• 'I'm a transgender dad who breastfeeds'

    Canadian Trevor MacDonald was born a woman. In his early twenties he began the transition into a man, but kept all his female reproductive organs. While remaining secure in his identity as a gay man, he breastfeeds his baby boy. This is his story.

  • Unsafe dummies enter Choice’s Hall of Shame

    Dangerous dummies, misleading free-range eggs, dodgy breakfast energy drinks and undersized tissues were among those awarded the annual Choice Shonky Awards on Tuesday.

    Worst offenders ... Some of the brands and products included in the eighth annual Choice Shonky Awards.
  • Helping a friend who has postnatal depression

    While it’s awful watching a friend suffer with depression, especially if she seems to be pushing you away, there are practical ways to show your support.

    holding hands
  • Childcare around the world: who's left holding the baby?

    From Fiji's communal childcare tradition to China's boarding school for three-year-olds, childcare differs greatly around the world. But they all offer their own pros and cons, as Madeleine Morris discovered.

    In Fiji, this grandmother is raising nine of her grandchildren in her one bedroom shack while their parents all work away.
  • Mothers discover babies switched at birth

    When Argentine lawyer Maria Lorena Gerbeno gave birth via caesarean section doctors told her that her daughter weighed 6 pounds 8 ounces. A few hours later she was handed a baby that weighed 8 pounds 4 ounces.

    Maria Lorena Gerbeno raised another woman's baby for 3 weeks before discovering there had been a mix up at the hospital. Photo: Facebook.


Dreams fulfilled as donor use soars

JULIA MEDEW In Victoria, more women are using donor sperm than ever before. A single mum of two who went through IVF tells her story.

A man's view of the TTC journey


Justin McCabe His wife blogs regularly about their journey of trying to conceive, but this time it's Justin McCabe's turn to share how he feels about the monthly tests and their impact on their relationship.


'I'm angry I was adopted'

Why we need to talk about male fertility more often

'I'm a sperm donor'

IVF costs soar as infertility business booms


New dad creates magical photo series

Livia Gamble When Anthony Stuart found out his wife was pregnant, he decided to create a photography project that would showcase her pregnancy in a fun and memorable way.

Pregnancy sleep tips

preg sleep

Melody McCabe You know that sleepless nights await you once your baby arrives, so it seems cruel that getting a good nights’ sleep during pregnancy is so hard.


Love and support working little miracles

Pregnant Pause: Attention dads-to-be: how you can help your partner and babies around Australia

New diagnostic test stirs fears of sex selection

Poor sleep a danger to pregnancy


Partner sleeps through woman's screams as she delivers surprise baby

Staff writers Many mums say that their partners could sleep through anything - but this dad really takes the cake.

Comments 6

Mothers discover babies switched at birth

Argentinian babies switched at birth

When Argentine lawyer Maria Lorena Gerbeno gave birth via caesarean section doctors told her that her daughter weighed 6 pounds 8 ounces. A few hours later she was handed a baby that weighed 8 pounds 4 ounces.

Comments 2

Do modern dads cut the cord?

Free-birthing on the rise

Midwife on the run

How different cultures celebrate birth


'Hero baby' Sonny dies of rare cancer

KIM STEPHENS Sonny Davis, the tiny boy whose inspiring battle for life earned him the label "hero baby", has passed away at just 18 days old.



Touch and grow for iTots: a third of toddlers have used mobile devices

Tamar Lewin A survey has found that children under 2, on average, spend an hour a day in front of screens.

Real mum's journal: Week 1, introducing toilet training


Introducing Spencer, a brave, adventurous, independent and happy 22 month old boy. He is starting on his toilet training journey with the help of Huggies Pull-Ups and expert advice from Dr Cathrine.

Five reasons why toddlers are actually pretty awesome

VIDEO: Adorable toddlers slug it out

How Dolly Parton is helping Australian children learn to read

Smacking bad for language skills, study shows

Being Dad

We need to wake up to new gender roles for dads

Sam Dastyari Our bloke culture is fantastic for pulling big egos down a peg, but it fails when it perpetuates the prevailing sexism in Australia - especially when it comes to parenting.

Dad-to-be's dying wish to meet his daughter


MICHELLE DUFF All Jared Noel wants is to hold his baby girl before he dies. Thanks to the kindness of strangers he has a chance.

Dads grapple with grief over lost babies too

Watch live surgeries on World Vasectomy Day

Do men with smaller 'nads make better dads?

Dads in the delivery room


When your home is your job

MANDY LEE Being the primary, unpaid caregiver means your home is your job - and that can drive you crazy. Here are some tips to finding a balance between 'work' and having time and space to yourself.


Helen Kapalos's warning for all women

Helen Kapalos
Photograph by Damian Bennett
Fashion editor: Penny McCarthy
Hair: Richard Kavanagh
Make-up: Naomi McFadden

MICHAEL LALLO Television host Helen Kapalos shares her story of how vague symptoms turned into something more sinister – and why all women need to be vigilant about their health.

White Ribbon campaign reveals dark secrets

'Cruel' insurers add to bushfire trauma

How Collette Dinnigan quit for her family

Bath speaks out for stroke sufferers