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Digital Life


Apple Maps v Google Maps

ADAM TURNER Apple Maps got off to a shaky start, but the iOS7 update might help drive people across from Google Maps.


Editor's picks


Is this image from China the worst Photoshop fail ever?

Cheng Yanchun, 103, is small - but a clumsy attempt to fit her into a picture with officials could be the greatest Photoshop fail of China.


Will you miss out on the NBN?

Adam Turner Construction areas will be kept from the public after rollout details were stripped from NBN Co's website.

Comments 295


Home-workers are hard workers

LUCY BATTERSBY Telecommuters are more committed, productive and have higher job satisfaction than people who work full time at the office, according to a study.

Comments 29


Apple iPad Air, OS X Mavericks review

MACMAN Ten days into my marriage with the iPad Air, the euphoria of the honeymoon remains.


Google Glass gets online accessory store after redesign unveiled

Salvador Rodriguez Google has turned on an online accessories store for its Glass smart glasses after it revealed a redesigned model.


Australia mulls lifting of electronics restrictions on flights

Kerry Sheridan Airline passengers in the US will soon be allowed to use a range of mobile electronic devices in flight with very few restrictions.


Nokia Lumia 1020 PH/CAM review

The camera in this phone is revolutionary but there is a shortage of apps for the system.


Asus Transformer: heavy hardware

Asus's new Transformer Book Trio can change between a laptop, a tablet and a desktop PC.


Steve Jobs' home a historic site

The Silicon Valley home where Steve Jobs started Apple is now on the city's list of historic properties.

Blogs & Columns

Screen Play

Tuesday Newsday: Crytek reverses sexist decision, and next-gen consoles waiting for features after launch

James Dominguez 6:19am In the news this week, Crytek has reversed a controversial decision to make female characters in Warface highly sexualised, and both PS4 and XBone look set to wait until after launch for some features.



Naked-eye peek at monster's lair black hole

We need to use a better term to describe this black hole - a 'super-massive black hole'.


One for all, and all in one

The next generation of games consoles are designed to be central home-entertainment hubs.

Bleeding Edge

Kissing Google goodbye

We finally decided to stop supporting Google. Our disaffection has been brewing for a while.

Gadgets on the go

Will the iPad Air cut into iPad mini sales?

Adam Turner 2:05pm With the new iPad so incredibly thin and light, is there less reason to sacrifice that extra screen real estate?

Comments 35

The Geek

Big hair, black face and taking Twitter way too seriously

John Birmingham The Radike Samo blackface scandal is a storm in a tea cup.

Comments 36


Apple iPad Air, OS X Mavericks review

Ten days into my marriage with the iPad Air, the euphoria of the honeymoon remains.


Nokia Lumia 1020 PH/CAM review

The camera in this phone is revolutionary but there is a shortage of apps for the system.


Top headlines from Mashable


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