
'I'm angry I was adopted'

I regret my adoption and wish I'd had the chance to grow up with my mother and my big brother. But I can't regret knowing my adoptive parents.



Poor sleep a danger to pregnancy

Michelle Duff One-third of women get six hours' sleep or less in late pregnancy - and researchers say it can affect the health and wellbeing of mothers and babies.


Do modern dads cut the cord?

Libby Hakim With the increasing role many dads play in the care of babies and children, has the symbolic act of cutting the umbilical cord become redundant? Or are fathers still keen to carry on the tradition?

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Free-birthing on the rise

labour home

Jo Hartley It’s a controversial practice that has been branded both dangerous and irresponsible, but there's a growing trend among Australian women who are choosing to birth at home, free from any medical intervention or assistance.

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Midwife on the run

How different cultures celebrate birth

Birth failure is more than a mindset

The push present trend


Sonny the 'hero baby' defies cancer odds

KIM STEPHENS Dubbed a "hero baby" by doctors for repeatedly fighting for life in the most trying circumstances, 10-day-old cancer sufferer Sonny Davis is still defying the odds.


The Easywalker MINI stroller

Babyology I often wonder why car companies don't manufacture prams and strollers. Just imagine switching on the indicator, shifting gears and flooring the pedal to overtake those slow walkers or to make a hasty exit from a glassware shop.

Everything you need to know about Prince George's christening

Macro Organic baby food pouches recalled

Peaches and cream puree

Pineapple and mango puree

Bargain buys for baby


Smacking bad for language skills, study shows

Deborah Netburn New evidence shows that smacking can cause lowered vocabulary skills and increased levels of aggression in children.


Most embarrassing parenting moments


From getting caught with your pants down to having kids blurt out inappropriate things at the worst times, being a parent means your life is filled with opportunities for embarrassment.

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Understanding your child's temperament

A visit from the dummy fairy

'Revelation moment' for Madeleine McCann investigators

Man arrested after making Madeleine McCann boast

Being Dad

Dad-to-be's dying wish to meet his daughter

MICHELLE DUFF All Jared Noel wants is to hold his baby girl before he dies. Thanks to the kindness of strangers he has a chance.


Jurors wanted charges laid against JonBenet's parents

Newly released documents show that a grand jury on the case of JonBenet Ramsey's murder case believed her parents were involved.