community, the country's Supreme Court Wednesday ruled that gay sex between consenting adults would continue to be a criminal offence. A two-judge bench of Justice G.S. Singhvi and Justice S.J ... They had appealed against the ruling before the Supreme Court, which concluded hearings on the issue in March last year ...   Related stories ... Editor.James .Source. Xinhua ... Topics....(size: 4.0Kb)
photo: AP / Dan Steinberg
Actress Julia Roberts presents an award at the BAFTA/LA Cunard Britannia Awards in Los Angeles on Thursday, Nov. 1, 2007.
Edit Entertainment Weekly
13 Dec 2013
Here’s a behind-the-scenes tidbit that should warm the very cockles of your heart ... 28. Oops! ... All together now. Awww!. Tags. ... Related ... ....(size: 1.0Kb)

Edit mediabistro
12 Dec 2013
In America, we may have to worry about politicians manipulating our maps, but at least we know that the maps themselves are complete ... Bem feito and credits after the jump. ....(size: 1.0Kb)
Edit Sun Star
11 Dec 2013
EIGHTEEN local squads open their campaign as the first season of Budz Cup Invitational Basketball Tournament officially kicked off December 8 at the Easter College gymnasium ... Playing teams for bracket A include BEM, Dagsian United, Narcita Glass and Aluminium, Sergiross, GWE 2, Codalian, Chias, BEAT and Angluben ... ....(size: 1.8Kb)
Edit Journal Online
11 Dec 2013
“YOU have to understand. You are a Romualdez and the President is an Aquino. So we just want to legalize . . If it’s not legalized, well OK. You are in charge. We can’t help you ... Romualdez last May beat former An-Waray Representative Bem Noel, a Liberal Party candidate who got solid backing from the administration party and even had President Aquino and his sister Kris personally campaigning for him. It was posted on YouTube around 2 p.m ... ....(size: 4.2Kb)
Edit noodls
10 Dec 2013
(Source. Marubeni Corporation). December 10, 2013. Marubeni Corporation Marubeni Enters into Joint Venture with EnerNOC to Deploy Demand Response in Japan ... the country. This JV will build upon successful past collaborations between the firms in Japan; most notably their joint participation in an "electricity demand supply stabilization project collaborating with BEMS aggregators" with Kansai Electric Power Company in the summer of 2012 ... 1....(size: 3.4Kb)
Edit Bloomberg
09 Dec 2013
Honed by 15 years of falling consumer prices that burnished the appeal of fixed-income assets in Japan, the Asian nation’s bond buyers are amassing long-term Treasuries (BUSY13) as disinflation emerges in the U.S ... Japan’s holdings of U.S ... While Pacific Investment Management Co.’s Bill Gross is recommending short-term U.S ... 4 ... Foreign Demand ... 3 ... 3 ... 5 ... The Bloomberg USD Emerging Market Composite Bond Index (BEM) has fallen 4.2 percent in 2013....(size: 9.6Kb)
Edit Bloomberg
08 Dec 2013
Honed by 15 years of falling consumer prices that burnished the appeal of fixed-income assets in Japan, the Asian nation’s bond buyers are amassing long-term Treasuries as disinflation emerges in the U.S ... Japan’s holdings of U.S ... While Pacific Investment Management Co.’s Bill Gross is recommending short-term U.S ... 4 ... Foreign Demand ... The U.S ... The U.S ... The Bloomberg USD Emerging Market Composite Bond Index (BEM) has fallen 4.2 percent in 2013....(size: 9.4Kb)
Edit All Africa
06 Dec 2013
[Foroyaa]Sulayman Bah Lamin Secured a 2-0 Victory Over a Re-Admitted Barra Essau and Mayamba [bem] Team ......(size: 0.5Kb)
Edit noodls
06 Dec 2013
The Independent Confederation of Executives, Supervisors, and Managers of Public Administration from Italy, Bem Bir Sen from Turkey and the German Armed Forces Association ... Bem Bir Sen (the Association of Municipal and City Administration Employees) was established in 1994, now represent in Turkey's 8 cities ... The president of Bem Bir Sen Mursai Turbay attended the Board meeting....(size: 3.1Kb)
Edit All Africa
05 Dec 2013
[Daily Observer]The head of Barra, Essau and ......(size: 0.2Kb)
Edit All Africa
05 Dec 2013
... Barra, Essau and Mayamba (BEM) yesterday....(size: 0.2Kb)
Edit noodls
04 Dec 2013
(Source. Rakuten Inc). November 29, 2013 ... To date, Rakuten has mainly encouraged contract accommodation providers of Rakuten Travel, group's online travel agency, for more efficient electricity use by promoting the use of demand response systems and visualization through BEMS to address electricity price hikes and tighter energy supply-demand conditions ... distributed by. This noodl was issued by Rakuten Inc ... (noodl. 21209623) ....(size: 4.0Kb)
Edit noodls
04 Dec 2013
(Source. SulAmérica SA) SUL AMÉRICA S.A. CNPJ/MF n. 29.978.814/0001-87. NIRE 3330003299-1 Publicly-Held Company with Authorized Capital. CVM N. 21121. NOTICE TO THE MARKET. Sul América S.A ... Solicitamos enviar, até 04/12/2013, esclarecimentos sobre o teor da notícia veiculada pelo jornal Valor Econômico, edição de 03/12/2013, sob o título "Seguradora e CSN fecham acordo de US$ 168 milhões", bem como outras informações consideradas importantes....(size: 4.3Kb)
Edit noodls
03 Dec 2013
(Source. ESI Group SA) ... Today, ESI teams have achieved the goal set in 2005 ... Furthermore, VA One now enables engineers to couple BEM and FE cavities ... VA One's new functionality, connecting BEM to FE cavities, allows us to simulate the vibroacoustic performances of complex HVAC ducts ... Transmission Loss (TL) can now be calculated and plotted for all sources and receivers, including BEM, Semi-Infinite Fluid and Diffuse Acoustic Field (DAF)....(size: 3.5Kb)

BEM may refer to:

Bem is also a personal name that may refer to:

Bem is also a name used in fiction to refer to:

See also

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Jota Quest is a Brazilian pop rock band. The band was founded in 1995, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais as J. Quest, but due to trademark issues with Hanna-Barbera, they renamed themselves Jota Quest (jota being the Portuguese name for the letter j). The band members include: Rogério Flausino (vocals), Marco Túlio (guitar), Márcio Buzelin (keyboards), "PJ" – Paulo Roberto Diniz, Jr. (bass) and Paulinho Fonseca (drums). Jota Quest initially stood apart from Minas Gerais' musical tradition by garnering national success with pop rock and blue eyed soul-tinged pop. Eventually the band exposed its Clube da Esquina influences, including collaborations with Minas Gerais exponents Paulinho Pedra Azul and Milton Nascimento in Oxigenio as well as jams with 14 Bis and a collaboration with Roberto Carlos over his hit single "Alem do Horizonte". Jota Quest sold over 4,000,000 copies in Brazil, Latin America and Portugal.[citation needed]

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Marisa de Azevedo Monte (born July 1, 1967 in Rio de Janeiro) is a Brazilian popular singer. As of 2011, she has sold 10 million albums worldwide.

While classically trained in opera singing, she grew up surrounded by the sounds of the Portela samba school, and combines diverse influences into her music. After failing to break through into 1980s Brazilian Pop rock she went into semi-exile in Italy where she met the famous producer Nelson Motta. Thereafter she became a hybrid of MPB diva and Pop rock performer. While most of her music is in the style of modern MPB, she has also recorded traditional samba and folk tunes, as well and songs performed by Marvin Gaye, Lou Reed and George Harrison. Much of her work has been in collaboration with musicians/songwriters Carlinhos Brown, Arnaldo Antunes, and Nando Reis, and producer Arto Lindsay. She has also worked with foreign artists such as Laurie Anderson, David Byrne, Ryuichi Sakamoto, and Julieta Venegas. She has performed live in the United States in such venues as The House of Blues. In 1996, she contributed a version of "Waters of March", in a duet with David Byrne, to the AIDS benefit compilation album Red Hot + Rio produced by the Red Hot Organization. She also collaborated with Bonga and Carlinhos Brown on the track "Mulemba Xangola" for the AIDS benefit compilation album Onda Sonora: Red Hot + Lisbon produced by the same organization. Again, in 2011, she contributed a collaboration with Devendra Banhart and Rodrigo Amarante "Nú Com A Minha Música" ("Naked with My Music") for the Red Hot Organization's most recent charitable album "Red Hot+Rio 2." The album is a follow-up to the 1996 "Red Hot+Rio." Proceeds from the sales will be donated to raise awareness and money to fight AIDS/HIV and related health and social issues.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Cláudia Cristina Leite Inácio, known as Claudia Leitte (born July 10, 1980 in São Gonçalo, Rio de Janeiro) is a Pop, Brazilian axé singer, and former vocalist of the group Babado Novo. Since she is one of the most popular axé singers in Brazil, she hosted MTV Brasil's Video Music Brasil 2007, in which she had been nominated as best singer in that award. Claudia Leitte has also won other awards.

Claudia Leitte started singing children's songs, while still young, then worked as a singer in bars. She was also the vocalist of several axé music bands. As a teenager she sang in trios elétricos. She became a professional singer when she was thirteen years old.

Leitte has been the vocalist of Salvador-based axé band Babado Novo since November 2001. Her band released five albums. The band's first album, named Sem Vergonha, released in 2003, sold more than 90,000 copies, being the band's first Gold disc, while the album named Uau! Babado Novo ao Vivo em Salvador, released in 2004, sold more than 100,000 CDs and more than 70,000 DVDs, and the fourth album, released in December 2005, named Diário de Claudinha (meaning Claudinha's Diary, Claudinha being Claudia Leitte's nickname) sold 70,000 copies in just one week.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

There's a place in my heart where you used to be
There's a pain, deep inside, don't want the world to see
Nothing, but emptiness, once there was your caress
I was touched by your naked flame
Now, it was hard sometimes, those things that we went through
But believe me when I'd say, I would never mean to hurt you
I hold the memory of holding you next to me
In my arms like a naked flame
Think it over before you break my heart
Think it over before the crying starts
Then we can say goodbye to the tears
I should have known that this time was a coming
But if you ever need me, I'll come a running home to you
There's a place in my dreams where we used to meet
But there's no one around now, it's just an empty street
I hold the memory of holding you close to me
In my arms, like a naked flame

You can fool the landlord, so you don't pay the rent
You can fool the world and become the president
You can fool all the people some the time
You can make a million dollars and cry, "I don't have a lousy dime"
But you can't fool the blues
No, you can't fool the blues, yeah
When you're makin' all the rules, it's so hard to lose
But you can't fool the blues, oh no
You can fool the Romans into lending you an ear
Write a story in the papers believin' every smear
You can fool the rich by drivin' in a wreck
You can get up someone's nose, every time you bounce a cheque
But you can't fool the blues
No, you can't fool the blues, yeah
You can't fool the blues, it just laughs at each lie
You can't fool the blues, oh no
You can fool your brother into lending you his car
Rub up the waitress for some cocktails at the bar
You can talk some bimbo into takin' you home
You can fool the wife into thinkin' you're alone
But you can't fool the blues
Yeah, you can't fool the blues, yeah
Well, that blues chews you up and spits you right out

In my home of sand
Outside the city of gold
Well, the wind's so burning hot
But my heart remains so cold
I need to buy myself some answers
But the truth's already been sold
Well, I know how to use a razor
Carve my initials in the light
Yes, I know how to use a razor
Carve my initials in the light
Sometimes in the depth of the dark, baby
I can make everything all right
In my home of sand
Outside the city of gold
Well, the wind's so burning hot
But my heart remains so cold, yes it does
The shelter in your eyes
I dream about it when I die, thirst for it when I cry
In my home of sand
Outside the city of gold
Well, the wind's so burning hot
But my heart remains so cold
The shelter in your eyes
I dream about it when I die, thirst for it when I cry, when I cry
My meal of salt
Upon that table of stone
My meal of salt
Upon that table of stone
Your feat's so sweet
While I thirst here all alone
In my home of sand
Outside the city of gold
Well, the wind's so burning hot
But my heart remains so cold, yes it does
I need to buy myself some aspirin

I was talkin' to somebody,
Just the other day,
About how everybody
Seems to look the other way.
It's a shame.
Don't know which way we'll go, no.
Well, everywhere I look,
It's so plain to see,
We're living in a danger zone.
I was lookin' at the news,
Just the other night.
So much pain and misery,
You know it ain't right.
It's a shame.
Don't know which way we'll go.
Well, everywhere I look,
It's so plain to see,
We're living in a danger zone.
Outside you can feel it everywhere,
We're living in a danger zone.
Outside you can feel it in the air,
We're living in a danger zone.
Yes, we are.
Outside you can see it everywhere,
We're living in a danger zone.
Outside you can feel it in the air,
We're living in a danger zone.
Outside you can see it everywhere,
We're living in a danger zone.
Outside you can feel it in the air,
We're living in a danger zone.
Living in a danger zone.
Yes, we are.

Will we find a place in tomorrow?
Will we find the way to our dreams?
Will we shine our light through
The darkest night till the morning?
Glory days
Don't let these times be forgotten
Glory days
Don't let them fade from our hearts
There's a time we left far behind us
Though the seeds of hope still remain
And the wheel must turn
But the fires still burn in the morning
Glory days
Don't let these times be forgotten
Glory days
Don't let them fade from our hearts
Glory days
Don't let these times be forgotten
Glory days
Don't let them fade from our hearts
Will we find ourselves in tomorrow?
Will we find a way to your dreams?
Will we shine so bright
Turn your darkest night to the morning?
Glory days
Don't let these times be forgotten
Glory days
Don't let them fade from our hearts
Glory days
Don't let these times be forgotten
Glory days

The price is gettin' higher every, day
When it comes to good loving, it's the same old way
The high cost of love, gettin' higher every day
The less I get the more I have to pay
I came home with the groceries, you said, you need some more
I gave you my last two dollars, you said, you need 3 or 4
The high cost of love, gettin' higher every day
Seems like the less I get, the more I have to pay
I bought you a leather coat, you said, you wanted a mink
The way you spend my money, you think, you're married to a bank
The high cost of love, gettin' higher every day
Seems like the less I make, the more I have to pay
Where I live they want to raise my rent
Before I make a dollar, you know it's, it's already spent
The high cost of love, gettin' higher every day
Seems like the less I get, the more I have to pay
Seems like the less I get, the more I have to pay

I wonder why, why you're so mean to me?
I wonder why, why you're so mean to me?
I'll be good to you baby, good as a man can be.
I'm gonna give you my picture, woman, gonna put it in your frame.
When I'm dead and gone, you'll remember my name.
I wonder why, why you're so mean to me?
I'll be good to you baby, good as a man can be.
Well, you told me that you love me, that you always will be mine.
Now you've gone and left me, I'm the one who's cryin'.
I wonder why, why you're so mean to me?
Yes, I do.
I'll be good to you baby, good as a man can be.
You told me that you love me, that you always will be mine.
But now you've gone and left me, I'm the one who's cryin'.
I wonder why, why you're so mean to me?
I'll be good to you baby, good as a man can be.
Here we go.
I wonder why, why you're so mean to me?
I said, I wonder why, why you're so mean to me?
I'll be good to you baby, good as a man can be.
I wonder why, I wonder why, I wonder why, I wonder why.
I wonder why, I wonder why, I wonder why, I wonder why.
I'll be good to you baby, good as a man can be.
Good as a man can be, yeah.

You've heard it said, I taught the bird to fly
One kiss from me and some can't say goodbye
The place you'll find me when the sun goes down
After hours, on the wrong side of town
How many faces will I change today?
Take them to places where the shadows play
That's where you'll find me when the sun goes down
After hours, on the wrong side of town
Lulled by the promise of a broken dream
They all come looking for the answers
The question's never if and when they fall from grace
After all, it's just a matter of time
Here comes another with a life to spare
So young and innocent, but I know that stare
Just whistle Parker's mood and I'll be there
After hours, on the wrong side of town
After hours, on the wrong side of town

Take a look in the mirror
What do you see
Take a look deep inside you
Are you still free?
There is no peace of mind
When love turns so unkind.
Why does love have to go wrong?
When we try hard to hold on
Why does love have to go wrong?
Take a look all around you
What do you see
Through the pain that surrounds you
Are you still free?
There are no words to say
When the light fades to grey
Why does love have to go wrong?
When we try hard to hold on
Why does love have to go wrong?
Just a moment and it's gone
Take a look in the mirror
What do you see
Take a look deep inside you
Set yourself free
There is no plaxe to hide
When all the flames have died
Why does love have to go wrong?
When we try hard to hold on
Why does love have to go wrong?

Don't look for worries and troubles,
Worries and troubles come around.
Don't look for worries and troubles,
Worries and troubles come around.
The world keep on turnin',
Gotta keep my feet back on the ground.
Nobody saw me cryin',
Nobody knows the way I feel.
Nobody saw me cryin',
Nobody knows the way I feel.
The way I love that woman,
It's bound to get me killed.
Loved that little girl so good,
She made my low down butter come.
I loved that little girl so good,
She made my low down butter come.
I need that woman,
Just like the sky need the sun, yeah.
Don't look for worries and troubles,
Worries and troubles come around.
Don't look for worries and troubles,
Worries and troubles come around.
Oh, the world keep on turnin',

Maybe the sun will go on shining
Maybe the stars fall from the skies
Where there's a river flowing
There is no way of knowing
Where it goes, no one knows
Maybe the rain will go on falling
Maybe the mountains touch the skies
Where there's a cold wind blowing
There is no way of knowing
Where it goes, no one knows
Living alone in the city
All of our dreams left behind
In every life there are seasons
Of laughter and sorrow
Where in the world did our love go?
When did our dreams say goodbye?
Living alone in the city
All of our dreams left behind
In every life there are seasons
Of laughter and sorrow
Where in the world did our love go?
Where did our dreams choose to hide?
Where in the world did our love go?
When did our dreams say goodbye?
Where in the world did our love go?
Where in the world did our love go?
Where in the world, where in the world

She was standing in the dark
Waiting in the wings
Just around the next dream
He was holdin' all the keys
To set my heart free
Behind the shadows of love
From the distance I could see
Her standing alone
Shine like a jewel in the night
Hidden from the eyes
A thief of the soul
Behind the shadows of love
Set me on fire with the stories you tell
Drown in the ocean of dreams
Close to the flame on wings of desire
Nothing's what it seems
She was waiting outside
With arms open wide
Ready to break my heart's fall
Oh the lightning in her eyes
I learned how to fly
Behind the shadow of love
Set me on fire with the stories you tell
Drown in the ocean of dreams
Close to the flame on wings of desire

Up on the isle of Patmus
A man was cast one day
As he was left alone to die
He began to pray
The Holy Ghost fell on him
The Spirit, he came down
Well, he began to write about the things he saw
The revelators' name was John
(Talkin' 'bout John)
John the Revelator
He saw Jerusalem comin' down
(Yes, it was John)
John the Revelator
And when he looked around
He saw feet like brass
Eyes like fire
Heard a great voice sayin' "Come up higher!"
(It was John)
John the Revelator
He wrote about th
e city of God
While in the spirit prayin'
John turned around to see
If the voice he had heard
Was what it seemed to be
Just like the many waters
A great trumpet sound
Well He said, "I am the first and last."
The revelator wrote it down
'bout John)
John the Revelator
He saw Jerusalem comin' down
(Yes, it was John)
John the Revelator
And when he looked around
He saw feet like brass
Eyes like fire
Heard a great voice sayin' "Come up higher!"
(It was John)
John the Revelator
He w
rote about the city of God
(Repeat last verse twice)

When I say farewell
To my life on earth
(I will be)
I will be with Jesus
(No more tears)
No more tears will fill my eyes
Reigning with my savior
Reigning with my savior
Reigning with my savior
When I say farewell
To my life on earth
(I will b
I will be with Jesus
(No more tears)
No more tears will fill my eyes
Reigning with my savior
Reigning with my savior
Reigning with my savior
(c) Keith Lancaster, ASCAP,

Sometimes in our ignorance, we forget what things are real
Searching for our innocence, we forget what things to feel
We're all alone at sea sometimes, looking back without regret
Reminded of the past sometimes, remembering to not forget
can never be achieved
Unless we learn how to forgive
Through His death we learned to believe
Through His life we learned how to live
The Golden Son blows a silver breeze
Through my copper sails
And His water sets me free
A renaissance of life occur
As the horizon fades into me
Renaissance, renaissance
Renaissance, renaissance
Sail away but not too far
Don't be scared to return
Understanding who we are
Through our mistakes we learn
Sometimes the water may get rough
Sometimes the water may
But sometimes are never always enough
There's always time to find higher ground
The Golden Son blows a silver breeze
Through my copper sails
And His water sets me free
A renaissance of life occurs
As the horizon fades into me
, renaissance
Renaissance, renaissance
Ignorance, angel, faith, heaven, atrocity
Beauty, promise, truth, sorrow, tears, hate, forgiveness
Questions, learn, believe, breathe, night, strength, universe
Answers, pain, fight, flight, guilt, joy, ignominy
Silence, time, rain, peace, life, color, family
How can we believe but still not see?
Ignorance, angel, faith, heaven, atrocity
Beauty, promise, truth, sorrow, tears, hate, forgiveness
Questions, learn, believe, breathe, night, strength, universe
nswers, pain, fight, flight, guilt, joy, ignominy
Silence, time, rain, peace, life, color, family
How can we believe but still not see?
That sometimes the water may get rough
Sometimes the water may surround
But sometimes are never always enough
re's always time to find higher ground
The Golden Son blows a silver breeze
Through my copper sails
And the water sets me free
A renaissance of life occurs
As the horizon fades into me
Renaissance, renaissance
Renaissance, renaissance
(c) Jason M

In a world where night comes too fast
Where to find the future we look to the past
And broken dreams are the ones that last
He'll still be there
He will tell you the answers, when doubt comes around
He'll open your eyes, so what's lost can be found
He'll give you His hand, when your world crumbles down
And He'll never let you go
When injustice prevails and wrong's always right
When believers lose faith and fighters won't fight
And the prayers that you've prayed don't seem to find light
still be there
He will tell you the answers, when doubt comes around
He'll open your eyes, so what's lost can be found
He'll give you His hand, when your world crumbles down
And He'll never let you go
No He'll never let you go
No He'll never (ever)
Let go

Whoh, death come a knockin' on that sinners door
Said old sinner, "Are you ready to go?"
He said, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Because I ain't got on my travelin' shoes...
("Ain't paid my dues, yes, sayin'...")
...No, no, no
Oh Lordy, no, no, no
ecause I ain't got on my travelin' shoes."
Whoh, death come a knockin' on that liars door
Said old liar, "Are you ready to go?"
He said, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Because I ain't got on my travelin' shoes...
("Ain't paid my dues, yes, sayin'...")
...No, no, no
Oh Lordy, no, no, no
Because I ain't got on my travelin' shoes."
Whoh, death come a knockin' on that gamblers door
Said old gambler, "Are you ready to go?"
He said, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Because I ain't got on my travelin' shoe
("Ain't paid my dues, yes, sayin'...")
...No, no, no
Oh Lordy, no, no, no
Because I ain't got on my travelin' shoes."
Whoh, death come a knockin' on that Christians door
Said old Christian, "Are you ready to go?"
He said, "No, no, no, no, no,
no, no,
Because I ain't got on my travelin' shoes...
("Ain't paid my dues, yes, sayin'...")
...No, no, no
Oh Lordy, no, no, no
Because I ain't got on my travelin' shoes...
...No, no, no
Oh, Lordy, no, no, no
Because I ain't got on my travel
in' shoes."

Jesus on the mainline
Tell Him what you want
Jesus on the mainline
Tell Him what you want
Jesus on the mainline
Tell Him what you want
Call Him up
And tell Him what you want
(You can)
Call Him up, (I said)
Call Him up, (I said)
Tell Him what
you want
Call Him up, (I said)
Call Him up, (I said)
Tell Him what you want
Call Him up, (I said)
Call Him up, (I said)
Tell Him what you want
Call him up
And tell Him what you want
Well His line is never busy
You can tell Him what you want
line is never busy
You can tell Him what you want
Well His line is never busy
You can tell Him what you want
Come on, call Him up
And tell Him what you want
If you're sick and you want to get well
Well tell Him what you want
Oh, if you're sick an
d you want to get well
Tell Him what you want
Well if you're sick and you want to get well
Tell Him what you want
Come on, call Him up
And tell Him what you want
(Come on, I'm singin' it)
Call Him up (call Him up)
Call Him up (call Him up)
Tell H
im what you want
(You got to)
Call Him up (call Him up)
Call Him up (call Him up)
And tell Him what you want
Call Him up
Call Him up
Tell Him what you want
Call Him up
And tell Him (somebody tell Him)
What (somebody tell)
You (somebody tell Him
what you want)

Blue Moon
You saw me standing alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own
Blue Moon
You know just what I was there for
You heard me saying a prayer for
Someone I really could care for
And then there suddenly appeared before me
The only one my arms will hold
I heard somebody whisper please adore me
And when I looked to the Moon it turned to gold
Blue Moon
Now I'm no longer alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own
And then there suddenly appeared before me
The only one my arms will ever hold
I heard somebody whisper please adore me
And when I looked the Moon had turned to gold
Blue moon
Now I'm no longer alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own
Blue moon
Now I'm no longer alone
Without a dream in my heart

In these days of confused situations
In this night of a restless remorse
When the heart and the soul of a nation
Lay wounded and cold as a corpse
From the grave of the innocent Adam
Comes a song bringing joy to the sad
Oh, your cry has been heard
and the ransom
Has been paid up in full, be ye glad
Oh, be ye glad
Oh, be ye glad
Every debt that you've ever had
Has been paid up in full by the grace of the Lord
Be ye glad, be ye glad, be ye glad
So be like lights on the rim of the water
g hope in a storm sea of night
Be a refuge amidst the slaughter
Of these fugitives in their flight
For you are timeless and part of a puzzle
You are winsome and young as a lad
And there is no disease or no struggle
That can pull you from God, be ye
Oh, be ye glad
Oh, be ye glad
Every debt that you ever had
Has been paid up in full by the grace of the Lord
Be ye glad, be ye glad, be ye glad
Oh, be ye glad
Oh, be ye glad
Every debt that you ever had
Has been paid up in full by the grac
e of the Lord
Be ye glad, be ye glad, be ye glad
(c) Michael K. Blanchard, ASCAP, Paragon Music Corp.

John the Revelator put him in an elevator
Take him up to the highest high
Take him up to the top where the mountains stop
Let him tell his book of lies
John the Revelator he's a smooth operator
It's time we cut him down to size
Take him by the hand
And put him on the stand
Let us hear his alibis
By claiming God as his holy right
He's stealing a God from the Israelite
Stealing a God from a Muslim, too
There is only one God through and through
Seven lies, multiplied by seven
Multiplied by seven again
Seven angels with seven trumpets
Send them home on the morning train
Well who's that shouting? John the Revelator
All he ever gives us is pain
Well who's that shouting? John the Revelator
He should bow his head in shame
By and by, by and by
By and by, by and by
Seven lies, multiplied by seven
Multiplied by seven again
Seven angels with seven trumpets
Send them home on the morning train
Well who's that shouting? John the Revelator
All he ever gives us is pain
Well who's that shouting? John the Revelator
He should bow his head in shame
By and by, by and by, John the Revelator
By and by, John the Revelator

The sun has its way with you my friend
But i know that it will be burned
Don't fear, my eyes are an open door
I look inside but one home
I like eagle rounding our the day
I need a world beyond the grave
sharing not your empty fun
growing old I'm dying young
Walk in my sleep, hour prophetic
my sign believes to the past
And after all i have to live
some things will never be done
I'd rather die than stay alive
inside this world i was lying
and after all i have to live
this time i don't have a dream
I cannot hide,my life is fucked up
you'll never find you'll never get inside
A giant move and move again, against you all
While other smell the breath of battle again
How many brothers bring you happiness
No one cares about your family
No one cares about how sad i feel
With blood that feel upon the earth
I'm just afraid to be myself
The end Depends on your regret
spend your time on what you get
While other smell the breath of battle again
How many brothers bring you happiness
No one cares about your family

Angry I am, soldier i am/ survived and returned home to
be damned
You always watch my naked back,but you forgot to
say that our little grace should burn and rave at close
of day
no!! send me rage and bless me with your tears again
life for the life, names will be cursed / unburied i am
or i'm just lying where i fell
and i have to die at the front / you forgot to
say that our little grace should burn and rave at close
of day

Time with its change of mood and shade
A simple man is not afraid
Don't blame my pillow sickness
I'm pleased to make nothing less
Long dazzling flash of light
the rotted smell of smoke
you always satisfy it
the hanger of my thought
I can separate my breath
My expiation
Something throw my mind away
Your bloody aim
My body like a charnell house
And i cut with scissors my soul
I have to make a dreadful pain
Cause i don't wanna be your slave
Come on and walk inside me
You have to bury it with me
So what you'll gonna give me
Don't play with me, believe me
I pray many times for it
Begging my ending
I am wick but so close to see
or am i creeping dead
Breath in,

Inside, i am the force behind an ambition
I'm what keeps you going despite the religion
I exist long after the body has give up
a fundamental human instinct
something you (were) born with
waited, for ages
burned,my burden
My intentions pure,choose your death over a can-D
An invisible bond uniting all your minds
as the great life rise as the great life rise
above your mundane body
time is on your side, time is always on your side
I'll try, to got to blaze the thoughts away from your
bite your tail to be the images of your god
sanctified information
something you (were) born in
waited for ages

Memory is life
But my life is not just a memory.
Another scene of lie
A broken hope, a wooden breath.
And i'm feeling small
not so strong,
waiting for you to help me.x2
I'm walking like a blind.
And you give me
pain instead
of your light.
A trigger inside me,
please pull it now and wake me up.
i'm not so strong
i'm flying alone.
You'll never be against me.x2
Memory is life
but my life is not just a memory.
Another scene of lie
A broken hope,a
wooden breath.
I'm walking like a blind.
And you give me pain
instead of
your light.
A trigger inside me,
Please pull it now and wake me up.
No i'm
not so strong
i'm flying alone.
You'll never be against me.x4
Can you see
that everything i need
Is not a charity, is only true belief
I’m your
Welcome to my world
Think of me as i think of you
Can you see that
everything i need
( i can lose you,i can leave you)
Is not a charity, is
only true belief
I’m your waterfall
Welcome to my world
Think of me as i

Can you crate a burning circle
Your only weapon to dream
is like a storm dressed in purple
Trying to hide away from fear
as long as you were downhearted
Your eagerly
Became some kind of abuse
There's something now you should know
before i choose to get free
so many years i was alone
without a mind to evoke me
so i let the prison to you
my smell reminds me the youth
before your story comes true
I'm so alive now
Voices from a zoo scream for help,
but its nothing you can do
a simples confuse an older chance
a reason to be a fool
and I'm falling away
I born again my little royal fame
is not only shame
is like prayer a heavenly delay
so i let the prison to you
my smell reminds me the youth
Before your story comes
I'm so alive now
Colour drains from my face
Colour drains from my face

I will put chaos into fourteen lines
and keep him there and let him thence escape
If he be lucky let him be twist and ape
I will put chaos into fourteen lines
flood,fire and demon his adroit designs
will strain to nothing in the strict confines
of this sweet order,where in pious rape
I hold his essence and amorphous shape,
Till he with order mingles and combines
Past are the hours the years of our duress
His arrogance, our awful servitude
I have him he is nothing more nor less
than something simple not yet understood
i shall not even force to confess

Niespelniony sen, blekit w twoich oczach
dostal to, co tak pokochal swiat.
Podarowal ci kilka boskich nocy
tylko po to, by odebrac raj.
Chodz! Daj reke, bo widzialas juz ten film.
Ta blondynka grala w nim.
Trzy godziny snu. Witaj, nowy dniu!
Żadna milość nie jest lekiem na twój ból.
Trzy kieliszki lez tak by poczuc mocniej
z jakich sklada sie slow najtrudniejsza z ról.
Nie chcial widziec, jak zmienia cie ten plomień,
gdy otaczal cie spragniony tlum.
Kazdy facet chcial tulic cie w ramionach.
Żaden nie rozumial twoich slow.
Chodź! Daj reke, bo widzialas już ten film.
Ta blondynka grala w nim.
Trzy godziny snu. Witaj, nowy dniu!
Żadna milosc nie jest lekiem na twoj ból.
Trzy kieliszki lez tak by poczuc mocniej
z jakich sklada sie slow najtrudniejsza z ról.
Jej ostatni film, do zagrania w nim najtrudniejsza z ról
Życie tak jak film, szcześcia pare chwil, najtrudniejsza z ról
Jej ostatni film, do zagrania w nim najtrudniejsza z ról.

Zanurzyc twarz
W Twych dloniach
I nie dotknac nigdy dna
Nie odchodz
Prosze Cie
Bo tylko z Toba
Tak mi dobrze, dobrze jest
Tak bezpiecznie czuje sie
Nie, nie, nie szukalam milosci
Ona znalazla mnie
Chociaz nie wiem
Nie wiem nic o Tobie
Skad sie nagle wziales
W sercu mym
Nie wiem
Czy sie juz nie boje
Zakochac w Tobie
Z calych sil
Obok zwyklych spraw
Chcemy widziec wszystko tak
Jakby zycie
Mialo tylko sens
Kiedy kochasz
Kiedy kochasz
Po prostu pieknie
Nie, nie, nie szukalam. . . itd.
Nie wiem, nie wiem nic o Tobie. . . itd.
Nie wiem
Czy sie juz nie boje
Zakochac w Tobie }

Czy to co mam, to co mam
Juz mi wystarczy
To nic, ze zakpil ze mnie los.
Bo to co mam, to co mam
Tak wiele znaczy
Już nie wypuszcze szczescia z rak.
Dzis wiem, nie spale Twoich zdjec.
Już wiem, nie wszystko spelnia sie
Gora dol, pieprz i sol
Smakuje swiat od nowa
Letni wiatr
Malin grad o tak
Kruchy lod, gorycz miod
Smakuje swiat od nowa
Mape zmian w sercu mam bez plam.
A to co mam, to co mam
Bezpieczna przystan
Szuflada przypraw magii moc.
Bo to co mam, to co mam
To chlodna wyspa
Czekam na kilka cieplych barw.
Dzis wiem, nie spale Twoich zdjesc.
Już wiem, nie wszystko spelnia sie.
Gora dol, pieprz i sol
Smakuje swiat od nowa
Letni wiatr
Malin grad o tak
Kruchy lod, gorycz miod
Smakuje swiat od nowa
Mape zmian w sercu mam bez plam.
Gora dol, pieprz i sol
Smakuje swiat od nowa
Letni wiatr
Malin grad o tak
Kruchy lod, gorycz miod
Odwaznie chcÄ™ sprobowac
Mape zmian w sercu mam bez plam.

I wciaz jestem zla
Nie widze juz w sobie
Pozytywnych barw
Moze to zbyt dluga zima
Zmienila mnie
Nie czasem nie wiem
Czego chce
Szukam wciaz milosci
Bez niej
Bladze jak we mgle
Czy jestem jak Ty
Tak silna by zyc
Zapytam sie ciszy
Nocy swych
I dni
Zamykam oczy
Odkad odszedles

Kilka prostych slów,
przeslodzonych nut,
byle mieć... wszystko znów.
Szklanka whisky i...
wciÄ…ga CiÄ™ do gry,
miasto snów - Hollywood.
Wstaje dzień - masz go w dloni,
letni wiatr, slońca blask - chwytasz to, co ma dla Ciebie świat.
Rodzi się z wlasnej woli nagly chlód, Alabaster, hotel jak ze snu.
To co bylo przed
już nie liczy się,
nie ma prób... w Hollywood.
Oddasz duszÄ™ za:
chwilÄ™ slawy - fakt,
talent, zbyt - boski dar.
Wstaje dzień - masz go w dloni,
letni wiatr, slońca blask - chwytasz to, co ma dla Ciebie świat.
Rodzi się z wlasnej woli nagly chlód, Alabaster, hotel jak ze snu.
Wstaje dzień - masz go w dloni,
letni wiatr, slońca blask - chwytasz to, co ma dla Ciebie świat.
Rodzi siÄ™ z wlasnej woli sukces lub niezly plan,
Oscar czy Malina wybierz sam.
Wstaje dzień - masz go w dłoni,
letni wiatr, slońca blask - chwytasz to, co ma dla Ciebie świat.

My heart won't stop, it beats for free
And common sense won't prevail with me
Overwhelming, to live on and breathe in
And I, I couldn't be all that I am
When I say I can't you just say you can
And without you I'd never be that strong
I was never enough for you
And I'll scream
I've been holding in this feeling forever
You promised that you'd never again
I guessed we'd always be there forever
You knew we'd never be there again
Scream out, I scream out
This time all my love won't break
It will smash you'll see
It's common sense to be hated by me
Overcomplicated to live on and take it
And I, I couldn't be all that I am
When I say I can't you just say you can
And without you I'd never be that strong
I was never enough for you
And I'll scream
I've been holding in this feeling forever
You promised that you'd never again
I guessed we'd always be there forever
You knew we'd never be there again
Scream out, I scream out
And I was proud to stand and love one another
Oh how it's changed
We swore we'd always stay the same

There's something in the way you say my name
That makes me sure that
The feelings that you're feeling are the same
As the ones that I have for you
I adore you
The times we spend together never last
As long as I'd like
And everyday the sun goes down too fast
Sit here for as much time as you can get
You and me watching the sunset
'Cause every time I see your face
My heart leaps and I melt inside
And every time you talk to me
I have a hard time seeing past those eyes
And all I want is for you to say
"Darling, I feel the same way as you"
There's times when you don't feel like talking on the
But still you listen and
You walk me to my door when you take me home
You lean closer and then you kiss me
And say that 'til tomorrow you'll miss me
'Cause every time I see your face
My heart leaps and I melt inside
And every time you talk to me
I have a hard time seeing past those eyes
And all I want is for you to say
"Darling, I feel the same way as you"
Sit here for as much time as you can get
You and me watching the sunset
It can't get much better than this
'Cause every time I see your face
My heart leaps and I melt inside
And every time you talk to me
I have a hard time seeing past those eyes
And all I want is for you to say

Listen to me now
Dont go any further than
Saying this out loud
You dont have to pretend
It only took a couple minutes just to figure this out
we can do anything if we live life without a doubt
Some people hope to find
Something extraordinary in
Turning one page at a time
They dont know where to begin
It looks like i just happen to know you by name
You can force the piece to fit but the puzzle's not the
Looks like we're gonna sing it now
Until the very last light goes out
Then we're gonna close our mouths
And listen to hear ouselves
Echo off the sky tonight
Oh I love the simple life
Don't be sorry if you dont
Play the melody just right
I just want you to show
Me one more song tonight
Looks like grass is growning between the cracks in the
And there's pealing paint that lines up the parking lot
I find the world in his fingers
He wont let me fall, let me fall
In the wind He is speaking

We were meant to be
That's what everyone says
And I thought so too when we first held hands
But it wasn't safe to say (safe to say) just yet
Or so I thought so
You were on my mind all day, the next day, and the next
And the next day
This is a feeling that doesn't fade
I think it's safe to say now that I love you
Remember everyday I'm thinking of you
Together forever
It's safe to say
You don't have to pick the petals off a daisy
To know I'm crazy about you
Baby, there is no maybe
And oh, you know I'm staying
In love with you
Oh, this I always knew
I think it's safe to say now that I love you
Remember everyday I'm thinking of you
Together forever
It's safe to say
Yeah, it's safe to say
And the next day
And the next day
And the next day
I think that I can finally say
I think it's safe to say now that I love you
Remember everyday I'm thinking of you
Together forever
It's safe to say (x2)
Yeah, it's safe to say

I haven't heard your voice in a while, I miss the sound
I wanna see your face but you're in another place, oh,
another town
Why did you have to leave on a trip that would take you
away from me?
You're a thousand miles away but I know you hear this
I'll play the sweet sound of your voice inside my head
Like a record
And I'll smell the wonderful scent, oh, you captured
Your blue sweater
I wish everytime you came into my mind I could
Write you a letter
Words can't contain what I feel so for now, I'll just
wait 'til
We're together
I'll hold on to your blue sweater, yeah
In my mind, I bring you back here
For as long as I allow
Oh, hurry, I'm starting to worry
I'll forget you now, but I don't know how
So I'll count down the days 'til I see you again
Who knew that it would feel like 200 years 'til then?
So I'll play the sweet sound of your voice inside my
Like a record
And I'll smell the wonderful scent, oh, you captured
Your blue sweater
I wish everytime you came into my mind I could
Write you a letter
Words can't contain what I feel so for now, I'll just
wait 'til
We're together
I'll hold on to your blue sweater
It's the one that I (?) given
If you have been, too, (?) listen
Take this chance with me 'cause we're living, yeah
I'll play the sweet sound of your voice inside my head
Like a record
And I'll smell the wonderful scent, oh, you captured
Your blue sweater
I wish everytime you came into my mind I could
Write you a letter
Words can't contain what I feel so for now, I'll just
wait 'til
We're together
I'll hold on to your blue sweater
I'll play the sweet sound of your voice inside my head
Like a record (like a record)
Like a record

Pressure's pushing me down
Pushing me up, pushing me upside down
World keeps spinning around
Keeps spinning around
You keep swimming so we won't drown
Sometimes I win and sometimes I lose
But I don't give up and I won't give an excuse
All it takes is a spark to ignite you when
When your world is falling to pieces
All it takes is a little confidence
You know it's never too late
A little faith is all it takes
People putting me down
They're putting me up
Some people turn their head and frown
Stay true, true to your dreams
Even though it may seem like the road up ahead is steep
You can't stop me cause I can't get enough
Keep it coming, bring it on
You know it just make me tough
All it takes is a spark to ignite you when
When your world is falling to pieces
All it takes is a little confidence
You know it's never too late
A little faith is all it takes
No matter what's on your mind
Whatever you're trying to find
Always try to do it right
And don't give up without a fight
Whether you're a movie star
Or living the small-town life
Pressure's pushing me down
Pushing me up, it's pushing me upside down
Stay true, true to your dreams
Even though it may seem like the road up ahead is steep
Sometimes I win and sometimes I lose
But I don't give up and I won't give an excuse
All it takes is a spark to ignite you when
When your world is falling to pieces
All it takes is a little confidence
Don't you know that's never too late...
All it takes is a spark to ignite you when
When your world is falling to pieces
All it takes is a little confidence
You know it's never too late

It was a quarter to eight
Secretly glad you were late
I hope you didn't see me peeking through the window
I didn't want to seem too eager
I opened the door ready to leave and then
My dad walked us all the way out to the car, that was embarrassing
It's 2 a.m., it's gonna be another long night
Thinking 'bout what could've been
If I had been a little more this, a little more that
A little more of everything you want
It's 2 a.m., it's gonna be another long night
Thinking 'bout what could've been
If I had been a little more this, a little more that
A little more of everything you want
I laughed a little too loud
Oh, how awkward do I sound?
I wondered about halfway through my story
If you even thought that it was funny
A few times I forgot how to speak
Because you looked so stunning
It's 2 a.m., it's gonna be another long night
Thinking 'bout what could've been
If I had been a little more this, a little more that
A little more of everything you want
It's 2 a.m., it's gonna be another long night
Thinking 'bout what could've been
If I had been a little more this, a little more that
A little more of everything you want
Oh, everything you want
I played this night again and again inside my head
I thought it could have been
Almost perfect in the end
I guess now I'll try to fall asleep
It's 2 a.m., it's gonna be another long night
Thinking 'bout what could've been
If I had been a little more this, a little more that
A little more of everything you want
It's 2 a.m., it's gonna be another long night
Thinking 'bout what could've been
If I had been a little more this, a little more that

Ohh ohh ohh ooh oooh ooh ooh ooh oooh ooh
I like boys that like to smile
Laugh at themselves once in awhile
That can sit and talk for hours
Then in the morning pick me flowers
Boys that like to be very clean
That are never ever, ever mean
And can tell a witty joke
Boys that do not like to smoke.
One day I'll find you
One day I'll find you
One day I'll find you
One day I'll find you
I like boys that aren't afraid of bugs,
That will always give me big warm hugs
Like to sing and play guitar,
That are happy being who they are
Boys that like to be outside
And that aren't full of pride
Boys that have an honest passion with at least a slight hint of fashion.
One day I'll find you
One day I'll find you
One day I'll find you
One day I'll find you
I like that boys that are funny and artistic,
That are mostly optimistic
Boys that are not very lazy,
A little weird but not too crazy
Boys that arent afraid to cry,
And will always give a second try
And will try to do they're best,
I want a boy not like the rest
One day I'll find you
One day I'll find you
One day I'll find you
