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Federal Politics

Political Opinion

Women in politics face the ugliest of juggles

ANNABEL CRABB The latest round of national head-scratching about why there aren't more women in politics makes me want to poke out my own eyes with a rusty toasting fork.

Comments 59

Abbott's poorly built cabinet can't hope to last

Peter Martin dinkus

PETER MARTIN Opinion Never has a prime minister's first cabinet been more insulting. Never has it mattered less.

Do these houses really represent us?

Bianca Hall

BIANCA HALL Opinion Paul Keating was only half-right when he described the Senate as ''unrepresentative swill''. He forgot the House of Representatives.

An uneasy start to the new normal

Mark Kenny dinkus

MARK KENNY Opinion Tony Abbott vows to start as he means to go on. And it's abundantly clear he is in no rush.

Don't feed the chooks: Tony's taken politics out of our faces


JACQUELINE MALEY Opinion The most lucid commentary I heard throughout the entire election campaign came from a Brisbane cafe owner on the Sunday morning after the poll.

Can people power save the Labor Party from itself?

Michael Gordon

Michael Gordon Opinion The script for Labor in defeat usually involves retribution, introspection and recrimination.

Dubious reasons for sackings


J.R. Nethercote Opinion The Coalition is taking full advantage of the fact the traditional tenured structure for senior public servants has been eroded.

No surprise Abbott's crew is light on women


Judith Ireland Opinion There was something genteel about the ceremony that took place at Yarralumla on Wednesday.


Sorry kids, to be honest, we're not a charity


DANIEL FLITTON Opinion Australia needs to make sure it spends wisely when it helps overseas.

Comments 257

Commission key to keeping public informed

Tony Abbott.

TOM ARUP Opinion The axing of the Climate Commission should be no surprise. Environment Minister Greg Hunt has long said that it would go if the Coalition was elected.

It's pedal to the metal with plans that matter to Abbott

Jacob Saulwick dinkus

Jacob Saulwick Opinion Tony Abbott spent his first full day as Prime Minister helping to promise the biggest motorway project in Australian history. This should come as no surprise.

Comments 44

How far will the climate purge go?

Tom Arup dinkus

TOM ARUP Opinion The axing of the Climate Commission should be no surprise. Environment Minister Greg Hunt has long flagged that it would go if the Coalition was elected.

Comments 634

A new life for the party

John Warhurst Dinkus

John Warhurst Opinion Opening the Labor leadership vote to rank and file members is the right thing to do.

Comments 37

Aid decision threatens to put politically expedient choices before improving lives of poor


Tim Costello Opinion The Abbot government has wasted no time in reshaping Australia's aid program. Within hours of being sworn in on Wednesday, the new government created confusion around the status of AusAID.

Comments 35

Reshuffle shows public servants who's in charge

Tim Colebatch dinkus

TIM COLEBATCH Opinion The Howard government began its life by axing six departmental heads. It sent public servants a clear message: we're in charge now - do as we say, or you're out.

Comments 110

New master in the house


JACK WATERFORD Opinion It was more the day of the dagger than the night of the long knives.


Public service heads may yet get to keep them

John Holmes

Jonathan Holmes Opinion Thank heavens we're spared the partisan US system, or it'd be a Florida rerun in Indi.

Comments 16

Mean-spirited Coalition pressures aid budget

Poor people in Ethiopia keeping their hands up. 



Charity and Relief Work



Human Hand

Of African Descent





Traditionally African


Developing Countries



Arms Out


Child Abuse

Hand Raised

Human Arm





Group Of People

Ethiopian Ethnicity



Social Issues

High Contrast

African Ethnicity

Pre-Adolescent Child

Native African Ethnicity

Primary Age Child


Overhead View





East Africa


Unrecognisable Person

circle of life

Poor People

Medium Group Of People

Number of People

Kevin McCracken Opinion Joe Hockey's last minute $4.5 billion cut in foreign aid has probably worked out well.

Comments 90

Counting chickens comes back to haunt the majors

Cathy McGowan

ANDREW DARBY Opinion One is a well-educated rural community services wonk from north-east Victoria, and the other a hard-scrabble former military police officer from north-west Tasmania.

We thought you knew women Tony, but then you do this

ELECTION 2013: Opposition Leader Tony Abbott during his visit to the Cadbury factory in Hobart, Tasmania, on Wednesday 28 August 2013. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

JACQUELINE MALEY Opinion Prime Minister-elect, we've been through this! We've talked about it time and time again and we thought it was resolved. After you made the quip about the ironing and the housewives of Australia, remember?

Comments 180

Merit pushed aside as host of factors set seats at table

Mark Kenny dinkus

MARK KENNY Opinion That a government with 90-plus seats in the House of ''Representatives'', and many more in the Senate, can find just one spot for a woman in its 19-member cabinet, is astounding.

Comments 479

Is this what Abbott means by having a 'mandate'?

MARK KENNY Opinion Astounding that government can find just one spot for a woman in its 19-member cabinet.

New team, but all eyes on opposition

Bill Shorten and Anthony Albanese.

DANIEL HURST Opinion Here we go again. The main election is out of the way but Labor has just fired the starter's gun on a whole new one.

Focus back on ALP leadership, days after feeling voters' wrath


DANIEL HURST Opinion Here we go again. The main election is out of the way but Labor has just fired the starter's gun on a whole new one.

Comments 14

We need a campaign to end electoral apartheid


JOHN WATSON Opinion The great divide between marginal and safe seats leaves many voters disenchanted.

Comments 42

From pistols to pistons, the time is right to buy!

Annabel Crabb Dinkus

ANNABEL CRABB Opinion Political staffers don't have very easy lives. They work extremely hard for people who are at best demanding and at worst megalomaniacs. They hardly ever see their kids. And when their boss is demoted or chucked out by the electorate, or caught in flagrante delicto with a goat, they lose their jobs just like that. But at election time, they do tend to have the advantage of insider knowledge.

Comments 45

An insider's guide on how to make big bucks in a change of government

Opinion Think of all the new stationery, copper wire and high-end baby gear that's going to be needed.

Swilling through the upper house

Tony Wright

TONY WRIGHT Opinion As Australians digest a menu of new senators who appear as disparate as the crowd on a Saturday night at the Birdsville races, some of the patrons armed, it's worth remembering the Senate has long produced wild surprises.

Is Mirabella being burned at the stake?

sophie mirabella

MARK KENNY Opinion It is said there is a special place in hell reserved for those who stand by while others commit bad deeds.

Abbott rules ... OK?

Tony Abbott

PETER HARTCHER Opinion Labor's challenge is to apply the lessons they were given - for free - by the new master of the political landscape.

Comments 21
