The question of whether phones have a place in schools continues to generate debate.

The question of whether phones have a place in schools continues to generate debate.

Clusters of teenagers glued to their smartphones have become a largely unremarkable scene in most social settings.

But school principals are worried their students' connection to their phones is coming at the expense of meaningful interaction with their peers.

<i>Illustration: Cathy Wilcox</i>


Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

A prestigious girls' school in Perth has banned students from using mobile phones in the playground because of concerns the devices are being favoured over face-to-face conversation.

''How many times have you observed a group of friends at a coffee shop or restaurant sitting around the table all engaged with their mobiles and not each other? This is exactly what we want to discourage,'' the Penrhos College principal, Meg Melville, wrote in a recent newsletter. ''Being fully present in the moment, listening and speaking to one another and actually engaging in the art of conversation is a social skill that we wish to instil.''

In NSW, school principals have discretion to determine their own mobile phone rules.

The president of the state's Secondary Principals' Council, Lila Mularczyk, says mobile devices play an important role in schools as a valuable learning tool and a safety measure.

''However, I do believe that using iPods and iPhones, especially with earphones, during recess and lunchtime can be detrimental to socialising,'' she said. ''More recently I have seen groups of students sitting together, each one of them immersed in a mobile device that is almost isolating them from the group they are sitting with.''

Gerard Goggin, professor of media and communications at the University of Sydney, says mobile phones are ''really important for young people's social participation.''

''Kids are using phones from age dot,'' he said. ''They're a social fact. If you don't have them you miss out.'' But it was important not to get caught up in the myths around young people and technology.

''The proposition that [mobile phones] might be affecting the art of conversation I find a bit dubious to be honest. I think it's more complex than that,'' he said.

The author of Cell Phone Culture is the father of two young boys.

''I think the importance of communication for humans is actually deepened by some of these communications,'' he said.