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Hungary's far-right honours Nazi-linked leader

6:57am Hungary's far-right Jobbik party unveiled a statue of wartime leader Miklos Horthy, who presided over the country's alliance with Nazi Germany, in Budapest on Sunday, sparking protests and highlighting concerns about anti-Semitism in the country.

Top world stories

US-Egypt ties hinge on democratic progress

US Secretary of State John Kerry in Cairo

6:24am Secretary of State John Kerry made an unannounced visit to Egypt to press its military chief and other officials to fulfil their promise to hold elections next year.

Thai ferry sinks in Pattaya, killing six

Relatives react to boat accident in Thailand

9:04am A packed tourist ferry has sunk off the Thai resort of Pattaya, killing six passengers including three foreigners.

Rohingya refugees missing after boat capsizes

Fishing boats on the coast of Bangladesh

6:10am A boat carrying almost 70 Rohingya Muslim refugees fleeing sectarian tensions capsized has off Myanmar's coast, leaving dozens missing in treacherous seas.


1500 paintings seized by Nazis found


8:34am A private stash of 1500 paintings that were seized by the Nazis, including works by Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse, has been found in Germany, a news magazine has reported.


'Anonymous' cyber attacks rise across SEAsia

anonymous movement

LINDSAY MURDOCH 10:35am Hackers claiming to be from the notorious Anonymous collective have stepped up attacks across South-East Asia, infiltrating websites in Singapore and the Philippines.

Comments 14

British police hunt terror suspect

Mohammed Ahmed Mohamed

11:45am A British terror suspect who escaped surveillance by changing into a burka on a visit to a mosque is being hunted by counter-terrorism officers.

India set to launch Mars probe

No clemency for ex-NSA leaker Ed Snowden

Solar eclipse darkens sky over Africa

Concerns as UK supermarket 'spies' on customers

Romney: Obamacare debacle hurts president

Sri Lankan authorities free Australians

Kosovo party injects humour into polls

Latest world news

Plane crash sends skydivers tumbling into the air

plane crash

10:46am Mike Robinson was just seconds away from his last jump of the day when a second plane carrying other skydivers struck the aircraft he was in, sending them all tumbling toward the ground.

Jesus statue stands tall amid sea of sectarianism

statue of Jesus on Mount Sednaya, Syria.

Amid a conflict rife with sectarianism, a giant bronze statue of Jesus has gone up on a Syrian mountain, apparently under cover of a truce among three warring factions.

Junkie ghettos tell of country's growing addiction

Adam Khan

Azam Ahmed The addicts stalk the streets of this border post like hollowed-out skeletons, hair matted by filth and eyes glassy.

Taliban replace slain leader


The Pakistani Taliban have selected Khan Syed Mehsud - known by his followers as ''Sajna'' or ''beloved'' - as the insurgent group's new leader after Hakimullah Mehsud was killed in a US drone strike, members of the organisation say.

Child soldiers' unfinished business

In this Sept. 26, 2013 photo, Johnny, left, and his twin brother Luther Htoo pose for photos after their reunion at a restaurant in Sangkhlaburi district of Kanchanaburi province, western Thailand. When they were kids, Johnny and Luther Htoo were bulletproof and invulnerable to land mines - or so went the story that briefly made them famous as hundreds of guerrillas followed and even worshipped them in the southeastern jungles of Myanmar. Today, well over a decade later, their ?God?s Army? is no more, and the twins? greatest accomplishment may be that both are still alive. (AP Photo/Apichart Weerawong)

Miraculously, it seemed, these brothers survived a war but comrades disappeared.

Terror squad probes Golden Dawn murders

A supporter of the extreme right party of Golden Dawn, holds a picture with the images of Manolis Kapelonis, left, and Giorgos Foudoulakis, the two party members that where killed in a shooting on Friday, during a memorial ceremony at the site of the attacks in northern Athens, on Saturday, Nov. 2, 2013. Police investigating the slaying of two members of the far-right Golden Dawn party and the serious wounding of a third said Saturday that the assailant finished off his victims at point-blank range before escaping on a motorcycle driven by an accomplice. The shooting came amid a government crackdown on the party following the fatal stabbing last month of an anti-fascist musician in Athens. (AP Photo/Kostas Tsironis)

Hannah Strange Police in Greece believe far-left terrorists may have been behind the murder of two members of the far-right Golden Dawn party, raising fears of tit-for-tat warfare between the extreme factions.

Kerry in first trip to Egypt since ouster of Mursi

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (R) is greeted by Egypt's Ambassador Farid Munib

12:30am US Secretary of State John Kerry has arrived in Cairo to push Egypt's military-installed rulers for democratic progress, on his first visit since the ouster of Islamist president Mohamed Mursi.

LAX shooting: Gunman charged, planned to kill 'multiple' agents

Paul Ciancia

7:55pm The gunman who allegedly killed a security officer at Los Angeles airport carried a note saying he planned to murder "multiple" agents, prosecutors said on Saturday as they announced charges against him.

LAX attack: union wants personnel armed

Paul Anthony Ciancia

Alan Bjerga 4:28pm One of their officers was killed in the line of duty, but would giving them guns help?

Girl found dead in rubbish bin in US

The body of a 10-year-old girl has been found in a rubbish bin in the US state of Georgia and her father and stepmother have been charged with murder.

Thai opposition bid to block amnesty

A protester holds a placard during a rally in central Bangkok November 2, 2013.

LINDSAY MURDOCH As street protests fall flat, attention turns to the country's constitutional court.

Two French journalists found dead in Mali

Two journalists with Radio France Internationale (RFI) have been found dead after being kidnapped by armed men in Mali's troubled northeast, government and security sources say.

Climber dies in New Zealand

View of Mt Cook from Lake Pukahi New Zealand, December 2004.

An experienced climber has died after falling 600 metres in New Zealand's Aoraki Mt Cook National Park.

CIA Drone Strike Kills Pakistan Taliban Head Before Peace Talks

Hakimullah Mehsud

David Lerman and Khurrum Anis A CIA drone strike killed the leader of the Pakistani Taliban in what the government in Islamabad described as an attempt to derail peace talks in the country.

LAX shooting: 'bullied' gunman Paul Anthony Ciancia raised suspicion with text messages

Paul Ciancia

Michael Idato Hundreds of Los Angeles International Airport staff have today begun the almost impossible task of re-scheduling some of the more than 1550 flights and 160,000 passengers affected by yesterday's deadly shooting.

Hunt for bin Laden reward

This is an undated file photo shows al Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, in Afghanistan. When he first spoke of the demise of Osama bin Laden, President Barack Obama asked the nation to think back to the unity of Sept. 11. Now the killing of America's most wanted is something else: a concentrated campaign weapon against Mitt Romney, even a bumper sticker message. The Obama campaign, with White House help, is playing up the one-year mark of bin Laden's death for political gain.  (AP Photo)

Jason Meisner A Michigan gem merchant who claims he tipped the FBI to the location of Osama bin Laden's secret compound in Pakistan eight years before his killing has hired a high-powered Chicago law firm to help him seek the $25 million reward offered for the terrorist's capture.

Climate body fears for food supply


An international panel says climate change will pose great risks to the world's food supply.


  • Paul McGeough reports on life as Australian troops prepare to pull out.
