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Federal Politics

Senate vote

'Lost' votes causing stress

Labor senator Louise Pratt admits delays in settling the trouble-plagued WA Senate vote have been 'distressing', as candidates seek legal advice and wait to see whether 1,375 lost votes are recovered.


Climate Change

Labor will be 'consistent' on carbon

Labor will be consistent on carbon (Thumbnail)Click to play video

'Climate change didn't end on September 7th,' says Anthony Albanese, underlining party leader Bill Shorten's insistence that Labor will only back carbon tax repeal if an emissions trading scheme replaces it.

Senate Count

Ludlam: 'Vote should not be declared'

Ludlam: 'vote should not be declared' (Thumbnail)Click to play video

The planned declaration of the West Australian senate recount should not go ahead, says Greens Senator Scott Ludlam, after the revelation ballot papers have gone missing. Nine news.


Afghanistan withdrawal ceremony

Afghanistan withdrawal (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Australian troops gather at a ceremony in Tarin Kowt to mark their impending withdrawal from Afghanistan and to hear speeches from Tony Abbott and Bill Shorten.

Carbon tax

Strategic 'repositioning' behind Labor's carbon tax backdown

Strategic 'repositioning' behind Labor's carbon tax backdown  (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Labor must sever itself from the 'demonised' carbon tax and weather the short-term cost, says former ALP adviser John Flannery.

US Relations

'Coarseness, amateurishness and viciousness'

'Courseness, amateurishness and viciousness' (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Americans will see Tony Abbott as uncouth, coarse and amateurish, according to international relations expert, Dr Clinton Fernandes, after the PM criticised his Labor predecessors in a Washington Post interview.

Centrelink changes

Centrelink move?

EMPLOYMENT.MELB.020507.AFR.PIC BY ERIN JONASSON.  GENERIC HOLD FOR FILES.  *First use AFR PLEASE* , CENTRELINK generic office, employment , jobs, job hunting, ******Click to play video

Could Australia Post take over Centrelink's 'front office' services? Liberal MP Andrew Laming concedes the idea will worry many, but says a limited takeover would have benefits, while Labor's Andrew Leigh slams the idea.

Asylum Seekers

New Malaysian Agreements

The Malaysian Solution (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Australian co-operation with Malaysia to counter people smuggling has been 'rebooted', according to Immigration Minister, Scott Morrison.

Reserve Bank

Reserve Bank top up

Reserve Bank top up (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Treasurer Joe Hockey explains why he has taken the budget further into deficit by topping up the central bank's reserves by almost $9 billion.

MP's expenses

Abbott backs MP on expenses

Prime Minister Tony Abbott spoke to Neil Mitchell on 3AW this morning.
THE AGEClick to play video

PM Tony Abbott says government MP Don Randall made his taxpayer funded trip from Perth to Cairns and back because he needed to talk to his party whip.

Bob Carr's parting advice

Bob Carr's parting advice (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Bob Carr resigns from federal parliament, dispensing policy advice on asylum seekers and Palestine, and explaining why he defected from Gillard to Rudd.

From left field

Nobel economics

Changing lanes? Call an economist

Changing lanes? Call an eocnomist (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Is changing lanes in bumper to bumper traffic, or switching supermarket queues really worthwhile. Peter Martin discusses the award winning economics that answers the question.

Balance of Power

Poo thrower a Senate chance

Poo thrower a Senate chance (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Senate dark horse Ricky Muir has defended his antics with kangaroo poo as another likely new face in the upper house refuses to talk beyond his one issue - health in sport.

Campaign 2013

Rudd's West Wing moment

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd made remarks to the media in Launceston on Tuesday 3 September 2013. Election 2013. Photo: Andrew MearesClick to play video

Viewers of the Prime Minister's appearance on ABC's Q&A; wondered whether Mr Rudd was channeling President Bartlet from the TV series 'West Wing'.

Maintain your Rage

Maintain your Rage (Thumbnail)Click to play video

The ABC's much-loved music broadcast RAGE gets political, as Anthony Albanese, Julie Bishop and Adam Bandt drop some tunes mid-campaign. The Canberra Times' Jenna Clarke offers some liner notes.

All sizzle, no sausage?

All sizzle, no sausage? (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Photojournalist Andrew Meares captures the scenes at a prime ministerial sausage sizzle in Adelaide over the weekend.

'Them polls are a bunch of wombats!'

'Them polls are a bunch of wombats!' (Thumbnail)Click to play video

RAW VISION: On the campaign trail, a local expresses his confidence in the Prime Minister and tells him not to worry about bad polls numbers.

Tony the Truckie

Tony the Truckie (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Tony Abbott presses the flesh with Linfox truck drivers in Melbourne, and demonstrates his familiarity with the big rigs.


Government spying

Governments must be accountable for spying

Governments must be accountable for spying (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Andrew Bartlett, Qld Greens convenor and forrmer senator, believes that Australia must show leadership with intelligence collection practices.

'We have the right targets'

'We have the right targets' (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Liberal MP Josh Frydenberg rejects the revised emission reduction targets released by the Climate Change Authority which state that Australia's current targets are inadequate.

Afganistan Aid

Afghan aid plea

Afghan aid plea (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Afghanistan needs development assistance from Australia to be maintained at existing levels, according to that country's ambassador to Australia amid speculation aid levels may be cut.

Carbon policy

Carbon tax backdown welcomed

Carbon tax backdown welcomed (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Nationals Senator John Williams believes Labor is showing signs of acknowledging the government's mandate to axe the carbon tax.

Labor must keep principles on carbon

Labor senator Louise Pratt believes the ALP must remain committed to a market-based mechanism for tackling climate change.

Lib concerned about AusPost-Centrelink merger

Lib concerned about AusPost-Centrelink merger (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Liberal MP Andrew Laming believes that any moves to relocate Centrelink services to post offices should be limited to 'optional services'.

AusPost-Centrelink merger will hurt vulnerable Aussies

AusPost-Centrelink merger will hurt vulnerable Aussies (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Labor MP Andrew Leigh says that the proposed relocation of Centrelink services to post offices is the 'wrong philosophy'.

Politicians Aren't Scientists

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott during question time at Parliament House in Canberra on Tuesday 22 August  2012. Photo: Andrew Meares Click to play video

Liberal MP Wyatt Roy says politicians shouldn't draw links between bushfires and climate change, scientists should.

'Outsourcing Razor Gang'

'Outsourcing Razor Gang'  (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Greens Senator Larissa Waters says PM Tony Abbott is putting big business in control of the political agenda

National audit

Business role backed

The Age
picture Justin McManus.
New President of the Victorian Farmers Federation Andrew Broad. He is a grain and livestock farmer from Bridgewater.Click to play video

New Nationals MP Andrew Broad has backed the government's choice of business chief Tony Shepherd to head its national audit. He says Mr Shepherd is a 'wise' choice.

Political Diversion

Political Diversion (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Shadow Attorney General Mark Dreyfus QC says the High Court challenge will be decided on a 'narrow technical question'.

Parental Leave

Greens consider leave plan

Greens consider leave plan (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Greens Senator Larissa Waters tells Breaking Politics her Party can work with Prime Minister Tony Abbott on paid parental leave, but he will have to reign in the expense end of his plan.


Huawei ban 'a bit silly'

Huawei ban 'a bit silly' (Thumbnail)Click to play video

There is no good reason for banning Chinese telecommunications company Huawei from working on the NBN, according to telecommunications analyst Paul Budde.

Bank deposit

Bank deposit  (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Economics Correspondent Peter Martin explains why Treasurer Joe Hockey has given the Reserve Bank $8.8 billion.

Same-sex marriage

High Court awaits same-sex marriage legislation

High Court awaits same-sex marriage legislation (Thumbnail)Click to play video

TIM LESTER According to constitutional law expert Professor George Williams, the legal challenge to the ACT marriage equality legislation will be a question of federalism not human rights.

US Budget Crisis

Fiscal cliff looms

Fiscal cliff looms (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Dr Nicole Hemmer says 'tea party' Republicans have brought the US to the edge of defaulting on government debt by threatening fellow Republicans.

Jakarta Talks

Both sides give ground

Both sides give ground (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Indonesian President Yudhoyono says bilateral talks on asylum seekers are now possible, while Tony Abbott says Australia will consult Indonesia over his government's 'tow-back' policy.

Budget balance serious challange

Budget balance serious challange (Thumbnail)Click to play video

With a need to protect growth and reduced revenue, Mark Kenny and Tim Colebatch discuss the path to surplus for Treasurer Joe Hockey

Boats policy substantive problem

Boats policy substantive problem (Thumbnail)Click to play video

As Prime Minister Tony Abbott prepares for his first overseas visit his plan to stop the boats may jeopardise diplomatic efforts with Jakarta. Analysis

Balance of power

Balance of power (Thumbnail)Click to play video

The exact make up of the new Senate is yet to be determined, but up to eight small parties and independents look likely to hold the balance of power. Tim Colebatch explains.

Negotiating the aftermath

Negotiating through the aftermath (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Strategists Jannette Cotterell and Greg Turnbull discuss Tony Abbott's landslide election victory, the Labor leadership conundrum, and the prospect of a colourful new Senate.


Roy on cars and Clive

Liberal MP Wyatt Roy says we should carefully consider the future of Australia's car industry and throws in a few words of advice to Clive Palmer as well.

Embassy espionage in Canberra

Leading intelligence and security academic Prof. Des Ball discusses the history of embassy spying and says Australia is a target in our own capital.

Were they Australian sheep?

Nationals MP Andrew Broad has cast doubt on whether sheep killed inhumanely in Jordan were from Australia.

Embassy spying

Intelligence expert Prof. Des Ball says spying by embassies is routine with foreign missions in Canberra among those that carry out the highly secret intelligence work.

Afghanistan, the 'set and forget' war

Former Chief of Army, Peter Leahy, says the PM should call an inquiry into successive governments' oversight of the Afghanistan war to avoid a repeat of the 'set and forget' approach of recent years.

Unknown tomb controversy

The words 'Known unto God' will remain on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Australian War Memorial.

Afghanistan aid

There's speculation that Australia will cut its aid to Afghanistan, but former Chief of Army Peter Leahy argues that would be a mistake.

Labor's carbon laundry

Former Labor adviser John Flannery says its time the Party did its 'carbon laundry', and let the Abbott government scrap the carbon price.

Success of Afghanistan mission is in history's hands

As Australia's mission to Afghanistan draws to an end, Aussie troops will leave behind a much improved civil society, says Neil James.

Snooping on leaders is routine

Spying on international leaders is not only 'routine' but in fact a primary task of intelligence agencies says Dr Clinton Fernandes.

Bushfire risk increasing

Climate change increases the probability of more bushfires, more intense fires and longer fire seasons, according to the Climate Council's Professor Will Steffen.

Medibank plan queried

Labor's Amanda Rishworth says the Abbott government might use Medibank Private as a way of watering down the national disability insurance scheme.

PM a climate fence sitter?

Climate Institute chief John Connor sees Prime Minister Abbott as straddling a global warming 'barbed wire fence', after the PM dismissed claims of a link between bushfires and climate change.

Political Diversion

Shadow Attorney General Mark Dreyfus QC says the High Court challenge will be decided on a 'narrow technical question'.

Business role backed

New Nationals MP Andrew Broad has backed the government's choice of business chief Tony Shepherd to head its national audit. He says Mr Shepherd is a 'wise' choice.

Climate fire link disputed

Parliamentary secretary Josh Frydenberg has joined the Prime Minister in slamming a claim from the UN's climate chief that the NSW bushfires are 'absolutely' linked to climate change.

Senator wants parks grazing

Nationals senator John Williams says the NSW fires show the need for grazing in national parks and how locking up country is 'disastrous for conservation'.

Labor split on Carbon?

Labor shadow minister Andrew Leigh says the ALP has a mandate to champion an emissions trading scheme, amid reports some opposition members want to support the government's 'direct action' policy.

Wyatt warning on climate talk

Queensland MP Wyatt Roy discusses his anguish after losing his family home to fire 15 years ago and says the NSW fires should not be used to make political points on climate change.

'Abbott should be worried': Rishworth

Labor MP Amanda Rishworth says the new Labor frontbench will take the fight to PM Tony Abbott.

'I'd be happy to cross the floor'

National Party Senator John 'Wacka' Williams says he will consider crossing the floor to oppose Tony Abbott's paid parental leave scheme.

Carbon controversy and confusion

The Australian Institute's Richard Denniss discusses the way ahead for cutting greenhouse gas emissions and other issues of the day.
