
Under examination: Former public servant Steve Dunn. Photo: NSW Maritime

Barely a fortnight ago, former senior state public servant Steve Dunn was given a frank character assessment in the State Parliament.

The occasion was a debate on a bill to abolish the controversial Game Council of NSW following a damaging review of the taxpayer-funded body by Mr Dunn in his capacity as a private consultant.

As the Shooters and Fishers Party MP Robert Brown eviscerated Mr Dunn and wondered how he could have reached his conclusions, fellow Shooters and Fishers MP Robert Borsak, enraged by the Dunn report, interjected: ''Because he's corrupt, that's why!''


Also to face the inquiry: Former public servant Mark Duffy. Photo: Adam Hollingworth

Little did they know Mr Dunn would be named on Monday as a witness in the latest Independent Commission Against Corruption inquiry into former Labor minister Eddie Obeid.

Counsel assisting the inquiry, Ian Temby, QC, said Mr Dunn - a former director of water licensing - will be quizzed about his role in the granting of a valuable water allocation over the Obeids' Cherrydale Park property in the Bylong Valley.

He will also feature in part of the inquiry dealing with interests Mr Obeid's family held in commercial leases at Circular Quay, as the former chief executive of Maritime NSW.

Mr Temby said the inquiry would examine whether Mr Dunn and another former senior public servant, Mark Duffy, engaged in ''official misconduct'' by using their positions to benefit the Obeids.

Mr Dunn left the public service in October last year and started IC Independent Consulting, which was awarded the contract to review the Game Council by the O'Farrell government.

On Monday Mr Brown said the government vetoed the engagement of a consultant preferred by the Shooters and Fishers Party in favour of Mr Dunn. ''They're the ones that picked him,'' Mr Brown said. ''A bit embarrassing, hey?''

According to the company's website, IC Independent Consulting is ''prequalified'' under the state government's scheme for preferred tenderers.

It says its ''partners and associates'' have done or are bidding for work from agencies including Transport NSW, Roads and Maritime Services, Department of Primary Industries, Police Marine Area Command and the Marine Parks Authority.

An expert fly fisherman, Mr Dunn also offers lessons in the Snowy Mountains and was director-general of Fisheries while Mr Obeid was minister. Contacted on Monday, Mr Dunn declined to comment.

Mr Duffy, the other former senior public servant highlighted by Mr Temby, was director-general of the NSW Department of Water and Energy in 2008 when the Obeids were granted the generous water licence at Cherrydale Park. He became deputy director-general of the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy, but left early this year following a restructure.

Mr Duffy is regarded as close to former minister Michael Costa, who will also be called as a witness in the Circular Quay leases portion of the ICAC inquiry. He was best man at Mr Costa's wedding and previously worked alongside him at the NSW Labor Council.

In 1989 Mr Duffy was sacked as Labor Council industrial officer for leaking internal documents he co-wrote with Mr Costa to an executive at transport giant Linfox. He later worked as chief of staff to former NSW treasurer Michael Egan.

Mr Dunn and Mr Duffy featured regularly in Mr Obeid's diaries, tendered to a previous ICAC inquiry, as having frequent meetings with the former Labor powerbroker between 2007 and 2009.