
Seat redistribution angers politicians

June 30, 2006 - 5:29PM

When former Nationals leader John Anderson leaves politics at the next election, it appears likely his seat of Gwydir will go with him.

The north-west NSW seat is in the firing line after the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) released its proposed changes for electoral boundaries in NSW.

The Nationals labelled the commission's plans a "kick in the guts" for rural NSW, but the Liberals and Labor aren't terribly happy with the changes either.

After the electoral carve-up, NSW will lose one of its 50 seats, as southerners migrate north to Queensland.

Last week, the AEC unveiled its proposed revamp of Queensland, which is getting an extra electorate.

Under its plan for NSW, the AEC proposes the merger of the regional seats of Parkes and Gwydir, both held by Nationals MPs.

Community Services Minister John Cobb holds Parkes and Mr Anderson, who plans to retire at the next election, is in Gwydir.

The Nationals are expected to be the most likely winners of the new Queensland seat of Wright.

The NSW Nationals plan to fight the proposal, concerned it will make it extremely hard for the sitting member to service the huge electorate.

"The loss of another country seat is extremely disappointing when there were viable alternatives to that," Nationals NSW director Scott Mcfarlane told AAP.

"The proposal reduces the voice of regional communities and it reduces people's access to their MPs.

"The Nationals will fight this proposal all the way in the interest of country communities."

On initial calculations, Mr Mcfarlane said the merged seat of Parkes was around 108,000 square kilometres bigger that the existing seat of Parkes.

"You've got a massive seat there now and it's just really hard to service with so many disparate communities to get around," he said.

Even political opponents agree with the assessment.

NSW independent Peter Andren, who holds the seat of Calare, said country people were the losers in the redistribution.

"Parkes has essentially consumed the seat of Gwydir, making it into a massive seat ... this will make it exceedingly difficult for a MP to deliver quality service and representation to these country people," he said.

Mr Andren was also unhappy with the boundaries changes for his seat, which observers believe could make it easier for the Nationals to win.

NSW Liberal Party state director Graham Jaeschke says the coalition has fared badly from the redistribution.

"It's a redistribution that has not been favourable to the coalition," he told AAP.

Apart from losing Gwydir, he says eight seats will now be notionally Labor.

Macquarie is among the hardest hit as its new boundaries take in the working class cities of Bathurst and Lithgow.

The seats of Lindsay and Wentworth, which have a more inner-city flavour, are also seen as being harder for Liberals to hold.

On the upside, the Liberals are likely to have a tighter grip on four seats, including western Sydney's Greenway and the bellwether seat of Eden-Monaro.

Prime Minister John Howard has also been spared any major changes to the composition of his seat of Bennelong after speculation its boundaries could move westward, into Labor territory.

Labor feels equally unhappy by the changes, particularly to Greenway.

"That's now a rock solid Liberal Party seat," a party spokesman said.

Even with changes favourable to Labor in Macquarie and Hughes, they would be hard to win with the current incumbents, he said.

"And the loss of Gwydir only makes up for the seat the coalition has gained in Queensland," the spokesman said.

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