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ASX 200 5363 43.823 0.82%
AUD/USD 0.9366 0.0003 0.03%
ASX 200 5363.0 43.8 0.8%
Dow Jones 15821.6 71.0 0.4%
Nasdaq 3965.6 45.7 1.2%
Hang Seng 22615.4 151.6 0.7%
NZ 50 4923.4 4.8 0.1%

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Macy's leads S&P; to record high

wall street 9:13am | The Dow and the S&P; 500 ended at record highs overnight, driven by gains in consumer discretionary shares after results from Macy's eased some worries about the holiday season.

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Simple habits of the best investors

Motley Fool While bad habits get all the press, it's really their beneficial flip side we should focus on.



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Mal Maiden: Cheese and butter bidding war

Fascinating Warrnambool Cheese and Butter takeover battle has much further to run before it's over. (07:36)

World Business

Xstrata joins South African exchange

Generic mining. 7:49am | Shares in Switzerland-based global mining and commodities giant Glencore Xstrata have been traded for the first time on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, the firm says.

Janet Yellen

ellen's challenge at the Fed

Janet Yellen, President Obama's choice to lead the Federal Reserve over the next four years, has championed the idea that the Fed can stimulate the economy simply by speaking clearly.


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Fat Pizza actor and entertainment promoter Alex Haddad, 41 owns rental properties, manages them himself. 8th November 2013

Could you manage it yourself?

Buying an investment property isn't the end of the story. You need to manage it and that can, sometimes, be very tricky.