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------------------------- Original Message -------------------------
Subject: I've just been to your website ...
From: "Rosco Nielsen"
Date: Mon, February 6, 2006 3:19 am

Hello Dave, I saw you at the Sydney Airport just before Christmas. (The big guy in the yellow shirt.) I have been meaning to write to you for 25 years and thank you for writing, It's A Mug's Game. Better late than never.

A quick story. It was 1980 and I rang a job listed in the paper and to my surprise I was hired on the spot for a contract in South America. I thought I had a life, so I went back home and convinced myself my life in Australia was too good to leave. So there I was sitting at home and about to phone this Yank to tell him I didn't really want to go to South America. As luck would have it I happened to put on "It's A Mug's Game". The words all of a sudden took on a whole new meaning. To cut a long story short, I did go to South America
and I ran mule teams through the jungle. I ended staying a year and it gave my life a new meaning and I have never looked back since.

So it has only taken me 25 years to say, THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART FOR YOUR SONGS, THEY HAVE CHANGED MY LIFE. All the best for the coming years, and please, keep writing.

Thank You,
Kingest Regards,
Rosco Nielsen, Perth


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