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Below are the newswire stories which have most recently been commented upon, allowing you to keep track of the latest commentary at a glance. From here you can more easily participate in commenting on articles that are posted, and continuing discussions that have started.

Story Title Comment Author Comment Posted
The history of the Quebec student movement and combative unionism Jerome 10:20pm O6
Catatumbo: que Santos renuncie a la violencia para hacer política Horacio Duque G 8:54pm O2
El paro agrario y popular, síntoma de algo nuevo que nace en Colombia Dairo Ruiz 5:04pm S30
Lessons from the Mass Student strike in Quebec - Ireland tour September 2013 Andrew 7:43pm S23
ANC e Latlhile Seaparwelwa Khemo Sa Sone! Ba Bolaile Babereki! Larry Starr Sar 9:45pm S22
On the National Strike and Wave of Popular Disobedience in Colombia Tony Gosling 7:19am S19
Crisi siriana: tra intervento militare e lotta per l'autodeterminazione Alternativa Lib 3:19pm S18
A Close look at the Syrian revolution Jessica Corbett 6:23pm S17
La sombra de la Colosa sobre Cajamarca, Tolima: Megaminería, el nuevo delirio del Dorado Nelson Lombana 5:46pm S17
El gobierno colombiano siembra el terror: los casos de Cajamarca y Castilla (Tolima) MIA 5:04pm S17
Toward an Anarchist Policy on Syria Shiar 4:13pm S17
Protesta social recibe tratamiento militar en Colombia FARC-EP 8:30am S15
[Colombia] 19 de Agosto, paro agrario y popular, ¿un nuevo punto de inflexión en la lucha de clases? Asociación Camp 8:53pm S11
Álvaro Uribe Vélez, El Mojado TeleSUR 6:52pm S9
Colombia arde y Santos “dando papaya” en Macondo COCE 6:31pm S6
Liberar al compañero Ballesteros y rodear a Fensuagro, tareas del movimiento solidario con Colombia MOVICE 5:07pm S6
La guerra civile in Siria ed il nuovo assetto del mondo arabo ed islamico Gesualdo Gustav 7:51am S6
“(Re)Constructing a Global Anarchist and Syndicalist Canon nestor 1:02pm S1

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