Senator Scott Ludlam has appealed the AEC's refusal to recount the Senate vote in WA.

Senator Scott Ludlam has appealed the AEC's refusal to recount the Senate vote in WA. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Greens Senator Scott Ludlam says his scrutineers have found "handfuls" of wrongly assigned votes during the WA Senate recount.

But Senator Ludlam said he did not know whether the ballots will be enough to give him the 14-vote swing that will overturn his electoral defeat.

"It’s going to come down to the wire," he told Perth Radio 6PR.

His comments came after it was revealed that the Australian Electoral Commission is reviewing around 400 informal below-the-line votes to see whether they should be added to the tally.

As well as reviewing the 1.2 million above-the-line votes cast in the September 7 election, AEC officials are also re-examining all informal votes.

AEC spokesman Phil Diak said the informal below-the-line ballots have been referred to Central Senate Scrutiny, where they will be double-checked by a computer program designed to determine their validity.

Mr Diak said it was too early to say how many of the informal votes were likely to be "saved" and added to the total.

"We are going through that process from beginning to end, and where we come across an informal below-the-line vote somewhere, we refer it to this computer-assisted process," he said.

The complex rules governing below-the-line voting state that a ballot paper can be ruled as formal as long as it contains a clear first-preference vote, and at least 90 per cent of the remaining boxes are entered correctly. The WA Senate ballot paper featured 62 boxes.

Mr Diak said it was also difficult to say when the recount, which began two weeks ago, will be complete.

About 750,000 of the 1.2 million votes have been counted so far.

"Obviously we're working through it as quickly as we can," he said, adding that with dozens of scrutineers in the counting room there was the potential for significant hold-ups over contentious ballots.

Senator Ludlam was defeated in the original count, thanks to a 14-vote margin between the Shooters and Fishers Party and the Australian Christians at a crucial stage of the preference distribution.

That result took preferences away from Senator Ludlam and the Sports Party's Wayne Dropulich, instead favouring Labor's Louise Pratt and Zhenya 'Dio' Wang of the Palmer United Party.

The AEC initially refused requests for a recount from the Greens and Sports Party, but later changed its decision.

PUP leader Clive Palmer has reacted with anger to the latest developments, accusing the AEC of "incompetence" over the re-examined informal ballots.

The new count is likely to see either Senator Ludlam or Senator Pratt step down from Parliament when the current term finishes in June.

Asked about the possibility of a legal challenge by Labor in the event that Senator Pratt's victory is overturned, Senator Ludlam said: "I think it's a bit odd to be threatening legal action before you've even seen the outcome. But we had the right of appeal, they have the right to recourse to the courts if they think it’s justified."