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The Age

Before the advent of email, there was the epistle


There is still a place for the intimacy between letter writer and reader.


Abbott and Hunt reckless on climate


The question is not whether to believe there is a problem, but what to do about it.

The Age

Carr, the short-term senator, takes his leave


In March last year, when Bob Carr was poised to enter the Senate to become foreign minister in the Gillard government, he was asked if he would stick around after the parliamentary term ended.

The Age

Hockey faces facts on debt. Now for revenue


When does a debt emergency end? Apparently, it's the moment when those raising the alarm win government.

The Age

ACT crosses the rainbow bridge

At 11.53 yesterday morning, the ACT's Legislative Assembly passed, by eight votes to seven, the Marriage Equality Same-Sex Bill.

The Age

Action on climate is a duty above politics

It it crucial that the Abbott government heeds its responsibilities to climate change.


Electoral map points to a failure of policy

Imbalances come together in a redistribution that holds up an unflattering mirror to Spring Street.


NSW fires early warning of what may lie ahead


Be aware of the dangers fires present, and leave early if possible.

From woe to go, at Places Victoria


For a government organisation that is meant to be a prime developer of swaths of property, Places Victoria has proved remarkably adept at digging itself a deep hole instead. Its $192 million loss for the year to June, revealed this week, is the aftermath of an emergency restructuring triggered earlier this year when the board came to the correct conclusion that not much was going right. Indeed, Places Victoria was a shemozzle. Its chairman, Ken Fehily, told property developers in December the organisation had developed an unacceptable and unco-operative culture and was bogged down by ''incessant bureaucracy''. ''I openly and unreservedly accept that we weren't doing a great job,'' he said.

The Age

Politicians' integrity needs auditing

Nothing less than integrity should be expected from those who make laws governing how we live.

The Age

Union stench requires a full inquiry

It is time to have a formal judicial inquiry into the web of influence that extended from the HSU to Labor.

The Age

Don't leave the giving just to the wealthy

If your spirits are enlivened by the generosity of others, imagine what you could do in your own way.

The Age

Labor's new duo must listen and lead

The task of rebuilding Labor and regaining confidence cannot be underestimated.


New leader, now hard Labor begins

Labor's leadership hiatus has done a lot of good for a party so wounded in the last election.

Adhering to the principal of greater authority


The state government is set to radically overhaul school discipline.


Commonwealth built on the fair go


Wellbeing of Australians did not happen by accident, but as a result of good government.

The Age

Where do we expect the boats to go?

Oceans separate our nations, but the refugee issue intrinsically links Australia to its neighbours.

The Age

A grand design that needs care and balance

Great cities don't materialise out of the ether but are the result of constant evolution.

Principals caught in teacher-reward trap

As The Age has long argued, teachers in this state deserve to be paid more.

Culture of entitlement exposes rank hypocrisy

Now the Coalition is in government, the skeletons in its cupboard to come out.

The Age

Darebin Council survives, but how?

It is not good enough now to adopt a position of 'nothing to see here, move on'.


The topic: burnout in the classroom. Discuss. Act.


When we fail young teachers, we fail the students, too.

Watchdog trailing, must take the lead


The revelations in this newspaper of claims of widespread corruption in the overseas operations of Leighton Holdings grow more astonishing and depressing by the day. Astonishing not just because of the scope, size and audacity of the alleged bribery and corruption, but because of two fundamental questions they raise: how much was known about it by those at the highest levels of the construction giant, and, more important, when did they know?

The Age

A tentative hail to the biggest cab on the rank

Those who welcomed the Royal Commission into child abuse are entitled to feel vindicated.


Franklin's Swan song out of tune for the AFL

Franklin seems likely to be playing for a top-end team that can afford but not entirely deserve him.

The Age

Jakarta diplomacy spurs an overdue revelation

Relationships between sovereign nations are fostered over generations. The best ones endure despite the respective leaders, not because of them.

The Age

Besides the climate science, we need action

Other countries are doing far more than Australia in implementing policies to cut emissions.


State needs to borrow to sustain growth

Growth is proof of the appeal of Victoria in general, and of its capital city in particular.


The exploitation of child labour is a cancer


As with other industries, tobacco uses the toil of the vulnerable.

The Age

Diplomacy can be tricky, Mr Abbott


Is the Abbott government genuinely aware of the consequences of what it is proposing?
