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Expanding headspace raises concerns

JILL STARK The overseas expansion of headspace, the youth mental health service, has prompted claims Australia's $420 million investment in early intervention is an untested ''hopeful experiment'' corporatising the treatment of mentally ill young people.

Making babies

Good Weekend. Pottsville. IVF. Rachel Moloney with husband Stuart and son Nate. Picture by Paul Harris. 20.7.13 IVF story

Julia Medew & Mark Baker While infertile couples pay dearly for the hope of having a child, others are reaping big dollars.

More Australians classed obese

Millions of Australians are obese.

Dan Harrison Millions more Australians may be obese than previously thought, because the usual method of measuring obesity has dramatically underestimated the problem.

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Children benefit from cancer data

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Siobhan Kenna Data mining by UTS researchers is improving childhood cancer treatment.

Artificial life a law unto itself

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Katia Sanfilippo There are risks and benefits attached to the new science of synthetic biology.

Millions more Australians may be obese: study


DAN HARRISON Millions more Australians may be obese than previously thought.

Aged care regulator upholds ruling on home

Lulworth House

RACHEL BROWNE The exclusive eastern suburbs nursing home Lulworth House has failed to have a ''damaging finding'' regarding its use of a restraint on an elderly resident overturned by the aged care regulator.

Euthanasia law criticised as out of step with society

Former DPP Professor Nicholas Cowdery

Michaela Whitbourn Former NSW director of public prosecutions Nicholas Cowdery has urged the O'Farrell government to legalise voluntary euthanasia and to relax drug laws as part of a push to align the criminal law with community expectations of justice.

Depression rises in aged care

Report shows that 52 per cent of aged care residents had symptoms of depression.

More than half of aged care residents suffer from depression, according to the largest study of the prevalence of the illness in nursing homes conducted in Australia.

Jillian Skinner joins search for Nicole Perko's life-saving surgery

Nicole Perko

ANNA PATTY Health Minister Jillian Skinner has spoken to Nicole Perko, the mother of five waiting for life-saving surgery, and is trying to recruit more hospitals to perform the complex procedure she needs.

Victims scammed GPs for pills, inquest told


RACHEL OLDING Between them, they stockpiled thousands of prescription drug tablets, duped dozens of doctors and succumbed to addictions despite pleas from their families.

Cricket body accused of censorship over ads

David Warner (Front) of Australia has a beer poured on him by captain Michael Clarke as the team celebrate their win in the dressing rooms after day three of the Third Test match between Australia and India at WACA on January 15, 2012 in Perth, Australia.

AMY CORDEROY Cricket Australia has refused to run an advertisement telling fans that ''alcohol and sport don't mix'' on the grounds it thinks they mix perfectly well.

Screen for disadvantage to cut deaths: health chief


AMY CORDEROY GPs should routinely screen patients for poverty to cut deaths from preventable diseases, the chief executive of Catholic Health Australia says.

Doctors fight anti-vaccine push in battle for Australia's babies

vaccination.960301. pic  GREG NEWINGTON.  ouch...jesus that smarts! generic health crying / injection / needle

Lucy Marks Health experts say there is no room for debate on the value of immunisation.

Hospitals the testing ground for app to save unborn babies


Julie Power A mobile phone app that helps mothers-to-be be more aware of their unborn baby's movements could cut the rate of stillborn deaths by as much as 30 per cent, according to a study.

'Cause there ain't no cure for summertime behaviour

Summertime baby.

COSIMA MARRINER Summer babies are more likely to struggle with sharing, concentrating, making friends and helping than those born during winter, new research suggests.

Research links aircraft noise to higher rates of heart disease

A plane flies over the inner western suburb of Tempe, today 7th of July, 2008. Singapore airlines is petitioning the federal government to abolish the 12 year old 11pm to 6am flight curfew. Tempe, Sydney, NSW.    SMH.NEWS. Photo by Kate Geraghty

Amy Corderoy, Rachel Browne Exposure to high levels of aircraft noise could put people at risk of developing heart disease and stroke, research has found.

Celebrities join online campaign to save Nicole Perko


ANNA PATTY In the eyes of Nicole Perko, it's a pretty black-and-white situation. "It’s pretty simple - without the surgery, I will die," says the Sydney mother.

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Hopes for world's first malaria vaccine by 2015


The introduction of a vaccine against malaria could be less than two years away following a trial by a British healthcare company.

Doctors more likely to get depressed

Dr Naomi Harris.

DAN HARRISON Australian doctors and medical students are much more likely to experience psychological distress and suicidal thoughts than the general population, according to an unprecedented examination of the profession's mental health.

Sexual abuse rife towards female GPs


Thomas O'Byrne A survey of Australian doctors has found that more than 50 per cent of female practitioners have been sexually harassed by a patient, with some respondents saying they had avoided examinations and after-hours shifts because of offensive patient behaviour.

Teachers under stress


Konrad Marshall Many young teachers who begin their training with high motivation and noble ideals are exhausted or almost burnt out within a few years on the job, new research has shown.

Zombie kids: why more children are on ADHD drugs


AMY CORDEROY Both sides agree there are insufficient resources for affected children.

Long wait for elective surgery 'a disgrace'


ANNA PATTY Elective surgery waiting times in NSW have increased from an average of 39 to 50 days in three years, more than in any other state, according to the latest national snapshot.

Suicide link to ADHD drug


Amy Corderoy A nine-year-old boy has killed himself and two other children have attempted suicide while taking a drug used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, federal drug authorities have said.

NSW prisoners to be banned from smoking


Nick Ralston Smoking in all NSW prisons is set to be banned within 18 months after the state's prison boss expressed his concern about the health effects lighting up in jails is having on staff and inmates.

Call for age limit after chiropractor breaks baby's neck


Julia Medew, Amy Corderoy A baby's neck has been broken by a chiropractor in an incident doctors say shows the profession should stop treating children.

Bid for Lyme disease recognition begins to bear fruit

Renee Loricchiella

Laura Banks Renee Loricchiella believed she had a 'full bill of health' until 2010, when she was vaccinated for an overseas trip.

Chiros warned off treating children

Dr Chris Pappas

Julia Medew and Amy Corderoy A Melbourne infant's neck was broken during a chiropractic adjustment that went horribly wrong.

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McDonald's asks: Would you like fruits and vegetables with that?

An ad for a new McDonald's meal, with a side salad.

Stephanie Strom With tastes growing healthier, McDonald’s aims to adapt its menu.
