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Small business


Top five perks of being an entrepreneur

Nina Hendy Discounts, cheap travel and longer holidays are just some of the benefits that can come with life as an entrepreneur.

How to build a $100 million business


Kate Jones It took these entrepreneurs just three years to go from zero to seriously wealthy.

Seven breakable business rules


Gabby Leibovich Don’t listen to rules, make your own.

‘Petpreneurs’ barking up the right tree

Katrina Thomson and Max

Christine D’Mello Pet care is an $8 billion industry and businesses operating in this space are making a fortune.

Foldable boats - what will they think of next?

James Graham (front) and Deryck Graham at Darling Harbour

Adam Courtenay This entrepreneur liked the idea so much he bought the company.

The web's not the only future for start-ups


Richard Dale Emerging businesses don't need to focus solely on the online opportunity to gain the attention of investors.

Which management style suits entrepreneurs?


Many entrepreneurs have boundless energy for their businesses but lack leadership where it counts. So where does entrepreneurship fit in with leadership and management?

Yuck factor warning

World's most disgusting businesses


Claire Dunn It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it.

The low-guilt happy nappy solution


Mitchell Smith Aussie couple eases parental guilt by designing a disposable nappy that's almost fully biodegradable.

What I learnt from a garage of entrepreneurs


Gabby Leibovich Everything is bigger in the US, including garages. They even fit Silicon Valley's most famous tech troublemakers.

Finally, we're living in the age of the Jetsons


Anneli Knight Live in a space-age house thanks to Aussie technology that's taking on the world.


Finally, we're living in the age of the Jetsons

Anneli Knight Live in a space-age house thanks to Aussie technology that's taking on the world.

Why is 'mumpreneur' a dirty word?

Miranda Kerr

Gayle Bryant The term is embraced by some and loathed by others - why so?

Comments 26

Start a business AND keep your day job


Belinda Williams Quitting your day job to start a business is a huge financial risk. So why not do both?

Can an overseas business work here?


Kate Jones You see a great idea for a business when you’re on holiday - can you make it work when you get home?

How to become a millionaire by 30

Fred Schebesta

Larissa Ham As Fred Schebesta's story shows, it is possible to get rich at a young age.

Casual gym visit app an Australian first


Christine D'Mello You may never have to sign up for a lengthy gym contract again.

Animal onesies a booming market

Rabbit onesie

Caroline James Guess who's making a killing?

Real life get rich quick tales


Adam Courtenay As these stories show, sometimes it really is possible to make a fast buck.

How to build a million-dollar app

Angry Birds

Kate Jones It might take a bit of trial and error but it is possible to build an app that captures the zeitgeist and makes you a fortune.


Editor's picks

Yuck factor warning

World's most disgusting businesses

It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it.


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Selling to start-ups

Where do you go to find start-ups as clients?

How to run a partnership

How should you structure a business that is operated in a partnership?

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