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Conspiracy Corner

Information (and possibly disinformation) pointing to alternative interpretations of the state of affairs and secret societies. These links may destabilize your worldview, so be careful.

  • Democracy Now! - Possibly the hardest-hitting political show on radio. Find transcripts here of past broadcasts or listen via internet radio.
  • Dave Emory - If you miss Mae Brussel, there's still Dave Emory. Here's the WFMU archive of his radio shows.
  • Working for Change - Who'd have thought that a long distance re-seller could actually have progressive political impact?
  • The Consortium - Independent journalism from Robert and Nat Parry and cohorts.
  • TruthDig - News hub for alternative info. Quality leads to de-program yourself.
  • Architecture of Modern Political Power - Erudite and endless conspiracy site about power politics.
  • American Prospect - Yes, it's (gasp!) liberal, but it is the most intelligent (albeit dry) exponent of that perspective that I'm aware of. Low on P.C. and high on practical insights. Plus it has Tom Tomorrow in color, every issue.
  • American Conservative - Yes, it's (gasp!) conservative, but that merely means that they have good reason to deplore Shrub and his Neo-con handlers. Check it out, you might be surprised.
  • The Occidental Quarterly - Eugenics, Nationalism, Revisionism. How many taboos can you cram into one publication?
  • Foreign Policy Excellent, highly readable, handsomely designed journal dealing with international affairs. Makes other similar journals mostly seem like crap, to use a technical term.
  • - Libertarian demolition of the "War Party." Daily updated links about the war(s) in progress.
  • - Not the most snappy domain name, but a promising forum for discussions on reviving the left's goals around market socialism.
  • Sherman Skolnick - Long-time conspiracy researcher constantly walks (or in his case, rolls) the line between audacity and paranoia.
  • The Smoking Gun - Online display of revealing documents that were formerly secret, hidden or suppressed.
  • Fletcher Prouty Site - The late Col. would surely have a thing or two to say about the current administration.
  • - Devoted to in-depth info and research on the Jack the Ripper Mystery. One of the best sites on the Web. I kid you not.
  • Saucer Smear - James Moseley's gossipy UFO-subculture newsletter. It beats the daily news.
  • CTKA - Site for Citizens for Truth about the Kennedy Assassination. Jim DiEugenio and Lisa Pease rule!
  • Third Way - The "voice of the radical centre" - not to be confused with New Labour.
  • Monarchist League Homepage - The lost cause to end all lost causes.
  • 4th International - They're Trotkyist purists, but some of their analyses actually make sense, if you grant Marx any credit.
  • Cyberjournal - R.K. Moore's incisive political and economic analyses of the state of the world.
  • eXile - Keep on top of Russia's alternative scene with this English-language weekly.
  • The Progressive Review - the underground press lives (in Washington D.C., of all places!)
  • Noam Chomsky Archive - One of the most trenchant critics of the status quo, archived.
  • Women's Liberation Archive - The raw unadulterated source documents from Duke University archives.
  • Public Information Research - both a great database of information and a searchable index on intelligence & politics.
  • The New Enlightenment - Norman D. Livergood's site walks the line between insightful and cranky. An odd combination of spiritual & mystical awareness and political critical-paranoia (as the Surrealists used to champion). He may be the canary in the coalmine.
  • Point of Departure - Skip the self-parodying intro text and dive into the numerous archived ultra-left documents. Plenty here for mental mastication. Chew on!
  • Break Their Haughty Power - Whoa. The writings of an intelligent, sophisticated Marxist. Who'da thunk it?
  • World War 4 Report - Not sure how I missed these guys previously. I guess they need more links like this one. Incisive coverage of political hotspots world-wide.
  • Black Op Radio - Weekly webcast interviews with top conspiracy researchers. Enormous archive. Yowsa.
  • Bolerium Books - Amazing source of books and ephemera from the Old Left, the New Left, the Civil Rights Movement, the Labor Movement, plus the Far Right in its various permutations.