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Monk to Return to TV in 2-hour Movie
USA - Monk: Blood Test
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monk tv edited clip
Mr.Monk tv show with theme song and lyrics
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TV Show Review: Monk
Monk (TV-Series 2002-2009) - leather compilation HD 720p
Monk TV Show Update
003--夢夢狗 (Monk Little Dog) - Watches TV.avi
John Mason monk tv.MP4


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Manne Queen (2010)


'this body was molded at the price of another.' the screen turns dark to white and the movie starts. monk doesn't know how to carry the mannequin. the mannequin is heavier than expected, and it is taller than he is. He attempts to carry the mannequin like he would a crate for a while but gives up. He takes a rest. A sudden wind blows the red cloth away. without any hesitation, the cloth flies far away. He gazes into the horizon until the cloth cannot be seen. With a smile the b-boy says, 'Here's the thing brother. You gotta get hold her by the middle.' He spreads out his two arms and measures the body of monk. and he pokes his belly button. Moving his two.....


Archon Defender (2009)


Archon Defender follows the path of a young woman, Colette, as she seeks her way through adversity to redemption, as the world she once knew is torn apart by war and tyranny. The Empress Lucia has risen to power in Echelon, and is systematically persecuting the Shard Sensitive, and all who opposes her power. Orphaned while fleeing from Lucia's Regime, Colette seeks refuge in the nation of Archon. Having Awakened to the Shard, her abilities become fully manifest under the guidance of the Archon Council. Joining the Archon Defense Wing, she must confront her own feelings of isolation and despair, to stand against Lucia.

Keywords: anime, army, avant-garde, battle, betrayal, captain, capture, combat, danger, destruction



Where do you draw your line in the sand?

Der Name der Rose (1986)


1327: after a mysterious death in a Benedictine Abbey, the monks are convinced that the apocalypse is coming. With the Abbey to play host to a council on the Franciscan's Order's belief that the Church should rid itself of wealth, William of Baskerville, a respected Franciscan monk, is asked to assist in determining the cause of the untimely death. Alas, more deaths occur as the investigation draws closer to uncovering the secret the Abbey wants hidden, and there is finally no stopping the Holy Inquisition from taking an active hand in the process. William and his young novice must race against time to prove the innocence of the unjustly accused and avoid the wrath of Holy Inquisitor Bernardo Gui.

Keywords: 1300s, 14th-century, abbey, abbot, accident, altar, ambiguous-title, antichrist, apocalypse, arsenic



Who, in the name of God, is getting away with murder?
A story of unholy murder.
They believed in God, but traded with the Devil
Sie glaubten an Gott und waren des Teufels.


William of Baskerville: She is already burnt flesh, Adso. Bernardo Gui has spoken: she is a witch.::Adso of Melk: But that's not true, and you know it!::William of Baskerville: I know. I also know that anyone who disputes the verdict of an Inquisitor is guilty of heresy.

William of Baskerville: But what is so alarming about laughter?::Jorge de Burgos: Laughter kills fear, and without fear there can be no faith, because without fear of the Devil there is no more need of God.

William of Baskerville: Adso, if I knew the answers to everything, I would be teaching theology in Paris.

The Abbot: We found the body after a hailstorm, horribly mutilated, dashed against a rock at the foot of the tower, under a window which was, uh, how shall I say this? I trust...::William of Baskerville: Which was found closed.::The Abbot: Somebody told you?::William of Baskerville: Had it been found open, you would not have spoken of spiritual unease - you would have concluded that he'd fallen.::The Abbot: Brother William, the window cannot be opened! Nor was the glass shattered, nor is there any access to the roof above.

William of Baskerville: My dear Adso, we must not allow ourselves to be influenced by irrational rumors of the Antichrist, hmm? Let us instead exercise our brains and try to solve this tantalizing conundrum.

Jorge de Burgos: Laughter is a devilish wind which deforms, uh, the lineaments of the face and makes men look like monkeys.::William of Baskerville: Monkeys do not laugh. Laughter is particular to men.::Jorge de Burgos: As is sin. Christ never laughed.::William of Baskerville: Can we be so sure?::Jorge de Burgos: There is nothing in the Scriptures to say that he did.::William of Baskerville: And there's nothing in the Scriptures to say that he did not. Why, even the saints have been known to employ comedy, to ridicule the enemies of the Faith. For example, when the pagans plunged St. Maurice into the boiling water, he complained that his bath was too cold. The Sultan put his hand in... scalded himself.

[after seeing a rat while searching for a secret route to the library]::William of Baskerville: The rats love parchment even more than scholars do. Let's follow him!

William of Baskerville: I too was an Inquisitor, but in the early days, when the Inquisition strove to guide, not to punish. And once I had to preside at a trial of a man whose only crime was to have translated a Greek book that conflicted with the Holy Scriptures. Bernardo Gui wanted him condemned as a heretic; I - acquitted the man. Then Bernardo Gui accused *me* of heresy, for having defended him. I appealed to the Pope. I - I was put in prison, tortured, and... and I recanted.::Adso of Melk: What happened then?::William of Baskerville: The man was burned at the stake and I am still alive.

William of Baskerville: The only evidence I see of the antichrist here is everyones desire to see him at work.

Bernardo Gui: Why did you kill them?::Remigio da Varagine: Why? I don't know... why.::Bernardo Gui: Because you were inspired by the Devil?::Remigio da Varagine: Yes. That's it. I was inspired by the Devil! I am... inspired by the DEVVVVILLL! Lucifer! I summon you!

The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985)


Cecilia is a waitress in New Jersey during the Depression and is searching for an escape from her dreary life. Tom Baxter is a dashing young archaeologist in the film "The Purple Rose of Cairo." After losing her job Cecilia goes to see the film in hopes of raising her spirits. Much to her surprise Tom Baxter walks off the screen and into her life. There's only one problem..Tom isn't real. Meanwhile Hollywood is up in arms when they dicover that other Tom Baxters are trying to leave the screen in other theatres. Will Tom ever return and finish the film or will he decide to stay in the real world?

Keywords: 1930s, abusive-husband, actor, actor-meets-character, actress, brothel, city-name-in-title, color-in-title, deception, diner



She's finally met the man of her dreams. He's not real but you can't have everything. [Video]


Tom Baxter: You make love without fading out?

Tom Baxter: Dad was a card. I never met him. He died before the movie began.

Cecilia: I just met a wonderful new man. He's fictional but you can't have everything.

The Countess: Go with the real guy, honey, we're limited.::Rita: Go with Tom! He's got no flaws!::Delilah: Go with SOMEBODY, child, 'cause I's gettin' bored.

Tom Baxter: Cecilia, it's clear how miserable you are with your husband. And if he hits you again, you tell me. I'd be forced to knock his teeth out.::Cecilia: I don't think that'd be such a good idea. He's big.::Tom Baxter: I'm sorry. It's written into my character to do it, so I do it.

Tom Baxter: I don't get hurt or bleed, hair doesn't muss; it's one of the advantages of being imaginary.

Tom Baxter: I was thinking about some very deep things. About God and his relation with Irving Saks and R.H. Levine. And I was thinking about life in general. The origin of everything we see about us. The finality of death; how almost magical it seems in the real world, as opposed to the world of celluloid and flickering shadows.::Hooker: [to another hooker] Where did you FIND this clown?

Tom Baxter: [to Cecilia] I love you. I'm honest, dependable, courageous, romantic, and a great kisser.::Gil Shepherd: And I'm real.

Movie Patron: You can't talk to my wife that way - who do you think you are?::The Countess: I'm a genuine countess with a lot of dough, and if that's your wife she's a tub of guts.

Gil's Agent: Tom Baxter's come down off the screen and he's running around New Jersey!... Nobody knows how it happened, but he's done it.::Gil Shepherd: How can he do that? It's not physically possible!::Gil's Agent: In New Jersey anything can happen.

Raw Force (1982)


A group of martial arts students are en route to an island that supposedly is home to the ghosts of martial artists who have lost their honor. A Hitler lookalike and his gang are running a female slavery operation on the island as well. Soon, the two groups meet and all sorts of crazy things happen which include cannibal monks, piranhas, zombies, and more!

Keywords: cannibalism, exploitation, female-full-frontal-nudity, grindhouse, humans-in-cages, independent-film, island, kung-fu, living-dead, martial-arts



...Invaders of the Jade Tombs!
Raw Force! Untamed and Unleashed to Kill!
Its nourishment - human flesh. Its guardian - the undead. Its sanctuary - the island
Once on the island the excitement and horror begins.
One blow! The deathblow!


Bartender: [breaks a block of ice with his head, hands the girl her drink and asks] Wanna have dinner tonight, babycakes?

Religious Freak: Tell me about the centerfold you're doing.::Betty: The centerfold? Well, it's really not for positive sure yet. Well, we still have to...::Religious Freak: [interrupting her] Why are you doing it? For the money?::Betty: Well, like I said, I don't even know if I...::Religious Freak: [interrupting her again] For the publicity?::Betty: Well, sure, I guess you could say that I...::Religious Freak: [interrupting her yet again] You're not doing it for the publicity. I know why you're doing it.::Betty: Why am I doing it then?::Religious Freak: For the devil.::Betty: The devil?::Religious Freak: Yeah. Look around this place. It's the devil's den.::Betty: [chuckles] Are you joking?::Religious Freak: [seriously] No Betty, the devil's no joke.

Hazel Buck: I'm going shopping. Is there anything you need, besides deodorant?

Thomas Speer: That is pure bullshit, mein friend!

Thomas Speer: You can't do nothing right, Cooper! You stupid sonofabitch! You should have been destroyed at birth! That's what I get for teaming up with a hippie!

voice over the PA system: We are now departing. Those of you tossing money, they are again reminding you that the divers requested that you do not throw pennies, nickels, or dimes. Only quarters and above.

voice over the PA system: Those of you who wish to end up sitting on the toilet for the rest of the trip, with violent, projectile diarrhea, try the Hungarian food in our restaurant, courtesy of Michelle the Hungarian bitch.

Captain Harry Dodds: Madam will you please get...::Hazel Buck: [interrupts him] Don't call me madam!::Captain Harry Dodds: Mrs. Buck will you...::Hazel Buck: That Ms. Buck!

Blonde: [while stripping down to her underwear] I took this cruise to get myself out of the country.::Steve: Why?::Blonde: There's a stupid little murder warrant out for my arrest::[throws her underwear over her shoulder, then lays down on the bed, completely nude, on her stomach]

Blonde: [after being tied to the bed, and being spanked by the biker] Get your filthy hands off me, asshole!

Carry on Abroad (1972)


A group of holidaymakers head for the Spanish resort of Elsbels for a 4-day visit. When they get there, they find the Hotel still hasn't been finished being built, and the weather is awful. And there is something strange about the staff. They all look very similar. To top it all off, the weather seems to be having an adverse affect on the Hotel's foundations...

Keywords: aphrodisiac, bare-breasts, bikini, bikini-girl, carry-on, catastrophe, covered-female-frontal-nudity, drunkenness, female-nudity, fleet



The holiday of a Laugh-time!


Madame Fifi: Dirty pig, you insult-a my fine ladies!::Eustace Tuttle: We were only playing leap frog!

[in Vic Flange's Pub, Sadie Tompkins orders a drink at the bar for herself]::Sadie Tompkins: Have you got a large one?::Vic Flange: I've had no complaints so far.::Sadie Tompkins: Seeing's believing...::Vic Flange: You won't need a magnifying glass!::[Vic gives Sadie the drink]::Vic Flange: There you are... no, no, have it on me - if you know what I mean!::Sadie Tompkins: Oh, you don't have to draw me any diagrams!::Vic Flange: Pity - I was just going to get my ballpoint out!

Stuart Farquhar: My name is Stuart Farquhar, the representative of Wundatours.::Pepe: Stupid what?::Stuart Farquhar: STUART! STUART FARQUHAR!::Pepe: Ahh, you Mr. Farqiarse.

Cora Flange: You filthy rotten stinking beast.::Vic Flange: What have I done now?::Cora Flange: Don't you come the innocent with me. You and that Sadie Tomkins..."Are you going on the same trip too? Oh well fancy that, yes fancy that." Well, I don't fancy that AT ALL!

Vic Flange: Oh, have a heart, darling, you know I need this holiday. You wouldn't want me to go without it just because she's going to be there.::Cora Flange: If she's going to be there, you won't be going without it!

Stuart Farquhar: Afternoon, Miss Dobbs, a lovely day for it.::Miss Dobbs: That's what they all say, Mr Farquhar, but it won't get you anywhere.::Stuart Farquhar: I meant for the Elsbels trip, Miss Dobbs.

Vic Flange: Lovely day for it!::Miss Dobbs: That's what they all say...

Stuart Farquhar: Please, Miss Plunkett, you're squashing my itinerary.::Moira Plunkett: Oh, I'm terribly sorry. I keep on forgetting what a big girl I am now.::Stuart Farquhar: Quite, shall we get them out now?::Moira Plunkett: Why, Mr Farquhar!::Stuart Farquhar: The people for the coach, I mean.::Moira Plunkett: Oh, those. Yes, of course.

Tuttle's Mother: Oh. I meant to tell you, dear, keep your woolly vest on, even at night...::Eustace Tuttle: Yes, Mummy - and goodbye.::Tuttle's Mother: ...and when you do go, always put plenty of paper down first.

[on arrival at the Palace Hotel in Elsbels]::Pepe: It's very lovings, no?::Stuart Farquhar: I beg your pardon, oh you mean lovely, oh yes very nice.::Pepe: It's all brand news, tables not sat in, chairs not sat in, lavatory not sat...::Stuart Farquhar: Yes, we needn't go into all that.

Los desesperados (1969)


A soldier deserts his outfit the night before a major battle, after receiving an urgent message. He heads across the border to Mexico to marry his pregnant girlfriend before she gives birth. Her father had forbidden their marriage, but the soldier is determined. Circumstances turn the soldier into an outlaw who vows vengeance on everyone involved.

Keywords: army, bullring, cholera, civil-war, death-of-child, deserter, hired-killer, mexican-border, revenge, spaghetti-western



A gritty story of seething hatred and thrilling adventure.

Monk Filmography

Monks, The Filmography

Monk, Will Filmography


Former police detective Adrian Monk ('Tony Shalhoub'(qv)) has suffered from intensified obsessive- compulsive disorder and a variety of phobias since the murder of his wife, Trudy, in 1997. Despite his photographic memory and his amazing ability to piece tiny clues together, he is now on psychiatric leave from the San Francisco Police Department. Aided by his friend and practical nurse, Sharona Fleming ('Bitty Schram'(qv)), Monk works as a freelance detective/consultant, hoping to convince his former boss, Captain Stottlemeyer ('Ted Levine'(qv)), to allow him to return to the force. Stottlemeyer wavers between admiration for Monk and annoyance at his eccentricities. Moreover, he harbors serious doubts about the wisdom of allowing Monk to carry a gun. Stottlemeyer's second-in-command, Lieutenant Disher ('Jason Gray-Stanford'(qv)), also has his doubts about Monk but seems to be developing a reluctant admiration for the "defective detective."




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Monk to Return to TV in 2-hour Movie
Monk to Return to TV in 2-hour Movie
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:38
  • Updated: 09 Jul 2013
USA - Monk: Blood Test
USA - Monk: Blood Test
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:01
  • Updated: 10 Aug 2013

Mr. Monk is left to his own devices while visiting the doctor. John Laskas: Editor.
Mr Monk - Therapist Scene
Mr Monk - Therapist Scene
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:22
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

This is just some funny parts from the TV Show Monk. Thanks For Watching, Like, Comment and Subscribe.
Monk (TV series) - Wiki Article
Monk (TV series) - Wiki Article
  • Order:
  • Duration: 31:32
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

Monk is an American comedy-drama detective mystery television series created by Andy Breckman and starring Tony Shalhoub as the eponymous character, Adrian M...
monk tv edited clip
monk tv edited clip
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:23
  • Updated: 15 Jul 2013

Laura edited a clip from Monk the tv show.
Mr.Monk tv show with theme song and lyrics
Mr.Monk tv show with theme song and lyrics
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:51
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

Gd vid?? leave a comment and rate.
Хип Хоп TV - Dirty Monk (Выпуск Второй)
Хип Хоп TV - Dirty Monk (Выпуск Второй)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 39:29
  • Updated: 09 Aug 2013

Сайт - Twitter - YouTube - VK - FaceBook - http://...Хип_Хоп_TV_Dirty_Monk_Выпуск_Второй
TV Show Review: Monk
TV Show Review: Monk
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:38
  • Updated: 23 Jul 2013

Don't forget to watch in HD.
Monk (TV-Series 2002-2009) - leather compilation HD 720p
Monk (TV-Series 2002-2009) - leather compilation HD 720p
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:59
  • Updated: 28 Jul 2013

Bitty Schram in leather pants and skirt, Traylor Howard is in leather jacket.
Monk TV Show Update
Monk TV Show Update
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:18
  • Updated: 28 Mar 2013

The TV show Monk is the first thing I will be talking about on my channel. I love this show. Make sure to check out my Monk easter egg video that will come o...
003--夢夢狗 (Monk Little Dog) - Watches TV.avi
003--夢夢狗 (Monk Little Dog) - Watches TV.avi
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:09
  • Updated: 15 Jul 2013夢夢狗_Monk_Little_Dog_Watches_TVavi
John Mason monk tv.MP4
John Mason monk tv.MP4
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:23
  • Updated: 23 Apr 2011

You haven't got a prayer if you don't call John and and save up to 37% on insurance with the JN Mason Agency!
Monk TV Theme First Season Accordion Solo
Monk TV Theme First Season Accordion Solo
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:54
  • Updated: 12 May 2012

Well, what can I say! It's the theme from the TV show, "Monk," by Jeff Beal.
Mike Monk TV Show Appearance 1/9/2012
Mike Monk TV Show Appearance 1/9/2012
  • Order:
  • Duration: 14:12
  • Updated: 28 Jan 2012

Mike Monk TV Show Appearance 1/9/2012.
Monk (TV) - Original Theme
Monk (TV) - Original Theme
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:02
  • Updated: 04 Jun 2013

My first upload. Playing along with an auto-generated accompaniment from Band-in-a-Box. I'm not sure why my guitar sounds so much like an acoustic in this, b...
Monk TV theme - Lucas guitar cover
Monk TV theme - Lucas guitar cover
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:51
  • Updated: 24 Jul 2013

Monk TV Theme (Cover)
"Monk" à la guitare guitare accoustic (série TV Monk)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:55
  • Updated: 25 Jul 2010

"Monk" à la guitare guitare accoustic (série TV Monk)à_la_guitare_guitare_accoustic_série_TV_Monk
Monk TV theme on Piano by Casey Thayer
Monk TV theme on Piano by Casey Thayer
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:47
  • Updated: 17 Jul 2013 - Tutorial Website! This is the TV series Monk theme. The real name of this song is "Monk Main title Theme" I guess. The song was wri...
Jaik Miller on monk tv
Jaik Miller on monk tv
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:47
  • Updated: 22 May 2013
Monk TV Theme -- Rhythm + Lead
Monk TV Theme -- Rhythm + Lead
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:52
  • Updated: 10 Jun 2013

Well, yesterday I learned the Monk theme, originally composed by Jeff Beal, so I thought I would do a video to support it. Okay so first I played the rhythm ...
Acting Tips For Stage, Film and TV actors Monk Bones Charles Dougherty
Acting Tips For Stage, Film and TV actors Monk Bones Charles Dougherty
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:59
  • Updated: 16 Jun 2013 Actor Charles Dougherty on the difference between stage and acting for the camera when in television and film. For more intervie...,_Film_and_TV_actors_Monk_Bones_Charles_Dougherty
Gank TV: Monk Build
Gank TV: Monk Build
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:50
  • Updated: 15 Sep 2013

Diablo 3 Game Play with Gank TV. In this video i go over my build, how it works and how you can apply it. If you are watching this video and are PS3 user, this build will still bee viable in your case. Thanks watching and hope you enjoy! --;_campaign=archive_export&utm;_source=gankzter&utm;_medium=youtube
RFA Burmese news TV Update 19-August-2013,Interview with Monk Sundara from Delegation Group to USA
RFA Burmese news TV Update 19-August-2013,Interview with Monk Sundara from Delegation Group to USA
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:15
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013 always make you know about social action politic and hot news in cambodia. finally thank for visit. help to subscription for support my channel thank again. Khmer News by TV ទទក ទទកTV Hang Meas HD TV Khmer Express News VOA Burmese news TV Update VOA Khmer Special English VOA Khmer service VOA Khmer VOA Learning English RFA Radio Free Asia RFA Khmer Đài VOA Học tiếng Anh cùng VOA VOA news post VOA news Khmer news BayonTV 4 my videos copy from VOA & RFA & TV live in khmer especially i want to share knowledge about news to peoples that see youtube.,Interview_with_Monk_Sundara_from_Delegation_Group_to_USA

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  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:17
  • Updated: 09 Jan 2013

Mike "Boogie" Malin on the TV show Monk

Boogie does not have a speaking part but plays a shocked gambler as Mr Monk changes his bet and helps him win. This from Season 3 Monk episode 14 "Mr Monk Go...
  • published: 30 May 2007
  • views: 4252
  • author: GManx "Boogie" Malin on the TV show Monk
The Best Of Seinfeld Bloopers - Uncut Scences You Have Never Seen...
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:33
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

The Best Of Seinfeld Bloopers - Uncut Scences You Have Never Seen...;=micnicfin05-20&linkCode;=as2&camp;=217145&creative;=399373&creativeASIN;=B000VECAEE Jerry...
  • published: 27 Oct 2009
  • views: 1191870
  • author: plakyplak Best Of Seinfeld Bloopers - Uncut Scences You Have Never Seen...
TV Show Monk
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:40
  • Updated: 12 Aug 2012

TV Show Monk

  • published: 19 Jan 2009
  • views: 3302
  • author: Noom68 Show Monk
Monk Season 2 Episode 12 - Mr. Monk and the T.V. Star
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:33
  • Updated: 31 Oct 2013

Monk Season 2 Episode 12 - Mr. Monk and the T.V. Star Monk suspects the star of a hit TV crime show of killing his ex-wife. His only problem: the actor's rock solid alibi. Monk s02e12 Monk S2e12 s02e12 S2e12 2x12 Season 2 episode 12 tv shows S2 s02 se2 e12 ep12 2x12 4 S02 E12 HQ episodes serie series watch online complete full tv television hd hq part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4. Watch Monk Season 2 Episode 12 Mr. Monk and the T.V. Star full free watch Monk Season 2 Episode 12 Mr. Monk and the T.V. Star watch online watch Monk Season 2 Episode 12 Mr. Monk and the T.V. Star full episode online watch full Monk Season 2 Episode 12 Mr. Monk and the T.V. Star watch Monk Season 2 Episode 12 Mr. Monk and the T.V. Star full episode watch Monk Season 2 Episode 12 Mr. Monk and the T.V. Star free online watch Monk Season 2 Episode 12 Mr. Monk and the T.V. Star for free.
  • published: 31 Oct 2013
  • views: 12 Season 2 Episode 12 - Mr. Monk and the T.V. Star
San Jose Sharks featured on TV show Monk
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:41
  • Updated: 16 Apr 2013

San Jose Sharks featured on TV show Monk

The San Jose Sharks and HP Pavilion were featured extensively in an Emmy Award winning show on USA called Monk. It was about a detective who used his OCD to ... Jose Sharks featured on TV show Monk
Monk (Show TV) - Intro (2.011 - 2.012)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:26
  • Updated: 05 Aug 2013

Monk (Show TV) - Intro (2.011 - 2.012)

Intro of this Show, played by Tony Shalhoub, Ted Levine, Jason Gray-Stanford, Bitty Schram and Traylor Howard. ;) (Show TV) - Intro (2.011 - 2.012)
Doug Winter MONK edited footage
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:27
  • Updated: 19 Mar 2013

Doug Winter MONK edited footage

I was given footage from the TV series MONK to edit using Avid Media Composer in FL4418 Advanced Digital Editing for this project.
  • published: 19 Mar 2013
  • views: 16 Winter MONK edited footage
Jacob's love for the TV show
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:05
  • Updated: 12 May 2012

Jacob's love for the TV show "Monk"

Andy Jacobs reveals his love for the Emmy-winning US TV show 'Monk' (which is not everybody's cup of tea). Followed by a quiz all about the detective comedy drama. Hawksbee & Jacobs
  • published: 12 May 2012
  • views: 26's love for the TV show "Monk"
7-Minute Shaolin Workout With Shaolin Monk Wang Bo:
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:01
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013

7-Minute Shaolin Workout With Shaolin Monk Wang Bo: "Internal Exercises" In this exclusive video, a genuine Shaolin monk shows you "internal exercises" to strengthen your mind-body connection. L... Shaolin Workout With Shaolin Monk Wang Bo: "Internal Exercises"
46-23 TV Shows: Avatar The Last Airbender, Leverage, Monk...
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:23
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2012

46-23 TV Shows: Avatar The Last Airbender, Leverage, Monk...

TV Shows 46-23. Which is your favorite? TV Shows: Avatar The Last Airbender, Leverage, Monk...

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Rihanna - Take A Bow
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:50
  • Updated: 30 Nov 2009

Rihanna - Take A Bow

Music video by Rihanna performing Take A Bow. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 66,288,884. (C) 2008 The Island Def Jam Music Group.
  • published: 30 Nov 2009
  • views: 110064317 - Take A Bow
Eminem - Love The Way You Lie ft. Rihanna
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:27
  • Updated: 05 Aug 2010

Eminem - Love The Way You Lie ft. Rihanna

Music video by Eminem performing Love The Way You Lie. © 2010 Aftermath Records #VEVOCertified on September 13, 2011.
  • published: 05 Aug 2010
  • views: 625708418 - Love The Way You Lie ft. Rihanna
Eminem - Not Afraid
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:19
  • Updated: 05 Jun 2010

Eminem - Not Afraid

Music video by Eminem performing Not Afraid. (C) 2010 Aftermath Records #VEVOCertified on September 11, 2010.
  • published: 05 Jun 2010
  • views: 458777630 - Not Afraid
Eminem - Space Bound
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:25
  • Updated: 27 Jun 2011

Eminem - Space Bound

Eminem performing Space Bound. buy now © 2010 Aftermath Records
  • published: 27 Jun 2011
  • views: 103673776 - Space Bound
Katy Perry - The One That Got Away
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:51
  • Updated: 11 Nov 2011

Katy Perry - The One That Got Away

Sometimes you promise someone forever but it doesn't work out that way. Watch Katy Perry and Diego Luna star in the sixth chapter of the "Teenage Dream" story. Do you have "The One That Got Away"? Download "The One That Got Away", the sixth single off Katy's album 'Teenage Dream' here: Music video by Katy Perry performing The One That Got Away. Directed by: Floria Sigismondi / Produced by: Jannie McInnes & Danny Lockwood (P) (C) 2011 Capitol Records, LLC. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. Manufactured by Capitol Records, LLC, 1750 North Vine Street, Hollywood, CA 90028. #VEVOCertified on April 22, 2012.
  • published: 11 Nov 2011
  • views: 197987419 Perry - The One That Got Away
Eminem - When I'm Gone
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:09
  • Updated: 16 Jun 2009

Eminem - When I'm Gone

Music video by Eminem performing When I'm Gone. (C) 2005 Aftermath Entertainment/Interscope Records
  • published: 16 Jun 2009
  • views: 181083337 - When I'm Gone
Avicii - Wake Me Up (Lyric Video)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:12
  • Updated: 28 Jun 2013

Avicii - Wake Me Up (Lyric Video)

Lyric video for Avicii - Wake Me Up. Out now on: Itunes - visit Spotify - Released on Universal through PRMD. More info on:
  • published: 28 Jun 2013
  • views: 141467597 - Wake Me Up (Lyric Video)
Taylor Swift - Everything Has Changed ft. Ed Sheeran
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:13
  • Updated: 06 Jun 2013

Taylor Swift - Everything Has Changed ft. Ed Sheeran

Music video by Taylor Swift performing Everything Has Changed. (C) 2013 Big Machine Records, LLC.
  • published: 06 Jun 2013
  • views: 48800430 Swift - Everything Has Changed ft. Ed Sheeran
Lana Del Rey vs Cedric Gervais 'Summertime Sadness' Remix
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:46
  • Updated: 17 Jul 2013

Lana Del Rey vs Cedric Gervais 'Summertime Sadness' Remix

Lana Del Rey vs Cedric Gervais 'Summertime Sadness' Remix Buy On iTunes: Top 100 DJs Voting is now open! Vote for your 5 favorite DJs here: Subscribe to Spinnin' TV NOW: Connect with Cedric Gervais:
  • published: 17 Jul 2013
  • views: 12442476 Del Rey vs Cedric Gervais 'Summertime Sadness' Remix
Evolution of Music - Pentatonix
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:29
  • Updated: 15 Apr 2013

Evolution of Music - Pentatonix

ORDER PTX VOL 2 ON ITUNES ORDER "PTX VOL. 1" HERE! @ptxofficial We decided to do a medley of our favorite songs throughout history! It was definitely one of our most favorite projects to work on! We hope you enjoy the video! Please share it, and with headphones! 11th century- Salve Regina 1600s- Canon in D - Pachelbel 1800s- Symphony No. 5 - Beethoven 1910s- Danny Boy - Frederic Weatherly 1920s- Old Man River - Jerome Kern & Oscar Hammerstein II 1930s- Minnie The Moocher - Cab Calloway 1940s- Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy - The Andrew Sisters 1950s- I Walk The Line - Johnny Cash La Bamba - Ritchie Valens 1960s- Stand By Me - Ben E King Barbara Ann - Beach Boys I Want To Hold Your Hand - The Beatles Respect - Aretha Franklin 1970s- ABC - Jackson 5 Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen 1980s- Celebration - Kool & The Gang Don't Stop Believin' - Journey Thriller - Michael Jackson 1990s- Can't Touch This - MC Hammer ...Baby One More Time - Britney Spears Say My Name - Destiny's Child I Want It That Way - The Backstreet Boys 2000s Hey Ya! - Outkast Drop it Like Its Hot - Snoop Dogg Crazy - Gnarls Barkley Hips Don't Lie - Shakira Single Ladies - Beyoncé I Kissed A Girl - Katy Perry Bad Romance - Lady Gaga I Gotta Feelin - Black Eyed Peas 2010s- Baby - Justin Bieber We Found Love - Rihanna Some Nights - Fun. Somebody That I Used To Know - Gotye Gangnam Style - Psy Call Me Maybe - Carly Rae Jepsen Arrangement by Pentatonix and Ben Bram Filmed by Ryan Parma (twitter: @RyanParma) Mixed by Ed Boyer Recorded and filmed at Endless Noise. Pentatonix in Europe: 11/12- Maggazini Generali, Milan, Italy VIP: 11/13- Ottakringer Brauerei, Vienna SOLD OUT! 11/14- Passionskirche, Berlin, Germany SOLD OUT! 11/17-Club Bahnhof Ehrenfeld GA: SOLD OUT! VIP: 11/17- Fleche, Paris, France SOLD OUT! 11/19-People's Place, Amsterdam, Netherlands. GA: SOLD OUT!! |VIP: 11/21- Islington Academy 1, London, UK SOLD OUT! 11/23- Royal Northern College of Music- Opera Theatre, Manchester, UK SOLD OUT! 11/24- Glee Club, Birmingham, UK SOLD OUT!!! 2014 U.S. Tour Dates TICKETS ON SALE NOW!!! 2/5 Cain's Ballroom | Tulsa, OK GA & VIP : 2/6 Gillioz Theatre | Springfield, MO GA & VIP: 2/8 Chicago Theatre | Chicago, IL GA & VIP : 2/9 Egyptian Room | Indianapolis, IN GA & VIP: 2/11 Milwaukee Riverside Theatre | Milwaukee, WI GA: VIP: 2/12 State Theater | Minneapolis, MN GA & VIP: 2/15 Paramount Theatre | Denver, CO GA: VIP: 2/17 The Complex-Rockwell | Salt Lake City, UT GA & VIP : 2/19 Vogue Theater | Vancouver, BC GA: VIP: 2/20 Paramount Theatre | Seattle, WA GA: 2/22 Fox Theater | Oakland, CA GA & VIP : 2/23 Grand Sierra Resort | Reno, NV GA: 2/25 Soma | San Diego GA & VIP : 2/26 House of Blues | Las Vegas, NV GA & VIP : 2/27 Rialto Theatre | Tucson, AZ GA: 3/1 Orpheum Theatre | Los Angeles, CA GA & VIP : 3/19 Peabody Opera House | St. Louis, MO GA &VIP; : 3/20 Robinson Center Music Hall | Little Rock, AR GA: 22 Ryman Auditorium | Nashville, TN GA & VIP : 3/23 Iron City | Birmingham, AL GA: 3/25 Hard Rock Live | Orlando, FL GA: VIP: 3/26 Georgia Theatre | Athens, GA GA: 3/27 The Fillmore | Charlotte, NC GA &VIP; : 3/29 DAR Constitution Hall | Washington DC GA & VIP : 3/30 The Electric Factory | Philadelphia, PA GA & VIP : 4/3 Beacon Theatre | New York, NY GA & VIP : 4/5 House of Blues | Boston, MA GA & VIP : 4/6 House of Blues | Boston, MA GA & VIP : 4/8 Danforth Music Hall | Toronto, ON GA & VIP : 4/9 Univ. of Buffalo Center | Buffalo, NY GA: VIP:
  • published: 15 Apr 2013
  • views: 23782036 of Music - Pentatonix
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:34
  • Updated: 18 Nov 2011


WATCH BLOOPERS & MORE: DOWNLOAD THE SONG: DOWNLOAD UNCENSORED SONG: GET LEGEND OF SMOSH TEE: COLLECT THE HYRULE HISTORIA: ------------------------------------ Hey it's our very own website: Oh and our Facebook page: Want to know when we're filming and/or pooping? Now you can: ==LYRICS== Yeah my name is Link, man, I'm more well known than Lil Wayne Oh you thought my name was Zelda? THAT'S A F**KING GIRL'S NAME! I've saved the world like fifteen times and and saved the princess from demise And I do it all alone, with no help and no advice  "Hey, Look, Listen" Hey, look, listen, you f**king annoying fairy I'd rather be forced to listen to constant Katy Perry I think it's time I got some recognition, don't you think? Legend of Zelda? SCREW THAT! Legend of LINK. ---------- 'Cause he's the L to the I to the N to the K Wears tights every day, don't give a damn what you say Got bigger balls than even Evel Knievel And he ain't gonna stop 'til the world is free of evil  ---------- I'll break all your pots and I best not hear your bitchin' I've got the Triforce of courage, BITCH! So you better listen (that's right) I'm called bushwhacker and my bank account's maxed out Got 999 rupees and my leather wallet's packed now Can't back down, can't slack now, the world needs me to attack now Yet I'm forced to pay out the ass for these bombs in Castle Town Just give me some heart containers and let me spit on my ocarina So I can kick that dumbass Ganon all the way to Argentina   ---------- 'Cause he's the L to the I to the N to the K Wears tights every day, don't give a damn what you say Got bigger balls than even Evel Knievel And he ain't gonna stop 'til the world is free of evil  ---------- Yo, you low-life elf, need a ride up to the North Pole? Santa's got a thing for elfs and he's getting' his marriage annulled. You really think saving the princess will convince me you're straight? (Ha-ha!) The "Uggs and Skirt" fad is so 2008!  Oh snap, it's Ganondorf tryin' to jock on my style Batman's cape, Lincoln's beard, were you dressed by a child? You're a ginger with no soul and you look like a f**king troll Isn't kidnapping helpless girls getting a little bit old?  You think Zelda's stupid enough to get kidnapped so often? She runs off to my castle, into my room and begs to get locked in. Yeah, she's sick of your little Deku nuts and your girly fairy face L-I-N-K? More like L-I-N-Gay.  Man, you should've been aborted, just like the Jersey Shore It's a damn lie you told about Zelda 'cause she loves my master sword It's a shame your whole life's been a waste trying to rule Hyrule 'cause today will be the day known as "The day you got schooled"  ---------- 'Cause he's the L to the I to the N to the K Wears tights every day, don't give a damn what you say Got bigger balls than even Evel Knievel And he ain't gon' stop 'til the world is free of evil ---------- This video is extra special to us, so we went all-out this time and got a ton of help from our amazing friends: ==CREDITS== Written, Directed, Produced: Anthony Padilla & Ian Hecox Producer: Ryan Todd ( Director of Photography: John Alexander Jimenez Editor & FX: Anthony Padilla & Michael Barryte ( Post Production Supervisor: Ryan Finnerty ==SONG CREDITS== -Beat by: Taylor Lipari ( -Lyrics: Anthony Padilla & Ian Hecox -Final Mix & Vocal Recording: Peter DeLeon -Link Vocals: Ian Hecox -Ganondorf Vocals: Anthony Padilla -Zelda Vocals: Kresta Ria Tabaranza ( -Hook Melody: Ryan Finnerty -Vocals Recorded at: Track Shack Studios ==CAST== -Link: Ian Hecox -Zelda: Jacqueline Goehner ( -Ganondorf: Anthony Padilla -Tingle: Anthony Padilla -Bomb Shopkeeper: Ethan Ireland -Santa Claus: Gary Agid ==ADDITIONAL CREW== -Link, Zelda, Ganondorf Costume Design & Assistant Make-up: Jacqueline Goehner -Make-up & Tingle Costume Design: Paula Barkley -Ganondorf Make-up & prosthetics: Margaret Cargan -Colorist: Mike Burton -Assembly Editor: Elyjah Wilber -Art Director: Patrick Egan -Additional props: Jacqueline Goehner -Production Designer (Castle Walls): Edward Duffy -Set Painter: Lynn Malmberg -Assistant Director: Ethan Ireland -Gaffer: Tobija A. Annis -Grips: Jon Hooker & Brian Rife -Casting Director: Julliane Gabert -Production Assistant: Frank Cosgriff -Audio Playback: Palmer Taylor -Set Studio provided by: SIMZ productions -Grip & Electric provided by: GRIP SERVICES -Outdoor Location provided by: Kathleen Dodge with El Dorado Film commission -Filmed at Lake Tahoe & Sacramento, CA HOLY FIRETRUCK! You made it to the end of this description.
  • published: 18 Nov 2011
  • views: 43865048 LEGEND OF ZELDA RAP [MUSIC VIDEO]
Avicii - Wake Me Up (Official Video)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:33
  • Updated: 29 Jul 2013

Avicii - Wake Me Up (Official Video)

Wake Me Up (Official Video) by Avicii. Out now on: iTunes - visit Spotify - Released on Universal through PRMD. Video production by At Night studios. To watch an exclusive Behind The Scenes filmed on the set of the 'Wake Me Up' video and for amazing Avicii competitions, android users can download the free Xperia Lounge app here: More info on:
  • published: 29 Jul 2013
  • views: 165237203 - Wake Me Up (Official Video)
One Direction - Story of My Life (Audio)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:06
  • Updated: 25 Oct 2013

One Direction - Story of My Life (Audio)

Download the single Story of my Life from the new album Midnight Memories now! Music video by One Direction performing Story of My Life. (C) 2013 Simco Limited under exclusive license to Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited
  • published: 25 Oct 2013
  • views: 14428679 Direction - Story of My Life (Audio)
Eminem - Like Toy Soldiers
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:24
  • Updated: 25 Dec 2009

Eminem - Like Toy Soldiers

Music video by Eminem performing Like Toy Soldiers. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 2,799,494. #VEVOCertified on Nov. 26, 2012. (C) 2004 Aftermath Entertainment/Interscope Records
  • published: 25 Dec 2009
  • views: 128838371 - Like Toy Soldiers

Make changes yourself !

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Rihanna - Rehab ft. Justin Timberlake
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:39
  • Updated: 14 Dec 2009

Rihanna - Rehab ft. Justin Timberlake

Music video by Rihanna performing Rehab. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 19,591,123. (C) 2007 The Island Def Jam Music Group
  • published: 14 Dec 2009
  • views: 68549245 - Rehab ft. Justin Timberlake

Rihanna - Rehab ft. Justin Timberlake

Music video by Rihanna performing Rehab. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 19,591,123. (C) 2007 The Island Def Jam Music Group
  • published: 14 Dec 2009
  • views: 68549245

Monk to Re­turn to TV in 2-hour Movie
pub­lished: 20 Feb 2012
au­thor: cata­he­casa
USA - Monk: Blood Test
Mr. Monk is left to his own de­vices while vis­it­ing the doc­tor. John Laskas: Ed­i­tor....
pub­lished: 30 Dec 2008
au­thor: NL­Ped­it
Mr Monk - Ther­a­pist Scene
This is just some funny parts from the TV Show Monk. Thanks For Watch­ing, Like, Com­ment an...
pub­lished: 15 Apr 2011
au­thor: Mr­MonkClips
Monk (TV se­ries) - Wiki Ar­ti­cle
Monk is an Amer­i­can com­e­dy-dra­ma de­tec­tive mys­tery tele­vi­sion se­ries cre­at­ed by Andy Breck...
pub­lished: 23 May 2013
au­thor: wik­ispeak10
monk tv edit­ed clip
Laura edit­ed a clip from Monk the tv show....
pub­lished: 03 Feb 2011
au­thor: Kevin Al­bert
Mr.​Monk tv show with theme song and lyrics
Gd vid?? leave a com­ment and rate....
pub­lished: 18 Jan 2009
au­thor: MattCb08
Хип Хоп TV - Dirty Monk (Выпуск Второй)
Сайт - http://​gazgolder.​com Twit­ter - http://​twitter.​com/​gazgolder YouTube - http://​www.​yo...
pub­lished: 17 Mar 2011
TV Show Re­view: Monk
Don't for­get to watch in HD....
pub­lished: 28 Jun 2013
au­thor: Alma Tor­res
Monk (TV-Se­ries 2002-2009) - leather com­pi­la­tion HD 720p
Bitty Schram in leather pants and skirt, Tray­lor Howard is in leather jack­et....
pub­lished: 19 Mar 2013
Monk TV Show Up­date
The TV show Monk is the first thing I will be talk­ing about on my chan­nel. I love this sho...
pub­lished: 30 Jan 2013
au­thor: RovertReim­roc
003--夢夢狗 (Monk Lit­tle Dog) - Watch­es TV.​avi
pub­lished: 02 Feb 2012
au­thor: bule­cry
John Mason monk tv.​MP4
You haven't got a prayer if you don't call John and and save up to 37% on in­sur­ance with t...
pub­lished: 09 Aug 2010
Monk TV Theme First Sea­son Ac­cor­dion Solo
Well, what can I say! It's the theme from the TV show, "Monk," by Jeff Beal....
pub­lished: 15 Feb 2008
au­thor: an­tiquekid3
Mike Monk TV Show Ap­pear­ance 1/9/2012
Mike Monk TV Show Ap­pear­ance 1/9/2012....
pub­lished: 20 Jan 2012
au­thor: mmonk182
Youtube results:
Monk (TV) - Orig­i­nal Theme
My first up­load. Play­ing along with an au­to-gen­er­at­ed ac­com­pa­ni­ment from Band-in-a-Box. I'...
pub­lished: 12 Jul 2008
au­thor: al­lanw
Monk TV theme - Lucas gui­tar cover
Monk TV Theme (Cover)...
pub­lished: 04 Dec 2010
"Monk" à la gui­tare gui­tare ac­cous­tic (série TV Monk)
"Monk" à la gui­tare gui­tare ac­cous­tic (série TV Monk)...
pub­lished: 25 Jul 2010
Monk TV theme on Piano by Casey Thay­er
http://​Rocket-Piano.​org - Tu­to­ri­al Web­site! This is the TV se­ries Monk theme. The real nam...
pub­lished: 18 Aug 2008
au­thor: tthay­er2
  • Mike
    Mike "Boogie" Malin on the TV show Monk
  • The Best Of Seinfeld Bloopers - Uncut Scences You Have Never Seen...
    The Best Of Seinfeld Bloopers - Uncut Scences You Have Never Seen...
  • TV Show Monk
    TV Show Monk
  • Monk Season 2 Episode 12 - Mr. Monk and the T.V. Star
    Monk Season 2 Episode 12 - Mr. Monk and the T.V. Star
  • San Jose Sharks featured on TV show Monk
    San Jose Sharks featured on TV show Monk
  • Monk (Show TV) - Intro (2.011 - 2.012)
    Monk (Show TV) - Intro (2.011 - 2.012)
  • Doug Winter MONK edited footage
    Doug Winter MONK edited footage
  • Jacob's love for the TV show
    Jacob's love for the TV show "Monk"
  • 7-Minute Shaolin Workout With Shaolin Monk Wang Bo:
    7-Minute Shaolin Workout With Shaolin Monk Wang Bo: "Internal Exercises"
  • 46-23 TV Shows: Avatar The Last Airbender, Leverage, Monk...
    46-23 TV Shows: Avatar The Last Airbender, Leverage, Monk...

Rihanna - Rehab ft. Justin Timberlake

Music video by Rihanna performing Rehab. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 19,591,123. (C) 2007 The Island Def Jam Music Group
  • published: 14 Dec 2009
  • views: 68549245

Mike "Boo­gie" Malin on the TV show Monk
Boo­gie does not have a speak­ing part but plays a shocked gam­bler as Mr Monk changes his be...
pub­lished: 30 May 2007
au­thor: GManx
The Best Of Se­in­feld Bloop­ers - Uncut Scences You Have Never Seen...
pub­lished: 27 Oct 2009
au­thor: plaky­plak
TV Show Monk
pub­lished: 19 Jan 2009
au­thor: Noom68
Monk Sea­son 2 Episode 12 - Mr. Monk and the T.V. Star
http://​www.​monkseries.​com/​ Monk sus­pects the star of a hit TV crime show of killing his ex...
pub­lished: 31 Oct 2013
San Jose Sharks fea­tured on TV show Monk
The San Jose Sharks and HP Pavil­ion were fea­tured ex­ten­sive­ly in an Emmy Award win­ning sho...
pub­lished: 28 Oct 2011
au­thor: IronChefDe­si
Monk (Show TV) - Intro (2.011 - 2.012)
Intro of this Show, played by Tony Shal­houb, Ted Levine, Jason Gray-Stan­ford, Bitty Schram...
pub­lished: 10 Dec 2011
Doug Win­ter MONK edit­ed footage
I was given footage from the TV se­ries MONK to edit using Avid Media Com­pos­er in FL4418 Ad...
pub­lished: 19 Mar 2013
Jacob's love for the TV show "Monk"
Andy Ja­cobs re­veals his love for the Em­my-win­ning US TV show 'Monk' (which is not ev­ery­bod...
pub­lished: 12 May 2012
7-Minute Shaolin Work­out With Shaolin Monk Wang Bo: "In­ter­nal Ex­er­cis­es"
http://​www.​blackbeltmag.​com?video=1 In this ex­clu­sive video, a gen­uine Shaolin monk shows ...
pub­lished: 13 Mar 2013
au­thor: Black­BeltLLC
46-23 TV Shows: Avatar The Last Air­ben­der, Lever­age, Monk...
TV Shows 46-23. Which is your fa­vorite?...
pub­lished: 14 Aug 2012
au­thor: x i spawn i die
  • Rihanna - Take A Bow
    Rihanna - Take A Bow
  • Eminem - Love The Way You Lie ft. Rihanna
    Eminem - Love The Way You Lie ft. Rihanna
  • Eminem - Not Afraid
    Eminem - Not Afraid
  • Eminem - Space Bound
    Eminem - Space Bound
  • Katy Perry - The One That Got Away
    Katy Perry - The One That Got Away
  • Eminem - When I'm Gone
    Eminem - When I'm Gone
  • Avicii - Wake Me Up (Lyric Video)
    Avicii - Wake Me Up (Lyric Video)
  • Taylor Swift - Everything Has Changed ft. Ed Sheeran
    Taylor Swift - Everything Has Changed ft. Ed Sheeran
  • Lana Del Rey vs Cedric Gervais 'Summertime Sadness' Remix
    Lana Del Rey vs Cedric Gervais 'Summertime Sadness' Remix
  • Evolution of Music - Pentatonix
    Evolution of Music - Pentatonix
  • Avicii - Wake Me Up (Official Video)
    Avicii - Wake Me Up (Official Video)
  • One Direction - Story of My Life (Audio)
    One Direction - Story of My Life (Audio)
  • Eminem - Like Toy Soldiers
    Eminem - Like Toy Soldiers

Rihanna - Rehab ft. Justin Timberlake

Music video by Rihanna performing Rehab. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 19,591,123. (C) 2007 The Island Def Jam Music Group
  • published: 14 Dec 2009
  • views: 68549245

Ri­han­na - Take A Bow
Music video by Ri­han­na per­form­ing Take A Bow. YouTube view counts pre-VE­VO: 66,288,884. (C...
pub­lished: 30 Nov 2009
Em­inem - Love The Way You Lie ft. Ri­han­na
Music video by Em­inem per­form­ing Love The Way You Lie. © 2010 Af­ter­math Records #VE­VO­Cer­ti...
pub­lished: 05 Aug 2010
Em­inem - Not Afraid
Music video by Em­inem per­form­ing Not Afraid. (C) 2010 Af­ter­math Records #VE­VO­Cer­ti­fied on ...
pub­lished: 05 Jun 2010
Em­inem - Space Bound
Em­inem per­form­ing Space Bound. buy now http://​bit.​ly/​lVFDxd © 2010 Af­ter­math Records...
pub­lished: 27 Jun 2011
Katy Perry - The One That Got Away
Some­times you promise some­one for­ev­er but it doesn't work out that way. Watch Katy Perry ...
pub­lished: 11 Nov 2011
Em­inem - When I'm Gone
Music video by Em­inem per­form­ing When I'm Gone. (C) 2005 Af­ter­math En­ter­tain­ment/In­ter­scop...
pub­lished: 16 Jun 2009
Avicii - Wake Me Up (Lyric Video)
Lyric video for Avicii - Wake Me Up. Out now on: Itunes - visit http://​smarturl.​it/​wakeme...​
pub­lished: 28 Jun 2013
Tay­lor Swift - Ev­ery­thing Has Changed ft. Ed Sheer­an
Music video by Tay­lor Swift per­form­ing Ev­ery­thing Has Changed. (C) 2013 Big Ma­chine Record...
pub­lished: 06 Jun 2013
Lana Del Rey vs Cedric Ger­vais 'Sum­mer­time Sad­ness' Remix
Lana Del Rey vs Cedric Ger­vais 'Sum­mer­time Sad­ness' Remix Buy On iTunes: http://smar­turl....
pub­lished: 17 Jul 2013
Evo­lu­tion of Music - Pen­ta­tonix
ORDER PTX VOL 2 ON ITUNES http://​bit.​ly/​PTXVOL2 ORDER "PTX VOL. 1" HERE! http://​itunes.​ap...
pub­lished: 15 Apr 2013
WATCH BLOOP­ERS & MORE: http://​bit.​ly/​ZELDAxtras DOWN­LOAD THE SONG: http://​smo.​sh/​13NrBp8 ...
pub­lished: 18 Nov 2011
Avicii - Wake Me Up (Of­fi­cial Video)
Wake Me Up (Of­fi­cial Video) by Avicii. Out now on: iTunes - visit http://​smarturl.​it/​wak...​
pub­lished: 29 Jul 2013
One Di­rec­tion - Story of My Life (Audio)
Down­load the sin­gle Story of my Life from the new album Mid­night Mem­o­ries now! http://​t.​co...
pub­lished: 25 Oct 2013
Em­inem - Like Toy Sol­diers
Music video by Em­inem per­form­ing Like Toy Sol­diers. YouTube view counts pre-VE­VO: 2,799,49...
pub­lished: 25 Dec 2009
Youtube results:
Avicii - Lev­els
Buy Avicii Lev­els EP- http://​www.​smarturl.​it/​AviciiLevelsEP iTunes Aus­tralia http://itune...
pub­lished: 29 Nov 2011
Mar­tin Gar­rix - An­i­mals (Of­fi­cial Video)
Get 'An­i­mals' on iTunes now: http://​po.​st/​MGAnimalsiT Pre­view Mar­tin Gar­rix & Jay Hard­wa...
pub­lished: 17 Jun 2013
Justin Tim­ber­lake - Mir­rors
THE 20/20 EX­PE­RI­ENCE OUT NOW iTunes: http://​smarturl.​it/​JT2020i?​IQid=mirrorsyt Tar­get: ht...
pub­lished: 20 Mar 2013
"Take Back the Night" - A Minecraft Orig­i­nal Music Video
Down­load the song, part of Try­Hard­Nin­ja's new album! https://​itunes.​apple.​com/​us/​album/​tak...​
pub­lished: 31 Aug 2013
  • Rihanna - Rehab ft. Justin Timberlake
    Rihanna - Rehab ft. Justin Timberlake

Rihanna - Rehab ft. Justin Timberlake

Music video by Rihanna performing Rehab. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 19,591,123. (C) 2007 The Island Def Jam Music Group
  • published: 14 Dec 2009
  • views: 68549245

Ri­han­na - Rehab ft. Justin Tim­ber­lake
Music video by Ri­han­na per­form­ing Rehab. YouTube view counts pre-VE­VO: 19,591,123. (C) 200...
pub­lished: 14 Dec 2009
photo: AP / Shin Young-keun, Yonhap
U.S. Air Force B-2 stealth bomber flies over near Osan U.S. Air Base in Pyeongtaek
26 Nov 2013
The U.S. decision to fly two B-52s through China's claimed "air defense identification zone" around a set of islands disputed between China and Japan was significant in several ways. First, it was a blunt reminder that Northeast Asia remains the world's most combustible geopolitical hot spot. Second, it's a strong signal that the Barack Obama administration is going to stand by its Asia-Pacific allies against Chinese aggression ... The U.S....(size: 3.3Kb)
photo: DOD Collections Photo
B-52 Stratofortress, 40th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron, displays a national flag as it prepares to be refueled by a KC-135 Stratotanker, 28th Expeditionary Air Refueling Squadron. The bomber´s mission is to provide close air support for coalition tro
Herald Tribune
27 Nov 2013
BEIJING - China says it monitored two unarmed U.S. bombers that flew over the East China Sea just days after Beijing declared it was asserting greater military control over the area. Tuesday's flight of the two B-52 bombers underscored that the U.S. will not comply with China's demand that aircraft flying through its newly declared maritime air defense zone identify themselves and accept Chinese instructions ... All rights reserved ... More... ....(size: 3.5Kb)
photo: US Navy / MCS2 Michael Billings
File - U.S. Army and Navy guards cross train while escorting a detainee to a recreational area on board Camp One at Joint Task Force Guantanamo.
The Independent
27 Nov 2013
....(size: 0.3Kb)
photo: US Navy / Chief Photographer's Mate Todd P. Cichonowicz
An Air Force B-2 bomber along with other aircrafts from the Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps fly over the Kitty Hawk, Ronald Reagan and Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike groups.
26 Nov 2013
Two unarmed US B-52 bombers on a training mission flew over disputed islands in the East China Sea without informing Beijing, Pentagon officials say, defying China's declaration of a new airspace defence zone in the region ... The zone covers most of that sea and includes the skies over islands at the heart of a territorial dispute with Japan ... The White House announced the trip in early November ... Ad Feedback ... - Reuters. ....(size: 4.3Kb)
photo: AP / Jon Super
The Manchester United team line up for a team photo wearing black arm bands in honour of the two police women, PC Fiona Bone and PC Nicola Hughes who were killed while on duty in Greater Manchester this week during the UEFA Champions League soccer match at Old Trafford in Manchester, England, Wednesday Sept. 19, 2012.
28 Nov 2013
BERLIN, Nov. 27 (Xinhua) -- Leverkusen suffered heavy debacle on home soil as Manchester United cruised to a 5-0 win in group A top of the table match on Wednesday. David Moyes' men secured their berth in the knockout stage following a dominant and clinical display on the road at outsold BayArena. Wayne Rooney was clearly the man of the match as he had large shares on victory owing to four assists ... "United taught us a lesson ... Xinhua ... ....(size: 4.7Kb)

Seattle Post
28 Nov 2013
Organ Monk. American Standard is the third album in what is now organist Greg Lewis's trilogy of tributes to Thelonious Monk and his music. The first, 2010's Organ Monk, had Lewis working with Cindy Blackman on drums and Ron Jackson on guitar for an exploration of 15 Monk originals, including classics like "Trinkle Tinkle, "Criss Cross" and "Four in One." This was followed by Organ Monk ... Organ Monk....(size: 2.7Kb)
Newstrack India
28 Nov 2013
Tweet. Dharamsala, Nov. 28, (ANI). A Buddhist monk, Gashe Lobsang Dawa, delivered lectures on detailed Buddhist studies in Dharamsala, making it easier for several Tibetans, nuns, monks and others to grasp the meaning of the Dalai Lama's sermons ... ) .. ). ... . . . . . .. . . .. ....(size: 1.3Kb)
The New York Times
28 Nov 2013
A week ago Monday, Khen Rinpoche, a Tibetan Buddhist monk, blessed Lisa Fox’s new store, LF8, in the East Village. Ms. Fox promotes artisans and designers like Natalie Chanin, whose handmade garments and home goods are sold under the Alabama Chanin label. Follow Home on Twitter ... Enlarge This Image. Robert Wright for The New York Times ... Mr ... Ms ... Monks chanting, if you’ve never heard them, sound sort of like the growling of friendly bears ... ....(size: 3.1Kb)
The Christian Science Monitor
28 Nov 2013
Copied by Jewish scribes and Christian monks....(size: 0.2Kb)
Headlines India
28 Nov 2013
Patna, Nov 28 ... "A team of technical experts from Thailand has completed work to gold-plate the dome and final touches were given to it Wednesday," the temple's chief monk Bikhshu Chalinda said Thursday ... According to him, more than 200 Thai devotees, mostly those who donated gold, are camping in the temple premises since Wednesday to offer prayers. N ... ....(size: 1.6Kb)
Kuensel Online
27 Nov 2013
Wang ... To bring peace and harmony in the country, Mongar Threma tshogpa organised the eight-day Phurpai Namchag Pudri drupchen (Vajra tradition), which was presided over by Namkhai Nyingpo rinpoche, along with some 300 monks and lay monks ... An 80-year-old, Kingzang, from Tsamang, Mongar, who came to receive blessings, along with his village friends, said they felt blessed....(size: 1.8Kb)
The Washington Post
27 Nov 2013
Even given its oversized plates piled high with mashed potatoes, turkey, homemade stuffing, candied yams, a plethora of vegetables and pumpkin pie — followed by after-dinner lethargy — Thanksgiving may be the one day that Americans are not guilty of gluttony ... The idea of gluttony as evil originated with Egyptian monks in the fourth century, she said ... Thus, gluttony and lust topped the monks’ list of no-nos ... Excess is ... ....(size: 3.5Kb)
Grand Junction Sentinel
27 Nov 2013
■ Mildred Lerlene Rowell Covington, 97, Grand Junction, died Nov. 25, 2013, in Grand Junction. Visitation will take place from 4 to 6 p.m. Saturday at Cason Monk-Metcalf Funeral Directors in Nacogdoches, Texas. Services will take place at 2 p.m. Sunday at Cason Monk-Metcalf Sunset Chapel, followed by burial at Sunset Memorial Park in Nacogdoches. ■ Sally V. Gray, 88, Eckert, died Nov. 23, 2013, at her home ...Jesse M ... ....(size: 4.4Kb)
York Press
27 Nov 2013
Volunteers held collections at Monks Cross, Coppergate, York Station and staged Think Pink weekend at The Biltmore bar and grill. A spokeswoman said ... ....(size: 0.9Kb)
York Press
27 Nov 2013
... their wits against maths problems at Monks Cross for the chance to compete in the final at Cambridge University in December....(size: 0.7Kb)
All Africa
27 Nov 2013
... into the 1996 murder of seven French monks....(size: 0.2Kb)
27 Nov 2013
That means the tweaks and additions to that port are in the iOS version, including the extra episode and Tanuki monk unit ... Like other versions the multiplayer is cross-platform compatible, albeit only with Steam ... ....(size: 1.0Kb)
Orange News
27 Nov 2013
... a calf problem, while Michu (ankle) and Garry Monk (knee) are also sidelined....(size: 0.4Kb)

Monk is an American comedy-drama detective mystery television series created by Andy Breckman and starring Tony Shalhoub as the titular character, Adrian Monk. It originally ran from 2002 to 2009 and is primarily a mystery series, although it has dark and comic touches.

The series debuted on July 12, 2002, on USA Network. It was well received and continued for eight seasons, with the final season concluding on December 4, 2009. The series currently holds the record for the most watched scripted drama episode in cable television history, a record previously held by The Closer. Monk set the record with "Mr. Monk and the End – Part II", its series finale, with 9.4 million viewers, 3.2 million of them in the 18–49 demographic.

Adrian Monk was a brilliant detective for the San Francisco Police Department until his wife, Trudy, was killed by a car bomb in a parking garage, which Monk then believed was intended for him. In a later episode, he discovers the bomb was truly meant for Trudy. He later believes that Trudy's death was part of a larger conspiracy that she had uncovered during her time as a journalist. Trudy's death led Monk to suffer a nervous breakdown. He was discharged from the force and became a recluse, refusing to leave his house for three and a half years. Trudy's death was the only case that Monk did not solve until the final episode.

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Anthony Marcus "Tony" Shalhoub (born October 9, 1953) is an American actor. His television work includes the roles of Antonio Scarpacci in Wings and sleuth Adrian Monk in the TV series Monk. He has won three Emmy Awards and a Golden Globe for his work in Monk. He has also had a successful career as a character actor, with roles in films like Spy Kids, Men in Black, Men in Black II, Thirteen Ghosts, Galaxy Quest, 1408, Barton Fink, Big Night, The Siege, Cars (film) and The Man Who Wasn't There.

Shalhoub was born and raised in Green Bay, Wisconsin. His father, Joe Shalhoub, a Catholic Maronite from Lebanon, immigrated to the United States as an orphan at the age of 10. He married Shalhoub’s mother, Helen, a second-generation Lebanese-American, and founded a family grocery chain, starting with a store in downtown Green Bay.

Being the second youngest of the couple's 10 children, Shalhoub was introduced to the theater by an older sister, who put his name forward to be an extra in a high school production of The King and I. Despite finding himself standing on the wrong side of the curtain during the final dress rehearsal, he became enamored with the theater. Shalhoub graduated from Green Bay East High School, where his senior peers named him the best dressed and most likely to succeed.[citation needed] In his senior year he suffered a setback, breaking his leg in a fall off the stage into the pit during a rehearsal. Recovering quickly, he was able to perform in the school's final play of the year. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in drama from the University of Southern Maine in Portland, going on to earn a master's from the Yale School of Drama in 1980.[citation needed]

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Elizabeth Natalie "Bitty" Schram (born July 17, 1968) is an American actress, most widely known for having played Sharona Fleming in the television series Monk.

Born in Mountainside, New Jersey, Schram studied at the University of Maryland on a tennis scholarship and graduated with a degree in advertising design. Having known for a number of years that she wanted to act, she pursued roles in both film and television as well as Broadway theater. The role that initially brought her note was Evelyn Gardner in the Penny Marshall directed film, A League of Their Own. Schram's character was the focus of the now famous line, "There's no crying in baseball!"

During 1993-95, she had a role in the original Broadway production of Neil Simon's Laughter on the 23rd Floor.

In 2002, Schram landed a major role opposite Tony Shalhoub on the USA mystery series Monk. USA Network released her mid-way through the show's third season, stating they "decided to go in a different creative direction with some of its characters"; MSNBC reported that "some members of the series' supporting cast, including Schram, Ted Levine and Jason Gray-Stanford, attempted to renegotiate the terms of their contract" and cited Schram's departure as evidence of the industry's "hard line against raise-seeking actors who aren't absolutely essential to the show." Levine and Gray-Stanford remained on the show. Her role as Monk's assistant was replaced by Natalie Teeger, played by Traylor Howard. Schram returned to Monk for an episode during the show's eighth and final season entitled "Mr. Monk and Sharona" on October 23, 2009, on USA Network.

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Jason Gray-Stanford (born May 19, 1970) is a Canadian film and television actor. He is best known for having played the hapless Lieutenant Randy Disher in the TV program Monk.

He was the voice of Kento Rei Faun in the anime Ronin Warriors, and the original English voice of Raditz and Cui in the Ocean Group dub of Dragonball Z, as well as the voice of Shinnosuke in the English dub of Ranma 1/2 and the voice of Joe Higashi in the Fatal Fury OVAs and The Motion Picture. He also appeared on an episode of Stargate SG-1.

He is also known as the first voice of Yusaku Godai in Maison Ikkoku. However, after episode 36, the dubbing of the series was halted due to poor sales, during which the dubbing company lost contact[clarification needed] with Gray-Stanford as well as several other actors. Since episode 37, Godai has been voiced by Brad Swaile. He voiced Donatello (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) in the 1996 TV series, Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation.[clarification needed]

Gray-Stanford earned a BFA degree from the University of British Columbia in theatre. He has done extensive dubbing work for various Japanese anime movies and series, and also contributed background vocals to Russell Crowe's 30 Odd Foot of Grunts album Gaslight.[clarification needed]

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The following is a complete episode list for the criminal dramedy television series, Monk. It premiered on USA Network July 12, 2002 in the United States and ended with a two-part series finale on November 27 and December 4, 2009. The complete series has a total of 125 episodes, including three 2-part episodes and four Christmas specials.

The first four of these webisodes were also released on the Season 5 DVD.

USA Network ordered ten webisodes that would deal with the Monk brothers' childhood. The first premiered on August 21, 2009. The series starred Aaron Linker as Little Monk and Chris Lizardi as Little Ambrose, and featured Bella Thorne as Wendy, one of the Monks' classmates. The series was directed by Randall Zisk, with Hy Conrad, Andy Breckman, Kevin Albright, and Justin Brenneman serving as writers. Aaron Linker had a chance of stardom on the actual show, where he appeared in a flashback once again as Little Monk. The webisodes are available only on the "Best of Monk" DVD.

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

He don't love me like he used to
He don't hold me, he don't kiss me
Boy, my body's feelin' lonely
I can help you if I need to
So when he goes out with the boys to the club
I might hit you up like yeah, yeah, yeah
When he be dancing with that chick, I'm gon' be packin' up my
It'll be like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
If you need to love somebody
Hey baby, let me be that body
Here I am, boy
If you need to love somebody
Hey baby, let me be that body
Here I am, boy
You can have me morning, noon and night
You can have me anytime you like
If you need to love somebody
Hey baby, let me be that body
Here I am, boy
Now boy, I ain't down for no cheatin'
Just look at you like my homie, my lover, my best friend
So boy, go 'head, get in it, go 'head and let me in
We can do some wonderful things, I promise I'll leave him
So when he goes out with the boys to the club
I might hit you up like, yeah, yeah, yeah
When he be dancing with that chick, I'm gon' be packin' up my
It'll be like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
If you need to love somebody
Hey baby, let me be that body
Here I am, boy
If you need to love somebody
Hey baby, let me be that body
Here I am, boy
You can have me morning, noon and night
You can have me anytime you like
If you need to love somebody
Hey baby, let me be that body
Here I am, boy
Just know that I'm gon', gone and leave my man
Tryin' to put my hand up in your hand
I know that you can make my love come down
And I'm just not happy in this home
Please baby, don't take me wrong
I just want you to help me out
So why don't you come pick me up and take me to the crib
And do the things that I have told you he won't do
So now you know, baby boy, stop tripping
'Cause it is just me and you
If you need to love somebody
Hey baby, let me be that body
Here, I am, boy
If you need to love somebody
Hey baby, let me be that body
Here I am, boy
You can have me morning, noon and night
You can have me anytime you like, oh boy
If you need to love somebody
Hey baby, let me be that body
Here I am, alright

Why her, why her? Why her?
My last tear just fell from my eyes
Told myself that I wasn't goin' to cry no more
You did what you did, it is what it is
And that's why I walked out the door
Moved on with my life but not really
Spent too much time wonderin' how could you
You do this to us, thought we we're in love
Guess I was thinkin' too much
I was thinkin' that the sex had your love
You never could get enough 'coz you know I kept it hot
I listen to you tell me your dreams and your fears
I wiped your tears, I was there and that's why this is hurtin' me
Why her, why her? Did I get on your nerves?
Did I give you too much that you couldn't handle my love?
Why her, why her? Tell me what she was worth
To make you put her first and disown me?
You wanna come back, but I gotta know why her?
Thought she was all that, then why you at my door?
Now look at you, look at us, what's all this for?
Hope you got the answer to my question, why her?
This goin' to be the last time we say goodbye
Aint gonna be no reruns of this episode
You did what you did, it is what it is
Maybe if you would've told me you weren't happy
You weren't satisfied, we could've worked it out
Baby we could've tried but you didn't say nothin'
All along fakin' and frontin' and why?
I was thinkin' that the sex had your love
You never could get enough 'coz you know I kept it hot
I listen to you tell me your dreams and your fears
I wiped your tears, I was there and it hurts me
Why her, why her? Did I get on your nerves?
Did I give you too much that you couldn't handle my love?
Why her, why her? Tell me what she was worth
To make you put her first and disown me?
You wanna come back, but I gotta know why her?
Thought she was all that, why you at my door?
Now look at you, look at us, what's all this for?
Hope you got the answer to my question, why her?
Now ladies, y'all know I speak from experience, right?
I used to just look at him and wonder why, why her?
Ya know what I'm sayin'?
But ladies, I learn not to worry
About them livin' a happily ever after
'Coz see, that shit just built on a lie
So it should've fall, that's why I stand tall
I just looked at him and said this right here
Why her, why her? Did I get on your nerves?
Did I give you too much that you couldn't handle my love?
Why her, why her? Tell me what she was worth
To make you put her first and disown me?
The grass looks greener on the other side, why her?
But I promise, you'll be back tonight
Now look at you, look at us, what's all this for?
Hope you got the answer to my question, why her?
Why her? Tell me, why her? Why her?

I should I should
Make a move, but I won't
I know you probably think something is wrong
Knew that it won't be right I wanna get down, but not the first night
Monica - Verse 1:
Saturday Night
Feeling kinda light
I wanna get close to you and let you call me your baby
Know it ain't right
It's just the first night
Sitting here looking and it's driving me crazy
Knew it was wrong for feeling this way
The thought of giving in on the first date
Couldn't let go it stayed on my mind
At the end of the night I had to decide
I was thinking...
Repeat Chorus 2x
Monica - Verse 2:
My body's telling me yes
You put me to the test
But I don't know how much longer I can keep my composure
Trying my best to deal with all of this
But at the same time I can feel us getting closer
Felt so right, but it felt so wrong
And look how we are carrying on
Trying to say things to get me to stay
But my watch is telling me it's getting too late
I'm thinking...
Repeat Chorus 2x
Tonight little kiss touch
We ain't gotta do all of that stuff
I'm just sitting here trying to chill with you
We ain't gotta rush
I just wanna ball with you
In and out the mall with you
Out of town on the phone all night call with you
Cheat Cheat
Baby I do my shit correct
You and me just met
You ain't supposed to be ready yet
Cause u don't know if I just want sex
And I don't know if you want my checks
Even though u probably expect for me to be kissing on your neck
Now Baby
If you show me yours
I'll show you mine
I see u get hot and I know it's time
At 69 we can draw the line
Or you could give me yours and I'll owe you mine
When I meet the girl
Creep the girl
I freak the girl, I please the girl
If you need the girl, man keep the girl
Better hope R.O.C. don't see the girl
If I should I should make a move
Make it smooth
Take her to that crib
Lay her back put her in a groove
Make her ahh, make her ooh
Cause money come money go
So do a honey though
Love when they go "how low?"
Front, back, to the floor
Now keep on working that
Where Jersey at? Where Jersey at?
Repeat Chorus 2x
If u want me
You got to know me
And if you want my love you gotta wait my love
Baby that's the way it's got to be
Get to know me so we can do this
Repeat Chorus til the end

Verse 1:
Didn't think I'd be without you
Didn't think that I would see
Didn't think that I would lose my love
How could this happen to me
I must have took for granted
That you would always be there baby, believe
Sometimes I sit and wonder
When everything is over
How can I go on
Knowing that you're gone
Sometimes I sit and wonder
When everything is done
Will I ever get over you being my love
The only one for me
Wanting you so much
That I don't know what to do
Strung out on your love
Baby, I been missing you
Crazy for your touch
Lonely without you
I be missing you so much, yea
Verse 2:
Can't take one night without you
Don't wanna do anything
But sit around and think of
How I want you with me
Just can't erase these feelings
Somehow I know that time will make it better
Sometimes I sit and wonder
When everything is over
How can I go on
Knowing that you're gone
Sometimes I sit and wonder
When everything is done
Will I ever get over you being my love
Chorus to end

Can't believe you would leave me this way
Feeling kinda bad from the last things we said today
Can't believe you would turn and walk away
I'd know we would do this again and again
You say you love me I'll come back with I hate you
Only takes a day to
Realize I'm in love with you
You say you'll leave me
I'll come back with just stay boy
If you dont want my love
Then I have no choice this time
Tell me Baby what to do
I ain't trippin' over you
Any, Any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
I, I remain the same
I don't know what's up with you
Any, Any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
You said you didn't mean it that's fine
You wanna take it back cause your havin a change of mind
Sometimes saying sorry won't do
Then somedays I can't do without you
You say you love me I'll come back with I hate you
Only takes a day to
Realize I'm in love with you
You say you're sober
I'll come back with your stank boy
If you dont want my love
Then I have no choice this time
Tell me Baby what to do
I ain't trippin' over you
Any, Any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
I, I remain the same
I don't know what's up with you
Any, Any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
Tell me Baby what to do
I ain't trippin' over you
Any, Any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
I, I remain the same
I don't know what's up with you
Any, Any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
Tell me Baby what to do
I ain't trippin' over you
Any, Any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
I, I remain the same
I don't know what's up with you
Any, Any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
Tell me Baby what to do
I ain't trippin' over you
Any, Any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
I, I remain the same
I don't know what's up with you
Any, Any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
Tell me Baby what to do
I ain't trippin' over you
Any, Any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
I, I remain the same
I don't know what's up with you
Any, Any other time

Listen to me
You deserve all the heartache and the pain (Yes, you do)
Don’t come cryin’ talkin’ ‘bout he’s playin’ games
(No, no, no)
You should know life is what you make of it (No, no)
Regardless (No, no) who he is
If you put up with it you deserve it
Why you wanna be with him
‘Cause all you ever do is cry
He’ll tell you that you ain’t enough
He’s tearin’ you apart inside
And when you need a ear, I listen
To everything you have to say
I tell you every day to leave
But it seems you’d rather stay
And girl, a man could only do what you let him
And girl, it don’t do you no good to just sweat him
And girl, you can’t just let him abuse you
I’ll tell you what you should do
But if you choose not to you deserve
You deserve all the heartache and the pain (So when you’re hurt)
Don’t come cryin’ (Don’t) talkin’ ‘bout he’s playin’
games (Maybe you should know)
You should know life is what you make of it
Regardless who he is
If you put up with it you deserve it
Now that you’ve a guy who’ll kiss
But you use him as your strength
To get out of a bad situation
To get out this relationship
I promise you he’ll never change
I know you really want him to
So all the things he promises
I hope you don’t expect him to
And girl, a man can only do what you let him
And girl, it don’t do you no good to just sweat him,
oh, no, no
And girl, you can’t just this man abuse you
I’ll tell you what you should do
But if you choose not to then you deserve
You deserve all the heartache and the pain (Oh, oh, so
when you’re hurt, oh)
Don’t come cryin’ talkin’ ‘bout he’s playin’ games
(And you should know)
You should know life is what you make of it
Regardless who he is
If you put up with it then you deserve it
Peep the whole scene and whatever’s goin’ on around me
Burned out, clutchin’ my pillow, stuck in the County
You hate when I step off with honeys and ??
Who sayin’ I want a baby chase, you can’t relate
Pump your brakes, mami, please ‘cause you buggin’ me
And treat me worse than them streets, it’s like
doggin’ me out
But I could look into your eyes and see you achin’
You hope I da-da-da-da-da-da-da
You deserve (And so you deserve)
You deserve all the heartache and the pain (Oh, oh,
heartache and the pain)
Don’t come cryin’ (Don’t come cryin’) talkin’ ‘bout
he’s playin’ games (No, no, no, no)
You should know life is what you make of it
Regardless who he is (Regardless)
If you put up with it, ooh, then you deserve it
Listen to me
Realize that I can make you see
Do you wanna live a lie
La-la-la-la-la-la-la (So listen)
You deserve all the heartache and the pain (Oh, oh, so
when you hurt)
Don’t come cryin’ talkin’ ‘bout he’s playin’ games
(And you should know)
You should know life is what you make of it (Life is
what you make of it, oh)
Regardless who he is (Regardless)

Sit yourself down boy and talk to me
Tell me what's on your mind
Don't keep on telling me everything's okay
Cause if it was then you wouldn't be crying
You been acting real funny when I see you lately
Sitting around poutin' all day long
Now how in the world do you expect me to understand
When I not even know what's wrong
Straighten it out, let's straighten it out
Let's straighten it out
Let's straighten it out
Let's straighten it out
For the last few days when I saw you baby
Oh I admit something just wasn't right
It's so many things going through my head
I didn't want to start another fight
But if your tired of people being bothered baby
In the world we'd be all alone
Instead of being apart of a problem baby
You and me otta be getting along, yeah....
Straighten it out, Let's straighten it out
We need to straighten it out)
Let's straighten it out
Me and you, you and me baby,
Let's straighten it out
Out, ah ahhh, yeah,
Let's straighten it out
Woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo,
Straighten it out, Let's straighten it out
Let's Straighten it out, let's straighten it out baby)
Let's straighten it out
I think it's time for you and me to straighten it out)
Let's straighten it out
Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Let's straighten it out
Now how in the world you expect me to understand
Umm, when I don't even know what's wrong
Baby, baby, baby
Straighten it out, Let's straighten it out
Let's straighten it out
Can we Straighten, can you help me babe,
Baby, baby, baby)
Let's straighten it out
Can you help me sing, sing it baby,
Yeah, yeah.....,
Oh yeah,
Let's straighten it out
Let's Straighten it out,
I want to Straighten it out with you baby,
Come on,
Come on)
Let's straighten it out........
Oh yeah)
Let's Straighten it out
Let's Straighten it out,
Come on, come on, come on)
Straighten it out, let's straighten it out
Oohhh.....oh, yeah)
Let's straighten it out
We need to straighten it out ...)
Let's straighten it out

Oceans apart
Day after day
And I slowly go insane
I hear your voice
On the line
But it doesn't stop the pain
I see you next to never
How can we stay forever
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
I took for granted
All the times
That I thought would last somehow
I hear the laughter and I taste the tears
But I can't get near you now
Oh can you see it baby
You've got me goin' crazy
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
I wonder how we can survive
This romance, but in the end if I'm with you
I'll take the chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaance
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
(I'll be, I'll be right right here, oh waiting on youuuuuuuuu)
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
I'll be right here waiting for you
Oh, I love you
Oh whatever it takes
Whatever you do
Where ever you go
I'm never leavin' you (I Will Be Waiting)

Do you remember me?
I sat upon your knee
I wrote to you with childhood fantasies
Well I'm all grown up now
Can you still help somehow?
I'm not a child but my heart still can dream
So here's my lifeful wish
My grown up Christmas List
Not for myself
But for a world in need
No more lives torn apart
That wars will never start
And time will heal our hearts
Every man will have a friend
That right will always win
And love will never end
This is my grown up Christmas List
May kindness rules our lives
Not just the strong survive
Sweet tears for all the thousand years on mind
This is the world I pray
We will all share some way
Help me begin by reaching out my hand
No more lives torn apart
That wars will never start
And time will heal our hearts
Every man will have a friend
That right will always win
And love will never end
This is my grown up Christmas List
Why does this illusion call the innocence of you?
Maybe when the time believe we can find the truth
No more lives torn apart
That wars will never start
And time will heal our hearts
Every man will have a friend
That right will always win
And love will never end
This is my grown up Christmas List
This is the prayer that I will keep
This is my grown up Christmas list
Christmas list

so let them say its wrong for me to love me
they can never feel the way that i do when we kiss
when we're close like this
they cant see inside my soul
they cant know the love we know
all they do is waste their time
they can never change my mind
its what my heart says
that is what i listen to
its what my heart feels
that tells me what to do
it whats my heart knows
thats the only, only truth
i kno its real
all i hear is what my heart says to me
let them say that im a fool to fall so deeply
cause they will never ever feel love so completely
how can they even talk that way
they cant see it through my eyes
they cant feel this love inside
all their words dont mean a thing
they cant change the way i feel
and i have never felt so sure about anything
see you are the one
the one that i need
it doesnt matter what they think or what they say
im loving you any way
all i kno is what i feel

When you're feeling lost in the night,
When you feel your world just ain't right
Call on me, I will be waiting
Count on me, I will be there
Anytime the times get too tough,
Anytime your best ain't enough
I'll be the one to make it better,
I'll be there to protect you,
See you through,
I'll be there and there is nothing
I won't do.
I will cross the ocean for you
I will go and bring you the moon
I will be your hero your strength
Anything you need
I will be the sun in your sky
I will light your way for all time
Promise you,
For you I will.
I will shield your heart from the rain
I will let no harm come your way
Oh these arms will be your shelter
No these arms won't let you down,
If there is a mountain to move
I will move that mountain for you
I'm here for you, I'm here forever
I will be your fortress, tall and strong
I'll keep you safe,
I'll stand beside you, right or wrong
I will cross the ocean for you
I will go and bring you the moon (yeah, yeah)
I will be your hero your strength
anything you need (I will be..)
I will be the sun in your sky
I will light your way for all time
Promise you
For you I will
For you I will, lay my life on the line
For you I will fight, oooooh
For you I will die
With every breath, with all my soul
I'll give my world
I'll give it all
Put your faith in me (put you're faith in me)
And I'll do anything
I will cross the ocean for you (I will cross the ocean for you)
I will go and bring you the moon
I will be your hero your strength
Anything you need
I will be the sun in your sky
I will light your way for all time
Promise you (Promise you)
For you I will, I will, I will, I will,
I will cross the ocean for you
I will go and bring you the moon
I will be your hero your strength
Anything you need, (Anything you need)
I will be the sun in your sky (yeah, yeah)
I will let you wait for all times
Promise you (I promise you)
For you I will (Ooooh)
I promise you

[Big Gipp]
Hey, enough
I know you're not gonna be all lame and choose
My house in Atlanta is what made you, you
You ain't never had nothin' till I paid the dues
My word is gold, I lay the rules
Why you trippin' on a brother about the things he do
Look, work can never matter how I got the loot
But you never hesitate when you drive the coupe
I made you ball, ain't that truth
I never asked for that much
If you stay, I laid here at night
Down at the gentleman's club
Seems like you can't get right
I knew when I saw the g's
You would be harder to please
You wanted more than enough
That's when it got too beat up
1 - [Monica]
Last time I was down for you
I though you really wanted to
Don't know how much pain it took
To put up that cash up on your boots
See I'm sick and tired boy
You can't even drive the cars
Sometimes I don't know what to do
What am I worth to you babe?
Yeah, yeah
See I'm in the Accolade
Coming through ride alone with flakes
The street's my home, up in the zone
Search a nigga's car tryin' to get my bone
Get my name, wear that thang
I don't know but I'm searching man
Lookin' for that sweet lick
No time for no cheap chick
I'm working
2 - [Monica]
You must believe
I gotta get you out of the streets
I disagree when you tell me that you're doing it for me
Just lean on me
I know you're in a little to deep
I gotta do what I gotta do to get you back here with me
I like the cash and all that
But I just can't watch my back
And if they catch me with you
Who knows what they wouldn't do?
You've spent too long in this game
My baby you gotta change
Before I lose you for life
I want to be your wife
Repeat 1
[JT Money]
See babygirl I gotta hustle
See I'm used to getting mine off the muscle
Everything that I do, I did for us two
Getting' mine on the grind is a must too
Plus you want all them finer things
I bought a compact, clothes, a diamond ring
Everything's on paper, they keep me on the caper
If it ain't about bread then I'mma holla at you later, baby
Repeat 2 (2x)
[Monica] (JT Money)
Out of the streets, streets, streets, streets, streets
(What? Yeah it's on three, it's on four, it's on five)
Out of the streets, streets, streets, streets, streets
(Yeah Southwest, uh, uh, uh)
Out of the streets, streets, streets, streets, streets
(I ain't never gonna stop)
Out of the streets, streets, streets, streets, streets
(Y'all know what it is)
Repeat 2 till end

If I told you
I'll be the one to make all your dreams true
If I gave you
All the things that make a man feel so good
If I need you
To come here before I give it to you
If I had to
I would change the world and make it feel love for you
If you do what say do
I promise we can do whateva'
You want to cause I want you
Say love me & I'm down 4 whateva'
Verse 2
Now that it's clear I hope you understand the way I'm feelin
And now that you're here you can't stop thinking of what I want to hear
Now that it's true I can stop holdin' back and do what I do
And when we're through I lay in your arms and say I love you
I believe we can be
Whateva we want to no matter the dilemma
And I believe that you will see it may take forever
But we finally got together
And I believe it will be all about us cause baby I love you
And then they will see what we mean
When we say we were together for eternity
(Chorus x2)
Verse 3
Tell me what happens when you think of me
Do you think of the things I'm feeling
Cause when I see you I start trembling
My knees start shakin' just glad to be with you
Tell me your love will always be with me
Promise me you would never leave
And then take me where I want to be
Cause I need you baby, I'm needing you crazy (ohoh!I!!)
Chorus Out

It's sunny outside, and I need somewhere to go
The day is just right, and I want to be with you for sure
So jump in your car baby, and come over here
We can go wherever sugar, I just want you near
So play me a melody
No matter what you find
Somethin' to roll to, somethin' to ease my mind
Just play me a melody
No matter what you find
Somethin' to roll to, when we're chillin' in your ride
Cause I love (I love) kickin' it with you
Me and you, gettin' it on
So baby, slide a tape in boy
You know, to play our song
Chillin', ridin' to the music
Laid back low, when I'm with you
When I'm with you
Dressed real fly, feeling just right for the weather
Drop top back, where we're gonna go, don't know, wherever
Maybe to the park, or we'll just roll down the highway
Just you and me, runnin' to the beat, makes me wanna say, baby
Play me a melody (Play me a melody)
No matter what you find (No matter what you find)
Somethin' to roll to, somethin' to ease my mind
Just play me a melody (Just play me a melody)
No matter what you find
Somethin' to roll to, while we're chillin' in your ride
I love, kickin' it with you
Me and you, gettin' it on
So baby, slide a tape in boy
You know, to play our song
Chillin', ridin' to the music
Laid back low, when I'm with you
When I'm with you
(Cause I love) I love, kickin' it with you
Me and you, gettin' it on
So baby, slide a tape in boy
You know, to play our song
Chillin', ridin' to the music
Laid back low, when I'm with you
When I'm with you
Diamond in the back, sunroof top, leanin' to the side, baby
When I'm with you, yeah, uh, check me out
Diamond in the back, sunroof top, leanin' to the side baby
When I'm with you, yeah
Talk to me baby, talk to me baby, talk
I love, kickin' it with you
Me and you, gettin' it on
So baby, slide a tape in boy
You know, to play our song
Chillin', ridin' to the music
Laid back low, when I'm with you

featuring J.D. R.O.C.
Baby baby tell me what's up
Can you hear me hear me
Or do I need to turn it up
Baby baby tell me what's up
Can you hear me hear me
Or do I need to turn it up huh
So So Def
I should I should make a move but I won't (c'mon)
I know you're probably thinking something is wrong (it's the remix)
Knowing that it won't be right
I don't get down on the first night (c'mon)
It's Saturday night, feeling kinda right
I wanna get close to you, and let you call me your baby
I know it ain't right, it's just the first night
I couldn't keep lookin' and it's driving me crazy
I know it was wrong for feeling this way
The thought of getting it on the first date
Couldn't let go it stayed on my mind
At the end of the night, I had to decide
I was thinking
I should, I should make a move but I won't
I know you're probably thinking something is wrong
Knowing that it won't be right
I wanna get down, but not the first night
I should, I should make a move but I won't
I know you're probably thinking something is wrong
Knowing that it won't be right
I don't get down on the first night
You're telling me yes, putting me to the test
Don't know how much longer I can keep my composure
Trying my best to deal with all of this
But at the same time I can feel us getting closer
Felt so right but it felt so wrong
And look how you're carrying on
Trying to say things to get me to stay
But my watch is telling me it's getting too late
I'm thinking
Shhh, check this out
Tonight, lil' kiss, touch, we ain't gotta do all of that stuff
I'm just sittin' here tryin' to chill with you, we ain't gotta rush
I just wanna ball with you, in and out the mall with you
Out of town on the phone, all night call with you
Chi-Chi, baby, I do all my shit correct
Just you and me, just lay, you ain't suppose to be ready yet
Cuz you don't know if I want just sex and I don't know if you want my check
Even though you probably just expecting me to be kissin' on your neck
Now baby
Show me yours and I'll show you mine
I see you get hot and I know it's time
At 69 we could draw the line
I know you could give me yours
And I owe you mine
When I meet the girl, I creep the girl
I freak the girl, I please the girl
If you need the girl, man, keep the girl
Let the whole Roc gon' see the girl
If I should, I should make a move
Make it smooth, take it to that crib
Let that player lazy groove
Make her ahh, make her ooh
Cuz money come, money go
So So, honey dough, love it when they go how low
Front, back to the flow
Now keep on workin' at
With Jersey hat, with Jersey hat
If you want me, you got to know me
If you want my love (c'mon)
You gotta wait, my love (shake 'em off, shake 'em off)
Baby, that's the way it's got to be
Get to know me (shake 'em off, shake 'em off)
[Chorus to end]

Love brings intensity
How I know it's plan to see,
Boy there's a woman in me
Intensity brings misery
How I know it's plan to see,
Boy there's a woman in me
Your wondering how I know
(There's a woman in me)
That's how I know
(There's a woman in me)
Your wondering how I know
(There's a woman in me)
That's how I know
(There's a woman in me)
Your wondering how I know
(There's a woman in me)
That's how I know
(There's a woman in me)
(this keeps going as it fades)

Verse 1:
He's my man and I know it
Cause I get a tremblin' deep in my soul
That I can't ignore and I can't control it
What a man, whoa!
He's my fortress
I'm safe from harm when everything is all wrong
May not play ball and ain't trippin on my record deal
Still he is to me an amazing thrill
He's my man and I'm proud about it
I'm gon' shout about it
Ain't no doubt about it
That's my man
Ain't gon' let no one say nothing bad 'bout my baby
That's my man
Spent too many nights on my knees praying to Jesus
I'm his lady
That's my man
Ladies you know a good man is hard to find
And now I got mine
You better believe it
That's my man
He's the only one for me
Verse 2:
Slow your role
See how you gon' tell me 'bout my man when you ain't got a man of your own
See I already know
You can't stand my man really loves me
Don't cheat, or beat, or sleep around on me and cares about my needs
We fuss and fight but he knows when it's over
That every night I'm positive my man is coming home to me
He's my man and I'm proud about it
I'm gon' shout about it
Ain't no doubt about it
That's my man
Ain't gon' let no one say nothing bad 'bout my baby
That's my man
Well in a fight keep it right and keep it tight
I'm his lady
That's my man
You say he's cheating
I didn't see it, I don't believe it
He's my baby
That's my man
He's the only one for me
If you're willing to do whatever
Look in his eyes and tell him I love you boy
Yeah, yeah and if he's not there at the moment
Call him and let him know I love you boy
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
God smiled on me when he brought you in my life
Never wanna do you wrong
Always gonna do you right
You mean more to me than anything else in the world
You'll always be my man
I'll always be your girl
(God smiled on me when...Repeat 2x)
And I need you for the rest of my lfe
Ooo I love my man
Makes me feel so good inside
Ooo I feel so sorry for the ladies that don't have love in their life
Cause mine loves me right
Ooo I said that God smiled on me
He gave me something that I've never seen
Oh and I love him
Said that I love him
Oh I love him, I love him, I love him

featuring Majic
Oh yeah oh
There's something that I wanna say
Feel a little out of place
But I need you to make that change
You promised to keep me out of the rain
I love the cars and everything
The diamond rings
But I love you much more baby
1 You said that you were gonna stop when you had enough
Do what you had to do
Now you like the profession you made it for yourself
You said forget about me and you
From now on, all you wanna do is hustle
you gotta choose, whatcha gonna do
What am I worth to you, baby
2 - Never thought I'd be afraid to trust
Somebody that I love so much
If I can get him out of the streets
Then he can come back to me
Now I see that it ain't no rush
Baby, to me that's a definite plus
If I can't get you outta the streets
Then you don't need to be with me
Do you love me like you say
Then maybe you could get away
>From the life of doing the wrong things
You promised, don't make me read about it babe
Think of me before I'm gone
Cuz when I'm gone, it will be too late
Oh yeah
Repeat 1
Repeat 2 (with Majic ad-libs)
C'mon home
I see what you're saying now
Well I see what your sayin'
I was trippin' all along
Ha ha
So what you saying I should just leave this alone
Alright but you're gonna take care of me
Make me the king of this throne, for life
Girl I'm so lucky to have you girl in my life
And that's right
I know you love me, I hear you telling me right
Angel of mine, God must have sent you from the heavens above
And oh how i thank You for sending me this unconditional love
To this thug
And for that baby, daddy get out of the game
With no shame
I just want you to remember what started this whole thing
Repeat 2 (with Majic ad-libs)
uh huh what what
I'm coming home baby
I'm coming home
I understand now, I'm out the game
I'm coming home to you baby
[Monica]: (Majic):
It's either the streets or me
The trouble is taking over things
(You ain't got to worry no more)
(No more trouble, no more crying)
I know I got to leave
(No more none of that)
But you weren't there for me
It's either the streets or me
(I'm trying to make some money with you girl)
The trouble is taking over things
I know I got to leave
But you weren't there for me

Oh oh oh, oh yeah yes, oh oh oh, my, my
Here we are face to face
With the memories that can't be erased
Although we need each other
Things that changed, it's not the same
Sometimes it makes me wonder
Where would I be, if you hadn't discovered
Which I did, inside of me
I know there was something, that we could compare
Oh, well, I,
- Never meant to cause you no pain
I just wanna go back to being the same
Well I, only wanna make things right
Before you walk out of my life
Remembering the good times
From a portrait hung on high
It's filled with so much color
And the laughter we left behind
I made the choice and you couldn't decide
I made the choice, I was wrong you were right
Deep down inside, I apologize
Though I made plans with you
To always have time for you
(Before you walk out of my life)
I guess it's true, cannot live without you
Don't ever go away, ooh oh yeah

Holla, new monica shit. yes. oh baby. yep
I been feeling something
U been treating me cold
U no longer want to touch me
The love has turned cold
And i don't feel special
The feeling i need to feel
In my gut i'm feeling something...
Another woman, keep it real
I, i had to go move on (had to go move on)
Cause you're not worthy of my love and all we did was fight and fuss (fight and fuss)
And she would, she would call your phone
And you would act like i was wrong for cursing you all night long
Now to you if zip means nada
So don't call don't page don't follow
And you can see me in the club, don't holla
And if you see me looking good don't bother
I know you hate to see me with my baby father
On the level as me, dun dada
Your loss, but you gon have to swallow
I do bad by myself
Stop proper..stop proper
Now the last few months been different
Cause you don't seem bad with time
U say you wanna stay with me
Did u go and change your mind
U getting phone calls after midnight
It's not exceptable
It don't take a scientist for me to know
Another chick is on the low
I, (i, i) i had to go move on (gotta move on)
Cause you're not worthy (not worthy, not worthy) of my love and all we did was fight and fuss
And she would, (she would) she would call your phone
(she would call your phone)
And you would act like i was wrong for cursing you all night long
You' unfair (so unfair)
If you cared (if you cared)
You wouldn't play games like this
With unfair (so unfair)
If you cared (if you cared)
(you wouldn't doooo ohhh)
I, i had to go move on (gotta move gotta move on)
Cause you're not worthy of my love and all we did was fight and fuss
(you're not you're not you're not no no)
And she would, (she would) she would call your phone
(call your
And you would act like i was wrong for cursing you all night long
I can't stand for you to lie
She is in your eyes
(new monica baby)

Sit yourself down boy and talk to me
Tell me what's on your mind
Don't keep on telling me everything's okay
Cause if it was then you wouldn't be crying
You been acting real funny when I see you lately
Sitting around poutin' all day long
Now how in the world do you expect me to understand
When I not even know what's wrong
Straighten it out, let's straighten it out
Let's straighten it out(Monica: Baby)
Let's straighten it out(Monica: Out....)
Let's straighten it out
For the last few days when I saw you baby
Oh I admit something just wasn't right
It's so many things going through my head
I didn't want to start another fight
But if your tired of people being bothered baby
In the world we'd be all alone
Instead of being apart of a problem baby
You and me otta be getting along, yeah....
Straighten it out, Let's straighten it out(Usher: We need to straighten it out)
Let's straighten it out(Usher: Me and you, you and me baby, Monica: Baby)
Let's straighten it out(Monica: Out, ah ahhh, yeah, Usher: Hey)
Let's straighten it out(Usher: Woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, Monica: Yeah)
Straighten it out, Let's straighten it out(Usher: Let's Straighten it out, let's straighten it out baby)
Let's straighten it out(Usher: I think it's time for you and me to straighten it out)
Let's straighten it out(Usher: Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Let's straighten it out
Together: Now how in the world you expect me to understand
Monica: Umm, when I don't even know what's wrong
Together: Baby, baby, baby
Straighten it out, Let's straighten it out(Usher: Yeahhh........, Monica: Yeah.....ooh)
Let's straighten it out(Usher: Can we Straighten, can you help me babe, Monica: Baby, baby, baby)
Let's straighten it out(Usher: Can you help me sing, sing it baby, Together: Yeah, yeah....., Monica: Oh yeah, Usher: Yeah)
Let's straighten it out(Monica: Let's Straighten it out, Usher: I want to Straighten it out with you baby, Monica: Come on, Usher: Come on)
Together: Let's straighten it out........(Monica: Oh yeah)
Let's Straighten it out(Monica: Let's Straighten it out, Usher: Come on, come on, come on)
Straighten it out, let's straighten it out(Usher: Oohhh.....oh, yeah)
Let's straighten it out(Usher: We need to straighten it out ...)
Let's straighten it out
Let's straighten it out

It's just one of them days,
When I wanna be all alone.
Its just one of them days,
When I gotta be all alone.
It's just one of them days,
Don't take it personal.
I just wanna be all alone,
and you think I treat you wrong.
I wanna take some time out to think things through.
I know it always feels like im doing you wrong but I'm so in love with you.
So understand that I'm only in love,
You're the only one I need.
So have no thought that i want to leave
And baby trust me please.
It's just one of those days that a girl goes through
When I'm angry inside,
Don't wanna take it out on you.
Just one of them things.
Don't take it personal.
I just wanna be all alone
And I you think I treat you wrong.
Don't take it personal
Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby.
Don't take it personal.
I sit and think about everything we do,
And I find myself in misery and that ain't cool.
Hey now I really wanna be with you the hole way through.
But the way you make me feel inside leaves me confused.
As I swing back mood to mood it's not because of you.
I never want you to be insecure,
So won't you understand that I'm only in love, youre the only I need.
I be there for you when you need me boy so baby don't you leave.
It's just one of those days
That a girl goes through
When I'm angry inside,
Don't wanna take it out on you.
It's just one of them things
Don't take it personal.
I just wanna be all alone
And I you think I treat you wrong.
It's just one of those days
That a girl goes through
When I'm angry inside,
I don't wanna take it out on you
It's just one of them things
Don't take it personal.
I just wanna be all alone
And I you think I treat you wrong.
Don't take it personal
Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby.
Don't take it personal.
Don't take it personal
It's just one of those days
Don't take it personal
It's just one of those days.
That a girl goes through
When I'm angry inside,
Don't wanna take it out on you.
It's just one of them things
Don't take it personal.
I just wanna be all alone
And I you think I treat you wrong.
Don't take it personal baby(repeat)

*Getting into car*
*Starting the car*
Come on get out of the way
The light's green
I hate these gangsta singers
with their music loud
Maam can you please turn your rap music down
You just woke my baby up dammit
ok I just called the cops
*baby crying*
Dont you ever interrupt me when I'm listening to a Monica record
Straight out the slumming streets of A-T-L
I know you waited for her arrival
through the hurricanes, torandoes, and thunderstorms
The climate has now changed
And the storm is now over
I repeat the storm is now over
Let us begin
Hey yo Monica turn the volume up

[Featuring OutKast]
Can't believe you would leave me this way
Feeling kinda bad from the last things we said today
Can't believe you would turn and walk away
I know we would do this again and again
You say you love me
I'll come back with I hate you
Only takes a day to
Realize I'm in love with you
you say it's over
I come back with just stay boy
If you don't want my love
Then I have no choice this time
Tell me baby what to do
I ain't trippin' over you
it ain't any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
I, I remain the same
I don't know what's up wit you
Any, any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
You said you didn't mean it that's fine
You wanna take it back cause your havin' a change of mind
Sometimes saying sorry won't do
Then somedays I can't do without you
You say you love me
I'll come back with I hate you
Only takes a day to
Realize I'm in love with you
you say it's over
I come back with just stay boy
If you don't want my love
Then I have no choice this time
Tell me baby what to do
I ain't trippin' over you
Any, any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
I, I remain the same
I don't know what's up wit you
Any, any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
Tell me baby what to do
I ain't trippin' over you
Any, any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
I, I remain the same
I don't know what's up wit you
Any, any other time
Remember I'm gone be fine
OutKast's rap
Chorus until fade

R-R-R-Rock then bend my knees, every time the beat drop
You know pimpin make the beat drop fuckin wit a laptop
I make em do it do it as soon as the beat drop
Might throw my towels out like Nick I like to wild out
Im a stay in the game until I fall out
First I lean grab a ball and then I pop wit it (I pop wit it)
When they bring the mics the crowd I rock wit it (I rock wit it)
I never hind licks trying to get quick
When the songs on they like that?s my shit
I cant help who Im is when they play my shhh
I just love to dance every time the beat drop
I love to wild out damn right shake it all night
Ay thats my jam every time the beat drop
I said ohhh all the ladies in the club grab a dude
And you work it real slow you can do it
Move it till you make him lose it
(r-r-r-rock then bend your knees every time the beat drop)
He gon? be a fan every time the beat drop
Verse 1:
I know you used to seeing Mo laid back
So for the most part you think Im like that (dig this)
You about to get a glimpse of the fit
Im getting niggas on the floor mane when I hit the door mane
Cause I aint one of these too bourgeois broads
Always in the club holding up the wall (now dig this)
You about to get a taste of the way that we do it down here in the A
Let me say
I cant help who Im is when they play my shhh
I just love to dance every time the beat drop
I love to wild out damn right shake it all night
Ay thats my jam every time the beat drop
I said ohhh all the ladies in the club grab a dude
And you work it real slow you can do it
Move it till you make him lose it
(r-r-r-rock then bend your knees every time the beat drop)
He gon be a fan every time the beat drop
Verse 2:
Now I aint talking bout a little two step
Im talking bout something that'll make you sweat
And when I talk well Im through talking
Im about to do something move something let you see something
When I say get gutta its enough said
Do the bounce like you over on Bankhead
And if anybody got a problem with the way you doin you
Look em dead in the face and say
I cant help who Im is when they play my shhh
I just love to dance every time the beat drop
I love to wild out damn right shake it all night
Ay thats my jam every time the beat drop
I say ohhh all the ladies in the club grab a dude
And you work it real slow you can do it
Move it till you make him lose it
(r-r-r-rock then bend your knees every time the beat drop)
He gon be a fan every time the beat drop
I cant help who Im is when they play my shhh
I just love to dance every time the beat drop
I love to wild out damn right shake it all night
Ay thats my jam every time the beat drop
I say ohhh all the ladies in the club grab a dude
And you work it real slow you can do it
Move it till you make him lose it
(r-r-r-rock then bend your knees every time the beat drop)
He gon be a fan every time the beat drop
I can?t help who Im is when they play my shhh
I just love to dance every time the beat drop
I love to wild out damn right shake it all night
Ay thats my jam every time the beat drop
I say ohhh all the ladies in the club grab a dude
And you work it real slow you can do it
Move it till you make him lose it
(r-r-r-rock then bend your knees every time the beat drop)
He gon be a fan every time the beat drop

Boy this evening, was it only me
Feeling completely, down to be open
Down to be open
For some satisfaction
Didn't wanna say yes, hating your reaction
I knew it was wrong, for feeling this way
Especially the thought of giving in on the first date
Couldn't let go, it stayed on my mind
At the end of the night I had to decide
I was thinking!
I should make a move but I won't
I know your probably thinking something is wrong
Knowing if I do then it won't be right
I don't get down on the first night
I should make a move but I won't
I know your probably thinking something is wrong
Knowing if I do then it won't be right
I wanna get down but not the first night
We were chillin watchin your t.v.
Wanted to touch you, wanted to kiss you
And somehow in one night discover I love you
Felt so right but it felt so wrong
And look how we are carrying on
Trying to say things to get me to stay
But my watch tells me its getting to late
I'm thinking!
If you want me
You got to know me
And if you want my love
You gotta wait my love
Baby, that's the way it's got to be
Get to know me so we can do this

It's just one of them days, when I wanna be all alone
It's just one of them days, when I gotta be all alone
It's just one of them days, don't take it personal
I just wanna be all alone, and you think I treat you wrong
Verse 1:
I wanna take some time out to think things through
I know it always feels like I'm doing you wrong
But I'm so in love with you
So understand that I'm only in love
You're the only one I need
So have no thought that I want to leave
And baby trust me please
Just one of them days
That a girl goes through
When I'm angry inside
Don't want to take it out on you
Just one of them days
Don't take it personal
I just wanna be all alone
And you think I treat you wrong
Don't take it personal
Baby baby baby baby
Don't take it personal
Verse 2:
I sit and I think about every thing we do
And I find myself in mysery and that ain't cool
Hey now, I really want to be with you the whole way through
But the way you make me feel inside keeps me confused
As I swing back from mood to mood it's not because of you
I never want you to be insecure
so won't you understand that I'm only in love
You're the only one I need
I'll be there for you when you need me boy
So baby don't you leave
Chorus 2x's
Hook 2x's w/ variations
Don't take it personal baby
Personal baby, personal baby
Personal baby, personal baby
Personal baby

Oh oh oh, oh yeah yes, oh oh oh, my, my
Here we are face to face
With the memories that can't be erased
Although we need each other
Things have changed, it's not the same
Sometimes it makes me wonder
Where would I be, if you hadn't discovered
Which I did, inside of me
I know there was something, that we could compare
Oh, well, I,
1-Never meant to cause you no pain
I just wanna go back to being the same
Well I, only wanna make things right
Before you walk out of my life
Remembering the good times
>From a portrait hung on high
It's filled with so much color
And the laughter we left behind
I made the choice and you couldn't decide
I made the choice, I was wrong you were right
Deep down inside, I apologize
(rpt 1)
Though I made plans with you
To always have time for you
(Before you walk out of my life)
I guess it's true, cannot live without you
Don't ever go away, ooh oh yeah
(rpt 1, 1)
Before you walk out of my life

See ya from across the room
It's Friday night and
I'm going to a party
With my man, to dance
As soon as we get in
He is lost with his friends and
I'm there, in a trance
I can tell that someone's looking at me
And I didn't come here by myself
But he left me here at someone else's feet
So it must mean he didn't care
I'm goin' on
See you from across the room
Like you wanna know me
If you wanna make a move
Meet me on the dance floor
Though I'm here with someone else
He's not what I'm looking for
Instead I've seen him 'cross the room
Meet me on the dance floor
As the night goes on
Each dance makes me wonder
What is on, your mind
More than a dance as you pull
Up to me it feels, alright
Let me know what you wanna do
Can't you tell that I'm missing you
Let me know that you're right on time
Cause I'm lookin for someone else tonight

See you from across the room
It's friday night and i'm going to a party
with my man to dance
Soo as we get in he is lost with his friends
and i'm there in a trance
I can tell that someone's looking at me
And I didn't come here by myself
But he left me here as someones else's......
So it must be he didn't care
I'm goin on
See you from across the room
Like you wanna know me boy
If you wanna make a move
Meet me on the dance floor
Thought i'm here with someone else
He's not what i'm looking for
Instead of sittin' cross da room
Meet me on the dance floor
As the night goes on each glance,
makes me wonder what is on your mind
More than a dance as you,
pull up to me and it feels alright
Let me know what you wanna do
Can you tell that i'm into you
I'm lettin' you know that your right on time
Cause i'm looking for someone else tonight

INTRO:(TREACH from NBN talking)
Check it out.Yeah yeah yeah
Naughty up in here(That's why I love you baby)
Time to bring the ruckus with rap
From the beginning till we're out(That's why I love you baby)
Introducing Miss Thing Monica
That's right representing ATL to Illtown(That's why I love you baby)
Everybody get up out of your seats and fix your body
For ain't nobody(That's why i love you baby)
It goes like this!
You've been more than good to me
Give me all that I could need
There's a little thing you do,baby
Never fight in front of your friends
Take me ridin in your Benz
Spending time,let me know that I'm on your mind,baby
Because everytime I say "I love you" it's with a pride
And everytime I say "I need you" it's from inside
Because my heart is forever,the things you do
You do just for me,that's why I love you baby
Ain't nobody gonna love you like I do
Ain't nobody gonna treat you the way I treat you(That's why I love you
Ain't nobody ever loved me like you do
Ain't nobody to compare to you
That's why I love you baby
You think your lucky caught a quicky in a nap
A hicky on your lap
That's the payback for the scratches you left on my back
You wouldn't need a toy-friend with a boyfriend
Or somethin proper if you slept under the thunder
Keep my number I heard your next best is now ya next ex
'Cause in the middle what a best sex you yelled "Treach"
An' I ain't mad at'cha yet
What'cha pimp daddy don't know won't hurt him.
Who loves ya best?
Treat me like your young lady
Special things you say to me
Feels so good to be with you my baby
Doesn't matter what they think
'Cause I'm gonna be here anyway
There's no need to feel ashamed because you're on my mind
And everytime I say "I love you" it's with a pride
And everytime i say "I need you" it's from inside
Because my heart is forever,the things you do
You do just for me,that's why I love you baby
That's why I love you baby
I kinda wanna turn ya Poverty to Paradise
You say ya lonely,keep ya head up,honey where ya eyes?
We can keep it on a low-down-down,I don't go down,I throw down
He threw your clothes over the Rover,so where you gonna go now?
Remember when I was like "Who you?",now you my boo-boo
He be braggin how he do you,so who you think he true to?
Sue-Sue and you to,huh,Chi-Chi and Gigi
Tellin' you he need you plus his baby momma need me
But I'm gonna get betwenn the love of this,I'll let him my keys
Cry in my arms so you cry no more at last
Feed ya body,I'll drive ya rush Audi
So trust me hottie like there ain't nobody
(That's why I love you baby)

There's something that I wanna say
I feel a little out of place
But I need you to make that change
You promised, to keep me out of the rain
I love the cars and everything
The diamond rings but I loved you much more, baby
You said, that you were gonna stop when you
Had enough, you'd do what you had to do
Now you, like the profession you've made it for yourself
You said, you cared about me and you
Now all, you wanna do is hustle you
Gotta choose, whatcha gonna do and am I worth it to you baby
Never thought I'd be afraid to trust (to trust)
Somebody that I love so much
If I can get him out of the streets
Then he could come back to me
Now I see that there ain't no "us"
Baby to me that's a definite plus
If I can't get you out of the streets
Then you don't need to be with me
Do you love me like you say
Maybe you could get away
From the life of doin' the wrong things
You promised
Don't make me read about it babe
Think of me before I'm gone
Cause when I'm gone, it will be to late (oh yeah babe)
You said, that you were gonna stop when you
Had enough, you'd do what you had to do
Now you, like the profession you've made it for yourself (made it for yourself)
You said, you cared about me and you
Now all, you wanna do is hustle you (you you)
Gotta choose, whatcha gonna do when I'm not worth it to you baby
Never thought I'd be afraid to trust
Somebody that I love so much
If I can get him out of the streets
Then he could come back to me
Now I see that there ain't no "us"
Baby to me that's a definite plus
If I can't get you out of the streets
Then you don't need to be with me
Never thought I'd be afraid to trust (Never, never, never)
Somebody that I love so much
If I can get him out of the streets
Then he could come back to me (co~me back, to me)
Now I see that there ain't no "us" (there ain't no us baby)
Baby to me that's a definite plus
If I can't get you out of the streets (If I Can Get You Outta the streets)
Then you don't need to be with me (Then you don't need to be with me)
I see what cha sayin', now let's just leave 'tis alone; alright
So ya goin to take hell make me da king of 'tis draw
For life
But I'm so lucky to have you girl in my life
And that's right
I know you love me out here
You tellin' me right
Angel of Mine
God must have sent you from the heavens above
And oh, I take it with cinnamon as of unconditional love
To this thug;
For that, let baby-daddy get out da game
With no shame

This is so annoying
I'd say grow up but I know that you won't
I don't understand what's so hard
You either wanna be with me or you don't
One day you love me
Next day you wanna leave
You're so up and down
Off in your own
Well, I'm about good and tired of this
Too fly for you to not know what you want
So let me know whatcha gonna do?
Stay or go 'cause I'm not waiting
Baby, yes or no, I'm about to decide for you
Stay or go, stay or go, stay or go
Stay or go, stay or go
Tried to give you real love
That's when you up and run away
But when I act like I'm done with you
That's when you decide you wanna stay
I don't got time to waste like this
Too fly to put up with your day to day
So let me know whatcha gonna do?
Stay or go 'cause I'm not waiting
Yes or no, I'm about to decide for you
Stay or go, stay or go
Stay or go, stay or go
Let me know whatcha gonna do, do, do?
I gotta know, know 'cause I'm not waiting
Not anymore, about to decide for you
Stay or go, I gotta know, stay or go
Yes or no, whatcha gonna do?
Stay or go 'cause I'm not waiting
Yes or no, I'm about to decide for you
Stay or go, stay or go

Do you remember me?
I sat upon your knee
I wrote to you with childhood fantasies
Well I'm all grown up now
Can you still help somehow?
I'm not a child but my heart still can dream
So here's my lifeful wish
My grown up Christmas List
Not for myself
But for a world in need
No more lives torn apart
That wars will never start
And time will heal our hearts
Every man will have a friend
That right will always win
And love will never end
This is my grown up Christmas List
May kindness rules our lives
Not just the strong survive
Sweet tears for all the thousand years on mind
This is the world I pray
We will all share some way
Help me begin by reaching out my hand
No more lives torn apart
That wars will never start
And time will heal our hearts
Every man will have a friend
That right will always win
And love will never end
This is my grown up Christmas List
Why does this illusion call the innocence of you?
Maybe when the time believe we can find the truth
No more lives torn apart
That wars will never start
And time will heal our hearts
Every man will have a friend
That right will always win
And love will never end
This is my grown up Christmas List
This is the prayer that I will keep
This is my grown up Christmas list

They say when you find the one
There'll be no second guessing
You'd feel it deep in your heart
You'll know that it was destined
The feelin' inside will let you know
Something that you can't deny, just let it grow
They say it's better to love then never love at all
To appreciate all the good sometimes you gotta fall
But I was foolish
I shouldn't let you go
But now I miss you
I gotta let you know
I need you back, back in my life
I need your kiss, kiss in my life
And it's been so long since you been gone
Baby, won't you come back home?
You only get one
One love
One in a lifetime
You only get one
One love
One in a lifetime
And I can't believe that I almost missed the signs
Right in front of my eyes
And now I know the love is real, it's hard to say why
You only get one
One love
One in a lifetime
And that one is you
They say that pleasure
Comes with pain
And I'm so used to being whole
It's hard to be half again
And you gotta feel the same way
My tears are steady falling like a pouring rain
Tell me, will the forecast change?
If you love somebody, gotta let 'em know
Tomorrow's never promised, you gotta let it show
If you love somebody you gotta let 'em know
Tomorrow's never promised, you gotta let it show
I need you back, back in my life
I need your kiss, kiss in my life
And it's been so long since you been gone
Baby, won't you come back home?
You only get one
One love
One in a lifetime
You only get one
One love
One in a lifetime
Can't believe that I almost missed the signs
Right in front of my eyes
And now I know the love is real, it's hard to say why
You only get one
One love
One in a lifetime
And that one is you
And that one is you
And that one is you
And that one is you, is you
I will climb the highest mountain
Swim the deepest oceans for you, you, you
I will walk across the desert
Just to get that message to you, you, you
There ain't a thing in this world that I wouldn't do
Right hand to the man, boy, I'm tellin' the truth
So all my ladies, if you feel me then put your hands up
For that one, for that one
You only get one
One love
One in a lifetime
You only get one
One love
One in a lifetime
And I can't believe that I almost missed the signs
Right in front of my eyes
And now I know the love is real, it's hard to say why
You only get one
One love
One in a lifetime
One in a lifetime
That one
That one
That one
That one
You only get one
One love
One in a lifetime
You only get one
One love
One in a lifetime
And I can't believe that I almost missed the signs
Right in front of my eyes
And now I know the love is real, it's hard to say why
You only get one
One love
One in a lifetime

Mirror, mirror
Oh, oh
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
From the second I laid eyes on you
In the mirror, in that dressing room
Seeing you with me, I finally knew
The picture was complete
I used to have my share of lonely days
Beneath the makeup and the darkest shades
But ever since you came I know
The meaning of true love again
It's not the bags or the trips or the clothes
It's not the fans or the sold-out shows
It's the way that you see through my soul
I'm so exposed
When I look at myself in the mirror
I don't have to feel ashamed
Now it couldn't be much clearer
I'll never have to search again
When I look at myself in the mirror
I don't even recognize the girl [Incomprehensible]
'Cause now I sit by my side
When I look at myself in the mirror
No, nothing's ever gonna be the same
Forget the fortune, you can keep the fame
Maybe if I had to choose, you know
I'd trade it every time for you
'Cause this reflection that I'm staring at
Is so amazing I can't turn my back
And every time I look at you and me together
Boy, I know the truth, oh
It's not the bags or the trips or the clothes
It's not the fans or the sold-out shows
It's the way that you see through my soul
I'm so exposed
When I look at myself in the mirror
I don't have to feel ashamed
Now it couldn't be much clearer
I'll never have to search again
When I look at myself in the mirror
I don't even recognize the girl [Incomprehensible]
'Cause now I sit by my side
When I look at myself in the mirror
I can't help it
I can't help it
I can't help it
I can't help it
Now she's running from love, that's all I'm guilty of
And I don't have to search no more
Found what I'm looking for in the mirror, in the mirror
When I look at myself in the mirror
I don't have to feel ashamed
Now it couldn't be much clearer
I'll never have to search again
When I look at myself in the mirror
I don't even recognize the girl [Incomprehensible]
'Cause now I sit by my side
When I look at myself
Baby, I see you, baby, I see me
Hope that we could be forever
In the mirror, in the mirror
Baby, I see you, baby, I see me
Hope that we could be forever

Verse 1
Must not have been paying attention
I stepped right on it didn't even notice how deep i was
I went from the ground to the top of the cloud
And now as i look down i see where i fell into your arms
Now i got Love all over me
Baby you touch Every part of me
I got Love all over me
And i don't want to get it off
I'm completely covered up in your love
Verse 2
Even my skin is changing
I'm feeling warmer no more icey blue hearts for me
You put the color back in my life
And now where there was black and white
Oooh love made me iridescent.
Now i got Love all over me
Baby you touch Every part of me
I got Love all over me
And i don't want to get it off
I'm completely covered up in your love
Before your love baby i was muddy
Filthy with pain till you took it from me
You showered me with a new beginning
Now i'm clean
Took me by surprise when you ran up on me
I came to life baby in that moment
You put your hands on my heart and baby
now it beats
Now i got Love all over me
Baby you touch Every part of me
Ooh Ooh
I got Love all over me
And i don't want to get it off

Who's textin' his phone?
I'm bought to go
All in this thang again
Why you keep slippin'?
Oh really?
[Missy Elliott:]
New Monica!
Let's go!
[1st Verse:]
Get yo hands off
My man
Girl you already know
Oh yeah
He's signed, sealed, delievered
He belngs to me, yeah
And I'll show up
At ya front door
(Sho' will)
He's my man
And I don't play this, yeah
'Cause he's seen
All the crazy things
That I do
(Hey, hey)
If I find out
You're the one disrespecting
His phone
I'm coming, coming, coming
Straight after you
Boy, I don't play these games
I'm the one that
Checks his
Yup, that's me, me
I'm the one
That checks his phone
When he falls asleep
Early in the morn'
Betta have a co-co-code
In yo phone
And lemme alone
WIth ya
I'm the one
That checks
Yup, that's me, me
[2nd Verse:]
Baby, why she textin' you?
Betta tell that girl
She betta gone
(She betta gone)
'Cause I already know
Who you sneakin' wit
'Cause I already
Got the code to ya phone
Whoo, hoo
And I'm not the one
You play with
'Cause you've already
Seen the thangs
That I do, yeah
So why you
Keep on, keep on
Playin' around
'Cause she gon'
Make me
Come after you
[Repeat Hook 1x]
Pictures that's
On yo phone
I listen to your voicemail
When you leave home
You lookin' real mad
'Cause I broke your code
Don't feel bad about it
You already know
So 'bout 5, 6, 7, 8
You stayed out late
Tried to be slicker
Still wanna play
But I know better
I knew right
Out the gate
And I ain't
Bein' ya fool
It's too late
I gotta make a move
I'mma bout to bounce
And you about
To lose
You can take back
All of the shoes
What? Not all of the shoes
[Repeat Hook 1x]
I'll break the code
And I'll call them back
You a liar
And I don't want you
No more
And I'm walkin' out
The door
Boy, bye-bye

I apologize for what I've done, I admit that I was losing control
Didn't know that I was selling my soul, to someone who didn't care at all
Couldn't see that you were bad for me, gave so much that it was making me weak
Now I can't believe the way that it feels, to finally be free
I've moved on and I'm strong
I'm going back to the place, where I know I belong
And I'm glad, that you're gone
Cause you're not what I need, I'm Beleiving in me
I've moved on and I'm strong
I'm going back to the place, where I know I belong
Cause I'm right and you're wrong
Cause you're not what I need, this time I'm beleiving in me
The love I had for you was so deep, I didn't notice there was something wrong with me
When someone asked me was there anything I need, I would cry and tell them pray for me
But now I know exactly what it is, so I'm changing up the way that I live
And I'm never letting go of my dreams, and baby you'll see
I've moved on and I'm strong
I'm going back to the place, where I know I belong And I'm glad, that you're gone
Cause you're not what I need, I'm Beleiving in me
I've moved on and I'm strong I'm going back to the place, where I know I belong Cause I'm right and you're wrong
Cause you're not what I need, I'm finally beleiving in me
So I hope you can forgive me, I'm not gonna be the way that I used to be
Starting over can be so scary, but I'm gonna believe
Promise I'm not gonna let me down, and my transformation's starting right now
But I'm really glad you stuck around, cause you believed in me
I'm finally beleiving in me....
I've moved on and I'm strong
I'm going back to the place, where I know I belong
And I'm glad, that you're gone
Cause you're not what I need, I'm Beleiving in me
I've moved on and I'm strong
Going back to the place, where I know I belong
Cause I'm right and you're wrong

I ain't never had nothin' quite like this
And can't believe a girl done made
A come up like this
Ain't never been in love like this before
I ain't never seen a ring shine like this
I ain't never had nobody fit me like this
I can't believe that all of this is happenin' to me
If I'm dreamin', let me sleep
Boy, you, you got my back and baby, I got yours
You, you got that lovin' that I would die for
Boy, I've been waitin' all this time
And livin' with nothing but now I got
Now I got everything, I got a good man
I'm makin' weddin' plans, yeah
The one I took home to Mom and Dad
He stole my heart
Now I got everything, someone who don't cheat
Somebody who won't leave me lonely
Even though it took a lifetime to get here
Now finally I got everything, it's you
Never had no one go half on a baby
Someone to do it like I like
Can serve me daily
No one ever love me like this before
I never had a house feel like a home
I never had a man that was full grown
Baby, what'd I do to deserve you?
I may never know but I know I got you
You got my back and baby, I got yours
You got that lovin' that I would die for
Boy, I've been waitin' all this time
And livin' with nothing but now I got you
Now I got everything, I got a good man
I'm makin' weddin' plans, yeah
The one I took home to Mom and Dad
He stole my heart
Now I got everything, someone who don't cheat
Somebody who won't leave me lonely
Even though it took a lifetime to get here
Now finally I got everything, it's you
Now that I got you, I never wanna lose you
I love everything you do, don't wanna live without you
Just what I've been missin', all this love, I'm givin'
I wouldn't trade it for nothin', my everything is you
Now I got everything, I got a good man
I'm makin' weddin' plans, yeah
The one I took home to Mom and Dad
He stole my heart
Now I got everything, someone who don't cheat
Somebody who won't leave me lonely
Even though it took a lifetime to get here
Now finally I got everything, it's you
Now I got everything, I got a good man
I'm makin' weddin' plans, yeah
The one I took home to Mom and Dad

Monica, Twista, Twista, you already know
It's the 17th, one week before the day you were born
I been makin' big plans just for over a month
Tryin' to make this the best birthday you ever had
Show you that you're my baby
Damn, all this strain got me feelin' somethin's wrong
Pulled up to my gate, they keep sayin', ?He's gone?
Found envelopes in between my door
Biggest day got me panickin', what the hell this letter gonna read?
Hell no, you say you don't want it no more
Hell no, you say you can't give me what I want
Hell no, how you just gonna leave
When I stayed wit you through hard times and you cheated?
Hell no, I hate to say it but I need it
Hell no, God, please talk to me
Hell no, your so called love was so deep when it told you
You should run far and not give a damn about me
How could you leave me when you see me desperately
In need of what we had before? How could you leave home
I cried so many times but never did it cross my mind
To think but let it go, how could you leave home
Didn't even ever see if we ever meant this shit before
But we been down this road before, how could you leave home
How could you leave me, baby? Please my heart is beating
For the beat we had before, how could you leave home
Now I need you, wanna laugh, wanna stand
Wanna get just one more chance just to see you
All my friends, all my kin say, ?Mo, just let that end?
But I breath you
In the driveway, I found pictures on the ground of our first date
I never in a million years thought this would be me
I'm trapped in love with somebody that no longer thinks
I'm somebody special, look at me
Hell no, you say you don't want it no more
Hell no, you say you can't give me what I want
Hell no, how you just gonna leave
When I stayed wit you through hard times and you cheated?
Hell no, I hate to say it but I need it
Hell no, God, please talk to me
Hell no, your so called love was so deep that it told you
You should run far and not give a damn about me
How could you leave me when you see me desperately
In need of what we had before? How could you leave home?
I cried so many times but never did it cross my mind
To think but let it go, how could you leave home?
Didn't even ever see if we ever meant this shit before
But we been down this road before, how could you leave home?
How could you leave me, baby? Please my heart is beating
For the beat we had before, how could you leave home?
Monica and Twista, y'all
I remember when you said I couldn't get none of that
Then I remember when you let me hit it from the back
I remember we was young and sprung
And steady talkin' on the phone and how we both kept runnin' back
To each other, we were always together forever to the end
I don't really know why I froze up
Plannin' for a weddin' but gettin' married, it's scary
Now I got you cryin' 'cause a nigga didn't show up
Can't really tell you why but I'm Twista from the Chi
And I'm dyin' inside 'cause I know I really want you
So for leavin' one day, I will have to give you the answer, girl
But right now, I can't tell you why I left, girl
Sweet personality and good sex, girl
Fear will take a man life, you suppose to be my wife
Goodbye, hope to see you in the next world
You was all up under me, actin' like you was so in love
I was talkin' 'bout you but thug nigga, what you runnin' for?
Cop wit you in the Benz, you the first one seen on the block wit it
Took you to the club, showed you how to 'Lean Wit It, Rock Wit It'
You was bold when you wanna get some of that
When you wanna hit the hole like a running back
Then you left, now you wanna come runnin' back
Hell no, nigga, I don't wanna hear none of that
I know you quick, betta spit that shit to so
All I ever wanna say to you is
How could you leave me when you?
How could you leave me when you?
How could you leave me when you see me desperately
In need of what we had before? How could you leave home?
I cried so many times but never did it cross my mind
To think but let it go, how could you leave home?
Didn't even ever see if we ever meant this shit before
But we been down this road before, how could you leave home?
How could you leave me, baby? Please my heart is beating
For the beat we had before, how could you leave home?
All the women I caught you with
Still I didn't leave but I didn't forget
All those women I caught you with
Maybe I didn't leave but I didn't forget
All those women I caught you with
But I didn't leave but I didn't forget
All those women, women I caught you with
I didn't leave but I didn't forget

Let's kick a little something out there for all them cars that be bumpin. uh uh uh MO wassup
if you were the girl would you stay trippin' if you were the girl would you deal
with all stress, heartache, lonely nights while you are out late is it fair. if you were the
girl would you be a rider if you were the girl could you still try to work it out talk it out
while i'm stayin out trying to play around
would you deal with me come home every night when i want to and when you ask where
ive been i just give you the same excuse, knowing that i was up in the club with my girls
like i aint got a curfew smelling like liquor and i'm shy cuz you're still sittin up now
could you deal with that if you were the girl
would you start an argument or just let it all ride and get some sleep tonight and
then bring it up soon as you open your eyes, cuz its been on your mind but i can do a whole
story on why i was late hopin you believe me and just don't make you up and wanna leave me
but can you take all this and still and still love me
i'm down with you baby, i'll ride for the cause, even through all the stress you still
my dawg and if anything should happen to you i'm right there you know all you got to do is
call, i'm down wit you baby i'll ride for the cause even through all the stress you still my

"...With A Dozen Roses, Such Would Astound You
The Joy Of Children Laughing Around You, These Are The Makings Of You
And It's True, The Makings Of You"
Boy You Remind Me, Remind Me Of By Gucci Shoes
Everytime You Walk Past, All The Girls Be Looking At You
You Got Style Just Like A Bentley Coupe
And I Be Losing My Mind Evertime I Get Next To You
I Think I'm Falling In Love With You Baby Caught Up In Somehting
Thats Moving So Fast
Never Been With Nobody Else You And I Tighter
Than The Jeans On My Ass
You Remind Me Of This Thing Something Like
R. Kelly Singing Bout A Jeep
Boy You're Everything To Me And You're
My You're My Property
Boy You Remind Me Remind Me Of The Ice On My Ring Boys You Remind Me
Of This
These Are The Makings Of You And Its True These Are The
Makings Of You
You Remind Me Of The Very First Time You Remind Me Of The Time
We Made Love Just Like The 25th Day Of Christmas Waiting For
Sants Clause To Show Up You Got A Heart Of Gold Baby You Should
Know Baby You Remind Me Of So Much And Baby You Always Stay On My
Mind Your Just Like My Rims You Shine
Boy You Remind Me Of 26s On My Ride
Complete Spinning Around Looking Like A Superstar
Boy You Remind Me Of How Life's Suppose To Be
This Is What You Remind Me And Your My Your My Property
Looking At You Looking Another Baby I Don't Need Another Brother
Sex Time Around You I Feel The Same My Body There No Pressure Baby
You Know I Keep It So Real I Can't Help You Got The Whip Appeal
Whats The Deal Tell Me How You Feel Could It Be Me
Like The Ice On My Wrist Its Like Kick On My Hip
Mac In My Lips Armor Oil On My Whip Butta On My Shirmp
I'm The Gladys You The Pip I Keep My Hair Flip The Way You Like To See
Me Strip Keep A Money Clip You Remind Me Of A Tip Like A Pair Of Jeans
From Ambercrombie When They Rip Like A Glass Of Wine Everytime I Take
A Sip Its You
Boy You Remind Me, Remind Me Of By Gucci Shoes
Everytime You Walk Pass All The Girls Be Looking At You
You Got Style Just Like A Bentley Coupe
And I Be Losing My Mind Evertime I Get Next To You
"...A Dozen Roses, Such Would Astound You
The Joy Of Children Laughing Around You, These Are The Makings Of You

Yeah, yeah
Oh, oh, oh
Boy, it's been a long time
Since the last time, I saw you
Feels like nothin' changed since we've been together
I must admit that I go crazy 'bout you
And I can see it in your eyes
That there's somethin' you want to say to me
'Cause usually right now you'd be holdin' on to me
But instead you're tellin' me
The things have changed, they're not the same
And recently you found someone that you
Decided to dedicate your whole life to
And what we had has got to be through
And baby, what hurts the most is letting go
I just want you to know that I love you so
I know things are different now, you've gone and settled down
And I thought for sure you'd always wait for me
I'll tell you what hurts the most is I should have took the chance
Boy, when you came to me and offered me your hand
Silly of me, I thought, I'd always have your heart
I had the chance to have all the love, oh, how I'm missing you now
I hate that there is someone new
Comin' in and takin' my place
Doin' the things that we used to do
And makin' love to you
And oh, what am I supposed to do?
It's killin' me 'cause I want you
And you should have known my love was true
And there's no one else in this world for me but you
But things have changed, they're not the same
And recently you found someone that you
Decided to dedicate your whole life to
And what we had has got to be through
And baby, what hurts the most is letting go
I just want you to know that I love you so
I know things are different now, you've gone and settled down
And I thought for sure you'd always wait for me
I'll tell you what hurts the most is, I should have took the chance
Boy, when you came to me and offered me your hand
Silly of me, I thought, I'd always have your heart
I had the chance to have all the love, oh, how I'm missing you now
I know that I'm the one to blame for losing you, oh yeah
I really, really wish that I could be happy for you
There's just one thing I need you to do
Don't you touch her like you used to touch me
Don't you love her like you really need me
Don't you love her like you used to love me
And baby, what hurts the most is letting go
I just want you to know that I love you so
I know things are different now, you've gone and settled down
And I thought for sure you'd always wait for me
I'll tell you what hurts the most is, I should have took the chance
Boy, when you came to me and offered me your hand
Silly of me, I thought, I'd always have your heart
I had the chance to have all the love, oh, how I'm missing you
What hurts the most is letting go
Just to let you know, I love you so
What hurts the most is letting go
Just to let you know, I love you so
What hurts the most

If I told you
I'll be the one to make all your dreams true
If I gave you
All the things that make a man feel so good
If I made you
Commit to me before I give it to you
If I had to
I would change the world and make it feel love for you
If you do what say do
I promise we can do whateva'
You want to cause I want you
Say love me & I'm down 4 whateva'
Now that it's clear I hope you understand the way I'm feelin
And now that you're here you can't stop thinking of what I want to hear
Now that it's true I can stop holdin' back and do what I do
And when we're through I lay in your arms and say I love you
I believe we can be
Whateva we want to no matter the dilemma
And I believe that you will see it may take forever
But we finally got together
And I believe it will be all about us cause baby I love you
And then they will see what we mean
When we say we were together for eternity
Tell me what happens when you think of me
Do you think of the things I'm feeling
Cause when I see you I start trembling
My knees start shakin' just glad to be with you
Tell me your love will always be with me
Promise me you would never leave
And then take me where I want to be

When I hear the children of today
They're questioning me the way
The way that they should live
I often wonder, wonder what to do
To help them make it through
In a world that's gone astray
Open my heart to see that it's up to me
Searchin' for the answers to these problems
I'm always facing things that are tryin' me
Testing all the things that I believe
Sometimes I feel so down and no one here's around
But you, you never left me lonely
And now I see, what a true friend means
And I trust that you would always be here for me
Lord, I give you all
Open my heart to see that this lies with me
Searchin' for the answers to these problems
I'm always facing things that are tryin' me
(I'm standing right here)
Testing all the things that I believe
Now I'm here before you
So tell me what to do
(Guess I will open my heart)
My heart to you, here I am
Searching for all the answers to my problems
Lord I'm facing things, can you help me?
You're trying all that I need the things I believe
Lord, no no no no
Here I am, here I am
I'm searching for, searching for it
Lord, I need, need, need, that's tryin' me
Testing all the things that I believe
No, no, here I am
Lacking all the understand the things I can't see
I am your child, ooh, oh, oh
That're tryin' me
Can you help me, I'm lacking understanding
I'm your child no matter what they say
I'm yours every day

I see you girl, darkchild
I got my eyez on you
Monica, let me see what you workin' with
Let's dance, yeah come on, come on
When I step in the club
There's so much love
All eyez on me
All the girls and thugs
Glasses go up
It's that time, baby
If you're looking right
And your game is tight
Come chill with me
Get up on the floor
And dance some more
The night's just beginning
I can feel your eyez on me
You're watchin'
And off up in the club
Tonight it's poppin'
And I can tell that you're feeling it, too
Know you do, know you do
Now when I'm doin' my thang
You checkin' for me
Just step my way
Don't you be
Too shy or be ashamed
You get love from me
So when we movin' close
We're toe to toe
Just dance with me
And when we've come to an end
Me and my friends
We'll do it again
I can feel your eyez on me
You're watchin'
And off up in the club
Tonight it's poppin'
And I can tell that you're feeling it, too
Know you do, know you do
I can feel your eyez on me
You're watchin'
And off up in the club
Tonight it's poppin'
And I can tell that you're feeling it, too
Know you do, know you do
Come on let me see you work it out
I'm a pretty young thang, I'ma turn it out
Party all night, workin' it out, till the lights out
Till the early morn, till the morn
Don't you know now is the perfect time
I can make it right, makin' you all mine
Baby, tonight if you hold it down
I can give you all that I got
I can feel your eyez on me
You're watchin'
And off up in the club
Tonight it's poppin'
And I can tell that you're feeling it, too
Know you do, know you do
I can feel your eyez on me
You're watchin'
And off up in the club
Tonight it's poppin'
And I can tell that you're feeling it, too
Know you do, know you do
I can feel your eyez on me
You're watchin'
And off up in the club
Tonight it's poppin'
And I can tell that you're feeling it, too
Know you do, know you do
I can feel your eyez on me
You're watchin'
And off up in the club
Tonight it's poppin'
And I can tell that you're feeling it, too
Know you do, know you do
I see you
(Ah, baby)
You watchin' me
(Ah, baby)
I see you
(Ah, baby)
All eyez on me
(Ah, darling)
All eyez on me

When I first saw you I already knew
There was something inside of you
Something I thought that I would never find
Angel of mine
I looked at you, lookin' at me
Now I know why they say the best things are free
I'm gonna love you boy you are so fine
Angel of mine
How you changed my world, you'll never know
I'm different now, you helped me grow
You came into my life sent from above
When I lost all hope you showed me love
I'm checkin' for you boy you're right on time
Angel of mine
Nothing means more to me than what we share
No one in this whole world can ever compare
Last night the way you moved is still on my mind
Angel of mine
What you mean to me, you'll never know
Deep inside I need to show
You came into my life sent from above
(Sent from above)
When I lost all hope, you showed me love
(Boy you showered me love)
I'm checkin' for you, boy you're right on time
(Right on time)
Angel of mine
(Angel of mine)
I'll never knew I could feel each moment
As if it were new
Every breath that I take, the love that we make
I only share it with you
(You, you, you, you)
When I first saw you I already knew
There was something inside of you
Something I thought that I would never find
Angel of mine
You came into my life sent from above
(Came into my life)
When I lost all hope you showed me love
(Boy you showed me love)
I'm shakin' for you, boy you're right on time
(But boy your right on time)
Angel of mine
(Angel of mine, oh mine)
How you changed my world, you'll never know
I'm different now, you helped me grow
I look at you, lookin' at me
Now I know why they say the best things are free
I'm checkin' for you, boy you're right on time
Angel of mine

Its just one of dem days
When I want to be all alone
Its just one of dem days
When I gotta be all alone
Verse 1:
I wanna take some time out
To think things through
I know it always feels like I'm doing you wrong
But I'm so in love with you
So understand that I'm only in love
You're the only one I need
So have no thought that I want to leave
And baby trust me please
Don't take it personal
Take the bitter with the sweet
Easy come, easy go
Don't take it personal
Take the bitter with the sweet
Cause good things come to an end
Don't take it personal
Baby, baby, baby, baby
Don't take it personal
Verse 2:
I sit and think about everything we do
And I find myself in misery and that ain't cool
Hey now I really wanna be with you the whole way through
But the way you make me feel inside gets me confused
As I swing back mood to mood
Its not because of you
I never want you to be insecure
So understand that I'm only in love
You're the only one I need
I'll be there for you when you need me boy
So baby don't you leave
Don't take it personal, yeah
Don't take it personal
Don't take it personal
Take the bitter with the sweet
Easy come, easy go
Don't take it personal
Take the bitter with the sweet
Cause good things come to an end
(repeat til end)

Boy, it's been a long time
Since the last time I saw you
Feels like nothin' changed
Since we've been together
I must admit that I go crazy bout' you
And I can see it in your eyes
That there's somethin' you want to say to me
'Cause usually right now
You'll be holdin' on to me
But instead your telling me
Tha things have changed, they're not the same
And recently you found someone that you
Decided to dedicate your whole life to
And what we had is 'bout to be through
And baby, what hurts the most is letting go
I just want you to know that I love you so
I know things are different now, you've gone and settled down
I thought for sure you'd always wait me
I'll tell you what hurts the most is I should have took the chance
Boy, when you came to me and offered me your hand
Silly of me I thought I'd always have your heart
I had the chance to have all the love oh, how I'm missing now
I hate that there is someone new
Comin' in and takin' my place
Doin' the things that we used to do
And makin' love to you
And oh, what am I supposed to do
It's killin' me 'cause I want you
And you should have known my love was true
And there's no one else in this world for me but you
But things have changed, they're not the same
And recently you found someone that you
Decided to dedicate your whole life to
And what we had is got to be through
And baby, what hurts the most is letting go
I just want you to know that I love you so
You know things are different now, you're gonna settle down
And I thought for sure you'd always wait for me
I'll tell you what hurts the most is I should have took a chance
Boy, when you came to me and offered me your hand
Silly of me I thought I'd always have your heart
I had the chance to have all your love oh, how I'm missing now
I know that I'm the one to blame for losing you, oh yeah
I really, really wish that I could be happy for you
There's just one thing I need you to do
Don't you touch her like you used to touch me
Don't you love her like you really needed me
Don't you love her like you used to love me
Baby what hurts the most is letting go
I just want you to know that I love you so
I know things are different now, you're gonna settle down
I thought for sure you'd always wait me
I'll tell you what hurts the most is I should have took a chance
Boy, when you came to me and offered me your hand
Silly of me I thought I'd always have your heart
I had the chance to have all your love oh, how I'm missing now
What hurts the most is letting go
Just to let you know I love you so
What hurts the most is letting go
Just to let you know I love you so
