The Wayback Machine -
How to install the Android SDK, ADB and Fastboot on your PC
How to Install ADB for Android in Windows
How to install the Android SDK and run ADB Shell
ANDROID ADB Commands (How-To Sideload Applications)
Install ADB Drivers for Any Android Device
Installing ADB on Windows 7
Tutorial 7 Programación Android en Español adb.exe y SQLite
How to remove pattern unlock with ADB and Debugging ON [No-ROOT]
Tutorial - How To Use ADB  - Includes Sideloading - Nexus 4
Marian Wielkopolski, Adb, Kritaczi - Nie zatrzymam się
Como instalar os drivers do ADB
Asian Development Bank - ADB


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How to install the Android SDK, ADB and Fastboot on your PC
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:39
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

How to install the Android SDK, ADB and Fastboot on your PC

This video will show you how to install the Android SDK on your PC. I try and keep everything simple for everyone! Any questions, please ask! Android sdk: ht...
  • published: 19 Dec 2011
  • views: 177568
  • author: qbking77 to install the Android SDK, ADB and Fastboot on your PC
How to Install ADB for Android in Windows
  • Order:
  • Duration: 13:05
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

How to Install ADB for Android in Windows

Do you have questions? Do you need help? Go to: And seek help in the forums! This video is intended to guide you through installi...
  • published: 07 Mar 2012
  • views: 82848
  • author: reverendkjr to Install ADB for Android in Windows
How to install the Android SDK and run ADB Shell
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:19
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013

How to install the Android SDK and run ADB Shell

Visit the site: Twitter feed:!/babblingboolean Google+ Page: In this video you'll le... to install the Android SDK and run ADB Shell
ANDROID ADB Commands (How-To Sideload Applications)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:21
  • Updated: 07 Aug 2013

ANDROID ADB Commands (How-To Sideload Applications)

This video will show you how to sideload any application to your ANDROID phone using the ADB tool. This tutorial uses a SAMSUNG CAPTIVATE as the tutorial dev... ADB Commands (How-To Sideload Applications)
Install ADB Drivers for Any Android Device
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:29
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

Install ADB Drivers for Any Android Device

ADB refers to Android Debugging Bridge. For development purposes you need to install ADB drivers so that your phone and PC and communicate with each other. I... ADB Drivers for Any Android Device
Installing ADB on Windows 7
  • Order:
  • Duration: 18:40
  • Updated: 31 Jul 2013

Installing ADB on Windows 7

Mi first video on this account. You can view more of mi videos on mi blas4me50 channel. I hope this video helps someone. Have a greater year than the one bef... ADB on Windows 7
Tutorial 7 Programación Android en Español adb.exe y SQLite
  • Order:
  • Duration: 13:53
  • Updated: 17 Jun 2013

Tutorial 7 Programación Android en Español adb.exe y SQLite

Nota: Desde la versión 2.2 a la versión 2.3 el archivo adb.exe ha sido movido desde el directorio .../android-sdk/tools al directorio .../android-sdk/platfor...
  • published: 04 Nov 2010
  • views: 38890
  • author: edu4java 7 Programación Android en Español adb.exe y SQLite
How to remove pattern unlock with ADB and Debugging ON [No-ROOT]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:12
  • Updated: 02 Aug 2013

How to remove pattern unlock with ADB and Debugging ON [No-ROOT]

This solution is provided by m.sabra @ XDA Should work on Android 2.1 and above. This solution won't work in recovery. *Debugging mode must be on 1. Plug in ... to remove pattern unlock with ADB and Debugging ON [No-ROOT]
Tutorial - How To Use ADB  - Includes Sideloading - Nexus 4
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:02
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

Tutorial - How To Use ADB - Includes Sideloading - Nexus 4

Check out my channel for the latest reviews and news on all the latest tech! Youtube Channel - Subscribe to see more awesome vide...
  • published: 26 Feb 2013
  • views: 4860
  • author: oode - How To Use ADB - Includes Sideloading - Nexus 4
Marian Wielkopolski, Adb, Kritaczi - Nie zatrzymam się
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:52
  • Updated: 25 Jul 2013

Marian Wielkopolski, Adb, Kritaczi - Nie zatrzymam się

Taken from the new album " The Great Adventures of Marian Wielkopolski" Wielkopolski, Adb, Kritaczi - Nie zatrzymam się
Como instalar os drivers do ADB
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:59
  • Updated: 03 Aug 2013

Como instalar os drivers do ADB

(Video disponivel em HD) Para mais informações e download do arquivo visite o post: Tabl... instalar os drivers do ADB
Asian Development Bank - ADB
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:19
  • Updated: 03 Apr 2013

Asian Development Bank - ADB

The Asian Development Bank - Fighting Poverty in Asia and the Pacific. Development Bank - ADB
Dekoder ADB-2840 z oprogramowaniem Carbo™
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:33
  • Updated: 18 Feb 2013

Dekoder ADB-2840 z oprogramowaniem Carbo™

Prezentacja oprogramowania Carbo™ - intuicyjne menu użytkownika w nowoczesnym dekoderze TV cyfrowej ADB-2840C.
  • published: 05 Mar 2012
  • views: 2033
  • author: Evio Polska ADB-2840 z oprogramowaniem Carbo™
Easily Set Up FASTBOOT and ADB on a MAC for Android Devices
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:52
  • Updated: 08 Aug 2013

Easily Set Up FASTBOOT and ADB on a MAC for Android Devices

If you want to use fastboot and adb commands on your Android phone using your MAC, this step-by-step tutorial is for you. Using the fastboot and adb for MAC ...
  • published: 21 Jul 2013
  • views: 242
  • author: sakitech Set Up FASTBOOT and ADB on a MAC for Android Devices

How to install the Android SDK, ADB and Fastboot on your PC

This video will show you how to install the Android SDK on your PC. I try and keep everything simple for everyone! Any questions, please ask! Android sdk: ht...
  • published: 19 Dec 2011
  • views: 177568
  • author: qbking77

How to in­stall the An­droid SDK, ADB and Fast­boot on your PC
This video will show you how to in­stall the An­droid SDK on your PC. I try and keep ev­ery­th...
pub­lished: 19 Dec 2011
au­thor: qbking77
How to In­stall ADB for An­droid in Win­dows
Do you have ques­tions? Do you need help? Go to: http://​www.​reverendkyle.​com And seek help ...
pub­lished: 07 Mar 2012
au­thor: rev­erend­kjr
How to in­stall the An­droid SDK and run ADB Shell
Visit the site: http://​www.​babblingboolean.​com/​ Twit­ter feed: http://​twitter.​com/#!/​babbli...​
pub­lished: 08 May 2012
AN­DROID ADB Com­mands (How-To Side­load Ap­pli­ca­tions)
This video will show you how to side­load any ap­pli­ca­tion to your AN­DROID phone using the A...
pub­lished: 29 Dec 2010
In­stall ADB Drivers for Any An­droid De­vice
ADB refers to An­droid De­bug­ging Bridge. For de­vel­op­ment pur­pos­es you need to in­stall ADB d...
pub­lished: 05 Feb 2013
au­thor: Ujjw­al Kumar
In­stalling ADB on Win­dows 7
Mi first video on this ac­count. You can view more of mi videos on mi blas4me50 chan­nel. I ...
pub­lished: 04 Jan 2013
au­thor: black­talon50
Tu­to­ri­al 7 Pro­gra­mación An­droid en Español adb.​exe y SQLite
Nota: Desde la versión 2.2 a la versión 2.3 el archi­vo adb.​exe ha sido movi­do desde el dir...
pub­lished: 04 Nov 2010
au­thor: edu4­ja­va
How to re­move pat­tern un­lock with ADB and De­bug­ging ON [No-ROOT]
This so­lu­tion is pro­vid­ed by m.​sabra @ XDA Should work on An­droid 2.1 and above. This solu...
pub­lished: 18 Aug 2012
Tu­to­ri­al - How To Use ADB - In­cludes Side­load­ing - Nexus 4
Check out my chan­nel for the lat­est re­views and news on all the lat­est tech! Youtube Chann...
pub­lished: 26 Feb 2013
au­thor: oode
Mar­i­an Wielkopol­s­ki, Adb, Kri­taczi - Nie za­trzy­mam się
Taken from the new album " The Great Ad­ven­tures of Mar­i­an Wielkopol­s­ki"...
pub­lished: 10 Aug 2012
Como in­sta­lar os drivers do ADB
(Video disponiv­el em HD) Para mais in­for­mações e down­load do ar­qui­vo vis­ite o post: http:/...
pub­lished: 27 May 2012
Asian De­vel­op­ment Bank - ADB
The Asian De­vel­op­ment Bank - Fight­ing Pover­ty in Asia and the Pa­cif­ic....
pub­lished: 09 Jun 2008
Dekoder ADB-2840 z opro­gramowaniem Carbo™
Prezen­tac­ja opro­gramowa­nia Carbo™ - in­tu­icyjne menu użytkown­i­ka w nowoczes­nym dekoderze TV...
pub­lished: 05 Mar 2012
au­thor: Evio Pol­s­ka
Eas­i­ly Set Up FAST­BOOT and ADB on a MAC for An­droid De­vices
If you want to use fast­boot and adb com­mands on your An­droid phone using your MAC, this st...
pub­lished: 21 Jul 2013
au­thor: sakitech
Youtube results:
How to In­stall ADB on Mac
This video will show you How to In­stall ADB on Mac. Here is link to files and step by step...
pub­lished: 18 Jan 2013
2 Urodziny Sauny Marszałka! AdB & Sokal
Pro­movideo im­prezy, która odbędzie się 17 maja 2013 roku w Saunie Marszałka przy ul.​Marymo...
pub­lished: 13 May 2013
How To In­stall ADB Drivers
Newest ADB Drivers: http://​api.​viglink.​com/​api/​click?​form...​ How To Root Kin­dle Fire 2/HD:...
pub­lished: 07 Apr 2013
In­stalling An­droid/ADB/fast­boot Drivers on Win­dows 8 (Dis­able Driv­er Ver­i­fi­ca­tion)
If your man­u­fac­tur­er hasn't re­leased drivers for your An­droid phone for Win­dows 8, you can...
pub­lished: 15 Jan 2013
au­thor: Jere­my Phan
photo: Public Domain / Rob39
Alyssa Milano MLB
Edit The Inquisitr
26 Oct 2013
After news broke Friday that the long-running show about three magical sisters would be returning as a CBS pilot, longtime star Alyssa Milano took to Twitter, expressing a lack of enthusiasm in the project. Milano, who played Phoebe Halliwell in the series, said it seemed to early for a Charmed reboot. “The thing about them doing a #charmed reboot is… it just… it feels like yesterday ... It feels too close ... ....(size: 2.5Kb)
photo: USAF / Staff Sgt. Joseph Swafford
File - U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class John Haidu, United States Army Marksmanship Unit member from Phenix City, Ala., listens as ANA student-instructors explain why their target grouping is off and how to correct it during the Basic Rifle Marksmanship Instructor Course at Kabul Military Training Center, Afghanistan, Nov. 06, 2010.
Edit BBC News
26 Oct 2013
An Afghan soldier has been killed at a military base in the capital Kabul, after shooting at international troops. The incident, which injured at least one foreign soldier, began after an argument, Nato officials said. It is the fourth such attack in a month. Last year, attacks by Afghan servicemen on their Nato colleagues accounted for around 15% of all international troop casualties ... ....(size: 1.8Kb)

Edit The Hindu
26 Oct 2013
India had sought assistance from multilateral agencies like the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for undertaking rehabilitation work in Uttarakhand. ADB too is expected to finalise its assistance package soon ... Earlier, a joint World Bank and ADB team conducted a Rapid Damage and Needs Assessment (JRDNA) at the ......(size: 1.6Kb)
Edit Journal Online
26 Oct 2013
ATCD chief Senior Supt ... Uyami Jr., Sintin said four ATCD teams served four search warrants in separate areas at Burgundy Empire Tower ADB in Pasig City, IBM Building in Eastwood, Quezon City, and Eastwood Park Residences in Libis, Bagumbayan, QC, Thursday ... Alfred Dalizon. Metro. ....(size: 1.4Kb)
Edit noodls
26 Oct 2013
(Source. World Bank Group). About 2,500 permanent disaster resilient houses to be built and about 3,600 km of roads to be reconstructed ... A Joint World Bank and Asian Development Bank (ADB) team conducted a Rapid Damage and Needs Assessment (JRDNA) at the request of the government of India to rebuild the state's infrastructure and assets lost in the June disaster ... This project will focus on both reconstruction and disaster preparedness....(size: 5.8Kb)
Edit Malaya
25 Oct 2013
In its semi-annual report titled Asian Economic Integration Monitor released yesterday, ADB said that while the Asean has come a long way towards meeting its own targets for the establishment of an AEC, it is likely to fall short by the December 31, 2015 deadline ... ADB said that overall, the AEC Scorecard shows that since 2008 Asean has made slow but steady progress in reaching AEC targets....(size: 3.1Kb)
Edit Dawn
25 Oct 2013
The programme, supported by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) as the secretariat, promotes regional connectivity in trade, transport, and energy to boost economic growth in the region. In a statement issued at the conclusion of the two-day event, ministers echoed ADB President Takehiko Nakao opinion and called for a more integrated approach to transport and trade....(size: 3.4Kb)
Edit Dawn
25 Oct 2013
The ‘Asian Economic Integration Monitor’, a semi-annual ADB report published on Thursday, notes that Asia has seen mixed progress in regional cooperation and integration recently against the backdrop of a shifting economic and financial landscape ... The ADB report says that services has become an important aspect of trade integration in Asia, and it ......(size: 4.0Kb)
Edit All Africa
25 Oct 2013
[ECA]Douala -After two days of intense brainstorming in Douala from the 21st to 22nd October 2013, ......(size: 0.5Kb)
Edit Sun Star
25 Oct 2013
THE Asian Development Bank reported about a results-based lending program it has piloted in Sri Lanka. As reported in its website, “A $200 million loan to revamp Sri Lanka's secondary school system marks the first results-based lending program approved by ADB ... The program, which was approved in June 2013, will help the Government of Sri Lanka to strengthen its education sector to meet the growing needs of its economy.” ... ....(size: 2.6Kb)
Edit noodls
25 Oct 2013
(Source. Cokal Limited). T +61 7 3001 4100. E Level 34, Riverside Centre, 123 Eagle Street, Brisbane QLD 4000. PO Box 7122, Brisbane QLD 4001. ABN 55 082 541 437 (ASX. CKA). ASX ANNOUNCEMENT. 25 October 2013 ... IN CENTRAL KALIMANTAN, INDONESIA. HIGHLIGHTS ... Figure 1 ... 25 October 2013 Page 1 of 3 ... Table 1 ... J ... In-situ Average Coking Coal Quality, 'J' Seam (% adb) ... 9 ... In-situ Average PCI Quality, 'B, C and D' Seams (%adb)....(size: 7.9Kb)
Edit Bloomberg
25 Oct 2013
Apple Inc. (AAPL), Google Inc. (GOOG) and two other Silicon Valley companies must face a group lawsuit representing more than 64,000 technical employees claiming their incomes were held down by the companies’ agreements not to recruit one another’s workers. U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh in San Jose, California, yesterday granted class-action certification ... Justice Department in 2010. Intel Corp ... (ADBE) are the other remaining defendants....(size: 2.8Kb)
Edit The Times of India
25 Oct 2013
NEW DELHI ... The executive director of UNICEF, Anthony Lake also participated, along with representatives of regional organizations, the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation ( SAARC), the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) and the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). ....(size: 3.8Kb)
Edit The Siasat Daily
25 Oct 2013
Beijing, October 25. ... China and India have inked Memorandums of Understanding to establish sister-city ties between Beijing-Delhi, Bengaluru-Chengdu and Kolkata-Kunming during the visit of Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh here this week ... A recent Asian Development Bank (ADB) report proposed enhancing connectivity between South Asia and Southeast Asia, especially between Myanmar and northeast India to connect the two regions....(size: 5.7Kb)
Edit noodls
25 Oct 2013
(Source. BMW - Bayerische Motoren Werke AG). A new dimension for The Ultimate Driving MachineTM. Woodcliff Lake, N.J. - October 24, 2013 - 6.00pm EDT/3.00pm PDT . .BMW today announced the introduction of an entirely new model series with the introduction of the all-new BMW 2 Series Coupe ... Trunk capacity increases by 0.7 cu.ft ... BMW M235i Coupe ... torque ... In DSC Off mode, the Active Differential Brake (ADB- Sport) on the rear axle is activated....(size: 46.8Kb)

ADB is a three-letter acronym that may refer to the intergovernmental organizations:

  • The African Development Bank (also AfDB), a non-profit financial institution whose aim is to help developing African countries
  • The Asian Development Bank, a non-profit financial institution whose aim is to help developing Asian countries

ADB may also refer to:


In banking[link]

In computing and technology[link]

In gaming[link]

In literature and publications[link]

In other uses[link]

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Too much, it's too much, too much
Got too much water under the bridge
Got too much, too much, got too much
Got too much water under the bridge
I got to think of something, think of something
I got to think of something
We got to hang together, we got to hang together
We got to hang together, or hang separately
Maybe we got time to burn
I got a yen to hear myself talk
But I don't want to make that kind of history
Put your hand on the rock
And maybe you've got nothing left to learn
You put me in a state of shock
But do you want to make that kind of history
Put your hand on the rock
And let it all run out
You know why we got to hang together
Number one ain't always number one
Instant karma's always coming back
And I don't want to make that kind of history
Put your hand on the rock
Tell ya mamma nature's on the run
Bad karma's running in the back
But do we want to make that kind of history
Put your hand on the rock
And let it all run out
You know why we got to get together
We got no more time to burn
We got to crawl before we can walk
So if you wanna make a new kind of history
Put your hand on the rock
And I got a few things I'd like to learn
I get tired of hearing myself squawk
And I wanna make a new kind of history
Put your hand on the rock
And let it all run out

I went down to the river
To see what I could find
I cried out, "this world is not for me
They don't appreciate my kind."
And the river called my name out,
"i'm afraid you must be wrong.
It's much too shallow here for suicide.
You had better move along."
And ...
Selfish love will just bring you pain
But selfless love is never in vain
Selfish love will just bring you pain
But selfless love is never in vain
It's never in vain
So I climbed up to the mountain
And I saw my purpose clear
I was just about to take the leap
When a voice rang in my ear
"i am just a little mole hill.
You made a mountain out of me.
No man is as blind as he
Who will refuse to see."
Because ...
I was standing in the city
In the dirty grey of dawn
And I looked up at the sky and cried,
"how can you let this go on? "
And a voice said, "i know things are tough,
But I'm doing all I can.
Just don't tell me how to do my job,
You just wouldn't understand."

Got a special interest, you're my special interest
Got a special interest, got a special interest in you
I hear you've got some pending legislation
Regarding your romantic situation
And I just want to make my position quite clear
You've got a constituent here
And you'll find before you take one more step
My hobby is to lobby on your doorstep
And that big sack of mail and the telegrams too
I'll give you one guess just who sent them to you
I've been invested with a sacred mission
To make sure that you make the right decision
Though you may wonder now, in the long run you'll see
A valuable ally in me
And if by some misguided sense of duty
You go with someone else instead of choose me
When they've all let you down, and you're looking for help
You'll find that I've swung my support somewhere else
No one has to know, when pressures are brought to bear
You can pretend that it was all your idea
And you did it of your own free will

Well I could be wrong
But I swear that I knew you
In another life
And I could be dreaming but I swear
That I knew you in another life
Something happened just the other night;
I had a vision in the middle of a daydream
In a place I'd never been before
I couldn't tell if I was still awake or sleeping
I saw so many things I barely recognized
I thought that I was lost but then I saw you
I could be wrong, but I swear
That I knew you in another life
And I could be dreaming, but I swear
That I knew you in another life
Certain things affect me certain ways
And this isn't just the first time
That it's crossed my mind
Something happens and the crystal clears
And you begin to recognize all of the little signs
I wish that I could place every little gesture

Everyday it's the same old situation
I face the same old line of empty faces
Sit at my desk while the clock counts up my wages
Pick up my pay every friday and take off like a
Shot in the dark
I took off like a shot in the dark
I split the scene like a shot in the dark
Ain't got no target, don't aim for no mark
'cause I'm off like a shot in the dark
It was only a game when we first started
The novelty wore away and the fun departed
I can't live up anymore to those things I spouted
And if you say you feel the same way
I'll be off like a
Shot in the dark
There's no changes going down
There's no lesson to be found
Makes no sense to hang around
If that's all there is to that
(that's what she said)
Someone just tossed a bomb through
Kitchen window
And in the middle of a shoo-fly pie
Mama took off like a
Bat out of hell

(An Electrified Fairy Tale)
This is an electrified fairy tale. If you've never heard of an electrified
fairy tale, just picture little fairies with wee tiny electric guitars.
Once upon a time [not long ago] in a land not far from here, there was a place
called Harmony. Everyone in Harmony was happy and this "joie devivre" was
guarded by their invisible patron, the muse Singring. But jealous forces, and
there are always jealous forces in such tales, have conspired to capture the
spirit, imprisoning it in [an instrument of glass, locking it in] a chest with
four keys, and casting the keys to the four corners of the earth so that only
four particularly brave and talented individuals might retrieve them. It is
here that our story begins.
There's a rumor I heard that's going 'round town
Someone's captured Singring, Singring
Come hear the news, come hurry on down
Down to the old town square
The announcer wipes at his eyes, he's trying to hide
See it in his face, tell by his expression
The secret knowledge that claws to escape as he cried
Day of infamy, someone's captured Singring
Day of tragedy, someone's captured Singring
Now what shall we do, what shall we do now?
And if you take a look around, Harmony is dying
Someone trapped the spirit in a glass guitar
And if you listen with your heart, you can hear it crying
Free me from my crystal prison in this glass guitar
There's a rumor I heard that's going around
Someone's saving Singring, Singring
Come hear the summons, hurry on down
Down to the village green
And the spokesman speaks for us all, together we call
Brave adventurers, warriors, and free men
Conquer self and so in the end save us all
Conquer earth and wind, conquer fire and water
Brave adventurers, come and save us all
And if you fail to win the keys, Harmony is dying
Trapped away forever in a glass guitar
And if you listen with your heart, you can hear it crying
Free me from my crystal prison in this glass guitar
Having gathered on the green, the brave adventurers of the land march off in
search of the keys. Their quest leads them first to the river's edge.
Lead me to the water
Pass me my flagon of wine
I said show me to the water
Quick before I change my mind
I go down to the river and bravely the rapids I row
Over the falls to the bottomless pool

When you cry
I know you've got a good reason to cry
If you can't come
I know it's not just an alibi
Now I hear things that are better kept under the hat
Who backs it up?
Look at your hand, you can count on that
When you talk, it's hard to disagree
And when you dance, you're talking to me
When you stand, you stand for something
Stand for something
They can't dim your flame
When you stand, you stand for something
Stand for something
They can't bend your stream
Here I stand
Outside the world of politica
I would not lose that
For all the gold in south africa
What you wear did not come easy
What you hear sounds different to me
When you stand, you're standing next to me
You put your foot down every day
Make sure you bring it down on the up beat
So walk away those feet of clay

If you don't feel like dancing tonight, well that's all right
And if you don't feel like holding me tight, well that's all right
'cause I know that you love me
And you'll show that you love me in your own sweet time
But if you feel like hurtin' me baby, that's not right
If you don't want to go anywhere, well I don't mind
If you wanna stay home and play with your hair,
I still don't mind
'cause I know that you need me
And you'll know how to please me in your own sweet time
But if you want to leave me, well baby then I mind
I know that I've been guilty of lying
I know I had a whole lot of nerve
But the way that you treat me since I begged your pardon
Is something that I don't deserve
And if you don't want to give me a date, well that's all right
'cause I don't care how long I've got to wait, I've got all night
'cause I know that you want to
But you know that you're goin' to make me lose my mind

You're always finding out
About the things that people never talk about
I didn't ask to know
But now I'm compensating as I go
I know the script I'm in
I'm only thoughts of heaven trapped in flesh and skin
And from the world of men
I try to tighten up the code again
And the code is a play
A play is a song
A song is a film
A film is a dance
Boot me up on the Zen Machine
Log me onto the Zen Machine
Load me down
Everybody get ready
Hook me into the Zen Machine
Sharing time on the Zen Machine
Load me up
Everybody get ready
Sometimes it's clear to me
Then for a moment I'm in timeless ecstasy
There are no reasons why
And everyone's a passer-by
But when they've gone to bed
A fire's burning on the screen and in my head
And on a windy day
You can smell it from a mile away
And the smell is a note
A note is a taste
A taste is a hue

I never was bothered by bad dreams
They never made me afraid
But then I never did dream I'd wake up
And find me in the freak parade
I guess, I had to find out the hard way
I shouldn't have been so proud
'Cause here I'm the main attraction
Of every giggle in the crowd
So I gotta take my place in the freak parade
See my face in the freak parade
Get of the sidewalk!
In a world full of freaks
You can creep, you can crawl
But the world's biggest freak
Is the one with no balls
You know you shouldn't poke fun at strangers
Or pity their case at all
'Cause there are lots of friends and lovers
That take it kind of personal
You might appreciate our position
Don't laugh at our freaky ways
You might find yourself tomorrow
Marching in the freak parade
You better
Take your place in the freak parade
See your face in the freak parade
Get of the sidewalk!
In a world full of freaks
You can creep, you can crawl
But the world's biggest freak

When the sun just refuses to shine on through
And it's cats and doggies all over you
You need some protection so what do you do
See the umbrella man
Go and see the umbrella man
When it's raining - umbrella man, umbrella man
You can see him when it's sunny, when the rain comes down
You ought to find a corner where he's always found
A reflection in a puddle, just turn around
To see the umbrella man
Go and see the umbrella man
When it's raining - umbrella man, umbrella man
There are some things in life on which you can depend
Don't try to guess when it'll rain again
You don't have to worry 'cause you've got a friend
Come see the umbrella man
I will be your umbrella man
When it's raining - umbrella man
Go and see the umbrella man
Don't forget the umbrella man
When it's raining - umbrella man

Out in the street and
Under the sun.
I kissed his feet and loaded his gun.
Sooner or later everyone does!
Everybody feeds the fat boy. everybody feeds the fat boy.
They just don't get it!
Vampires! they're vampires!
It's all about...suckin on something...
Some suck scum, some suck tits, some just suck up!
They all suck something.
Except ted williams...he never sucks.
I'll be buried with my ted williams cards!
He had 406 in 1941...put a side out the last game with a 3995...
They go in the books as 400, but he played and he went 445.
Ted williams...he was a saint! ...vampires!
Yeah, they all think I suck...
But they really wish their stuff sold like mine!
Next I'll do "nude decending a staircase!


Let me ask you a question
Will you lend me your ear?
Do you know the meaning of emptiness?
If not I'll make it clear
Alone, alone
Nobody knows how lonely it can be
And I'm so tired of being alone
Let me tell you a story
One you've probably heard
One about the man who was lost
And I can tell you in one word
Alone, alone
Nobody knows how lonely it can be
And he was tired of being alone
Alone, alone
Nobody knows how lonely it can be
And I'm so tired of being alone
There's an end to the fable
Where does all of this lead?
That for everyone who needs someone
There is someone there to need
Alone, alone
Someone is still alone
Alone, alone

I don't know the reason why I seem to need a release
I can't stand to beg for favors like a child on his knees
But I won't go on a minute 'til I get me some peace
On the road to Armageddon
I done things I'd be ashamed to see in black and white
There are times I miss distinctions over wrong and right
But I'm gonna get an answer when I get there tonight
On the road to Armageddon
It's the wrong world
I must be on the wrong planet
I been checkin' it out
And I know what it's all about
Mr. and Mrs. Universe
In their cabin in the sky
She's a little bit of heaven
He's one hell of a guy
And like all suburban couples they may have a spat
But that is that
It's back to normal
And it's your night to feed the cat
Let us raise a glass
And we'll drink a toast
And the devil will dance
With the Holy Ghost
And the good and the wicked
The strong and frail
They will all join hands
At the end of the world


Line up!
Step right this way to see the last dollar on earth
Sign up!
The bus leaves today to see the last dollar on earth
Behold the wonder of the modern age
Displayed resplendent in it's gilded cage
There's not another in the world today,
And you just can't take it with you
All night!
There's a special tonight about the last dollar on earth
That's right!
And all the pundits were right about the last dollar on earth
It's always occupied a special space
We keep a guard around it just in case
Many have died to have it's fleeting grace,
But you just can't take it with you
Get set!
Only one pint of blood
To see the last dollar on earth
No sweat!
Only one ounce of flesh to touch the last dollar on earth
When we lose exposure in it's permanent enclosure
Then you can be sure that we'll take it on tour
So when it comes to call at your local shopping mall
Though the crowds may be large,

Why, why was I born to know what I must know
I can see the sky, but I can't see the ground below
Where do I go
Falling in a trap where traitors wait
Lost love is the bait
But the martyr never knows
He is caught in a dream of his own
When it's over where does he go
Who really knows
Time stands between me and my home
So long ago
I can't stand to wait
But I can't force my body to go
Where do I go
Crying, he is blind to everyone
And that's how it's done
And the martyr never knows
Who really knows
I know in my heart
I could change the world
With just this guitar

Smiles, all smiles
Like the sweet light of the sunrise
I'm in love with something in your smile
All smiles, waiting for the love you give me
When you do I just can't help but smile
You never have to shed a tear
Just remember that I'll always care
And when I am old, I'll see you smiling there
When I'm sad you're the only one who cheers me

...ignition...the message...faster, faster...
Transmission...engine...he's outa control, look at
The screen there, I can't control the trajectory of
The ship...
Mad men, metal machines
Circa 1995, he did the show, no one's alive
By fall of 1999, [...], look at it shine
Mad men in metal machines
Well look out for the ones with the energy beams
All the joys of working overtime
[...trying to... all of your lives]
Slipping into girls and boys
[and ... each other...]
[new gun ... moving faster...]
Better make your move before it's too late
Put away your wheelchair and cane, that you don't need
Recall that you've been changed
Relax, relax don't bend your mind
[... things will be fine]
Mad men in metal machines
Well look out for the ones with the energy beams
Look at all those men
Watching everybody on the video screen

Alright, no place to hide
And no where to run
And nothing you can do
Because a change must come
You can't stop it
You can't stop it
I said, you can't stop it
You can't stop it
You got your tail in the air
Your head in the ground
Money, money, money
Makes your world go 'round
You can't stop it
You can't stop it
No, you can't stop it
You can't stop it
I said, you can't stop
You can't stop, you can't stop
You can't stop, you can't stop
You can't stop love in action, love in action
Can't stop love in action
Can't stop love in action
Can't stop love in action
You just joined the clan
Your head's full of sand
You need a bunch of friends
To make you feel like a man
But you can't stop it
You can't stop it
No, you can't stop this
You can't stop it
Yeah, you could be the last trace
Of the master race
The Nazis really send you to another place
Still you can't stop it
You can't stop it
No, you can't stop it
You can't stop it
I said, you can't stop
You can't stop, you can't stop
You can't stop, you can't stop
You can't stop love in action, love in action
You can't stop love in action
Can't stop love in action
Can't stop love in action
You can't stop, you can't stop
You can't stop, you can't stop
You can't stop, you can't stop, you can't stop
Can't stop love in action, love in action
You can't stop love in action
Can't stop love in action
You can't stop love in action
Can't stop love in action
You can't stop love in action
Can't stop love in action

It's like a normal times square day on 42nd street
I feel like trashing some windows and crunching some feet
I watch society crumble and I just laugh (hee hee)
They soon will see what it's like to be the other half
But I'm trying
Said I'm trying to forget
And it ain't happened yet
I musta woke up this morning with a bug up my ass
I think I'll just haul off and belt the next jerk that I pass
My old man says I'm just a stoned little punk
But he keeps himself a pistol and he's always drunk
I know
Something's gonna give
Pretty soon
I know it
Something's gonna give
I wanna live
I wanna mess thing whole world around
Go on and poison all the water, use up all the air
Blow your stupid heads off, see if I could care
Put me down but don't blame me for what you did
'cause inside everyone is a heavy metal kid
I was a sweet little kid once
Now I'm a full grown crank
And when I die I'll probably come back as a sherman tank
I know that I could make this world so peaceful and calm

Hey, hey cowboy, hey cowboy
Ain't I seen you hanging around the nashville?
Didn't you used to be a packy back in the west end?
Is that right, is that right?
Well I see you been through so many changes
Heavy changes
I can't say I'm hip to where you're coming from
I can't say I hip to where you're going
Well I see something's growing in the back of your mind
I give you the willies
You don't like my kind
But I can sing like a jingle
Sting as bad as any
Hey, that you? is that still you?
You're looking mighty new wave
I hardly recognize you with that shish kabob through your face
But that's all right, yeah, that's all right
I guess you're trying to make a statement
You been out on the street
Looking for somebody to carve on
Well you can ramble,
Just don't go carving on me
'cause I don't mind the fashion
I've lived with your mind
I dig on the passions
The rest is just crap
I can sing like a jingle
And sting as bad as any
Hey, don't I know you?
Ain't I seen you before?
Yeah, you're the one doing a pyramid party
Down in marina del ray
With their spoon and friends
Still going through them changes
You got your pants full of money
And your nose in the air
You're a record producer
I don't really care
'cause I can sing like a jingle

Lysistrata, open up the bedroom door
What is the matter, ain't you in love with me no more?
I enlisted in the army today
One more time before I march away
Make me feel like a big strong man
You say you don't care about my pride
You love me too much just to let me die
And you won't let me come inside
Unless I don't go to war no more
Lysistrata, little boys like to have their fun
And you know I gotta put on my colors and get my gun
Every able bodied man that I know
Every patriot is packed to go
Won't you give me a last goodbye
I'll be sent off to a distant land
to spill my blood upon some foreign sand
And I may die by an enemy's hand
And then I won't go to war no more, war no more and no
Then I won't go to war no more
Send the boys all back to the farm
Tell the troops it was a false alarm
'Cause if I die I wanna be in your arms
And so I won't go to war, no, I won't go to war

Money money money, money
Some people really need it (Oh, well)
Some people got to have it (in vain)
Listen here y'all, do things, do things, do bad things with it
So you will do things, do things, do good things with it
Talk about cash money, no help at all
For the love of money
People will steal from their mother
For the love of money
People will rob their own brother
For the love of money
People can't even walk the street
Because they never know who in the world they gotta beat
For that lean, mean, mean green
For the love of money
People will lie, Lord, they will cheat
For the love of money
People don't care who they hurt or beat
For the love of money
A woman will sell her precious body
For a small piece of paper it carries a lot of weight
Call it lean, mean, mean green
Almighty dollar
I know money is the root of all evil
Do funny things to some people
Give me a nickel, brother can you spare a dime
Money can drive some people out of their minds
Got to have it, I really need it
How many things have I heard you say
Some people really need it
How many things have I heard you say
Got to have it, I really need it
How many things have I heard you say
Lay down, lay down, a woman will lay down
For the love of money
All for the love of money
Don't let, don't let, don't let money rule you
For the love of money
Money can change people sometimes
Don't let, don't let, don't let money fool you
Money can fool people sometimes

Run run run run. run run as fast as you can
You can't catch me...i'm the gingerbread man!
Once upon a time I played electric guitar,
And they said I was a rockin-roll star.
Now nobody calls me on the telephone
So I sit and watch tv all alone.
Maybe if I put a bullet in my brain,
They'll remember me like kurt cobain.
And the parasites on mtv,
Would wipe their eyes and act like they knew me!
But I wouldn't be a hero I'd be dead!
Just a corpse beside a note that read:
If you'd like to pretend that you'll never get old,
You got what it takes to rock and roll!
Jagger...he was okay,
None of this..."lizzy borden hairdresser crap!
I just need a couple of really good players!
I can have a band again! back on the road.
Play real music...not this computer crap real music! we go big!
Whatever happened to music? now it's all about marketing and
Media coverage! God damn mtv! every thing was okay before mtv!
And gun control? like gun control's gonna stop it?
A supermarket freak can stop just about anything...who's ouzi?
Nuthin's right anymore...not even tv!
Davey crockett said it all: if you're sure you're right then,

Can't you see
She don't want you around no more
Can't you see
That her hands pointing at the door
Feet don't fail me now
How could anyone stay
Anyone could see it's time to go away
Time to take a powder
Open up your eyes
But it feels like my legs have been paralyzed
Feet don't fail me now
Begging please don't make a fool of me
Feet don't fail me now
Please don't keep me where I should not be
Feet don't fail me now
Stop pretending that you've gone to sleep
Feet don't fail me now
Begging please don't make a fool of me
See your things piled in the hall
Turn around, there's a new picture on the wall
Feet don't fail me now
We're the last ones to know
Anyone could see it's time for us to go
Time to hit the highway
Nothing left to do
But it feels like my shoes

She's a definite thinker
It don't take a genius to see
There's something ticking behind those eyes
What does she think of me
She has the answer when I don't know what to ask
And always lets me know so innocently
But when she gets that certain look on her face
I wonder what will be left when she's finished with me
God help me, I'm in love with a thinker
Save me, lips of a singer
Help me, feet of a dancer
Save me, I'm in love with a thinker
Yes, she's a definite thinker
Sometimes she tries to hide it from me
But when she starts talking over my head
It makes me dizzy
I'm just a cipher in the master plan
That's what I get for working out of my league
And though she says that I have nothing to fear
I wonder what will be left when she's finished with me
I know I'm just a fool to her
But will she turn me into a memory
I have to make up the difference somehow
Though she insists we have equality
But every time she gets that look on her face

You took that last corner too fast
Careened up against the side wall
For a moment everything went black
Woke up inside somebody else's hideaway in a distant place
Don't know your name or know this face
And what you don't know hurts you so
It can only be that way
Feel yourself becoming someone else
We may yet see that light at the end of the tunnel
If we can find a way to keep things under control
The web of life connects each of us to the other
So it's no use pretending that you alone run the show
Just like a moth too close to the fire explodes
Though the myth is exposed
You're still looking for windows in the sky
Supernatural paradise is the place you are looking for
All you need is a miracle divine
All that's left is you alone
Loneliness is all you own

I gave the girls the eye
I've given lust a try
I'm just an average guy
From the neck on down
I used to have my fun
When all was said and done
I only wanted someone
From the neck on down
Maybe it's one too many mornings after
Maybe I'm sick of my own nervous laughter
Now I'm looking for heaven
From the neck on up
For a perfect eleven
From the neck on up
I was a typical man
I had a master plan
I thought that heaven began
From the waist on down
And I had always said
That I could use my head
But I was thinking instead
From the waist on down
Maybe it's one too many frozen shoulders or
Maybe I haven't noticed getting older
Trapped in a dream
Something has to change in this endless stream
Of ships that pass in the night
Is this what I want out of life?
I want to know what this game is about
I want someone to try and figure me out
I can't determine why
But I'm a different guy
Your modus operandi
Turned me inside out
It's not that I don't care
About your fine hardware
But you've got something else there
I can't figure out
Maybe I just can't finish what I've started or
Maybe it's simply that I've been outsmarted
Now I've found my heaven
From the neck on up
You're a perfect eleven

Well, I wanna shake that thing wit'cha all night long
Yeah, you're a princess baby, you can do no wrong
Said you're a beacon of light when the sun is gone
Yeah, you're a princess baby, you can name that song
Well, they just couldn't touch you with a ten foot pole
And they just couldn't catch you, 'cause you're on a roll
You got so much juice, you make the telephone ring
You make me jump right up, I wanna shake that thing
Wit'cha all night long
You're the princess of the universe
You're a princess baby, you can do no wrong
You're the princess of the universe
Well, I ain't seen nothing like it since the Sha got the rope
You got a legion of liggers that would shame the Pope
You just say the word and they run like hell
You gotta take a cold shower, so your head don't swell
But you can do no wrong
You're the princess of the universe
You're a beacon of light when the sun is gone
You're the princess of the universe
Well, you ain't got a man who can touch what you got
But you're looking for a subject that can fill that slot
When the count is down, I want to step in time

Take a look
At the things that you can't see
All the mystic treasury
And you'll get them for free
Infrared and ultraviolet
Check it out
Like a secret waterfall
Like a rainbow on the wall
Costs you nothing at all
Infrared and ultraviolet
There is nothing to buy
Why not give it a try
While you're waiting for your ship to come in
Pass it on
Let the ancient song survive
Make it fun to be alive
Throw it in overdrive
Infrared and ultraviolet
For it's something in your mind
That will let you see behind
Cross the border and find
Infrared and ultraviolet
Infrared and ultraviolet

I got the dictionary in my hand
But I can't seem to find the word I'm looking for
I've checked every letter, now I'm up to Z
There just ain't anymore
I've got a million choices in my head
If I could only chose the one that says it best
I shelled out a quarter for a greeting card
Now I can't seem to get my pen to do the rest
But I know it all by heart, chapter and verse
I'll quote you any part, every word
But it's so deep inside it can't be heard
I've got the Sunday paper in my hand
And I've been working on the weekly cryptogram
I know there's a message in between the lines
That's the same way I am
I got the crossword puzzle half complete
But now I need another word four letters long
It's just like the way I want a perfect fit
I can settle for less but all of them are wrong
There could be no jealousy over my poetry
It's my weakest quality, no vocabulary
I got the scrabble letters in a pile
But there could never be enough to say it all
I know you don't wanna hear the same old line
So you'll just have the read the writing on the wall

I'm looking at you but I'm talking to myself
Looking straight at you but I'm talking to myself
Talking to myself
'cause I still can remember
Words that didn't sound so well planned
What is wrong with me?
You don't have to pretend to understand
Every moment, I am thinking to myself
It seems so different, I am thinking to myself
Thinking to myself
And I don't want to face it
Why is everything so past tense?
What is wrong with me?
This just don't seem to make any sense
And I'm looking at you but I'm talking to myself
Looking straight at you but I'm talking to myself
It wasn't over, I was hoping to myself
We've got forever, I was hoping to myself
Hoping to myself
And for a shred of a second
I thought we could still change our fate
What is wrong with me?
I can see it's already way too late
'cause you're looking at me but you're talking to
Looking straight at me but you're talking to yourself
And I'm looking at you but I'm talking to myself

There's a hammer in my heart
Pounding out your name
There's a hammer in my heart
Here it comes again
I hear a certain sound
And it just won't go away
It sends a message out
What's it gonna be today?
It wakes me up at dawn
And as the day goes on
I try to turn it off
But the beat goes on
It never lets me rest
I can't get a minute's peace
I lay awake in bed
Wondering will it ever cease
It's like a top ten song
I hear it all day long
I try to turn it off

I can't carry on
This play is too long
I must be going
Extend my regrets
I gave it my best
But now I'm going
This is too much for me to take
Something tells me that she's faking it
She says she don't care
She wants to be fair
She must be joking
It's simple she said
Let's not lose our head
Tell me she's joking
This is too much for me to take
But somebody isn't faking
Someone's heart is breaking
And if you see her give her my critique
She's a bad little actress
Gets no curtain call
But the worst of all
When the curtain falls
There's no one at the backstage door
I'm more than her friend
'Cause I knew her when
She was no sensation
She's wasting our time
Repeats all her lines
What's her motivation?
Now she won't share her stage with me
Her performance was outrageous
Put me through some changes
So if you see her give her my critique
She's a bad little actress
Her delivery don't come naturally
Anyone could see
She doesn't mean a word she says
Her mascara ran
And the show was panned
But I'm still her biggest fan
So when you see her give her my critique
She's a bad little actress
Gets no curtain call
But the worst of all
When the curtain falls

Ra, climbing the horizon
Rising up the mountain, lighting up the valley below
Ra, giver without measure
Beacon of compassion, shining through the spectrum of life
Day is born, night is gone
One in all, all is one
Communion with the sun
Ra, ruler of all nature
Burning on forever, melting all together in one
Ra, holy synthesizer
Inspiration showers green and growing gardens of love
Voices rise to the song
One in all, all is one
Communion with the sun, with the sun
Ra, Ra, Ra, Ra, Ra, Ra, Ra, Ra
Ra, climbing the horizon
Waves of light come rolling across the floor of the valley
Ra, Ra, Ra, Ra, Ra
Lift your eyes to the dawn
One in all, all is one
Communion with the sun

If the devil was a man
Then he'd probably try to stand between
God and me
He would claim to have translation
For the least communication between
God and me
He would scare my friends and neighbors
Into thinking he was saviour but he
Won't save me
He would use his imposition
To restore the Inquisition then he'd
Come for me
I never worry about him
He'll never get between
God and me
He would crush me in his vise
Singing hail to Jesus Christ but he
Won't crush me
With one hand he says brother
There's an H-bomb in the other but he
Can't fool me
He imposes awful taste
On the remnants of the race
But he just missed me
Then he mobilizes minions
To burn out diverse opinions
But he can't burn me
It's nobody's business what goes on
Inside my head
Because it's my head

Fahrenheit four fifty-one
Fahrenheit four fifty-one
Smoke is in the air now
It's been spreading just like wild-fire all over town
Everybody wants to get in on the latest thing
Going down to the bookstore - burn that mother down
Somebody has to do what's right
Fahrenheit four fifty-one
Burning black and white
Well I got some education
I go down to the library every night
And I'm looking for somebody with a dream like mine
We could share a few pages 'round the fire so bright
Now it's spreading 'cross the nation
And it's time to seize the moment, that's what they says
'cause it's all been well reported in the daily news,

Hey Mister Exxon
Won't you have pity?
Won't you have pity on the guiltless ones?
Hey Mister Chrysler
Won't you think about it?
Won't you think about it? Judgment Day has begun
What will become of tomorrow's children?
Who gives a damn for tomorrow's children?
Pay no mind, you just keep on takin'
Keep on takin' 'til there's nothin' at all
Sit on your hands and don't say nothin'
Cover your eyes, you won't see nothin'
Cry for the innocent sent to war
(Don't tell a soul)
Shed a tear for the one's waiting at the door
(They'll never know)
It's the last generation of a world gone blind
(You better watch your tongue)
It's the violation of the unborn child
It's the rape of the young
Hey Mister General
Can't you find somethin'?
Can't you find somethin' else to do for a buck?
Hey Mister President
Nobody listens
Nobody listens 'til we've run out of luck
Nobody cares for unborn troubles
Why should you care, it's too much trouble
You got yours so it just don't bug ya
It just don't bug ya 'cause you won't be around
Sit on your hands and don't say nothin'
Cover your eyes, you won't see nothin'
Cry for the innocent sent to war
(Don't tell a soul)
Shed a tear for the one's waiting at the door
(They'll never know)
It's the last generation of a world gone blind
(You better watch your tongue)
It's the violation of the unborn child
It's the rape of the young
Cry for the innocent sent to war
(Don't tell a soul)
Shed a tear for the one's waiting at the door
(They'll never know)
It's the last generation of a world gone blind
(You better watch your tongue)
It's a violation, a violation
A violation of the unborn child

Cry to me, those were your very words
You said, "Cry to me, cry to me"
There you stood, laughing at my tears
You said, "Silly boy, forget your childhood fears"
But you don't realize how strange it makes me feel
Now we're exchanging parts
Stop, you're breaking my heart
Who's the crybaby now?
Cry to me, cry to me, you're the crybaby now
Cry to me, cry
Who's the crybaby? Who's breaking my heart?
Lie to me, you know that I know you too well
So don't you lie to me, lie to me
I watch you from afar, crying up your sleeve
When they turn away
So they'll still believe you don't need no one
But I'm the only one that sees how you're torn apart
Stop you're breaking my heart
Who's the crybaby now?
Cry to me, cry to me, you're my crybaby now
Cry to me, cry to me, who's the crybaby now?
Cry to me, cry to me, you're my crybaby now
Who's the crybaby? Who's breaking my heart?
So, what can you say now
What can you feel
When you've got a heart made of leather and steel?
And you won't break down
You took self defense and turned it into art

We've been waiting so long,
we've been waiting for the sun to rise and shine
Shining still to give us the will
Can you hear me, the sound of my voice?
I am here to tell you I have made my choice
I've been listening to what's been going down
There's just too much talk and gossip going 'round
You may think that I'm a fool, but I know the answer
Words become a tool, anyone can use them
Take the golden rule, as the best example
Eyes that have seen will know what I mean
The time has come to take the bull by the horns
We've been so downhearted, we've been so forlorn
We get weak and we want to give in
But we still need each other if we want to win
Hold that line, baby hold that line
Get up boys and hit 'em one more time
We may be losing now but we can't stop trying
So hold that line, baby hold that line
If you don't know what to do about a world of trouble
You can pull it through if you need to and if
You believe it's true, it will surely happen
Shining still, to give us the will
Bright as the day, to show us the way
Somehow, someday,
we need just one victory and we're on our way
Prayin' for it all day and fightin' for it all night
Give us just one victory, it will be all right
We may feel about to fall but we go down fighting
You will hear the call if you only listen
Underneath it all we are here together shining still

Did you see the color of the water coming out of the tap?
Did you hear the chatter of the hammer
When you're trying to nap?
There's nothing on the counter at the a&p; store
The bank don't even bother now to open the door
It ain't pretty, pity
Abandon city
Everybody over the side
The hour is late, they're closing the gate, no time to decide
Abandon city
Yeah, you better run for your lives
There's nothing to spare
The cupboard is bare
The bees have all left the hive
Someone's doing a non-stop performance
Of "the rape of the lock"
No one's got the nerve to take a tiptoe after seven o'clock
And everybody's looking for a piece of the rock
And I just want to get my cadillac out of hock

One world
Whoa, it's our world
Yeah, yeah, one world
Whoa, it's our world
Yeah, yeah
When I walk on the street, I feel glad I was born
Music comes ringin' out of every door
I see faces I know and they give me a sign
We got something between us and it feels all right
One world
Whoa, it's our world
Yeah, yeah, one world
Whoa, it's our world
Yeah, yeah
I see Chrissy the clipper, she colors my hair
Micky and Margaret make the clothes that we wear
And there's Gene who runs the club where we dance all night
When you live in our world everything's all right
One world
Whoa, it's our world
Yeah, yeah, one world
Whoa, it's our world
Yeah, yeah
Politicians and dictators and the guys with the dough
They think they run the world but they just don't know
'Cause down here on the street we got it under control
From Berlin to San Francisco, from New York to Tokyo
One world
Whoa, it's our world
Yeah, yeah, one world
Whoa, it's our world
Yeah, yeah
One world
Whoa, it's our world
Yeah, yeah, one world
Whoa, it's our world
Yeah, yeah
One world
Whoa, it's our world
Yeah, yeah, one world
Whoa, it's our world
Yeah, yeah

When she walked in the room
You could faint from the strong perfume
And she said her name was Libertine
In my ear, a voice said, "Don't be a fool, stay clear
Better stay away from Libertine"
Stay away from Libertine
Stay away from Libertine
Stay away from Libertine
So I stayed out of view
But my eyes couldn't come unglued
I was hypnotized by Libertine
So in time I broke down and I lost my mind
Then I made a move on Libertine
Stay away from Libertine
Made a move on Libertine
Stay away from Libertine
I made my move on Libertine
And I waited all night 'til the timing was right
For another man was reaching for her hand
But he went to the phone and when I got her alone
It just wasn't the same, tell me what's in a name?
She made me drunk with her charms
Then she left on her husband's arm
And I got the shaft from Libertine
I was weak and I know just from whence I speak
Better stay away from Libertine

There's a flame in the back of my mind
And it's burnin' for you all the time
'Cause I just wanna touch you
Do you want to touch me too?
Now I know that you've heard this before
But with me it could mean something more
And I just wanna touch you
Do you want to touch me too?
Everybody says we're too young
But I know all the things that they just can't see
I just wanna get inside you
If you'll just give a minute to me, ooh
So I've said everything that I can
And I'm hoping that you'll understand
That I just wanna touch you
And you want to touch me too, ooh
Everybody says we're too young
But I know all the things that they just can't see
I just wanna get inside you
If you'll just give a minute to me, ooh
So I've said everything that I can
And I'm hoping that you'll understand
That I just wanna touch you
And you want to touch me too
I just wanna touch you

It's like a normal Times Square day on 42nd Street
I feel like trashing some windows and crunching some feet
I watch society crumble and I just laugh (hee hee)
They soon will see what it's like to be the other half
But I'm trying
Said I'm trying to forget
And it ain't happened yet
I musta woke up this morning with a bug up my ass
I think I'll just haul off and belt the next jerk that I pass
My old man says I'm just a stoned little punk
But he keeps himself a pistol and he's always drunk
I know
Something's gonna give
Pretty soon
I know it
Something's gonna give
I wanna live
I wanna mess thing whole world around
Go on and poison all the water, use up all the air
Blow your stupid heads off, see if I could care
Put me down but don't blame me for what you did
'Cause inside everyone is a heavy metal kid
I was a sweet little kid once
Now I'm a full grown crank
And when I die I'll probably come back as a Sherman tank
I know that I could make this world so peaceful and calm
If I could only get my hands on a hydrogen bomb

If I didn't try, how would I know, how would I know
If I didn't try, how would I know, how would I know
Sometimes I think I must be crazy for doing this
(think I'm never gonna win)
But how would I know it's a losing cause
If I didn't try, if I didn't try
If I didn't try, if I didn't try
If I didn't care, nothing would hurt, nothing would hurt
If I didn't care, hope for the best, expect the worst
Sometimes it feels like my whole life has been leading to this
(wish that I could hide somewhere)
But how would I know how it feels to live
If I didn't care, if I didn't care
If I didn't care, if I didn't care
Sometimes I think I must be crazy for doing this
(you can never run away)
But how would I know it's a losing cause
If I didn't try, if I didn't try

I waited all night
Smoked a hundred cigarettes
I chewed my lip 'til it bled
But the phone made not a sound
Sometimes, I wonder
If you ever wonder, what's become of little old me
But I ain't no baby, I ain't gonna cry but baby
You don't know what's going on inside me
Y'know you make me crazy
What you do to me
It's a chemical reaction or an allergy
Y'know you make me crazy
You're aware of that
Why don't you come and put me away?
It was a long night
I could barely keep my head
I heard a knock on the door
It was only Harry Jones
I used to wonder
What it is that makes me feel like I can't be free
'Cause you don't give me nothing
You never give me nothing
But you don't know what's going on inside me
Y'know you make me crazy
I'm in misery
Are you interested enough to see what's left of me?
Y'know you make me crazy
You're aware of that
Why don't you come and put me away?
Y'know you make me crazy
What you do to me
It's a chemical reaction or an allergy
Y'know you make me crazy
You're aware of that
Why don't you come and put me away?
You scared me
The way you move in the night
Your face is something frightening
You're not so nice
I'm gonna wonder
Who you spend your time with
Everywhere you go and what you see
I know, I'm not your daddy
I don't want to be your daddy
But you know what's going on inside me
Y'know you make me crazy
What you do to me
It's a chemical reaction or an allergy
Y'know you make me crazy
You're aware of that
Why don't you come and put me away?
Y'know you make me crazy
I'm in misery
Are you interested enough to see what's left of me?
Y'know you make me crazy
You're aware of that

Rising sign, rising sign ...