Proof? ... Peter Foster reading Fijian newspaper The Sunday Times.

Proof? ... Peter Foster reading Fijian newspaper The Sunday Times.

Fugitive conman Peter Foster has provided a photograph he says proves he has fled Australian justice to Fiji.

The photograph shows Foster, who last week did not attend a Brisbane court where he was sentenced to 18 months jail over his involvement in weight loss scam Sensaslim, reading what appears to be Sunday’s edition of Fijian newspaper The Sunday Times.

‘‘Hope this photo is our [sic] some use to you,’’ Foster said in an email to Fairfax Media. ‘‘It is me reading the Fiji Sunday Times yesterday drinking kava.’’

In an interview with News Limited papers published on Sunday, Foster said he arrived in Fiji on Saturday after travelling on a fake passport.

Fiji’s Department of Immigration said it had no record of Foster entering the country.

‘‘Foster is wanted in Fiji for charges relating to obtaining a work permit using false documentation in 2006,’’ the department said in an emailed statement. ‘‘If he is in the country, he will be apprehended and these charges will be reactivated. If found guilty, Peter Foster faces [a] potential jail sentence.’’

While Australia and Fiji have an extradition treaty, Foster has reportedly said he will ask Fiji’s Prime Minister, Frank Bainimarama, for asylum.

Commodore Bainimarama seized power in a 2006 military coup but has promised to hold elections next year.

Foster promised to send ‘‘some background on my long term support for Commander [Bainimarama] in Fiji, and why I say he is good for Fiji and why it was the coup Fiji needed to have’’.

The Foster family have a long history in Fiji, where his mother Louise runs a foundation that according to its website ‘‘has built housing, paid for the education of underprivileged children, and for further education by way of a scholarship programmes to Universities and the Fiji School of Medicine’’.

As part of Foster’s involvement in Fiji politics he funded the 2001 election campaign of the New Labour Party. In 2006, wearing only his underpants, he was arrested in Fiji on immigration fraud charges. He escaped to Vanuatu, where he was convicted of immigration offences and sentenced to two months jail, but allowed out after a few days.

On his website,, Foster claims Commodore Bainimarama staged the coup ‘‘seeking to rid the country of corruption’’. 

‘‘We believe that Commodore Frank Bainimarama is Fiji’s last hope,’’ the website states.

Foster was due to attend the Federal Court in Brisbane on Thursday for sentencing on contempt of court charges.

Late last month, Justice John Logan found Foster’s involvement with Sensaslim broke court orders made in 2005 banning him from involvement in the weight loss industry for five years.